Joomla Login Username & Password Getting Filled In Automatically - caching

I had turned on Joomla cache for a while I came across that Joomla login username & password getting filled in automatically. So I turned of cache and happened to be working for the small period of time. Now I experience the same issue even when Joomla cache is turned off.
Given that Joomla automatically cache in the root folder. In the root, There is a folder called cache and inside there is a folder called pages. When it delete the pages folder it happens to be working fine.
How can I fix this? What could be the issue?

Most probably you have enabled auto fill options on your browser and your browser is filling them automatically when same page loads.
If you want to disable page cache, go to Plugin Manager and disable System - Cache plugin.

The website cache has nothing to do with forms being autofilled. That is a browser function.


Joomla pages not changing in a frontend after save

I have a following problem: i made some change in admin area (updated existed page). That page was under lock, so i removed locking. I made some text changes and it seems that server saves them. But in a frontend page are not changing at all. I removed cache files, pushed clear cache, even disabled cache module, but without luck.
The problem was that pages, which was not editable, was created with HG Static Content Module. So I found this modules in modules admin section and changed them.

Drupal in Moodle sharing session

I have a Moodle site, in one of the Moodle pages I have an iFrame which contains a Drupal application. I want the Drupal application to see whether the user is logged in on Moodle, and if so show extra content.
However, I cannot access the session data from Moodle (especially information on the User) to in Drupal.
I tried two things:
If the iframe was a normal PHP page, I'd pass session_start(); on the top of the page in order for the session to persists, but I have no idea HOW to do that in Drupal.
And since they are on the same server, I tried accessing the config.php file in Moodle from a plain PHP file in the Drupal directory, and, as expect, I was able to get the variable. But as soon as I do this inside the Drupal application, a clash in function name between Moodle and Drupal threw an error.
The other option is to add a plugin in Moodle which sets a cookie on user login, a cookie that Drupal can get. But I'm really against this option since anyone can set a cookie and it persists. (There's no guarantee the user will click log-out)
I've never used/touched Moodle and Drupal until today. Can anyone help me figure out how to check whether a user is logged in on Moodle, from an iframe running a Drupal application?
A quick google gives the following moodle plugin that may be useful:
Looks like it allows single sign-on between the two, I've never used moodle before, but this may be a step in the right direction.

magento keeps logging out

I am using magento and it keeps returning to to login screen every time I try to do an activity.
Things I have done:
My php.ini memory limits are set at 512Mb and my times set at 18000
checked the server time, php.ini time, and magento config time
Cleard the cache from magento. no joy
Cleared the cache and session from my plesk panel, no joy
Cleaned firefox and chrome history and page cache, not joy
reinstalled Mage_Core_Adminhtml, Mage_Core_Modules, Lib_Js_Mage, no joy
I reinstalled mage JS, no joy
The only changes recently have been the magento php 5.4 patch and had to reinstall Mage_GoogleShopping becase the new one would never complete loading the page.
Every time I try to change to something in the admin menu I have to log back in.
I checked the adminnotification_inbox in the database and it was reset to zero.
I get no errors in firebug, firefox or chrome and my cookies are working although it says
reinstalled magento.
It is like magento keeps resetting itself as my admin notifications keep coming back after delete
I have no error reports or folder.
I have run out of ideas?
I've came across this issue before... Give this a try...
system->configuration->admin -> select security tab and check session lifetime field
This is where you can define your time...
Also, if you use some .php extensions, some of their session encrypts can cause problems...
For Ex: sjusin.session.encrypt = On (This would need to be turned to Off in some cases)
This you can find in the config file by the way
Also if this doesn't help you check this out about quota.

Checkout button in Magento not working after I upgraded from 1.6 to 1.7. - Am I missing something?

The store works when I add an item, but when I click to checkout the link re-directs to the home page store. It’s the same when I click on Proceed to checkout. Before, I had the cache management disabled and now is enabled. Is this related or what could be causing this problem? Thanks so much for the help, with kind regards.
Try deleting all the cache files stored in the /var/cache folder in magento.
Using chrome console or firebug check to see if you have any JS error before redirecting
Check your web logs to see if you have any php errors on the checkout page
It's most likely to be a Javascript issue when the checkout button does not work. Remove your theme to fall back to the base theme then see if it works.
I fixed and these where the steps I took to make it work. However, before you do any of the following work disable your cache management:
Open Magento admin panel
Go to System>Cache Management
Check all Cache types and in the Actions box select refresh
Then select all Cache types and in the Actions box select disable
Also click Flush Magento Cache and Flush Cache Storage buttons
Now you are free to perform any changes to your store.
Now, if you upgraded and nothing works make sure that under:
System/Configuration -> Web – Default Pages /that your ‘Home page’ is listed under
‘CMS Home Page’. Also check:
System/Configuration -> Design – Packages /that your ‘Template’ is listed under
‘Current Package Name’. Otherwise default takes over.
Note: your template will still come up with all its features and buttons in your browser, even if no home page is setup; this is because of the previous version configuration.
If the ‘Home Page’ and ‘Template’ are not listed, add them and go into your File System and erase everything under ‘var/cache’ and ‘var/session’. Reload your home page: it should work. After, all work is done enable your cache management.
Also, it’s good to check that your home page lands at the store, and to check - do the following:
Login to your Magento MySQL database.
Open the db [database_prefix] for your store.
Locate core_config_data.
Find the row with entry: 'web/unsecure/base_url' and 'web/secure/base_url' they should look like or whatever you name your magento store file.

Pages redirect to homepage when user logs out from them

I'm new to Joomla, and I am having this strange issue that I can't find any help on, and I have no idea how to go about even debugging it.
Basically, whenever a user logs out on a page, that page from there on out redirects to the homepage. If I clear my cookies, everything goes back to normal, and the page is accessible again.
This doesn't happen in Chrome, just Firefox and IE. I'm using Joomla 2.5.
I've looked at the debug console but I didn't find any stand out clues.
Thanks everyone.
Go to the Module Manager, open the Login module, and in the parameters section, there are 2 fields to choose the redirection after logging in and out.
I had the same problem with joomla 2.5 on Firefox, but not on Chrome. Problem would reset when I cleared the cache, until I did a logout again. Then the home page content would get written into my cache for the page I had been on for registered users only, when I logged out.
I fixed it when I set the Login module to explicitly take the user to the home page, rather than leaving the setting at default. Then it worked correctly for both browsers, and the home page content no longer got cached as the registered users only page.
Set the logout behavior in Extensions: Module Manager: Module Login: Basic Options
Hope it fixes your problem also!
I realize this question is over a year old, but I just worked through the same issue. Hopefully my answer can still be useful to someone. The solution was to disable a plugin called "System - Logout" and clear the browser's cache afterwords. This fixed both the issue of not being able to get back to the page after logout, and an issue where the "Logout Redirection Page" parameter set in the login module was being ignored.
