ASP.NET WebAPI: Generic controller for OData endpoint -

I'm currently experimenting with OData endpoints in ASP.NET MVC 4 Web API. I like the concept and try to come up with efficient ways to use it in our project.
One question I have is the following: we have a service that is able to return an IQueryable and takes the name of an entity as Input:
public IQueryable GetAll(string entityName);
In standard Web API (as opposed to OData Controllers) I can create a generic controller, that can be called in the form /api/entities/{entityName} and returns the IQueryable.
In case of an OData Controller, I carry out the following entity-specific steps:
Register the entities in the model.
Create a separate Controller for each entity that derives from EntitySetController<>.
I want to use the generic service and avoid as much entity-specific implementations as possible. The first step can easily be automated if the service can return a list of the entities and the corresponding types.
That leaves step 2, because up to now I need to create a specific controller for each entity. I also want to avoid that and create a generic controller that uses the generic service.
Can anyone recommend a solution, maybe by influencing OData routing?

You can create a custom routing convention that selects the same controller no matter what the entity set is. Example,
public class CustomControllerRoutingConvention : IODataRoutingConvention
public string SelectAction(ODataPath odataPath, HttpControllerContext controllerContext, ILookup<string, HttpActionDescriptor> actionMap)
return null;
public string SelectController(ODataPath odataPath, HttpRequestMessage request)
return "SomeFixedContrllerNameWithoutTheControllerSuffix";
You can register that routing convention using the following code,
IList<IODataRoutingConvention> routingConventions = ODataRoutingConventions.CreateDefault();
routingConventions.Insert(0, new CustomControllerRoutingConvention());
config.Routes.MapODataRoute("OData", "odata", builder.GetEdmModel(), new DefaultODataPathHandler(), routingConventions);

I came up against the same problem, and ended up writing a custom IHttpControllerSelector instead of an IODataRoutingConvention. IODataRoutingConvention looks like a good option if your generic controller doesn't require generics :) . But since IODataRoutingConvention.SelectController() only returns a string, I don't see how it will work for instantiating a controller with generic type parameters.
I decided this problem needs a good, general-purpose, open-source solution - so I created one: . It's prerelease now, but I'm currently doing a lot of work on it. I think there's more to it than just choosing the right controller, there are general patterns to define for shared controllers, and by default Web API OData expects strongly typed and strongly named navigation properties which makes it challenging to create a re-usable implementation.


How can i share an object between all controllers?

I'm using Spring-Boot and Thymeleaf as a template engine.
I have a web application which has a search input that is accessible in every view to anyone (the search triggers a form submission), the form has a th:object="${searchObject}" attribute and I'm using#RequestBody in my post controller to get the object.
Now, what i did so far was adding a model.addAttribute("searchObject", new SearchObject()) to every controller and it worked just fine but it made me think, what if there is a way to share an object between the whole app that i could declare once and use everywhere .. ?
So i did a little search and found out various solutions that refers to the available contexts in a spring application.
Iv'e tried to implement few of them but couldn't figure out how.
So, is there any simple way of sharing an object between the whole app so it can be accessed inside thymeleaf without writing the same code in every controller?
I'm thinking it should look something like this
You can use a #ControllerAdvice to add a model attribute in all of your controllers:
public class SearchObjectModelAttributeAdvice {
public SearchObject searchObject() {
return new SearchObject();

How to handle authorization with Breeze JS?

