groovy ant sshexec no output - maven

I'm using groovy+gmaven+maven to automate/construct build procedure.
When I using ant sshexec task from within groovy script, which, in turn, executed from the gmaven plugin section, I've got some log info came from sshexec. I wonder if it is possible to write NO output while using ant.sshexec() from within groovy script? I have the following script:
def ant = new AntBuilder()
ant.sshexec(host: host,
port: port,
trust: true,
username: user,
password: pass,
command: "if test -d ${installDir}; then echo true; else echo false; fi",
outputproperty: 'doesInstallDirExist')
And the output is:
[sshexec] Connecting to
[sshexec] cmd : if test -d /mango/tomcat7/webapps; then echo true; else echo false; fi
Can I suppress/hide it?

Or, have you tried:
ant.project.buildListeners.firstElement().messageOutputLevel = 0

There is not a simple way to do so, the sshexec Ant task is not exposing any option to be quieter.
But since you are in Groovy, you can access the logger and disable the logging just while executing the sshexec task.
Here is piece of code to temporary augment the logging level:
def ant = new AntBuilder();
def logger = ant.project.buildListeners.firstElement();
logger.messageOutputLevel =;
logger.messageOutputLevel =;


How to return output of shell script into Jenkinsfile [duplicate]

I have something like this on a Jenkinsfile (Groovy) and I want to record the stdout and the exit code in a variable in order to use the information later.
sh "ls -l"
How can I do this, especially as it seems that you cannot really run any kind of groovy code inside the Jenkinsfile?
The latest version of the pipeline sh step allows you to do the following;
// Git committer email
script: 'git --no-pager show -s --format=\'%ae\'',
returnStdout: true
echo "Git committer email: ${GIT_COMMIT_EMAIL}"
Another feature is the returnStatus option.
// Test commit message for flags
script: "git log -1 --pretty=%B | grep '\\[jenkins-full]'",
returnStatus: true
) == 0
echo "Build full flag: ${BUILD_FULL}"
These options where added based on this issue.
See official documentation for the sh command.
For declarative pipelines (see comments), you need to wrap code into script step:
script {
script: 'git --no-pager show -s --format=\'%ae\'',
returnStdout: true
echo "Git committer email: ${GIT_COMMIT_EMAIL}"
Current Pipeline version natively supports returnStdout and returnStatus, which make it possible to get output or status from sh/bat steps.
An example:
def ret = sh(script: 'uname', returnStdout: true)
println ret
An official documentation.
quick answer is this:
sh "ls -l > commandResult"
result = readFile('commandResult').trim()
I think there exist a feature request to be able to get the result of sh step, but as far as I know, currently there is no other option.
EDIT2: Not quite sure since what version, but sh/bat steps now can return the std output, simply:
def output = sh returnStdout: true, script: 'ls -l'
If you want to get the stdout AND know whether the command succeeded or not, just use returnStdout and wrap it in an exception handler:
scripted pipeline
try {
// Fails with non-zero exit if dir1 does not exist
def dir1 = sh(script:'ls -la dir1', returnStdout:true).trim()
} catch (Exception ex) {
println("Unable to read dir1: ${ex}")
[Pipeline] sh
[Test-Pipeline] Running shell script
+ ls -la dir1
ls: cannot access dir1: No such file or directory
[Pipeline] echo
unable to read dir1: hudson.AbortException: script returned exit code 2
Unfortunately hudson.AbortException is missing any useful method to obtain that exit status, so if the actual value is required you'd need to parse it out of the message (ugh!)
Contrary to the Javadoc the build is not failed when this exception is caught. It fails when it's not caught!
If you also want the STDERR output from the shell command, Jenkins unfortunately fails to properly support that common use-case. A 2017 ticket JENKINS-44930 is stuck in a state of opinionated ping-pong whilst making no progress towards a solution - please consider adding your upvote to it.
As to a solution now, there could be a couple of possible approaches:
a) Redirect STDERR to STDOUT 2>&1
- but it's then up to you to parse that out of the main output though, and you won't get the output if the command failed - because you're in the exception handler.
