Scale for Elastic MapReduce (EMR)? - hadoop

I'm evaluating EC2/EMR for running a ~20 node Hadoop cluster. (custom JAR cluster). I've run the simple WordCount example on a single-node 3.3 GHz 2GB RAM local VMWare instance which takes less than 10 seconds to complete. The WordCount example takes 3 minutes to complete on EMR with 2 c1.mediumm instances (excluding the startup time of 3-5 minutes). Takes the same time for 2 m1.small instances. There will be some overhead for running a job on EMR, and maybe this problem size is too small, so this seems understandable.
At about what size problems do you begin to see the performance advantage of the cloud? Or at about how many nodes or compute units?

If you're spinning up an EMR job, that essentially means you're asking Amazon to provide you an on-demand cluster of N machines, and the simple fact of provisioning and giving you these machines can easily take several minutes, not to mention that these machines need to be setup, can have bootstrap actions, and so on. I've rarely seen EMR jobs (even big ones) take more than 10 minutes to have the cluster ready, but I've also rarely seen a cluster be up in less than a couple minutes.
If you have a job that you're running frequently (for example every hour), then the cost of setting up and shutting down your EMR cluster might be too big, in this case it would be a good idea to create your cluster with some reserved instances on EC2. With reserved instances, you will have your own cluster always up and administered by you, so there is no time lost setting up/shutting down your cluster, this behaves like a regular Hadoop cluster.
What I've been doing in the past couple years is use an EC2 cluster on reserved instances that is always up and all the jobs are running on it, but for some jobs that are very large and that couldn't fit on my cluster, I run them on EMR where I can choose how many nodes I want and since these are large jobs the time to setup/shutdown the cluster is small in comparison to the total runtime. I would not recommend using EMR for small/frequent jobs.


Why is hadoop slow for a simple hello world job

I am following the tutorial on the hadoop website:
I run the following example in Pseudo-Distributed Mode.
time hadoop jar hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.1.2.jar grep input output 'dfs[a-z.]+'
It takes 1:47min to complete. When I turn off the network (wifi), it finishes in approx 50 seconds.
When I run the same command using the Local (Standalone) Mode, it finishes in approx 5 seconds (on a mac).
I understand that in Pseudo-Distributed Mode there is more overhead involved and hence it will take more time, but in this case it takes way more time. The CPU is completely idle during the run.
Do you have any idea what can cause this issue?
First, I don't have an explanation for why turning off your network would result in faster times. You'd have to dig through the Hadoop logs to figure out that problem.
This is typical behavior most people encounter running Hadoop on a single node. Effectively, you are trying to use Fedex to deliver something to your next door neighbor. It will always be faster to walk it over because the inherent overhead of operating a distributed system. When you run local mode, you are only performing the Map-Reduce function. When you run pseudo-distributed, it will use all the Hadoop servers (NameNode, DataNodes for data; Resource Manager, NodeManagers for compute) and what you are seeing is the latencies involved in that.
When you submit your job, the Resource Manager has to schedule it. As your cluster is not busy, it will ask for resources from the Node Manager. The Node Manager will give it a container which will run your Application Master. Typically, this loop takes about 10 seconds. Once your AM is running it will ask for resources from the Resource Manager for it's Map and Reduce tasks. This takes another 10 seconds. Also when you submit your job there is around a 3 second wait before this job is actually submitted to the Resource Manager. So far that's 23 seconds and you haven't done any computation yet.
Once the job is running, the most likely cause of waiting is allocating memory. On smaller systems (> 32GB of memory) the OS might take a while to allocate space. If you were to run the same thing on what is considered commodity hardware for Hadoop (16+ core, 64+ GB) you would probably see run time closer to 25-30 seconds.