Currently my app looks at router parameter and logged in user (Principal.Identity) to authorize access to certain resources (e.g: Add student to your class [identity + class id]). However, If I'm not wrong, breeze js support just one bulk save. It seems to be that I will have to open each and every data and run through the validation/authorization. That is fine,
but what I may lose is nice separation of cross cutting concern out side my business logic (as a message handler) (finding what roles user has on the class) and nice Authroize annotation feature (just say what roles are needed). So do I have to trade off or is there better programming model which Breeze JS might suggest?
My question is more on how to separate the authorization (find assigned roles in message handler + verify if required roles are present by adding authorize attribute to controller methods) logic from business or data access logic. Without breeze, I will inspect the incoming message and its route parameter to fetch all its roles then in my put/post/delete methods I would annotate with required roles. I cannot use this technique with breeze (its not breeze's limitation, its trade off when you go for bulk save). So wanted to know if there is any programming model or design pattern already used by breeze guys. There is something on breeze's samples which is overriding context and using repository pattern, will follow that for now.
Breeze can have as many 'save' endpoints as you want. For example, a hypothetical server implementation might be
public class MyController : ApiController {
public SaveResult SaveCustomersAndOrders(JObject saveBundle) {
// CheckCustomersAndOrders would be a custom method that validates your data
ContextProvider.BeforeSaveEntitiesDelegate = CheckCustomerAndOrders;
return ContextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
public SaveResult SaveSuppliersAndProducts(JObject saveBundle) {
You would call these endpoints like this
var so = new SaveOptions({ resourceName: "SaveWithFreight2", tag: "freight update" });
myEntityManager.saveChanges(customerAndOrderEntities, {
resourceName: "SaveCustomersAndOrder" }
myEntityManager.saveChanges(supplierAndProductEntities, {
resourceName: "SaveSuppliersAndProducts" }
Authorization is mediated via the [Authorize] attribute on each of the [HttpPost] methods. You can read more about the [Authorize] attribute here:
The proper way to do this IMHO is to separate the endpoint authorization and the database actions authorization.
First, create an entity that manages the grands per controller/method and role. For each method you have a value allowed - not allowed for the specific role. You create a special attribute (subclass of Authorize) that you apply to your controllers (breeze or plain web api) that reads the data and decides whether the specific endpoint can be called for the user/role. Otherwise it throws the Unauthorized exception.
On the breeze side (client) you extend the default adapter settings with a method that adds the authentication headers from identity that you received at login, something like this :
var origAjaxCtor = breeze.config.getAdapterInstance('ajax');
$.extend(true, origAjaxCtor.defaultSettings, Security.getAuthenticationHeaders());
On the server, add a second entity that manages the authorization for the CRUD operations. You need a table like (EntityName, AllowInsert, AllowUpdate, AllowDelete). Add a BeforeSave event on the Context Manager or on the ORM (EF or something else) that loops all entities and applies the policy specified on the table above.
This way you have a clear separation of the endpoint logic from the backend CRUD logic.
In all cases the authorization logic should first be implemented server side and if needed should be pushed to the clients.
The way breeze is implemented and with the above design you should not need more than 1 save endpoint.
Hope it helps.
However, If I'm not wrong, breeze js support just one bulk save.
That is entirely wrong. You have free reign to create your own save methods. Read the docs, it's all there.

Exposing entities through services and partial responses

What do you think about exposing domain entities through services? I tried it in an application, but I came to the conclusion that exposing domain model to the client is not such a good idea.
Really easy to transport data from-to client
List item
(De)Serialization is really easy: just put jackson in the classpath and it will handle it. No extra logic is needed.
No need to duplicate entities POJOs. At least in early stages, the API resources will be pretty much the same as the domain model.
The API's get very tightly coupled to the model and you can't change the model without affecting the API
Partial responses. There are cases where you don't want to return all the fields of the entities, just some of them. How do you accomplish it?
So, let's take the following REST example. The following API declares that GET on the user resource returns the following information.
"address":"my street"
Usually, I would create a User entity, a user service to return the user and a REST controller to serve the request like this:
public #ResponseBody User getUser(#PathVariable Long id) {
return userService.findById(id);
Should I avoid returning the User entity?
If yes, should I create another class and handle myself the mapping between this class and the entity?
Is there a pattern for this?
How to accomplish partial expansion? (i.e. return only the firstName and lastName for the user)
P.S: using #JSONFilter and ObjectMapper to accomplish partial responses seems too heavyweight to me because you loose the beauty of spring data