b) redirect STDERR to a temporary file (the name of which you prepare earlier) 2>filename (but remember to clean up the file afterwards) - ie. main code becomes:
def stderrfile = 'stderr.out'
try {
def dir1 = sh(script:"ls -la dir1 2>${stderrfile}", returnStdout:true).trim()
} catch (Exception ex) {
def errmsg = readFile(stderrfile)
println("Unable to read dir1: ${ex} - ${errmsg}")
c) Go the other way, set returnStatus=true instead, dispense with the exception handler and always capture output to a file, ie:
def outfile = 'stdout.out'
def status = sh(script:"ls -la dir1 >${outfile} 2>&1", returnStatus:true)
def output = readFile(outfile).trim()
if (status == 0) {
// output is directory listing from stdout
} else {
// output is error message from stderr
Caveat: the above code is Unix/Linux-specific - Windows requires completely different shell commands.
this is a sample case, which will make sense I believe!
def commit = sh (returnStdout: true, script: '''echo hi
echo bye | grep -o "e"
echo lol''').split()
echo "${commit[-1]} "
For those who need to use the output in subsequent shell commands, rather than groovy, something like this example could be done:
stage('Show Files') {
environment {
MY_FILES = sh(script: 'cd mydir && ls -l', returnStdout: true)
steps {
sh '''
echo "$MY_FILES"
I found the examples on code maven to be quite useful.
All the above method will work. but to use the var as env variable inside your code you need to export the var first.
sh " 'shell command here' > command"
command_var = readFile('command').trim()
sh "export command_var=$command_var"
replace the shell command with the command of your choice. Now if you are using python code you can just specify os.getenv("command_var") that will return the output of the shell command executed previously.
How to read the shell variable in groovy / how to assign shell return value to groovy variable.
Requirement : Open a text file read the lines using shell and store the value in groovy and get the parameter for each line .
Here , is delimiter
Ex: releaseModule.txt
Here want to get module name 2nd Parameter (configurable-wf-report) , build no 3rd Parameter (94), commit id 4th (23crb1)
def module = sh(script: """awk -F',' '{ print \$2 "," \$3 "," \$4 }' releaseModules.txt | sort -u """, returnStdout: true).trim()
echo module
List lines = module.split( '\n' ).findAll { !it.startsWith( ',' ) }
def buildid
def Modname
lines.each {
List det1 = it.split(',')
Modname = det1[0].trim()
tag= det1[2].trim()
echo Modname
echo buildid
echo tag
If you don't have a single sh command but a block of sh commands, returnstdout wont work then.
I had a similar issue where I applied something which is not a clean way of doing this but eventually it worked and served the purpose.
Solution -
In the shell block , echo the value and add it into some file.
Outside the shell block and inside the script block , read this file ,trim it and assign it to any local/params/environment variable.
example -
steps {
script {
sh '''
echo $PATH>path.txt
// I am using '>' because I want to create a new file every time to get the newest value of PATH
path = readFile(file: 'path.txt')
path = path.trim() //local groovy variable assignment
//One can assign these values to env and params as below -
env.PATH = path //if you want to assign it to env var
params.PATH = path //if you want to assign it to params var
Easiest way is use this way
my_var=`echo 2`
echo $my_var
: 2
note that is not simple single quote is back quote ( ` ).

Not seeing script output in Jenkins

I am calling a script from Jenkins pipeline like so:
stage('Prepare Windows') {
steps {
bat '''echo prepare steps on windows'''
bat '''E:\\compass\\preparation\\windows\\ juice E:\\builds\\mapps_builds 0.6.0'''
It works nicely, but the echo statements executed inside the script do not appear in the Jenkins console e.g
echo "=================================="
echo " Preparing build ${BUILD_NUMBER}"
echo "=================================="
I tried:
bat '''E:\\compass\\preparation\\windows\\ juice E:\\builds\\mapps_builds 0.6.0 2>&1'''
I have also tried based on the feedback below:
script {
def prepareWindowsStdout = bat(label: 'Prepare Windows Sources', script: "E:\\compass\\preparation\\windows\\ juice E:\\builds\\mapps_builds ${env.TRACK}", returnStdout: true)
print prepareWindowsStdout
It compiles and runs, but does not print out any output from the bash script.
Any suggestions would be very helpful.

