How to clear the contents of an array in vbscript? - vbscript

I have declared a two dimensional array in the function library and associated it with a test. In action1 of the test, I tried to clear the array using "erase" statement.
My code -
In Function Library,
Dim strVerifyAry(25,6)
In action1,
erase strVerifyAry
Error message
Run Error - Type mismatch: 'Erase'
How to clear the contents of this array?

Works for me in plain VBScript, so it's most likely an issue with whatever engine QTP uses for running VBScript code. You should be able to emulate the behavior of Erase for a 2-dimensional array like this:
Sub EraseArray(ByRef arr)
For i = 0 To UBound(arr, 1)
For j = 0 To UBound(arr, 2)
If IsObject(arr(i, j)) Then
Set arr(i, j) = Nothing
arr(i, j) = Empty
End If
End Sub
Or like this, if you don't want to set fields containing objects to Nothing:
Sub EraseArray(ByRef arr)
For i = 0 To UBound(arr, 1)
For j = 0 To UBound(arr, 2)
arr(i, j) = Empty
End Sub

I do not exactly understand why, but you can create a sub like
Public Sub DoErase (byRef Ary)
Erase Ary
End Sub
in the library, and call it from within the action like this:
DoErase StrVerifyAry
and that works.
Update: No it doesn't. The array is successfully passed to DoErase, and the DoErase call works fine, but the test afterwards still can reference the array elements that Erase was supposed to be erasing.
If the test declares the array, it works fine (Erase erases the elements).
This is very strange and probably has to do with the quirky scopes in function libraries.
Please let us know if you ever find out what's going on here...

This drove me nuts for an entire afternoon so I wanted to post an answer for future reference. I filled an array using the Split command and then needed to Erase it before the script looped back through the process again. Nothing I tried would erase or clear the array and the next use of Split just appended to the previous array elements.
By trying the 'array=Nothing' loop above, I finally managed to generate a "This array is fixed or locked" error which I researched. Turns out I had used the array in a 'For Each..Next' loop which locks the array so it can't be erased or cleared. More info is available HERE:

You can use a Dictionary collection rather than an array in some circumstances. Then use RemoveAll when you want to clear it. That doesn't help when your array was created by a split function, or whatever, but it can help in other use cases.
Set myDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Refer to:


I keep getting a comparison between number and nil when trying to sort a table by myself

taula = {};
function randomNumber()
return math.random(100);
function startArray()
for x=0, 10 do
function printArray()
for i=0,#taula do
function organizeArray()
for i=0,#taula do
for j=1,#taula do
if taula[i]>taula[j] then
tmp = taula[j];
This is not working! The initial idea is to have printed the table declared as 'taula' but in the function organizeArray() there is a problem in the if, it says I compare a number with a nil value when I have both j and i variables declared. I need help.
You're referencing tala[tmp] instead of tmp (at line 27) when you're shuffling the array around. That's what's causing the bug.
A few pointers:
You're using globals for everything. This can cause headaches later on, when globals collide (i.e tmp could be set to something, and you do something with it). See: Local Variables and Blocks
Using randomNumber() makes your code kind of obscure, since randomNumber is just an alias for math.random(100).
Lua starts at 1, not 0. You can start at 0, but this is just something to keep in mind. #table will not count the index 0.
When asking questions, please give the full error message -- this'll let us look at the code without having to run it ourselves :)
You can put print(x) in your code, so you can see what's happening. This'll help you find bugs, since you know whats going on.

VB6 multidimensional array weird statement

While reviewing a very old VB6 working code I get a very strange statement.
aryValue = aryPersons(8, i)
Where aryValue and aryPersons are multidimensional array and declared as
dim aryPersons, aryValue
Anyone having any idea what is does?
I tried the same in test application but it is giving Type mismatch (Error 13)
It is my bad to understand the VB code as I was expecting it will be strongly data type language. Actually at aryPersons(8, i) a two dimension array were getting stored and while fetching it gives use a 2D array data that can be easily assigned to aryValue as it is also a 2D array.
It is strange to me that in 2D array at any position you store a any kind of data even another 2D data.
It seems likely that aryStepPersonOptions has an array as its value:
Dim SomeArray(8, 8) As String
Dim aryStepPersonOptions, aryValue
Dim i As Long
SomeArray(8, 8) = "Hello"
aryStepPersonOptions = SomeArray
i = 8
aryValue = aryStepPersonOptions(8, i)
MsgBox aryValue
Of course the pseudo-hungarian ary prefix used seems to do more to add confusion than otherwise. Sadly far too much code contains cargo-culted messes like this. Lets hope nobody copy/pastes my throwaway example SomeArray too.

simple method to keep last n elements in a queue for vb6?

