Magento Remove back link from Create an Account Page - magento

In create an account page, After all the text boxes, we can see submit button and back links. I wnat to disable the back link functionality in this page. I have seen the customer.xml, but nothing is related to this page. I think it is coming from the customer/account/link/back.phtml. But how to disable this functionality???

-- I found right path to remove Back line it can be either of below both path:
Between line no 175 to 180
Give php comments or delete that code

In normal scenario username,pwd or any data is stored in browsers cookies but magento provides this facility that when user name and passowrd or any cart item added in cart it stores in database table in persistent storage. So if same user adds any item to cart and login from another browser he can view his items from other browser as well. I also have not much research on it, but while surfing i got this much information .I will provide you one link wich can help you undestanding concept better...

you can remove the functionality by copying /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/nostate/customer/form/register.phtml to your template and editing or deleting lines 174 & 337 <p class="back-link"><small>« </small><?php echo $this->__('Back') ?></p>

Following path is For removing Back Line that is :
Delete Line (Line No 177)

Copy register.phtml from \app\design\frontend\base\default\template\customer\form\register.phtml to \app\design\frontend\Your_Theme\default\template\customer\form\register.phtml
And at around line no 176 you will find code for Remove button just comment it


How to display for static block pages for magento1.9.0.1?

i created staticblock pages in admin panel(magento ver1.9.0.1),but while creating pages the storeview tab is,i'm unable to create a layout for my staticblock pages.please check the image below:
If you have single store, then it will not asking for store view.
which error message you got while saving static blocks ?
Answer :
1. Add CMS Block with Banner
Add layout update for banner
Find home page in CMS pages Section
"Design" Tab
Layout Update XML
Save It.
{{THEME PATH}}/template/page/html/header.phtml
Add this line where you want.
getChildHtml('banner-static-block-identifier') ?>
If you have only one website with single store or storeview then it will not be display.
Please first create at least one extra store.

How to change HTML of "Shipping & Handling" line on cart page

In the shopping cart page of my magento store, there is a line item for Shipping & Handling. I am trying to change the HTML output of this line. I have figured out how to change the actual text "Shipping & Handling - Method" , but I would like to change the actual HTML output. I looked through all of my theme files and could not figure out where to access this. I simply need to add a CSS class for that line so I can style it. Any ideas?
Thank you.
An easier solution to take if you are not a developer is to update the translation of that line of text in your translation file /app/locale/en_US/Mage_Checkout.csv if it isn't already in there just add a line at the end. The first part is what the text currently is and the second is what you want it to read.
tread lightly, it effects that line of text anywhere on your site.
If you just need to style some text add the html of that section and I can help you with a selector.
The file you are looking for is app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote/Address/Total/Shipping.php you will
$title = Mage::helper('sales')->__('Shipping & Handling');
Under fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address) function and around 20th line. There you can change but editing magento core file is not recommended. So you have two solutions
Copy Shipping.php file in to local code pool and edit there
This is the best way create your own module for override Shipping.php file by extending Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping class you can find a tutorial of creating module at steve perrys' blog

Magento checkout working except for progress boxes

I have recently been having problems with Magento's one page checkout system.
At the moment it is working in a basic way, but the progress steps which are normally displayed on the right hand side are not being updated when the steps are completed. The step headings are showing up (Billing Address, Shipping Address, etc.), and I can control their styles through the boxes.css settings, but they don't get filled in with the content as the customer step through the process.
I have tried a number of solutions, including:
changing the xml and
tweaking the opchecout.js file
What is the best way to debug something like this?
check that the ID of the block you insert matches the ID that is refreshed by the JavaScript function. I had that problem. If you are using the base/default/js/opcheckout.js file, it should be
like so (in your onepage.phtml template):
<div id="checkout-progress-wrapper">
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('checkoutProgress') ?>
Best if you check the js file also

How to locate a block that is used by Magento, but isn't displayed in the admin panel?

I've inherited a Magento shop site, and the previous developer has gone AWOL. So I'm left with a sheet of paper essentially telling me how to do basic things such as changing the banner on the home page. That's pretty much it.
The person who owns the page now wants to change an advert that's held on the right hand side on the product pages. I've searched in the Admin panel under CMS and drawn a blank. I've navigated through the template files and I've found the 3 column HTML file that I thought contains the actual advert.
It doesn't. Instead, it has the following code:
<div class="col-right sidebar"><?php echo $this->getChildHtml('right') ?></div>
Where can I find the Child HTML? I've searched all of the folders for the file that I'm assuming is called "Right". But I can't seem to find it.
Anyone know where something like this could or would be held?
That is the absolute most root function, anything that is placed in the child "right" will be displayed here and is most certainly not where you want to be doing your editing.
There are literally a hundred different ways content could be posted here and what I would recommend to start with is first determining if it is a static block or a template file.
Go to System -> Configuration -> Developer.
Change "Current Configuration Scope:" to the store you are currently troubleshooting.
Find your IP and place it in "Allowed IPs (comma separated)", this way the next steps will only be visible to you.
Under the "Debug" section you should now see "Template Path Hints" enable this and reload the page.
If that block now has something like: "app/design/base/default/catalog/product/view.phtml" you know it is in a phtml file and you can go there. If it doesn't:
It could be a banner, go to CMS -> Banners and check there.
It could be a static block, go to CMS -> Static Blocks
It could be...any number of things.
You stated that it is on the product page, next step is check catalog.xml in your layout folders. Search for and see if anything inside of there makes sense about what it could be. If the previous developer was any kind of proficient it won't be in catalog.xml but in local.xml OR a custom module's .xml file in the layout directory of the custom theme.
Try doing a search on the code base for the content inside of the block and see if anything pops up. If nothing, use phpmyadmin to search the database for some of the content.
Hope this helps a little.
Search for:
<reference name="right">

Paginating a long list of checkboxes in Magento

it would be awesome if someone could help me with this - I've already spent more than a day on it. :(
In a phtml file in Magento, I'm displaying a long list of products with a checkbox next to each. I've already added some code to paginate this list. The problem is, when I move to say page 2, I need to 'remember' which boxes were selected in page 1, and select them when I move back to page 1. I know how to use javascript to detect if a checkbox is checked or not. I was planning to save an array of selected boxes in the magento session - adding to it when more boxes are checked and deleting when boxes are unchecked. But my session-changing code is PHP, and my checkbox-detector is javascript. I know I can't call my session-changing function from javascript - I've been told that I would need AJAX to do this. I don't know any AJAX at all. Is there any other way to do this?
I'd be happy to post relevant snippets of my code if anyone can help me. Thanks!
Okay, so I decided to use AJAX after all, and I've added a lot of AJAX code already. The problem is, it's not working. Btw, I'm not using jQuery. When I write this in Magento:"POST", 'adjust_session.php', true); xmlhttp.send(params);
exactly where do I need to put my adjust_session.php file? It's not working if I put it in the same folder as my phtml file (where I'm calling the open function).
How are you actually doing the pagination? If you have to make a round-trip to the server for the paginated data anyway, send a list of checked/unchecked with it and toggle in the session. Then, when rendering the new page, either check the boxes in the HTML directly, or just pass a list of currently checked boxes in as JS and parse it on the response.
Alternatively, if you are doing everything on one page (and using AJAX for pagination already), you could also hold onto an array in JS and recheck the boxes after you render them.
Hope that helps!