Access string variable from bash in jenkinsfile groovy script

I'm building several android apps in a docker image using gradle and a bash script. The script is triggered by jenkins, which runs the docker image.
In the bash script I gather information about the successes of the builds. I want to pass that information to the groovy script of the jenkinsfile.
I tried to create a txt file in the docker container, but the groovy script in the jenkinsfile can not find that file.
This is the groovy script of my jenkinsfile:
script {
try {
sh script:'''
} catch(e){
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
} finally {
String buildResults = null
try {
def pathToBuildResults="[...]/buildResults.txt"
buildResults = readFile "${pathToBuildResults}"
} catch(e) {
buildResults = "error receiving build results. Error: " + e.toString()
In my bash script I do the following:
buildResults+=" $appName: Build Failed!" //this is done for several apps
echo "$buildResults" | cat > $pathToBuildResults //this works I checked, if the file is created
The file is created, but groovy cannot find it. I think the reason is, that the jenkins script does not run inside the docker container.
How can I access the string buildResults of the bash script in my groovy jenkins script?
One option that you have in order to avoid the need to read the results file is to modify your script to print the results to the output instead of writing them to a file and then use the sh step to capture that output and use it instead of the file.
Something like:
script {
try {
String buildResults = sh returnStdout: true, script:'''
// You now have the output of inside the buildResults parameter
} catch(e){
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
This way you are avoiding the need to handle the output files and directly get the results you need, which you can then parse and use however you need.

Get the cause of a Maven build failure inside a Jenkins pipeline

I have a Jenkins scripted pipeline set up where I execute a number of Maven builds. I want to treat one of them as non-fatal if the root cause is a known one.
I have tried to achieve that by inspecting the Exception's message, e.g.
try {
sh "mvn -U clean verify sonar:sonar ${sonarcloudParams}"
} catch ( Exception e ) {
if ( e.getMessage().contains("not authorized to run analysis")) {
echo "Marking build unstable due to missing SonarCloud onboarding. See for steps to fix."
currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
The problem is that the exception's message is not the one from Maven, but instead "script returned exit code 1".
There is no further information in e.getCause().
How can I access the cause of the Maven build failure inside my scripted pipeline?
You can get the command output, then parse it containers specific message.
def output = sh(
script: "mvn -U clean verify sonar:sonar ${sonarcloudParams}",
returnStdout: true
echo "mvn cmd output: ${output}"
if(output.contains('not authorized to run analysis')) {
currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
// parse jenkins job build log
def logUrl = env.BUILD_URL + 'consoleText'
def cmd = "curl -u \${JENKINS_AUTH} -k ${logUrl} | tail -n 50"
def output = sh(returnStdout: true, script: cmd).trim()
echo "job build log: ${output}"
if(output.contains('not authorized to run analysis')) {
currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
One option is to inspect the last log lines using
def sonarCloudNotEnabled = currentBuild.rawBuild.getLog(50).find {
line -> line.contains("not authorized to run analysis")
However, this does not work by default. On the Jenkins instance I'm using it errors out with
Scripts not permitted to use method getRawBuild. Administrators can decide whether to approve or reject this signature.

executing shell script and using its output as input to next gradle task

I am using gradle for build and release, so my gradle script executes a shell script. The shell script outputs an ip address which has to be provided as an input to my next gradle ssh task. I am able to get the output and print on the console but not able to use this output as an input to next task.
remotes {
web01 {
def ip = exec {
commandLine './'
println ip --> i am able to see the ip address on console
role 'webServers'
host = ip --> i tried referring as $ip '$ip' , both results into syntax error
user = 'ubuntu'
password = 'ubuntu'
task checkWebServers1 << { {
session(remotes.web01) {
execute 'mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/abc3'
but it results in error "
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':checkWebServers1'. {exitValue=0, failure=null}"
Can anyone please help me use the output variable in proper syntax or provide some hints which could help me.
Thanks in advance
The reason it's not working is the fact, that exec call return is ExecResult (here is it's JavaDoc description) and it's not a text output of the execution.
If you need to get the text output, then you've to specify the standardOutput property of the exec task. This could be done so:
remotes {
web01 {
def ip = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine './'
standardOutput = ip
println ip
role 'webServers'
host = ip.toString().split("\n")[2].trim()
user = 'ubuntu'
password = 'ubuntu'
Just note, the ip value by default would have a multiline output, include the command itself, so it has to be parsed to get the correct output, For my Win machine, this could be done as:
Here it takes only first line of the output.

