Declare parents aspectj - spring

Firstly I try xml configuration:
<aop:declare-parents types-matching="DBOperations.ILearningData+"
and it works good.
Now I try to make aspectj, which should do the same:
public aspect ASaveResults {
public ASaveResults() { }
declare parents : TSaveResults implements ILearningData;
where TSaveResults is the same as the bean "saverExtension".
I run my code:
protected ILearningData saver;
and get the error:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: sun.proxy.$Proxy12 cannot be cast to DBOperations.ISaveResults
what is the problem with my aspectj?
Also I tried this code unsuccessfully:
public aspect ASaveResults {
public ASaveResults() { }
declare parents : ISaveResults implements ILearningData;
public void saveResults() {
System.out.println("saver aspect");

What you used there is core aspectj, so if you want to use Spring AOP, but not xml config then this is what you should do (not tested):
public class ASaveResults {
public static ILearningData interf;
public void saveResults() {
System.out.println("saver aspect");

public aspect ASaveResults {
public ASaveResults() { }
declare parents : LearningData extends TSaveResults;
where LearningData and TSaveResults - classes. So now TSaveResults extends LearningData - this was my goal


spring-data-envers -2.0.0.RELEASE

Right now we are using 0.3.0.RELEASE to get the revision data and noticed that the revisions are fetched in ascending order.
the existing code
#EnableJpaRepositories( value = "", repositoryFactoryBeanClass = RevisionRepositoryFactoryBean.class )
#EnableJpaAuditing( auditorAwareRef = "springSecurityAuditorAware" )
public class DatabaseConfiguration {
public class RevisionRepositoryFactoryBean extends EnversRevisionRepositoryFactoryBean {
public RevisionRepositoryFactoryBean() {
setRevisionEntityClass( Revision.class );
Found that the newer version 2.0.0.RELEASE has functionality to sort based on sort in pageable object. So wanted to use 2.0.0.RELEASE.
the following is the modifications
public class RevisionRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends RevisionRepository<S, ID, N>, S, ID extends Serializable, N extends Number & Comparable<N>> extends EnversRevisionRepositoryFactoryBean<T, S, ID,N> {
public RevisionRepositoryFactoryBean(Class<? extends T> repositoryInterface) {
setRevisionEntityClass( Revision.class );
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
but did not work...
compile error in DatabaseConfiguration file
No constructor with 0 arguments defined in class
Do anyone has an example how to use spring-data-envers -2.0.0.RELEASE in spring boot application.

JavaEE CDI in Weld: Generic Events?

I have an idea for a specific event handling based on generics, but seems like Weld can't handle them. I asked google but couldn't find an alternative CDI extension for this.
Question: is there a CDI extension, that can handle event propagation of generic-typed events?
In the following the explicit problem I have.
I have three general events, EntityCreated, EntityChanged and EntityDeleted. The base class for them is defined like this:
public abstract class DatabaseEvent<TargetType> {
public TargetType target;
public DatabaseEvent(TargetType target) { = target;
The events then are simple inherited classes:
public class EntityCreatedEvent<TargetType> extends DatabaseEvent<TargetType> {
public EntityCreatedEvent(TargetType target) {
I fire them like this:
public abstract class MyHome<EntityType> {
private EntityType entity;
Event<EntityCreatedEvent<EntityType>> entityCreatedEvent;
public void fireCreatedEvent() {
EntityCreatedEvent<EntityType> payload = new EntityCreatedEvent<EntityType>(entity);;
I want to observe them like this:
public void handleProjectCreated(#Observes EntityCreatedEvent<Project> event) { ... }
When launching the server Weld tells me it can't handle generic-typed events. The CDI-way of doing things would be to use additional qualifiers instead of the generics to distiguish them, e.g.:
public void handleProjectCreated(#Observes #ProjectEvent EntityCreatedEvent event) { ... }
However, I fire the events from that MyHome base class, where I can't just fire with the #ProjectEvent: it might not be a project but another type.
My solution up to now is to skip that typing altogether and handle them like this:
public void handleProjectCreated(#Observes EntityCreatedEvent event) {
if( instanceof Project) { ... }
This solution is okay, but not perfect.
I guess you can do this with dinamically binding qualifier members. This is what your code would look like:
public abstract class MyHome {
private EntityType entity;
Event<EntityCreatedEvent> entityCreatedEvent;
public void fireCreatedEvent() { EntityCreatedEvent(entity));
private TypeBinding getTypeBinding() {
return new TypeBinding() {
public Class<? extends EntityType> value() {return entity.getClass();}
public #interface EntityTypeQualifier {
Class<? extends EntityType> value();
public abstract class TypeBinding extends AnnotationLiteral<EntityTypeQualifier> implements EntityTypeQualifier {}
public void handleEntityType1Created(#Observes #EntityTypeQualifier(EntityType1.class) EntityCreatedEvent event) {}
public void handleEntityType2Created(#Observes #EntityTypeQualifier(EntityType2.class) EntityCreatedEvent event) {}
As this CDI issue points it is not possible to fire an without having the type of T at runtime.
But, if you have the type of T (i.e. you have an instance) you can use the Event as an Instance, and select the event to be fired using a dynamic type literal.

