I know there isn´t an answer for this, but i´m a nooby at computer ingeniering and I want to know what I should read or study about for being capable to interact with a desktop client software. Here is an example:
I play poker, and I want to be able to interact with my poker client, I don´t want to do any fancy or anything ilegal such a bot. For example I want to have a program that reads my hands and after playing be able to analize some of the hands or maybe some HUD Helper online.
For those who play poker I´d like to be able to autoseat in some tables automatically or have a mini HUD telling me my BB and my oponents. I know that there very good progrmas for this and I use them. Just I wanto to learn how to read info from this clients and how to interact with them. I talk about poker but I want to learn how to interact with other programs. If anyone could tell me where to begin my studys it would be nice to know something even if I never put my Knowledge in practice. Just i like to know how things work.
PS: Should I use C/C++? I ´ve learned Java and now I am learning Python and JS.
I hope I explained myself, sorry about my English.
And thank you.
There are several alternatives to interact with a poker client, more or less difficult or sophisticated, and effective depending on what you want to accomplish.
For getting the information you could sniff the data over the network, inject your code via API hooks, read the information with screen scraping and OCR, parse the hand histories...
To emulate user actions you can programmatically perform mouse clicks and and key strokes, send messages directly to the UI components of the poker client, or even interact directly with the poker server sending it the expected information by your own(this option, as well as sniffing the data from the network to get the information, may be quite difficult since you will have to deal with (maybe private) protocols, data encryption, etc).
If you know Java, give it a try to the awt's Robot class. With it you can read pixels of the screen, get screen captures, perform mouse clicks and key strokes... I am sure that there are similar tools in Python but don't know about them.
Another higher level tool used for UI automation is Sikuli. It may be useful for your purpose.
I hope this information is useful for you.
I have been trying to make multiplayer applications on a website for a while. I wanted to start with a basic chat system. I made one but it is really slow. On the HTML page it send the message through AJAX to a PHP application which saves it to a text file. Then back on the HTML file, it is constantly checking the text file every 3 seconds. This is very slow and unreliable. So i looked up better ways of doing this. I found Node.js and used it along with Socket.io and express to create a faster chat application. But it only works on local host and i have no idea how to implement it on a website. So I kept looking and discovered WebSockets. Which are so confusing and seem to have very little support. I am confused how websites out there have applications that can be real time with so few options. How is this done? Am i missing a way of doing this? If you can help me that would be great.
Socket.io is using websockets under the hood already. Using raw websockets isn't necessary for your chat app.
You're on the right track using socket.io and node.js server-side.
Building a multi-player game in the browser will be a very difficult task for a beginner. But that's why it's good to learn! I suggest using a library for graphics (a quick google gave me this: http://www.pixijs.com/ ).
The over all architecture should be something like:
Users go to your server and receive a web page (.html) which contains the javascript and a canvas they need to play the game. This is the "client-side" because it's all running on each users' web browser on their computer.
The web page runs the javascript which talks to the node.js server using socket.io. This is the "server-side". The job of the server is to coordinate player data (who is who, where are they in the game, who's doing what etc) and keep track of the game state. Basically, this is where the game actually is, kind of like having the Monopoly board on the server, while the client-side is really just responsible for showing the board to the players (drawing it on the HTML5 canvas) and sending player input to the server.
USE GOOGLE. Try just literally searching for "javascript game tutorial". Try every tutorial that comes up. If something is taking a while to get up and running then ditch it and move to another one.
Do simple little things at first 'till you start to grok what the overall process is like. For example: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Games/Workflows/2D_Breakout_game_pure_JavaScript
Remember playing ultra-simple games like Pong? Try writing games like this first. Your chat system is a great start, by the way, because it covers the basics of how to get a server up and running, how to get a page, how to send data around.
As for getting something up and running on a server where others can connect to it... Check this out: have your buddies come to your house and bring their laptops, start your node.js chat server, tell them what your IP address is, and have them go to "http://YOURIPADDRESS:8000" in their browser-- they'll connect to your node.js server!
Getting it running on a hosting provider is a little more involved and probably not worth the trouble at this stage. You'll learn more about this later just by keeping on the way you're going.
Socket.IO does not only work on localhost. You will need to get a server to run your application on. I highly recommend not worrying about this piece of the puzzle just yet, as it is somewhat complicated if you are brand new at this. Come back to this part when you are ready.
As for the game development, I recommend using Phaser. It has everything you need to get started and great documentation.
Recently I have been looking into the development of social networks and I often find references to pump.io. There is however very limited information available on what pump.io actually is. The official website says nothing more than: "It's a stream server that does most of what people really want from a social network." I found some more information on this website (http://slid.es/evanp/understanding-pumpio/fullscreen#/) but that still doesn't say a lot to me.
