access current attributes in d3 functions - d3.js

circle is an array of four d3 circles.
.attr( "cy", function(){ this.attr("cy") + 10*input_data.pitch });
This fails. How can I access the individual attributes in anonymous functions like above?

Inside your function, this is an Element per the W3C DOM API. So it’s just this.getAttribute("cy").
Two more things: you forgot to return a value. And since attribute values are strings, you’ll need to coerce them to number before you can add another number. Otherwise your number will get coerced to a string and then the two strings will be concatenated: "10" + 2 is "102", not 12.
So, like this:
circle.attr("cy", function() {
return +this.getAttribute("cy") + 10 * input_data.pitch;
All that said, it’s generally not idiomatic D3 to pull data back out of DOM attributes. (It’s slow and you have coercion and serialization problems since DOM attributes can only be strings.) So I would recommend looking for a way to do this based on data, and limit yourself to data-driven documents… not document-driven data!


Using fields in inherited bound data

I am attempting to get my head around using bound data with d3.js. I'm following the documentation and am now a little confused.
I want to produce donut charts with radii that vary depending on the data. I am comfortable producing the arcs to make up a donut using an array, but am having a hard time working out how to pass along a size parameter with the data binding of the arc. For example, if the data bound to the parent of the arc is something like {size: 20, cont: [1, 7]}, how can I bind the first element of the array as well as the size element? I have a fiddle attempting to show what I am talking about. In that example, the two donuts should be different sizes. I have commented out the kind of thing I suspect should be going on on line 14.
I have tried variations on:
var arcs = donuts.selectAll(".arc")
.data(function(d) { var temp = [];
return temp; })
.attr("class", "arc");
But it is clearly not producing what I expect.
The problem here isn't really the data inheritance, but the fact that you're passing the original data to a layout and then only the result of that to your drawing functions. The pie layout does store the original datum in the .data member of the result, but you're only passing it part of the original data.
The "proper" thing to do would be to refactor your data structure such that you can pass it in as-is and use the pie layout's .value() function to tell it how to access the data. Then you can directly access the original data.
There's however a quicker solution -- you can simply use the indices that are passed to your function to index into the original array. The code for this would look like this.
.attr("d", function(d, i, j) { return arc.outerRadius(dataset[j].size)(d); })
Note that you need two indices here because you have nested data -- i would be the index within your array of values for a single pie chart, whereas j denotes the index of the element at the level above that. Updated jsfiddle here.

Need pauses - timing not working on iterating through text strings w/ d3/svg (piling up on each other)

I am trying to use d3 to animate text using an svg text with d3 transitions. I have it working as desired for a single string.
I want to iterate through strings from an array of json objects.
I can do this as well.
All the painting and transitions work great. Problem is, they all happen at once, and appear piled up on each other, and all animate all at once.
I have tried putting them in a setTimeout() to get them to appear sequentially.
Still does not work.
for ( i in haikuStr ) {
if( i !=0 ){
//Make it wait if an appropriate time it is not the first one
setTimeout( function() {
}, 11000 * i );
} else {
//if i=0, don't make folks wait
The showText() function is the full create container -> finish transitions.
I use 11000 * i to ensure that >2 iterations have 11 additional seconds per i.
I have spent quite a bit of time reading and trying to figure out how to get the loop to pause before cycling through to paint the next line.
Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.
The un-timed example is here, if you wish to see the text jumble up:
Have you read Thinking with Joins? Or some of the other introductory D3 tutorials, such as those by Scott Murray? Or Three Little Circles, or Working with Selections? I ask because your showText function is misusing data joins; it creates text elements for every element in the global haikuStr array:
var text = haikuContainer.selectAll("text")
And all your text elements are overlapping because you set them to have the same y-attribute:
var thisHaiku = text
.attr("x", -800)
.attr("y", 120)
(Also, that selection.html call is a no-op because the update selection is guaranteed to be empty, since you just created haikuContainer it is guaranteed to not have any descendant text elements. And thisHaiku is the same value as the var text, because when method chaining selection.attr and similar methods return the current selection; so there’s no reason to create a separate var. Also, you shouldn’t use a for-in loop to iterate over arrays.)
If you wait 11 seconds, you’ll see the second SVG appear, but because of your data join as described above, it has the same overlapping text content.
If you just want to show a single piece of text, then pass that string to your showText function (e.g., showText("hello")). Then, since you’re just creating individual elements, just selection.append them rather than using a data-join. You only need the data-join when you’re creating (or updating or removing) a variable number of elements based on data; in this case it looks like you’re trying to just create a single element.