using spring test context to initialize data

I was wondering if it's possible to initialize test data by implementing the TestExecutionListener interface and use the beforeTestClass and afterTestClass to load/dispose data. The test data will be available in a flat file and I would like the data file location to be as part of the test class annotation
public abstract class AbstractDaoTests {
public List testdata....
In the above pseudocode, the InsertTestDataExecutionListener will implement the TestExecutionListener interface and in the beforeClass method, get the dataset location from the annotation. I am trying to find out how I could setup the contents of the property 'testdata' using the TestContext.
public class InsertTestDataExecutionListener implements TestExecutionListener {
public void beforeTestClass(TestContext aContext) {
DataSetLocation dsLocation = aContext.getTestClass().getAnnotation(
//Load the contents of the file using the dataset location.
?? How to set the property of 'testdata' from the Abstract class
Should I be using reflection to do the work?
As I undestand it is not required to access Spring context during data load (it is just plain file in classpath). So, you may do the work without listeners:
public abstract class AbstractDaoTests {
public List testdata;
public List getTestData() {...}
public abstract String getDataLocation();
public AbstractDaoTests () {
testData = loadDataFromLocation(getTestData());
public class ConcreteTest extend AbstractDaoTests {
public String getDataLocation() {return "classpath:data/test-dao-dataset.xml";}
Of course you may use annotation instead of abstract method and get it from this.getClass().getAnnotation in constuctor.

NullPointerException in EnumMap when auto generating wadl with Jersey

I am using Tomcat 7, Jaxb2 and Jersey1.11.
I have a class EnumProperty which inherits from an abstract class Property.
public class EnumProperty extends Property<Enum> {
#XmlElement(name = "property_value", nillable = true)
private Enum value;
public EnumProperty() {
public Enum getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(Enum value) {
this.value = value;
There are other sub classes for the Property class. In addition, I have another class, Entity, which holds a collection of properties. I have also a resource which returns in one of its sub resources a Collection. When I try to generate my application wadl I receive a NullPointerException. I isolated the problem to the EnumProperty class. Can anyone please help me understand where the problem is?
java.util.EnumMap.<init>(Unknown Source)
java.util.AbstractList$ Source)...

PowerMock issue with an extended method

I am attempting to use PowerMock to mock some third party code and I am having an issue with an extended method.
So I will give a snippet showing what is occuring.
ClassA extends ClassB{
ClassB extends ClassC{
ClassC {
String methodA();
Now I am attempting to mock ClassA as that is what my code is using. The mock creates fine, however when I add an expectation like so:
I get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: missing behavior definition for the preceding method call methodA()
at org.easymock.internal.MockInvocationHandler.invoke(
at org.powermock.api.easymock.internal.invocationcontrol.EasyMockMethodInvocationControl.invoke(
at org.powermock.core.MockGateway.doMethodCall(
at org.powermock.core.MockGateway.methodCall(
at .ClassC.methodA(
Any thoughts on what I am missing? I know I haven't included much detail, but I have prepared ClassA for test using the notation, I have also only put the replay in one place to ensure that I am not incorrectly putting mockClassA into the wrong state before setting the expectation.
I did something like this and it works for me, however I dont understand why you need PowerMock here(you can do that without it with EasyMock/Mockito).
public class ClassATest {
public void finalMethodString() throws Exception {
ClassA f = PowerMock.createNiceMock(ClassA.class);
assertEquals("haha1", f.methodA());
class ClassA extends ClassB{
String methodA() {
return "1";
class ClassB extends ClassC{
String methodA() {
return "b";
class ClassC {
String methodA() {
return null;
