How to disable custom module in magento - magento

I have overridden core file in my custom module extension.
Disabling this module using magento admin panel is not working.
system -> configuration -> Advanced
Module Name (drop down option - disable)
Thanks in advance.

When we disable module from admin, it only disables html output on frontend.
Module config file still loads when module is disable from admin, so your override functionality is still loaded with this module, so try to disable that module from config file.
Try <active>false</active> in your module etc .xml file.

I would prefer to disable the module via terminal
bin/magento module:disable ${MODULE_NAME}
If it says there is no such module, try listing all enabled ones to find yours
bin/magento module:status --enabled
Reference to official dosc


I am getting 404 error for css and js files after I installed magento

I installed magento 2.4.2 on bluehost vps hosting, but I am getting the website as shown in figure 1 I tried every solution I found online but non of them worked for me.
Solutions I tried:
1- changing the permission for pub/static dir.
2- In app/etc/di.xml, find the virtualType name=”developerMaterialization” section and its item called name=”view_preprocessed”. I changed Symlink with Copy in Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Symlink.
3- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f command
4- RewriteEngine On, in /pub/static/.htaccess file
5- set sign static files to No (dev/static/sign to 0)
I wish someone can help
Hi #Silverwolf96 and welcome on StackOverflow.
There are few things you can try/check.
1.) Check in the page source if the URLs to your files are correct. If not set correctly, set them manually as described in step 2.
2.) Go to Store > Configuration > General > Web and set under Base URLs & Base URLs (Secure) your URLs for static files - you can set this URL manually and it needs to be set as
3.) You can try to remove pub/static/frontend on the server
4.) Check what happens if you select Magento Luma as the default theme

Location of specific CSS file Magento 2

I'm debugging an issue in Magento 2 and I'm looking for a specific CSS file. I logged the file name of the last file somewere in the Emogrifier.php and this is supposed to be the file:
Now, I cannot find this file anywere. I only can find the place where it's imported: _email-extend.less in that same Porto theme folder.
This is what that looks like: #import url("#{baseUrl}css/email-fonts.css");
When I go to the URL it finds that file in the static content. But I cannot find that file with that specific name anywere...
If Magento2 has been installed via composer then you are looking for '/vendor/magento/theme-frontend-blank/web/css/email-fonts.less' (If Magento2 has been installed from the github repository, then '/app/design/frontend/Magento/blank/web/css/email-fonts.less').
Grunt converts all less files into css after the static content deployment.

Uploading file on Prestashop order page

uploaded the module in the link below in my prestashop but unfortunaly I can't find it in the list of modules.
Can you please help me to solve this issue.
First of all make sure that after unzip this module you have directory called fileupload (it is very important)
Then upload this folder through FTP to directory /modules not /themes/<theme_name>/modules
Go to your modules in backoffice and make sure you don't have any filters like "show only installed and active" etc.
Your module name is "fileupload" so on the list should be module with this name
Install and enjoy :)

Custom module gives error in Magento2

I created a simple custom module in Magento2. I enabled my module in app/etc/config.php, executed the command bin/magento setup:upgrade in my project root folder and cleared all the cache directories.
But after page refresh, I'm getting the below error page:
Check your module version in two files:
and make sure they are the same

Magento Error: Class_Magestore_Magenotification_Helper_Data not found

Using Magento in admin, when I click the configuration tab, I get the following error:
"Fatal error: Class 'Magestore_Magenotification_Helper_Data' not found in."
Does anyone know why this would happen and how to fix it?
Normally this error occurs only if your Helper data is missing. Check your Data.php file at your_code_pool/Magestore/Magenotification/Helper. If that file does not exist, check your downloaded module or contact #Magestore if you install this module by Magento connect or create Data.php file with following code: (This may fix the above error only)
class Magestore_Magenotification_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract
You need to disable the module. Go to app/etc/modules in your codebase and open file Magestore_Magenotification.xml and change the <active> node to false. Clear magento cache and reload the page.
Please check the config.xml of the module and also verify the namespace of the module which must match with the module name space under app/etc/modulename_namespace.xml.
I had this error because I was on PHP 7.1 and not 5.6