I am trying to keep the last n elements from a changing list of x elements (where x >> n)
I found out about the deque method, with a fixed length, in other programming languages. I was wondering if there is something similar for VB6
Create a Class that extends an encapsulated Collection.
Add at the end (anonymous), retrieve & remove from the beginning (index 1). As part of adding check your MaxDepth property setting (or hard code it if you like) and if Collection.Count exceeds it remove the extra item.
Or just hard code it all inline if a Class is a stumper for you.
This is pretty routine.
The only thing I can think of is possibly looping through the last 5 values of the dynamic array using something like:
For UBound(Array) - 5 To UBound(Array)
'Code to store or do the desired with these values
Sorry I don't have a definite answer, but hopefully that might help.
Here's my simplest solution to this:
For i = n - 1 To 1 Step -1
arrayX(i) = arrayX(i - 1)
Next i
arrayX(0) = latestX
arrayX = array of values
n = # of array elements
latestX = latest value of interest (assumes entire code block is also
within another loop)

VBScript - Putting Array Element into GetElementById

I am writing a VBScript that automatically interacts with some web pages. I am having trouble at the final step where the script needs to click on a link to make a booking. The link for each time will only be available if that time is free. The idea of my code is to simply select the first time available (I originally though I could do this by using Mid() and GetElementId as I know the first 7 chars of each link ID but couldn't get this working). The array contains the IDs for all possible times available in a day. Some will already have been taken so that ID will no longer exist on the form.
I have 2 problems:-
1) Neither getElementBy Id or the Document.All.Item().Click commands will accept an element from the array - I get an Object Required run time error.
2) If getElementId doesn't find a matching ID it simply throws an Object required error. I wasn't expecting this, I thought that my elem variable would be nothing or null and that I could test for this.
Can anyone give me any pointers?
'This is a shortened version of my array- there are lots more times!
Dim TimeAvail
Dim i
Dim elem
TimeAvail = "No"
i = 0
Do While (TimeAvail = "No") or (i<3)
Set elem = IE.Document.GetElementById(Chr(34) & Times(i) & Chr(34)) 'Chr(34) is to add ""
if elem is nothing then
TimeAvail = "No"
TimeAvail = "Yes"
IE.Document.All.Item(Chr(34) & Times(i) & Chr(34)).click
end if
Now, unless I'm being very silly, you won't be able to sit a variable to a non-existent element.
The only thing I can think of is to add:
On Error Resume Next
At the beginning, so it skips the error message. You may need to handle the error separately yourself.

VBScript: Finding the number of non-null elements in an array

What is the "best" way to determine the number of elements in an array in VBScript?
UBound() tells you how many slots have been allocated for the array, but not how many are filled--depending on the situation, those may or may not be the same numbers.
First off there is no predefined identifier called vbUndefined as the currently accepted answer appears to imply. That code only works when there is not an Option Explicit at the top of the script. If you are not yet using Option Explicit then start doing so, it will save you all manner of grief.
The value you could use in place of vbUndefined is Empty, e.g.,:-
If arr(x) = Empty Then ...
Empty is a predefined identify and is the default value of a variable or array element that has not yet had a value assigned to it.
However there is Gotcha to watch out for. The following statements all display true:-
MsgBox 0 = Empty
MsgBox "" = Empty
MsgBox CDate("30 Dec 1899") = True
Hence if you expect any of these values to be a valid defined value of an array element then comparing to Empty doesn't cut it.
If you really want to be sure that the element is truely "undefined" that is "empty" use the IsEmpty function:-
If IsEmpty(arr(x)) Then
IsEmpty will only return true if the parameter it actually properly Empty.
There is also another issue, Null is a possible value that can be held in an array or variable. However:-
MsgBox Null = Empty
Is a runtime error, "invalid use of null" and :-
MsgBox IsEmpty(Null)
is false. So you need to decide if Null means undefined or is a valid value. If Null also means undefined you need your If statement to look like:-
If IsEmpty(arr(x)) Or IsNull(arr(x)) Then ....
You might be able to waive this if you know a Null will never be assigned into the array.
I'm not aware of a non-iterative method to do this, so here's the iterative method:
Function countEmptySlots(arr)
Dim x, c
c = 0
For x = 0 To ubound(arr)
If arr(x) = vbUndefined Then c = c + 1
countEmptySlots = c
End Function
As Spencer Ruport says, it's probably better to keep track yourself to begin with.
There's nothing built in to tell you what elements are filled. The best way is to keep track of this yourself using a count variable as you add/remove elements from the array.