Ingesting data in elasticsearch from hdfs , cluster setup and usage

I am setting up a spark cluster. I have hdfs data nodes and spark master nodes on same instances.
Current setup is
1-master (spark and hdfs)
6-spark workers and hdfs data nodes
All instances are same, 16gig dual core (unfortunately).
I have 3 more machines, again same specs.
Now I have three options
1. Just deploy es on these 3 machines. The cluster will look like
1-master (spark and hdfs)
6-spark workers and hdfs data nodes
3-elasticsearch nodes
Deploy es master on 1, extend spark and hdfs and es on all other.
Cluster will look like
1-master (spark and hdfs)
1-master elasticsearch
8-spark workers, hdfs data nodes, es data nodes
My application is heavily use spark for joins, ml etc but we are looking for search capabilities. Search we definitely not needed realtime and a refresh interval of upto 30 minutes is even good with us.
At the same time spark cluster has other long running task apart from es indexing.
The solution need not to be one of above, I am open with experimentation if some one suggest. It would be handy for other dev's also once concluded.
Also I am trying with es hadoop, es-spark project but I felt ingestion is very slow if I do 3 dedicated nodes, its like 0.6 million records/minute.
The optimal approach here mostly depends on your network bandwidth and whether or not it's the bottleneck in your operation in my opinion.
I would just check whether my network links are saturated via say
iftop -i any or similar and check if that is the case. If you see data rates close to the physical capacity of your network, then you could try and run hdfs + spark on the same machines that run ES to save the network round trip and speed things up.
If network turns out not to be the bottleneck here, I would look into the way Spark and HDFS are deployed next.
Are your using all the RAM available (Java Xmx set high enough?, Spark memory limits? Yarn memory limits if Spark is deployed via Yarn?)
Also you should check whether ES or Spark is the bottleneck here, in all likelihood it's ES. Maybe you could spawn additional ES instances, 3 ES nodes feeding 6 spark workers seems very sub-optimal.
If anything, I'd probably try to invert that ratio, fewer Spark executors and more ES capacity. ES is likely a lot slower at providing the data than HDFS is at writing it (though this really depends on the configuration of both ... just an educated guess here :)). It is highly likely that more ES nodes and fewer Spark workers will be the better approach here.
So in a nutshell:
Add more ES nodes and reduce Spark worker count
Check if your network links are saturated, if so put both on the same machines (this could be detrimental with only 2 cores, but I'd still give it a shot ... you gotta try this out)
Adding more ES nodes is the better bet of the two things you can do :)

hadoop not creating enough containers when more nodes are used

So I'm trying to run some hadoop jobs on AWS R3.4xLarge machines. They have 16 vcores and 122 gigabytes of ram available.
Each of my mappers requires about 8 gigs of ram and one thread, so these machines are very nearly perfect for the job.
I have mapreduce.memory.mb set to 8192,
and set to -Xmx6144
This should result in approximately 14 mappers (in practice nearer to 12) running on each machine.
This is in fact the case for a 2 slave setup, where the scheduler shows 90 percent utilization of the cluster.
When scaling to, say, 4 slaves however, it seems that hadoop simply doesnt create more mappers. In fact it creates LESS.
On my 2 slave setup I had just under 30 mappers running at any one time, on four slaves I had about 20. The machines were sitting at just under 50 percent utilization.
The vcores are there, the physical memory is there. What the heck is missing? Why is hadoop not creating more containers?
So it turns out that this is one of those hadoop things that never makes sense, no matter how hard you try to figure it out.
there is a setting in yarn-default called yarn.nodemanager.heartbeat.interval-ms.
This is set to 1000. Apparently it controls the minimum period between assigning containers in milliseconds.
This means it only creates one new map task per second. This means the number of containers is limited by how many containers I have running*the time that it takes for a container to be finished.
By setting this value to 50, or better yet, 1, I was able to get the kind of scaling that is expected from a hadoop cluster. Honestly should be documented better.

