I'm trying to implement http://blog.sosedoff.com/2011/04/09/serving-maintenance-page-with-rack-middleware/ with only one difference - my message is a whole *.html file which is read like so:
def default_prompt(t)
File.open("public/tmp/maintenance/maintenance.html", "r").read
and output is
if File.exists?(#file)
body = #block.nil? ? default_prompt(time_info) : #block.call(time_info)
res = Response.new
But i get text of the html file in the end because output is surrounded by <pre> tags.
How can i solve this problem?
It just appears that you have <pre> tags surrounding it. What's actually happening is that the result that you're returning isn't a properly formed response to Rack (you need some kind of content headers to indicate what you're sending back). You need to implement something more like this:
if File.exists(#file)
maintenance_html = File.open(#file, "r").read
[200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, maintenance_html] # This is a proper Rack response.
inside of your middleware call function.
I am trying to move stuff at root to /en/ directory to make my little service multi-lingual.
So, I want to redirect this url
My code is like
get %r{^/(\?year\=\d{4})$} do |c|
redirect "/en/#{c}"
but it seems like I never get #{c} part from the url.
Why is that? or are there just better ways to do this?
You can use the request.path variable to get the information you're looking for.
For example,
get "/something" do
puts request.path # => "/something"
redirect "/en#{request.path}"
However if you are using query parameters (i.e. ?yeah=2000) you'll have to manually pass those off to the redirect route.
Kind of non-intuitively, there's a helper method for this in ActiveRecord.
require 'active_record'
get "/something" do
puts params.to_param
# if params[:year] is 2000, you'll get "year=2000"
redirect "/en#{request.path}?#{params.to_param}"
You could alternatively write your own helper method pretty easily:
def hash_to_param_string(hash)
hash.reduce("") do |string, (key, val)|
string << "#{key}=#{val}&"
puts hash_to_param_string({key1: "val1", key2: "val2"})
# => "key1=val1&key2=val2"
I'm trying to learn ruby, so I'm following an exercise of google dev. I'm trying to parse some links. In the case of successful redirection (considering that I know that it its possible only to get redirected once), I get redirect forbidden. I noticed that I go from a http protocol link to an https protocol link. Any concrete idea how could I implement in this in ruby because google's exercise is for python?
ruby fix.rb
redirection forbidden: http://code.google.com/edu/languages/google-python-class/images/puzzle/p-bija-baei.jpg -> https://developers.google.com/edu/python/images/puzzle/p-bija-baei.jpg?csw=1
code that should achieve what I'm looking for:
def acquireData(urls, imgs) #List item urls list of valid urls !checked, imgs list of the imgs I'll download afterwards.
urls.each do |url|
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
puts page.body
rescue Exception => e
puts e
Ruby's OpenURI will automatically handle redirects for you, as long as they're not "meta-refresh" that occur inside the HTML itself.
For instance, this follows a redirect automatically:
irb(main):008:0> page = open('http://www.example.org')
irb(main):009:0> page.base_uri.to_s
In other words, the request to "www.example.org" got redirected to "www.iana.org" and OpenURI tracked it correctly.
If you are trying to learn HOW to handle redirects, read the Net::HTTP documentation. Here is the example how to do it from the document:
Following Redirection
Each Net::HTTPResponse object belongs to a class for its response code.
For example, all 2XX responses are instances of a Net::HTTPSuccess subclass, a 3XX response is an instance of a Net::HTTPRedirection subclass and a 200 response is an instance of the Net::HTTPOK class. For details of response classes, see the section “HTTP Response Classes” below.
Using a case statement you can handle various types of responses properly:
def fetch(uri_str, limit = 10)
# You should choose a better exception.
raise ArgumentError, 'too many HTTP redirects' if limit == 0
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(uri_str))
case response
when Net::HTTPSuccess then
when Net::HTTPRedirection then
location = response['location']
warn "redirected to #{location}"
fetch(location, limit - 1)
print fetch('http://www.ruby-lang.org')
If you want to handle meta-refresh statements, reflect on this:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(%[<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;URL='http://example.com/'">])
meta_refresh = doc.at('meta[http-equiv="refresh"]')
if meta_refresh
puts meta_refresh['content'][/URL=(.+)/, 1].gsub(/['"]/, '')
Which outputs:
Basically the url in code.google that you're trying to open redirects to a https url. You can see that by yourself if you paste http://code.google.com/edu/languages/google-python-class/images/puzzle/p-bija-baei.jpg into your browser
Check the following bug report that explains why open-uri can't redirect to https;
So the solution to your problem is simply: use a different set of urls (that don't redirect to https)
Say I have some HTML documents stored on S3 likes this:
etc, etc
I'd like to serve these with a Rack (preferably Sinatra) application, mapping the following routes:
get "/posts/:id" do
render "http://alan.aws-s3-bla-bla.com/posts/#{params[:id]}.html"
get "/posts/:posts_id/comments/:comments_id" do
render "http://alan.aws-s3-bla-bla.com/posts/#{params[:posts_id]}/comments/#{params[:comments_id}.html"
Is this a good idea? How would I do it?
