JIRA filter for tickets handled by a person - project-management

How can I create a filter in JIRA if I want to know what all tickets a particular person has worked on?
There can be cases where the ticket was not actually assigned to a person or resolved by him, however still he has worked on it. This can be tracked by looking at his comments inside that JIRA. I want to get all such tickets in which a particular person has involvement (comments given, assigned to, Resolved by, Fixed by, etc all cases). How can I create such a filter?

You cannot do this with the standard JQL in JIRA. You'd have to write something custom to make it work.
That said, there is an easy way to enable something like this, but it will only work with tickets going forward, not with any comments or participation already in place.
The JIRA Toolkit Plugin will give you a Participants field which you can add as a custom field to every type and in a global context (or with any other config you chose). The participant field will track anyone who comments on a ticket, raises a ticket, or is the CURRENT assignee. Unfortunately, it does not keep a history of all assignees. This can be remedied by making comments required for actions that involve reassignment (Assign to, resolve, etc).
The Participant field can then be queried.


Conditionally disable Apollo cache normalization for certain usage of a type?

I have a situation, using Apollo InMemoryCache on a React client, where I'd like to be able to instruct Apollo not to use cache normalization for certain nodes in the graph without having to disable caching entirely for that type. Is this possible?
To better explain what I mean: Say that I have an entity Person, that I generally want Apollo to use cache for, but I also have an endpoint called PersonEvent that has these two fields:
old: Person!
new: Person!
This returns two historic snapshots of the same person, used for showing what changed on a certain event in time. The problem is that with cache normalization turned on for Person, the cache would interpret old and new as being the same instance since they have the same id and __typename, and then replacing it with the same reference.
I know it is possible to configure Apollo not to normalize objects of a certain type, using the config code below, but then all caching of Person objects is disabled, and that's not what I want:
typePolicies: {
Person: {
keyFields: false
So my question is: What would be the best practice way to handle this situation? I think it's kind of a philosofical question to it as well: "Is a snapshot of a person, a person?". I could potentially ask the backend dev to add some sort of timestamp to the Person entity so that it could be used to build a unique ID, but I also feel like that would be polluting the Person object as the timestamp is only relevant in case of a snapshot (which is an edgecase). Is this a situation that should generally be solved on the client-side or the server-side?
Given that the graph is as it is, I'd like to only instruct Apollo not to cache the old/new fields on PersonEvent, but I haven't found a way to achieve that yet.
To get philosophical with you:
Is a snapshot of a person, a person?
I think you're answering your question by the problem you're having. The point of a cache is that you can set a value by its ID and you can load that value by its ID. The same can be said for any entity. The cache is just a way of loading the entity. Your Person object appears to be an entity. I'm guessing based on your conundrum that this is NOT true for this snapshot; that it isn't "an entity"; that it doesn't have "an ID" (though it may contain the value of something else's id).
What you are describing is an immutable value object.
And so, IMO, the solution here would be to create a type that represents a value object, and as such is uncacheable: PersonSnapshot (or similar).

Categorizing a patient using FHIR?

We want to categorize patients in our system. For example, in organ transplant, we want to "tag" a Patient FHIR resource as a donor or recipient (ignoring the scenario where a living donor can later become a recipient) since these types of "patients" are stored separately in the back end system. So when someone does a PUT HTTP request with a patient resource, we need to know what kind of patient it is before we can do the update in the database.
It's hard to determine the best way to approach this. Using the meta area seems promising, combined with the UsageContextType of "focus" perhaps, taking on values of "donor" or "recipient".
It's not clear though how to actually code something like this in a Patient resource (JSON for us). Any guidance/examples would be very much appreciated.
Sadly, I think the FHIR folks are going down the same path they used with the V3 RIM....lots of impenetrable standard definitions, but very few practical examples of how to use some of these FHIR standards in the real world. But that is another issue.
Don't understand ignoring the scenario where someone can be both donor and recipient. However, if you needed to, you could add an extension that differentiated. You could also use Patient.meta.tag.
With the RIM there'd have been an esoteric modelling mechanism to define what you wanted, likely walking through 3-4 classes to get to one element (and a whole lot of fixed values along the way). With FHIR, if you're doing something esoteric, you just define an extension.
If you see something in the core specification you find impenetrable, please submit a change request asking for the language to be improved. (There's a "propose a change" link at the bottom of every page and registration is free.)

How do i 'destroy all' a given Resource type in redux-saga?