Could someone please provide an elaborate discussion on what pump.io actually is (and does) to someone who does not know anything about (activity) stream servers? Maybe the better question is: "What is an activity stream server?"
Yeah, the term is one a lot of people are unfamiliar with and it makes a couple of distinctions that aren't immediately obvious even if you use and post to a pump.io site.
pump.io, as it is distributed, is really two programs with different sets of functions. One is the Activity Stream Server and the other is the Web Client.
At the risk of being pedantic, let me define each of the words. I know you know what the words mean, but I hope the specific contexts/usage will help:
Server: a program which distributes information (usually) across a
Stream: a (usually) chronological series of some sorts of pieces of information.
Activity: a description or depiction of something someone is doing.
The Activity Stream Server is a program which distributes (server) a chronological series (stream) of posts about stuff people do (activities).
The distinction is important because the website part of a pump.io website is a client for the pump server—essentially no different from a desktop or smartphone pump.io client. It listens to the pump's stream of posts and sends new posts to the pump using the same API and data formats that standalone applications—or other pumps—do.
You could actually totally decouple the Web Client and have a fully-functioning pump.io instance without any website. Users on other pump sites could see your posts and you could see theirs, and you could comment back and forth. It would make no difference.
ActivityStream is a JSON-based data format to describe "activities". The specification of ActivityStream 2.0 can be found at https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/ and the vocabulary of activities at https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/. To get the feeling of how the data format looks like you can have a look at the few examples at https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/#examples. More examples can be found throughout the two specifications.
pump.io is an activity stream server that does most of what people
really want a social network server to do.
That's a pretty packed sentence, I understand, but I can try to unwind
it a little.
"Activities" are the things we do in our on-line or off-line
life—waking up in the morning, going for a run, tasting a beer,
uploading a photo, adding a friend, eating a burrito, joining a group,
liking a blog post.
pump.io uses a simple JSON format to represent all these kinds of
activities and many more. It organizes activities into streams—time
ordered lists of activities, with the newest first. Most streams are
organized by theme, like: all the things that my friends did, or all
the things that I did, or all the things anyone has done to this
Programmers use a simple API to connect to a pump.io server and add
new activities. pump.io automatically organizes the activities into
streams and makes sure the activities get to the people who are
interested in them.
And, really, that's what we want from a social network
Behrenshausen, B. (2013). 'Interview with Evan Prodromou, lead developer of pump.io'. Retrieved from: https://opensource.com/life/13/7/pump-io
If you peer a few centimeters down the page on the official website, you'll see:
What's it for? I post something and my followers see it. That's the
rough idea behind the pump.
There's an API defined in the API.md file. It uses activitystrea.ms
JSON as the main data and command format.
You can post almost anything that can be represented with activity
streams -- short or long text, bookmarks, images, video, audio,
events, geo checkins. You can follow friends, create lists of people,
and so on.
The software is useful for at least these scenarios:
Mobile-first social networking
Activity stream functionality for an existing app
Experimenting with social software
Those last 3 items hopefully answer your question.
Currently, you can:
install the nodejs-based pump.io server
(or) sign up for an account on a public service
post notes and pictures with configurable permissions
log in to web and client applications using your webfinger ID
before I start I realise there are a few SNMP related questions here already but not many seem to have been answered - that could mean I'm asking in the wrong place but I don't know where else to go at the moment.
I've been reading up as best I can on SNMP for a couple of days but am finding it difficult to get my head around what is meant to be happening. The idea is eventually we will integrate SNMP into our Java application server which will allow the end users to incorporate it into their pre-existing Network Management Systems(NMS).
Unfortunately I'm feeling entirely confused by what is meant to be going on. From what I understood from talking to the end users (which was unfortunately before any research) was that the monitoring allows their existing NMS to give their admin guys a view of the vital statistics in a tree type display, giving them feedback regarding different parts of the system at a high level and allowing them to dig down into specific subsystems.
From reading around we would implement an 'Agent' which has several defined interfaces allowing for GET requests etc to be processed and responded to. That makes sense but I am at a loss to work out what the format of the communication is - there don't seem to be any specific examples of what any of the messages look like, how the information is encoded.
More of my confusion though is regarding Management Information Base(MIB). I had, wrongly, assumed that the interface of the agent would allow for the monitored attributes to be requested and then in turn the values for those attributes requested. Allowing any new Agent to be started and detected without any configuration on the NMS end (with the exception of authentication in v3). This, if I understand correctly, is not the case and the Agent must instead define MIBs which can be used by the NMS to determine those attributes. My confusion is increased when people start referring to thousands of existing MIBs and that they can be reused which I don't understand. Is the intention that a single MIB definition can be used to say describe how a particular attribute of a network device (something simple like internet connected on a router:yes/no) for many different devices? If so I don't believe that our software would allow the monitoring of anything common to any other device/system but should we be looking for already exising MIBs? At the moment I don't really see any good rational for such a system, surely it would be easier for the Agent to export that information - so I'd appreciate it if someone could enlighten me!