MVC Autofac ExtensibleActionInvoker stops me using interface parameters

I have a problem with the Autofac ExtensibleActionInvoker interacting with the MVC ModelBinder when using interfaces for parameters. The background is as follows:
I am building a MVC application and I am using Autofac MVC3's ExtensibleActionInvoker to inject my services as parameters to my actions, e.g.
public ActionResult Test( IMyService service)
//A new instance of service is created by Autofac ExtensibleActionInvoker
return View();
This works really well and makes for a really clean design (see Alex Meyer-Gleaves post for more information on this approach). I want to use this method as I am producing a code generator to create actions, views, services and DTOs and a per-action service approach makes this easier.
However I also want to use interfaces for the parameters in action classed which receive input from an HttpPost action. This is because I use DI to create classes outside each layer. If I change the DefaultModelBinder to use DI to create the class (see page 595 of Steve Sanderson's book on MVC3 on how to do this) this this works fine, e.g.
public ActionResult Test(ITestClass dataComingFromView)
//model binder creates the class via DI and then binds it to the data from the post
return View();
However in the above simple example above I get a conflict with the ExtensibleActionInvoker enabled, i.e.
Without ExtensibleActionInvoker enabled the method above works fine, i.e. the extended
DefaultModelBinder uses DI to create the TestClass class and modelbinder binds
input from the view to the fields in the class.
With ExtensibleActionInvoker enabled it does not work, i.e. I get an empty TestClass class with no binding. I assume the ExtensibleActionInvoker takes precedence over the model binder and just creates an empty TestClass class.
(Just for completeness I should say that if I just use MVC "out of the box", i.e. no new DefaultModelBinder and no ExtensibleActionInvoker enabled, then it says you cannot use an interface as an Action method parameter.)
My question for anyone with better Autofac knowledge than me is: can I change the Autofac ExtensibleActionInvoker to select what it binds to? All my injected service classed start with IService so I could filter on that. I know you can do that in Autofac elsewhere but couldn't see anything to do that with ExtensibleActionInvoker, but maybe I missed it.
Any help would be appreciated.
Jon Smith - Selective Analytics
You are correct that the problem is caused by the ExtensibleActionInvoker class. If you look at the source for it, there is a method called GetParameterValue(). See below:
protected override object GetParameterValue(ControllerContext controllerContext, ParameterDescriptor parameterDescriptor)
if (_injectActionMethodParameters)
return _context.ResolveOptional(parameterDescriptor.ParameterType) ?? base.GetParameterValue(controllerContext, parameterDescriptor);
return base.GetParameterValue(controllerContext, parameterDescriptor);
This method overrides the method that eventually uses the MVC framework's model binder infrastructure. What this means, is that the ActionInvoker tries to resolve the parameter using AutoFac first, and if it fails, falls back to the default functionality. Based on the results you are getting, it seems that your AutoFac configuration must be setup to provide a default resolution of ITestClass.
In order to register a custom ModelBinder with AutoFac you have a couple options. You can decorate the view model with a ModelBinderTypeAttribute or you can do it in your configuration with the custom extension methods found in RegistrationExtensions.
One article I found looks like it provides an easy solution to a similar issue (see the end), but I have not tested this personally.
Having now worked on this problem I found a simple answer. My problem was due to me not really understanding how the MVC Model Binding worked.
If you look at my orginal problem I had created a DefaultModelBinder to allow me to use interfaces as my model parameters (see original question at the top). This was added after me including the Autofac's ExtensibleActionInvoker to bind my IService types. The problem was that the two DI approaches clashed.
The answer was that the DefaultModelBinder was sufficient to bind both my data classes and the Service definitions, so I do not need Autofac's ExtensibleActionInvoker. For completeness I have included the DefaultModelBinder code in case it is useful to anyone else.
public class DiModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
protected override object CreateModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, Type modelType)
return modelType.IsInterface
? DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(modelType)
: base.CreateModel(controllerContext, bindingContext, modelType);
Note that I only call the DependencyResolver if the modeltype is an interface as I don't pass abstract classes between layers. Any alternative is to always call the DependencyResolver and then call the base.CreateModel if the DI does not resolve the type. I didn't do this because calling the DependencyResolver is slightly expensive so I only call it when I know I need it.

ASP.NET MVC and submitting different models to an Action

I have a scenario where I have a list of filters that inherit from the same base class (BaseFilter). This are rendered in a few with different templates in a certain order based on what the user chooses. What is the best way to grab that data via javascript and submit it via an ajax request to a strongly typed List<IBaseFilter> in the ActionResult. Should I use a model binder and if so how with a list of IFilters?
public ActionResult Save(List<IFilter> filters)
public FirstFilter : BaseFilter {
// Has Two Properties
public SecondFilter : BaseFilter {
// Has One Property
Casting from child to parent means that you loose all child properties, and you only get parent properties. If you model bind filters to IFilter then only properties existing in IFilter would be available to you. I recommend that you create two action methods, and save filters consecutively, if possible, and use strongly-typed model binding in those actions. Another options might be to send data to the action method, but extract information manually from HTTP request, rather than letting ASP.NET MVC bind incoming parameters to your List<IFilter> parameter.
Basically Binders get what's in the FormCollection, and convert them to nice model objects for you. You probably can create a customized binder (IModelBinder implementation) to do all that for you. See this post to get an idea on how they work.