I'm new to Redux-Saga, so please assume very shaky foundational knowledge.
In Redux, I am able to define an action and a subsequent reducer to handle that action. In my reducer, i can do just about whatever i want, such as 'delete all' of a specific state tree node, eg.
switch action.type
return {
orders: []
However, it seems to me (after reading the docs), that reducers are defined by Saga, and you have access to them in the form of certain given CRUD verb prefixes with invocation post fixes. E.g.
fetchStart, destroyStart
My instinct is to use destroyStart, but the method accepts a model instance, not a collection, i.e. it only can destroy a given resource instance (in my case, one Order).
Is there a destroyStart equivalent for a group of records at once?
If not, is there a way i can add custom behavior to the Saga created reducers?
What have a missed? Feel free to be as mean as you want, I have no idea what i'm doing but when you are done roasting me do me a favor and point me in the right direction.
To clarify, I'm not trying to delete records from my database. I only want to clear the Redux store of all 'Order' Records.
Two key bit's of knowledge were gained here.
My team is using a library called redux-api-resources which to some extent I was conflating with Saga. This library was created by a former employee, and adds about as much complexity as it removes. I would not recommend it. DestroyStart is provided by this library, and not specifically related to Saga. However the answer for anyone using this library (redux-api-resources) is no, there is no bulk destroy action.
Reducers are created by Saga, as pointed out in the above comments by #Chad S.. The mistake in my thinking was that I believed I should somehow crack open this reducer and fill it with complex logic. The 'Saga' way to do this is to put logic in your generator function, which is where you (can) define your control flow. I make no claim that this is best practice, only that this is how I managed to get my code working.
I know very little about Saga and Redux in general, so please take these answers with a grain of salt.

Creating multiple models/controllers

I'm still learning Codeigniter/PHP/Database/SQL.
Whenever i encounter new problems, i usually learn something to solve them that may/may not apply to my previous methods.
If they do apply to previous methods or if i make changes to my database design, i usually have to edit/update my CRUD methods relevant to the tables changed.
The problem lay there, since i write my methods as i need them and i don't follow any plan so they're all over the place.
It's not that its not solveable but its very hassle and it just saps away any anticipation i had towards improving my codes then i end up just doing other stuff(procrastinating), its a very vicious cycle, whenever i try to get into it, i end up procrastinating then days pass by then weeks.
I also want to implement thin controller/fat model idea ive read online. Up to now, this is also a part of the problem. I'm trying to solve them all right now but i have a question/doubt before i can truly do it.
I separated my controller into two. 1. needs authentication 2. no authentication.
For now, i have my main controller with methods that needs a user logged in.
for example, user/story dashboard, submitting stories. etc.
The other one is my pages controller, i put there the methods that don't need any user authentication. Like viewing homepage, viewing story profile, reading a chapter, viewing user profile. etc.
In my models, i have separated them into two. account_model and story_model. Any method related to account like registration,logging in etc. and story like publishing story,fetching story data, etc.
My problem with that is that there are some methods that fall into a gray area. or some methods that i would like to group but get separated.
For example: I have a review system(my previous question), users can review other users(author) who have published their stories, stories and chapters.
In my models, the review_author method would go into account model, the review_story and review_chapter would go into story model.
Is it correct for me to just make a review_model and put them all there?
In line of that thought, can i also make separate models for separate groups of methods for example, Pagination model for any method related to pagination(user/story). dashboard model for any method related to my user/story dashboard.
The essence of my question is that i want to be as efficient as possible(of my level of knowledge) so that whenever i get far into my project i don't lose enthusiasm if i have to make changes because of the headache inducing wall of codes.

Create default attribute on creation of an entity

There is one requirement to create a default attribute say 'Test' on creation of an entity like we have Owner field common in every entity in CRM 2011. Can you please help me in this?
The easiest codeless solution is to have a workflow fire on create of your record. The value won't appear straight away but it will always be set.
There is no supported way to allow automatic creation of a new metadata attribute on an entity, that is triggered by the creation of the entity itself (it is not possible to register a plugin against the creation of an entity). My recommendation is that given the (surely) rare incidence of entity creation, remember to add the custom attribute yourself. This will undoubtedly take you less time than trying to hack an automated workaround.
I still stand by disuading you to do this in an automated way, however as a trigger point you might consider harnessing the publish or publishall message as a way to fire a custom plug-in (as per my note below).
