Codeigniter URL routing solution for my website - codeigniter

I have a website that is developed with CodeIgniter. I have added the route for my url as follows:
$route['about_us'] = 'about-us';
Now I have a problem with that. I.e. when I am looking for the url it works and at same time is also working. I want only one url to work: the one with the underscore.
I have removed this to:
$route['about_us'] = 'about-us';
But the url still works. It may cause duplicate content for my website in Google and so more page links also showing. Even I don't have that functions too. Like Likewise in about_us controller file index function only there, but design method calling in Google.
How do I resolve this problem?

You actually don't need a route here. The normal purpose of request routing the way you are using it is so that you can use hyphenated URLs when hyphens are not permitted in class and function names. I.E. you want the url to by, but you can't actually name a controller test-controller because the hyphen is illegal.
If you only want to have the underscored URL such as then just remove the route completely and name the controller about_us. With no routing rules the hyphenated url should 404.


Shorten URLs within CodeIgniter

This question has been asked a few times but I can't seem to find a solution that helps me which is why I am trying here.
I have my site setup with the following for URLs I am using CodeIgniter I have a controller called user which loads a user view.
So my URLs are structured as follows:
I want to try and strip out the user controller from the URL to tidy up my URL so they would just read:
Is this possible I have been looking at route and have tried lots of different options but none have worked?
$route['/'] = "user";
Could anyone offer any solution?
Assuming the '#' in your URLs is a valid function and 'username' is a parameter for that function, then this route should work:
$route['#/(:any)'] = "user/#/$1";
Depending on what usernames are to be routed you may want to change the wildcard. For example, if you only wanted to route numbers as the parameter, you could change (:any) to (:num).
(:num) will match a segment containing only numbers.
(:any) will match a segment containing any character.
You can also use regular expressions to define routing rules, allowing you to further restrict what is routed.

How can I shorten routes in Codeigniter for certain requests?

I have a page that has this category URL and I just want it to say no html or php and get rid of the category view in the URL.. this website has been done using the CodeIgniter framework..
also this product view URL
and I want it to be PLEASE HELP!!!
I cannot find correct instructions on what I am doing wrong??
In Routes.php you need to create one like so
$route['mycar'] = "controller_name/function_name";
So for your example it would be:
$route['honda-red-car] = "category/view/honda-red-car";
Take a look into the URI Routing part of the user guide.
If you have concrete set of urls that you want to route then by adding rules to the application/config/routes.php you should be able to achieve what you want.
If you want some general solution (any uri segment can be a product/details page) then you might need to add every other url explicitly to the routes.php config file and set up a catch-all rule to route everything else to the right controller/method. Remember to handle 404 urls too!
Lets say the /honda-red-car is something special and you want only this one to be redirected internally you write:
$routes['honda-red-car'] = 'product/details/13/honda-accord-red-car';
If you want to generalize everything that starts with the honda- string you do:
$routes['(honda-.*)'] = 'product/details_by_slug/$1'; // imaginary endpoint
These rules are used inside a preg_replace() call passing in the key as the pattern, and the value as the replace string, so the () are for capture groups, $1 for placing the capture part.
Be careful with the patterns, if they are too general they might catch every request coming in, so:
$routes['(.*)'] = 'product/details_by_slug/$1';
While it would certainly work for any car name like suzuki-swift-car too it would catch the ordinary root url, or the product/details/42 request too.
These rules are evaulated top to bottom, so start with specific rules at the top and leave general rules at the end of the file.

Remove controller name from codeigniter 2 url path

I am having trouble removing the controller name from my url path on my localhost.
i have this url - localhost:8888/localhost/site_name/
i have been able to remove index.php from the url using my htaccess similar to so that:
is now:
but i can't remove the controller name from the path so that:
I am using only one controller, and i have added:
$route['^(function_name1|function_name2|function_name3)(/:any)?$'] = 'controller_name/$0';
$route['^(?!ezstore|ezsell|login).*'] = "home/$0"; /*similar variation i tried*/
and other variations to my routes file but it does not have any effect. i also tried using the _remap function but that does not help in this case.
Any help will be appreciated! Thanks
You can use a wildcard route,
$route['(:any)'] = "controller_name/$1";
Then when if you go to http://localhost/function_one/param1
it will call the controller controller_name the function function_once and pass param1 as the first parameter.
nb: I must point out, using only one controller for an entire site does raise warning bells for me, you may want to get your code design checked out, but that's just me.

Route all actions of a controller except one in codeigniter

I am doing a project in CodeIgniter and I want to route all the urls of a particular controller to a specific action except one. For e.g.,
I want the url
to be handled by the action myaction but any other urls like
to be handled by action abc of a particular controller. I had searched across the internet and what I get is how to handle all urls by a certain controller except some. The way to do it is
$route['^(?!admin|user|setup|pages).*'] = "user/view/$0";
Here all urls will be handled by user/view except those whose 2'nd part of the url is admin, user, setup or pages.
I think routes are applied in order, so how about adding a route for the "myaction" first before the other ones?
$route['myurl/mycontroller/myaction'] = "myurl/mycontroller/myaction";
$route['myurl/mycontroller/abc'] = "myurl/mycontroller/$1";
I believe this is the correct syntax
$route['myurl/mycontroler/myaction(:any)'] = "myurl/controller_a/action";
You can verify it here
I read your comment and I made an adjustment. Give it a go and see if it fits.
Well since you just want the exact word myaction unharmed then either use (:any) or (\d+) after the word so the rerouteing happens when a number is attached to the myaction word. I haven't actually tested it yet.

CodeIgniter - Properly formatted URLs

I'm having some problems learning how to program proper URLs in codeigniter ... im finding that controller names cant have hyphens, only underscores.
Ill tell you the process in doing, and if someone could let me know where im going wrong, that would be great.
Ok, im my view I have a button that links to a page, for example about_us.
About Us
This then loads the about_us.php controller, inside the controller i have
That then loads about_us.php in the view and shows the page.
I have found that it doesnt have a problem with underscores, but I want to use hyphens for URLs instead of underscores.
When I try and call a controller about-us.php it doesnt work, when I rename the class header class About-us extends Controller { it doesnt work :S
I'm really confused how to get good looking URLs.
Any advice would be grand.
A PHP class cannot have a hyphen in its name. That's why naming your class About-us didn't work.
If you're set on having hyphens in your URLs, you should look at CodeIgniter's custom URI routing.
See the section on regular expressions down near the bottom of the page. You can set up a regular expression to replace the hyphens in your URLs to underscores - that way, your users will see the hyphens, but CodeIgniter will use the underscores.