There would obviously be a wait while you grabbed the file, so you could cache it or set etags etc to help with that. I suppose it depends on how long you want to wait and how often it is accessed, its size etc as to whether it's worth storing the HTML locally or remotely. Only you can work that bit out.
If the last expression in the block is a string that will automatically be rendered, so there's no need to call render as long as you've opened the file as a string.
Here's how to grab an external file and put it into a tempfile:
require 'faraday'
require 'faraday_middleware'
#require 'faraday/adapter/typhoeus' # see https://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus/issues/226#issuecomment-9919517 if you get a problem with the requiring
require 'typhoeus/adapters/faraday'
configure do
Faraday.default_connection = Faraday::Connection.new(
:headers => { :accept => 'text/plain', # maybe this is wrong
:user_agent => "Sinatra via Faraday"}
) do |conn|
conn.use Faraday::Adapter::Typhoeus
helpers do
def grab_external_html( url )
response = Faraday.get url # you'll need to supply this variable somehow, your choice
filename = url # perhaps change this a bit
tempfile = Tempfile.open(filename, 'wb') { |fp| fp.write(response.body) }
get "/posts/:whatever/" do
tempfile = grab_external_html whatever # surely you'd do a bit more here…
This might work. You may also want to think about closing that tempfile, but the garbage collector and the OS should take care of it.
is there a way to stop execution and return a different value in a before do block in sinatra ?
before do
# code is here
# I would like to 'return "Message"'
# I would like "/home" to not get called.
// rest of the code
get '/home' do
before do
halt 401, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, 'Message!'
You can specify only status if you want, here's example with status, headers and body
On http://www.sinatrarb.com/intro Filters section
Before filters are evaluated before
each request within the context of the
request and can modify the request and
response. Instance variables set in
filters are accessible by routes and
before do
#note = 'Hi!'
request.path_info = '/foo/bar/baz'
get '/foo/*' do
#note #=> 'Hi!'
params[:splat] #=> 'bar/baz'
I'm using webrick (the built-in ruby webserver) to serve .rhtml
files (html with ruby code embedded --like jsp).
It works fine, but I can't figure out how to access parameters
(e.g. http://localhost/mypage.rhtml?foo=bar)
from within the ruby code in the .rhtml file.
(Note that I'm not using the rails framework, only webrick + .rhtml files)
According to the source code of erbhandler it runs the rhtml files this way:
meta_vars = servlet_request.meta_vars
query = servlet_request.query
So the binding should contain a query (which contains a hash of the query string) and a meta_vars variable (which contains a hash of the environment, like SERVER_NAME) that you can access inside the rhtml files (and the servlet_request and servlet_response might be available too, but I'm not sure about them).
If that is not the case you can also try querying the CGI parameter ENV["QUERY_STRING"] and parse it, but this should only be as a last resort (and it might only work with CGI files).
This is the solution:
(suppose the request is http://your.server.com/mypage.rhtml?foo=bar)
This is my page (mypage.rhtml, served by webrick)
# embedded ruby code
servlet_request.query ["foo"] # this simply prints bar on console
You don't give much details, but I imagine you have a servlet to serve the files you will process with erb, and by default the web server serves any static file in a public directory.
require 'webrick'
include WEBrick
require 'erb'
s = HTTPServer.new( :Port => 8080,:DocumentRoot => Dir::pwd + "/public" )
class MyServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
def do_GET(req, response)
File.open('public/my.rhtml','r') do |f|
#template = ERB.new(f.read)
response.body = #template.result(binding)
response['Content-Type'] = "text/html"
s.mount("/my", MyServlet)
This example is limited, when you go to /my always the same file is processed. Here you should construct the file path based on the request path. Here I said a important word: "request", everything you need is there.
To get the HTTP header parameters, use req[header_name]. To get the parameters in the query string, use req.query[param_name]. req is the HTTPRequest object passed to the servlet.
Once you have the parameter you need, you have to bind it to the template. In the example we pass the binding object from self (binding is defined in Kernel, and it represents the context where code is executing), so every local variable defined in the do_GET method would be available in the template. However, you can create your own binding for example passing a Proc object and pass it to the ERB processor when calling 'result'.
Everything together, your solution would look like:
def do_GET(req, response)
File.open('public/my.rhtml','r') do |f|
#template = ERB.new(f.read)
foo = req.query["foo"]
response.body = #template.result(binding)
response['Content-Type'] = "text/html"
Browsing the documentation, it looks like you should have an HTTPRequest from which you can get the query string. You can then use parse_query to get a name/value hash.
Alternatively, it's possible that just calling query() will give you the hash directly... my Ruby-fu isn't quite up to it, but you might want to at least give it a try.