I think it would help if I was able to setup a simple SNMP agent and some sort of client, I could begin to see the process and eventually inspect the communication between the two but am finding it difficult to find anywhere that provides any information on doing such a thing. Nagios has been recommended to us as a test 'client'/NMS but their 'get started quick' section recommends downloading a 600Mb virtual machine - surely there is a quicker way to get started?
Any help or suggestions will be appreciated, I have been through the Wiki page but it doesn't seem to go into much detail about the MIBs and the having not had to deal with anything like the referenced RFCs before, while they may contain all of the information they seem completely impenetrable to me at the moment. Or if there are any books that can be recommended for an overview and implementation of v3?
Thanks for reading and even more thanks if you think you can help!
It seems to me that you read all SNMP information piece by piece in an disorganized way. This is highly not recommended and of course lead you to confusion.
What about forgetting what you have learnt so far and dive into a good book such as Essential SNMP?
Click the Google Preview icon to preview it please.
You could not depend on a network forum to tell you the ABCs, as that's impractical I find out.
The communications interface is SNMP. That's the protocol used for transmission (usually on top of UDP). The thing that services information requests is an SNMP Agent. The thing that sends information requests is an SNMP Manager.
The definition of what information should be made available by the Agent, and requested by the Manager, goes in a MIB. A MIB is the "glue", a directory of what sort of things any particular system can/should offer. It maps numeric codes to names and types that allow us to make sense of the data, much like how a phone directory maps phone numbers to people's names and addresses.
Generally you would create and ship and use your own MIBs that can describe aspects specific to your own product, but you are supposed to service some standard information requests as well, which are defined in existing MIBs. Yes there are thousands of other pre-existing MIBs and the likelihood that you need more than one or two of these is remote. They are typically published versions of MIBs for existing products.
The conventional way to "toy around" is to install Net-SNMP (a software suite that includes an agent implementation and allows you to "bolt on" your own logic and your own MIBs fairly easily) then examine the results using a packet capturer like Wireshark.
For a fuller implementation in production you may stick with Net-SNMP, or write your own Agent software, or do what I did and create a hybrid of the two that's a little more flexible and performant but uses Net-SNMP's backend for handling all the low-level SNMP stuff.
Your first step, though, is to read a book or some other teaching material that can clear all your misconceptions, because guesswork won't cut it.
I had success using the samples from this page. Both the shell and Perl NetSNMP code was very straightforward to implement and query.
First off, The Problem:
We have a Web App with a Flash front-end that talks to our ASP.NET web service via SOAP which then deals with all of our server side code (C#).
Right now, we implement a simple user sign on in our application, storing the info in our MSSQL DB.
A client has requested what I understand to be Windows authentication through our application using the currently logged in user.
So, I have been tasked with investigating this. Nobody, including myself, has any experience in this area.
I have been reading up on some basic Active Directory information, and some simple tutorials. I understand how to get access to the directory using ADSI through code. What I'm really interested in seeing is how the entire thing should be architected. I don't want to throw together a hacky solution.
Does anyone know of a good tutorial for this kind of thing or have any advice on getting started? More importantly, does this even sound viable?
I know I haven't given much information, but feel free to ask and I will provide answers.
Will, to give you an idea of the scope of this, the network will include every computer in a large hospital. So yes, this is huge. Clearly I need to start small. I would like to come up with something that will work at my office first. Maybe ~10 Windows computers on a single domain. One Domain Controller.
I am also open to any good books on the subject.
If you are going to tie into Active Directory you will want to take a look at the System.DirectoryServices namespace. The implementations can vary wildly depending on your system architecture, but this should give you a good starting point.
For a pet project, I have been looking for a web chat script capable of running potentially tens of thousands of users simultaneously. I don't want to use any kind of applet or browser extension, so on the client side, it should be simple Ajax. On the server side I'm pretty much open to anything.
I'm not looking for bells and whistles, a simple text-only chat is more than enough, as long as it supports a number of 'channels' or 'rooms' simultaneously, and a very large number of users.
When I first started researching the chat scripts out there, it seemed like the only viable option was to run an IRC server and just build a web interface on top of that. I know I could get good performance and stability with that setup, but could I get better performance by using something else?
Any ideas?
You might want to check cometd
I believe there are some chat scripts already using cometd.
I have no idea regarding stability tho.
You can have a look at Jabbify.
Not sure about the rooms and channels part, but it is built on the AJAX and MVC model.
I am going with Twitch.me, which is based on node.js