Ruby MRI 1.8.7: Spawn process directly in code? - ruby

I understand that there are various ways to spawn new processes in Ruby (e.g. backticks, system(), exec(), etc...)
However, is it possible to spawn a new process directly with code passed as a block?
Just like forks (fork {... block ...}).
My problem is that I don't want to use forks as I don't want to copy all the memory (problematic in my case because of writing), I want to spawn a "fresh" project without calling an external ruby file.

fork is the only way to do this. However, on Linux at least, and I think on OSX too, fork is implemented as copy on write, meaning that until an area of memory is written to in the child process, it points directly to the area of the old parent process. So, no problem.
Edit: Nevermind. The above is wrong. Here's what I would do:
code = "puts 'hi'"
result = nil
popen("ruby") do |pipe|
pipe.puts code
result =


Ruby open interactive sub process within the shell

I want to use ruby and in one moment open another program (cfdisk) and let the user interact with it, then return to my code
I can use
exec "cfdisk; ruby another.rb"
but that is very hacky and certainly not the right thing to do
I know about Open3 but i dont know how to use it properly for my usecase. I know that when I use capture3 on irb on Windows it says:
["Running under a virtual console, enabling 256/true-color support\n", "Screen size 28640x499 is not supported; limit 500x500.\nCheck the TERM environment variable.\n", #]
In Arch it opens it but the graphical output isnt present, the keystrokes are registered, they work (for example mc exits with F10) but the window isnt there, just blinking cursor.
parted exits immediately
Tried popen3 but I had no luck with it either
What is wrong with system for this case?
The exec ruby command replaces the running process, so it will not return to your code.
The Open3 library is used when you want to capture stdout and stderr.
Isn't this what you are looking for?
puts "here"
system "cfdisk"
puts 'there'
If you have some screen related issues, this is another issue that you might be able to resolve with different TERM value in the environment variable.

Ruby: Seeing the output of external calls on the fly

Whenever I wish to run some outside process in Ruby I write something like this:
output = `outer_process`
This works well, and the output of the process is placed into "output". But sometimes the process takes a lot of time and gives a lot of output and I would like to see it on the screen even before it stopped running. Is there a way to do this?
Take a look at the open4 gem. There are some limitations, but assuming there is output to STDOUT from your process, you could do something like this:
Open4.open4( outer_process ) do | pid, pstdin, pstdout, pstderr |
pstdout.each { |line| puts line }
This is pretty similar, in terms of underlying mechanisms, to Anand's suggestion in comments.
Note this will not work immediately if the process you call is not flushing STDOUT. If you need to work around that limitation, you will need to provide a terminal for the child process, which is possible in Ruby, but more complicated - see answer to Continuously read from STDOUT of external process in Ruby

How does asynchronous Ruby work in Vim?

If you compile a recent version of Vim with +ruby, you can use the :ruby command inside Vim.
What's happening 'under the hood' when I run some asynchronous Ruby code?
For example:
:ruby <<EOS
print 'hello' do
sleep 1
print 'world'
# hello
:ruby print 'foo'
# world
# foo
This immediately prints 'hello', as expected. However, 'world' doesn't print until I run another :ruby command. Does Vim only support one thread, and push new threads onto some sort of queue for run on the next :ruby command?
I've tried looking through Vim's source for this in src/if_ruby.c, but my Ruby C-Extension reading skills aren't the greatest.
I'm asking, because I'd like to write some Ruby that polls every few seconds and updates a Vim window.
Vim itself is single-threaded. But there are some exceptions or workarounds:
Python threads are working, though not on ARM for some reason. I can’t say though I can predict what would happen if you run vim.* method from non-main thread. I saw it used in some plugins, but without vim.* in threads.
Python multiprocessing module is working perfectly (though you will want to disable all vim signal handlers). I personally use this solution in my aurum plugin. I guess ruby equivalent will work, but AFAIR it is just a fork() call with simple bytes pipe as the only communication, nothing so complicated as multiprocessing.Pipe (pipe that passes a limited set of python objects), multiprocessing.Queue (wrapper around a pipe that implements objects queue), multiprocessing.Value (shared memory storing fixed-sized values with object interface) or multiprocessing.Lock (dunno what it is, but name says for itself about the purpose). At least not in standard library or core.
AFAIK some older ruby versions used green threads thus (from the OS point of view) were single-threaded while newer ruby is now using POSIX threads. You can try to update, maybe this will work. Though you’d better choose something other as the test (like modifying some variable in a separate thread), not a thing that calls vim. Any current python version you can find on users systems is using POSIX threads, this may be the root of the reason why ruby threads do not work while python ones do.