How to run oozie workflows faster

So I have a large oozie workflow comprising somewhere of 300 actions, out of which there are few shells actions, sqoops, lot of hives and map-reduces. There are subworkflows as well.
I have a cluster of X machines, where each machine is having decent RAM and disk space.
The time taken by the total job in production is fine, however for development purposes where I have limited data for testing, the job still takes time on magnitude of hours.
I understand that even forking of one JVM takes about 1 to 3 seconds and this alone will make my job take 1 hour (considering 4MR jobs taken per action on an average)
However since I know my data is small in development, I would like to make the execution much faster.
I think I should be able to run the entire oozie workflow on a single machine (1 out of those X) and be done with the job in a few minutes -
One of the alternatives I know is to run uber tasks - which I am currently exploring. However it seems it will only run the MR jobs of same hadoop job in the same JVM.
So if a hive query fires 4 MR jobs, I'll still be needing 4 JVMs.
Is it possible to reuse JVMs across MR jobs?
Any other suggestions on faster runtimes for small amount of data will be helpful.

Suspending hadoop nodes temporarily - background hadoop cluster

I wonder if it is possible to install a "background" hadoop cluster. I mean, after all it is meant to be able to deal with nodes being unavailable or slow sometimes.
So assuming some university has a computer lab. Say, 100 boxes, all with upscale desktop hardware, gigabit etherner, probably even identical software installation. Linux is really popular here, too.
However, these 100 boxes are of course meant to be desktop systems for students. There are times where the lab will be full, but also times where the lab will be empty. User data is mostly stored on a central storage - say NFS - so the local disks are not used a lot.
Sounds like a good idea to me to use the systems as Hadoop cluster in their idle time. The simplest setup would be of course to have a cron job start the cluster at night, and shut down in the morning. However, also during the day many computers will be unused.
However, how would Hadoop react to e.g. nodes being shut down when any user logs in? Is it possible to easily "pause" (preempt!) a node in hadoop, and moving it to swap when needed? Ideally, we would give Hadoop a chance to move away the computation before suspending the task (also to free up memory). How would one do such a setup? Is there a way to signal Hadoop that a node will be suspended?
As far as I can tell, datanodes should not be stopped, and maybe replication needs to be increased to have more than 3 copies. With YARN there might also be a problem that by moving the task tracker to an arbitrary node, it may be the one that gets suspended at some point. But maybe it can be controlled that there is a small set of nodes that is always on, and that will run the task trackers.
Is it appropriate to just stop the tasktracker or send a SIGSTOP (then resume with SIGCONT)? The first would probably give hadoop the chance to react, the second would continue faster when the user logs out soon (as the job can then continue). How about YARN?
First of all, hadoop doesn't support 'preempt', how you described it.
Hadoop simply restarts task, if it detects, that task tracker dead.
So in you case, when user logins into host, some script simply kills
tasktracker, and jobtracker will mark all mappers/reducers, which were run
on killed tasktracker, as FAILED. After that this tasks will be rescheduled
on different nodes.
Of course such scenario is not free. By design, mappers and reducers
keep all intermediate data on local hosts. Moreover, reducers fetch mappers
data directly from tasktrackers, where mappers was executed. So, when
tasktracker will be killed, all those data will be lost. And in case
of mappers, it is not a big problem, mapper usually works on relatively
small amount of data (gigabytes?), but reducer will suffer greater.
Reducer runs shuffle, which is costly in terms of network bandwidth and
cpu. If tasktracker runs some reducer, restart of this reducer means,
that all data should be redownloaded once more onto new host.
And I recall, that jobtracker doesn't see immediately, that
tasktracker is dead. So, killed tasks shouldn't restart immediately.
If you workload is light, datanodes can live forever, don't put them offline,
when user login. Datanode eats small amount of memory (256M should be enough
in case small amount of data) and if you workload is light, don't eat much
of cpu and disk io.
As conclusion, you can setup such configuration, but don't rely on
good and predictable job execution on moderated workloads.