How data in a d3 scatterplot could be referenced/called outside d3 selection

I have a d3 scatterplot and want to know how to get the value of the data appended to one single record (circle) in order to call it later in the code.
Say we have the following data:
A 1 1
B 2 2
C 3 3
How can I get the X value of the record B?
Does anyone have an idea how to do it?
You may need to show more code, as it depends on how you're attaching the data. But assuming that you have something like
var circle = svg.selectAll("circle").data(myArrayOfDataObjects)
You can assign an ID or class to the DOM element you create:
circle.attr("id", function(d) { return "dataRow" + d.ID; });
Now you can use d3, plain JS, or the library of your choice to get a handle on the DOM element later on. D3 attaches its data as a __data__ property on the DOM element, so you can reference that to get your datum. D3 also provides the .datum() method to get this value:
var myDataRow = d3.selectAll("#dataRowB").datum();
var xValue = myDataRow.X;
Or, in plain JavaScript:
var myDataRow = document.getElementById("#dataRowB").__data__;
// etc
If jQuery is an option, in your d3 you can use the jQuery .data() function to attach the d3 data directly to the SVG element. Simply run something like .each(function(d){ $(this).data(d) }).
You can then access the data anywhere by using $(selector).data(), where selector points to the DOM element or elements that you're interested in, with something like '#RecordB'.
If your data is more complex, (say, d = {foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar'}), you'd use $(selector).data()[foo] to grab whatever data is keyed to 'foo' in the data associated with whatever is pointed at by the selector.

make sure d3 data element matches id?

I've got an existing svg with a bunch of polygons. Each polygon has a unique id, and with each id, I have some associated data.
My question is this: If I do the natural d3 join:
Is there anyway to insure that the data element associated with a polygon is the correct one?
Or do I just need to keep the order of the array_of_data the same as the order of the selected polygons?
D3's data() function takes an optional second argument that is intended to provide just such a correspondence between datum and DOM nodes. Try this:
d3.selectAll('polygon').data(array_of_data, function(d) { return; });
That second argument to data() is a callback function that, when called with a datum, returns the key that binds each DOM node to it's corresponding datum. When you don't provide such a function, D3 is left with no option but to use the index to bind datum to DOM nodes.

Sub-selection based on function

I have a selection of elements that I'm trying to filter down based on a particular style value (I want just the ones with opacity=1). I'm looking at the documentation for selection.filter along with and selection.selectAll as well but I'm confused about the correct usage with a function argument.
"select" indicates that it selects the first matching element (as expected) but then the example in the filter documentation shows it being used with a function to select the "odd" elements while maintaining the index.
"selectAll" indicates that you can return an array of elements, but that the function argument is invoked one-by-one in the usual way for each element in the original selection. I'm having difficulty imagining a use case for this.
I guess what I'm wondering is whether there are any tutorials or examples around that discuss the correct usage of these functions?
If you want to reduce a selection to a subset of selected elements, use filter. If you want to select descendent elements, use select or selectAll.
Most often, filter is used to filter elements based on data or index. However, you can access the selected element as this within the filter function. Thus, if you have some elements selected, and you want to reduce that selection to only those elements with an opacity of 1, you can say:
var opaque = selection.filter(function() {
return == 1;
To be safe, you might prefer to look at the computed style rather than the element's style properties. This way, if the opacity is inherited from a stylesheet, you'll get the correct value; otherwise, when a style is inherited will be the empty string.
var opaque = selection.filter(function() {
return window.getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue("opacity") == 1;
Or equivalently, select the node and use
var opaque = selection.filter(function() {
return"opacity") == 1;
You might find it easier if you filter by data or by class, instead of by computed style property. For example, if you set a class on your nodes, you can filter a selection by class instead:
var opaque = selection.filter(".opaque");