Wrapper around bash, control STDIN and STDOUT

I would like to talk to a interactive bash process.
Here is an example, so you know what I want to archieve:
Program starts a new bash process.
User types "ls" into my program.
Program sends this command to the bash process.
Program reads all available output of the bash (including the prompt) and displays it back to the user.
As you can guess, there is much room for nifty manipulations here and there... ;-)
It would be wonderful if this also worked for subprocesses (started by the bash process) and curses-based programs.
I would like to implement this functionality in Ruby, and already have experimented with IO.popen, but strange things happen. You are also welcome to do this in other languages.
Ok, I've found a solution. This work pretty nicely, you can even start vim inside it :-)
require "pty"
system("stty raw -echo")
PTY.spawn("bash -i") do |pin, pout| do
loop do
pout.print STDIN.getc.chr
loop do
print pin.sysread(512)
This does the following:
enable character-wise input (limited to UNIXoids, I'm afraid)
create a pseudo-TTY, start a interactive bash session inside
forward each character from STDIN to the bash
print every output back to the user
Have you tried using the Session gem? (Homepage with introduction.)
I don't have any experience with it, but the README seems to describe what you want. It's description says, "session kicks the ass", so it should be fun/productive to play with it in any case.

How to fire and forget a subprocess?

I have a long running process and I need it to launch another process (that will run for a good while too). I need to only start it, and then completely forget about it.
I managed to do what I needed by scooping some code from the Programming Ruby book, but I'd like to find the best/right way, and understand what is going on. Here's what I got initially:
exec("whatever --take-very-long") if fork.nil?
So, is this the way, or how else should I do it?
After checking the answers below I ended up with this code, which seems to make more sense:
(pid = fork) ? Process.detach(pid) : exec("foo")
I'd appreciate some explanation on how fork works. [got that already]
Was detaching $$ right? I don't know why this works, and I'd really love to have a better grasp of the situation.
Alnitak is right. Here's a more explicit way to write it, without $$
pid = Process.fork
if pid.nil? then
# In child
exec "whatever --take-very-long"
# In parent
The purpose of detach is just to say, "I don't care when the child terminates" to avoid zombie processes.
The fork function separates your process in two.
Both processes then receive the result of the function. The child receives a value of zero/nil (and hence knows that it's the child) and the parent receives the PID of the child.
exec("something") if fork.nil?
will make the child process start "something", and the parent process will carry on with where it was.
Note that exec() replaces the current process with "something", so the child process will never execute any subsequent Ruby code.
The call to Process.detach() looks like it might be incorrect. I would have expected it to have the child's PID in it, but if I read your code right it's actually detaching the parent process.
Detaching $$ wasn't right. From p. 348 of the Pickaxe (2nd Ed):
$$ Fixnum The process number of the program being executed. [r/o]
This section, "Variables and Constants" in the "Ruby Language" chapter, is very handy for decoding various ruby short $ constants - however the online edition (the first
So what you were actually doing was detaching the program from itself, not from its child.
Like others have said, the proper way to detach from the child is to use the child's pid returned from fork().
The other answers are good if you're sure you want to detach the child process. However, if you either don't mind, or would prefer to keep the child process attached (e.g. you are launching sub-servers/services for a web app), then you can take advantage of the following shorthand
fork do
exec('whatever --option-flag')
Providing a block tells fork to execute that block (and only that block) in the child process, while continuing on in the parent.
i found the answers above broke my terminal and messed up the output. this is the solution i found.
system("nohup ./ &")
just in case anyone has the same issue, my goal was to log into a ssh server and then keep that process running indefinitely. so is this
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ssh host -l admin -i cloudkey
expect "pass"
send "superpass\r"
sleep 1000000
