Laravel installation - laravel

No existing questions are sufficiently basic to answer my problem. I am trying to install Laravel to try it out and have successfully installed Composer but all advice about installing Laravel itself seems to involve something called Git and a 'terminal' which I know nothing about. Can I not simply download a setup file and run it as for other apps?

Install Laravel Framework in Windows:
Created By : Chirag Shah
PHP version greater than 5.3.7 is required
Step 1: Download Laravel from:
Step 2: Extract Laravel into the www folder for WAMP (
Step 3: Download Composer from:
Step 4: Install Composer into the same directory php.exe is located
Step 5: Click on WAMP icon->PHP->PHP Extensions and enable: php_openssl, php_curl, php_socket
Step 6: Click on wamp icon->Apache->Apache Modules and enable ssl_module
Step 7: Enable openssl from all php.ini files
Step 8: Open cmd
Step 9: Change into the directory where you extracted Laravel e.g: cd C:\wamp\www\laravel
Step 10: Type the command: composer install
step 11: Copy and paste all \public\ folder files into WAMP's www folder
Step 12: Open bootstrap\paths.php and edit the line 'public' => DIR.'/../public', to 'public' => DIR.'/../www',
Installation completed.

Yes you can, this is the link to the zip file:
But at some point you might need Git, so you better get along with it. :)

Hi sorry to let you know that laravel at some point requires you to handle a terminal. Git is not a necessary attribute for just a try out. Terminal is nothing to be scared of - its actually the command line which is referred to as the terminal.
You can get a lot of tutorials and help on how to use terminal effectively. And using the terminal solves you a lot of trouble too. If you are interested in learning and programming in laravel take an interest in studying the terminal too.

Steps to install 5.1 laravel in windows using wamp or xampp:
-> Step 1: install laravel composer (you can download it from
-> Step 2: open command prompt then download and install laravel installer using composer by the following command:
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
-> Step 3: Right click on my computer then go advanced tab then environment variables and in system variable search for path -> and put the following code in the end of line after ;(semicolon) :
-> Step 4: then go to wamp directory ie: e:wamp/www/ (i have installed wamp in E directory)
-> Step 5: open command prompt and select the current directory using following commands:
1. e:
2. cd www/laravel
-> Step 6: in command prompt run follow command:
laravel new blog
Now laravel project with name blog is installed on your local machine using wamp or xampp.
open http://localhost/laravel/blog/public in your browser.
on success you will see laravel 5 logo.
Enjoy with laravel installation.


Typo3 11.5 and 10.4 install via Composer and from zip fails, is this possible to use Typo3 anymore?

I tried to install Typo 3 11.5 from zip and Composer and the result was 404 to Backend.
In log files, there is no information. I tried some topics with config in files but I don't have these config files.
Next, I tried to install 10.4 via composer and it failed:
Script typo3cms install:fixfolderstructure handling the
typo3-cms-scripts event returned with error code 255 Script
#typo3-cms-scripts was called via post-autoload-dump
\public\typo3\sysext\core\Classes\Database\Driver\PDOStatement.php on
line 67
I followed the Installation Guide from the website every time.
I am not sure you can help me with this pure "error log" above but:
Does someone install Typo3 successfully last time, could you provide some information how you did it?
P.S. Every .zip pckage has public folder missing and it doesn't create after installation complete.
But the installation guide require public folder:
cd public
mklink /d typo3_src ..\typo3_src-10.4.x
mklink /d typo3 typo3_src\typo3
mklink index.php typo3_src\index.php
I cannot do this step. Source:
Is mod rewrite activated for your hosting environment?
Starting with TYPO3 11 the backend uses proper routing which also needs mod_rewrite (or similar configuration for nginx) in the Backend.

How to create a new Laravel project in PhpStorm 2018.1?

How to create a new Laravel project in PhpStorm 2018.1 (in Ubuntu 16.04)?
It's just a five step process,
Just go to File -> New Project and in the dialog specify project name and folder, and – most importantly – choose type Composer Project.
Set Laravel project's folder & project name
Choose "composer.phar" option button & tick "Download composer.phar from"
Select PHP Interpreter Version from drop down
Select package as "laravel/laravel" from list
Select PHP's version
Click on "Create" button. It will take time depending on your internet connection speed.
Congratulations, your new laravel project has been created.
That's not a PhpStorm specific question. To create a new project you need to have composer installed
Composer Homepage
and be sure it's appended to your path.
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
To accept the changes, run
source ~/.bashrc
or logout and login again.
Then have a look at the Laravel documentation
There are 2 possible ways:
Use composer directly
Use the Laravel installer
Both ways are fine, open the new created project in PhpStorm and you are good to go.

Issue Creating Laravel app

I'm new to using command line tools. I'm trying to setup laravel 5 on a mac.
Every time I try to install a new app, I'm getting the following error:
"Could not open input file: composer.phar"
I thought I had installed composer in the global bin. Any suggestions?
Problem is you didnt move your .phar file to your path
check this link Laravel document
or Laravel official video
its will help you

laravel is not recognized as an internal or external command

I'm trying to start laravel,
Found the following line in their tutorial:
Make sure to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH
so the laravel executable is found when you run the laravel command in
your terminal.
I don't understand what I should do ?
I added ~/.composer/vendor/bin to my system variables, and then tried using 'laravel new blog' in the command line but got the following message :
laravel is not recognized as an internal or external command
what should I do?
Use correct path to the Composer bin directory.
For Windows add
... to directory by going to "My Computer" > "Properties" > "Advanced" > "Environment > Variables" > "Path".
Note: MyUserName is your pc username .
Restart your PC and it would work
For me after adding PATH to environment variables result was the same. I found me answer here
So at first you have to run in cmd
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
and then the message appears
" Changing directory to
C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin "
and after that you can run your command. For example
laravel new blog
You need to install Laravel using
composer global require laravel/installer
Otherwise, even adding it to PATH won't help.
First, use:
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
Then, you can try again.
laravel new project
This problem is happening few many reasons like wrong installation path and conflicts with previous project creation. To solve this problem
first: composer global require laravel/installer
then: laravel new admin ProjectName
this command has solved my problem.
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"

PHP extension "curl" must be loaded

I'm trying to install a Magento on my server, and when I get to "Configuration", the installation launches:
PHP extension "curl" must be loaded.
I've checked my php.ini, and extension=php_curl.dll is not commented. For both Apache and PHP folders. I also checked my Wamp manager, and it looks like this:
So I guess that my php_curl is working fine... But I still get the same message when I install Magento:
Any idea on what's wrong?
I had the same problem. The mod_curl extension in wamp has a bug.
You can replace it with a newer version. I don't know which PHP-Version you use but here you can download a newer version. Download a TS (TheadSafe) version of the module and replace it with your existing curl module.
And a helpfull post:,85716
Replaced the old php_curl.dll with the new one in \wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3\ext\ by downloading from .
Now its working. It is the error with recent wamp installation package.
You have to modify the php.ini files in your xampp folder. Three files in three different places need to be changed.
Follow the following steps to enable curl library with XAMPP in Windows:
Step 1:
Browse and open the following 3 files
C:\Program Files\xampp\apache\bin\php.ini
C:\Program Files\xampp\php\php.ini
C:\Program Files\xampp\php\php4\php.ini
Step 2:
Uncomment the following line in your php.ini file by removing the semicolon (;).
After that it will look something like something below-
Step 3:
Restart your Apache server.
Step 4:
Check your phpinfo() to see whether curl has properly enabled or not.
Enjoy using curl() library.
