who communicates with the namenode in yarn? - hadoop

since the jobTracker in MapReduce1 is replaced by the Application Master and Resouce Manager in Yarn I wonder who is communication in Yarn with the namenode to find out where the data is stored in the different datanodes?
Is the Application Master doing so?

In YARN, the per-application ApplicationMaster is responsible for getting the information about the input splits from Namenode. Later when the task attempts are executed over the assigned nodes, the YarnChild fetches the respective splits from HDFS.


MapReduce Architecture

I have created a diagram that represents how the MapReduce framework works. Could somebody please validate that this is an accurate representation?
P.S. For the purpose of this example, we are also interested in the system components shown in this diagram.
The MapReduce Architecture works in various different phases for executing a job. Here are the different stages of running a MapReduce Application -
The first stage involves the user writing his data into the HDFS for further processing. This data is stored on different nodes in the form of blocks in the HDFS.
Now the client submits its MapReduce job.
Then, the resource manager launches a container to start the App master.
The App master sends a resource request to the resource manager.
The resource manager now allocates containers on slaves via the node manager.
The App master starts respective tasks in the containers.
The job is now been executed in the container.
When the processing is complete, the resource manager deallocates the resources.
Source: Cloudera
JobTracker, TaskTracker, and MasterNode aren't real things in Hadoop 2+ w/ YARN. Jobs are submitted to a ResourceManager, which creates an ApplicationMaster on one of the NodeManagers.
"Slave Nodes" are commonly also your DataNodes because that is the core tenant of Hadoop - move the processing to the data.
The "Recieve the data" arrow is bi-directional, and there is no arrow from the NameNode to the DataNode. 1) Get the file locations from the NameNode, then locations are sent back to clients. 2) The clients (i.e. NodeManager processes running on a DataNode, or "slave nodes"), will directly read from the DataNodes themselves - the datanodes don't know directly where the other slave nodes exist.
That being said, HDFS and YARN are typically all part of the same "bubble", so the "HDFS" labelled circle you have should really be around everything.

Is it correct that master runs on a datanode?

I'm using giraph-1.3 built with yarn profile. For starting I configured 1 namenode and 2 datanodes on a ec2 cluster.
My application properly works because I see expected output in logs (and in output directory). I launched giraph with "-w 2" argument because I have two datanodes.
In userlogs of datanode1 I found log of first worker.
in userlogs of datanode2 I found log of second worker and log of master too.
I expected to find log of master in the namenode i.e. I expected that master runs on namenode. Is it right?
Maybe I have to configure another datanode and then I will find master logs on this new datanode?
I understood that hadoop/giraph works creating containers on datanodes. Hadoop creates a container for application master, then giraph creates a container for the master. Furthermore giraph creates a number of container for workers corresponding to -w parameter.
YARN always creates an Application Master for every job.
You can start as many "workers" as you want, depending on your workload, but since you only have 2 datanodes, you can only have 2 NodeManagers for maximum parallelism
A NodeManager has a maximum memory space available to it, and the YARN containers for the tasks of a job get a subsection of that in order to do processing.

When do YARN and NameNode interact

When a job is submitted, when do YARN and NameNode interact? When a job is submitted, who does it get sent to? Could someone explain the end-to-end flow - how hadoop ecosystem works?
Namenode: Stores the meta-data of all the data stored in data nodes and monitors the health of data nodes. Basically, it is a master-slave architecture.
YARN: It stands for Yet Another Resource Negotiator. The yarn has mainly two components.
1.> Scheduling
2.> Application Manager
Yarn also contains the master, i.e Resource Manager and Slave, i.e Node Manager.
For scheduling purpose, there are 3 Schedulers:
1.> FIFO 2.> Capacity 3.> Fair-share
There is a component called Application Master assigned by Resource Manager under the Node Manager.
One application master is assigned to one application.
The job is directly submitted by the client and Resource Manager assigns the job to the Application Master and Node manager monitors the liveliness of Application Master
Now, whenever the job comes in, Resource manager creates a job id and assign an Application Master for that job. Resource Manager contacts to the Namenode to retrieve the information about the metadata of the required data on which the task has to be performed. And the information received by Resource Manager is then passed to Application Master.
This is the basic overview of the working of Yarn with Namenode. You can also read in detail from YARN
Also, NameNode interaction is just in the Hadoop applications running within YARN that talk to the NameNode. Not all YARN applications need to communicate with HDFS
Basically there is no direct interaction between YARN and HDFS, see https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/YARN.html
However YARN jobs require some files (libraries, configuration, etc) which usually resides on HDFS

YARN and Hadoop

I had a couple of questions regarding job submission to HDFS and the YARN architecture in Hadoop:
So in the Hadoop ecosystem you have one NameNode for each cluster which can contain any number of data nodes that store your data. When you submit a job to Hadoop, the job tracker on the NameNode will pick each job and assign it to the task tracker on which the file is present on the data node.
So my question is how do the components of YARN work together in HDFS:?
So YARN consists of the NodeManager and the Resource Manager. Out of these two components: Is the NodeManager run on every DataNode and the ResourceManager runs on each NameNode for each cluster? So when the task tracker (in each DataNode) gets assigned a task from the job tracker (in the NameNode), the NodeManager in a specific data node will create an container which will request resources from the ResourceManager in the NameNode. So this resource manager and node manager only come into play when a task tracker in a data node gets a job from the job tracker in the NameNode, in which the NodeManager will ask the ResourceManager for resources for the job to be executed. Is this correct?
You are partially correct. YARN was brought into picture to avoid the burden of Jobtracker which does both scheduling and monitoring. So with YARN you dont have any Job tracker or task tracker. The job done by Job tracker is now done by Resource Manager which has two main components Scheduler(allocating resources to applications) and ApplicationsManager(accepting job submissions and restarts the ApplicationMaster in case of any failure). Now each application has a ApplicationMaster which negotiates containers(where the job would be run) from the scheduler for running application.
Nodemanager runs on every slave node/data node. Resource Manager may/maynot be installed where the namenode is present. For a large cluster we usually need to separate the masters, so that the load doesn't go to a single machine.

difference between hadoop mr1 and yarn and mr2?

Can someone pls tell what is the differece between MR1 and yarn and MR2
My understanding is MR1 will be having below components
secondary name node,
job tracker,
task tracker
Node manager
Resource Manager
Is Yarn consists of MR1 or MR2 ( or both MR2 and Yarn are same?)
sorry if i asked basic level question
MRv1 uses the JobTracker to create and assign tasks to task trackers, which can become a resource bottleneck when the cluster scales out far enough (usually around 4,000 clusters).
MRv2 (aka YARN, "Yet Another Resource Negotiator") has a Resource Manager for each cluster, and each data node runs a Node Manager. In MapReduce MRv2, the functions of the JobTracker have been split between three services. The ResourceManager is a persistent YARN service that receives and runs applications (a MapReduce job is an application) on the cluster. It contains the scheduler, which, as previously, is pluggable. The MapReduce-specific capabilities of the JobTracker have been moved into the MapReduce Application Master, one of which is started to manage each MapReduce job and terminated when the job completes. The JobTracker function of serving information about completed jobs has been moved to the JobHistory Server. The TaskTracker has been replaced with the NodeManager, a YARN service that manages resources and deployment on a host. It is responsible for launching containers, each of which can house a map or reduce task.
YARN is a generic platform for any form of distributed application to run on, while MR2 is one such distributed application that runs the MapReduce framework on top of YARN
