No output from script - bash

I've edited my script, and get no more errors, however, the script is not executing to the Minecraft server, no announcement attempts are made at all for that matter. I'm rally puzzled. It's as if it's not running at all like the server is not running, but it is, and should be matching "is running" from the status command.
and code is:
checkServer=$(/etc/init.d/minecraft status);
cd /.smc;
# Is the server even running?
if [ checkServer = *"is running"* ];
# No count file? Create it.
if [ ! -f /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt ];
echo 0 < /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt;
# Load count
lastAnn=$(cat /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt);
announcement[0]='Dont forget to check out for news and updates';
announcement[1]='Use our Facebook page to request land protection! Visit';
# Should we restart announcement que?
if lastAnn == ${#announcement[#]}+1;
echo 0 < /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt;
# Send announcement
sendAnnouncement=$(/etc/init.d/minecraft command say announcement[lastAnn]);
# Next announcement count
# Write next announacment count
echo lastAnn < /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt;

There are multiple issues with your script, ranging from useless semicolons to bad logic. The list of issues is so long that it's easier to post a corrected script than point out the issues (the other answers don't even come close to listing all the errors).
The corrected script is:
checkServer=$(/etc/init.d/minecraft status)
cd /.smc
# Is the server even running?
if [[ $checkServer =~ "is running" ]]; then
# No count file? Create it.
if [ ! -f /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt ]; then
echo 0 > /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt
# Load count
lastAnn=$(cat /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt)
announcement[0]='Dont forget to check out for news and updates'
announcement[1]='Use our Facebook page to request land protection! Visit'
# Send announcement
sendAnnouncement=$(/etc/init.d/minecraft command say ${announcement[$lastAnn]})
# Next announcement count
# Write next announacment count
# Should we restart announcement que?
if [[ $lastAnn -gt ${#announcement[#]} ]]; then
echo 0 > /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt
echo $lastAnn > /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt
The issues with your script (leaving aside the excess semicolons which don't hurt, just needless disk space wastage):
missing $ before variable name
Incorrect string comparison. Use =~ instead of ==, [[ instead of [, and remove * from both sides of the string *"is running"*
if [ checkServer == *"is running"* ]
Wrong redirection. you want to write to file, so >, not <. This is multiple times.
echo 0 < /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt;
echo 0 < /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt;
Variable names missing $ and wrong redirection
echo lastAnn < /.smc/lastAnnouncement.txt;
Easier increment with ((++lastAnn)). Also this is invalid shell, as arithmetic needs expr command or ((...)) builtin
Missing $ in variable name. Missing test , [ or [[. Missing expr or $((..)) for addition of 1. -eq should be used instead of == for number equality. Logically this should use -gt to test against last index and +1 is not required.
if lastAnn == ${#announcement[#]}+1;
I won't go into the fact that the logic of writing the message queue index was incorrect, and would never loop back to 0.
However, you did a wonderful job of trying to write a script. Many people don't even try.
Edit : I missed out a {} on the array variable usage on line 21 of the script above. Fixed.

if [ checkServer = *"is running"* ];
(Yes single equals sign)

There are many errors:
if [[ $checkserver == *"is running"* ]]
Using double [[...]] and a variable reference is $checkserver.
Without space.
if [ $lastAnn == $((${#announcement[#]}+1)) ]
Probably more...

I believe your script has quite a few syntax error.
i.e. there is a problem in this line:
sendAnnouncement = $(/etc/init.d/minecraft command say $announcement[$lastAnn]);
Replace it with this:
sendAnnouncement=$(/etc/init.d/minecraft command say $announcement[$lastAnn])
bash (and other shells) doesn't allow spaces before and after the assignment operator =
Also this line:
should be replaced with:


if statement always goes to the else

I just started learning Bash scripting and i have to do a program that separate between one bit map image to two (the image is broken), I already found on the web how to write loops and statements
but i don't know why my if statement is always goes to the else.
the if is modulo by 2 thats equals to 0
here is the following code
OUTPUT="$(hexdump -v -e '/1 "%02X\n"' merge.bmp)"
echo $OUTPUT
touch one
touch two
for i in $OUTPUT
if (($vars%2==0))
echo "1"
echo "2"
in the terminal the following error is
./ 14: ./ 2885%2==0: not found
i really don't know why the if always print 2
The shebang line is wrong, it should be:
((expression)) is a bash extension, not available in sh.
The /bin/sh version of the (()) bashism is this:
if test $(($vars % 2)) -eq 0; then
echo "1"
Since $(()) knows about variable names, you may even drop the dollar and write
if test $((vars % 2)) -eq 0; then
echo "1"

integer expected error...blank line?

I'm getting a "integer expression expected error" when doing the following:
if test $NM -gt 0
echo "workflow 1 would follow here"
if test $NM -lt 0
echo "workflow 2 would go after this"
echo "something else"
The file from which I am getting $NM assigned only contains one number (always an integer). This file is the output of a gmtmath operation.
I've noticed that if I open that file it has an extra line below the line containing the number and, if I manually delete that empty line my loop works and I don't get the error. However, I've tried to use sed in various ways to automatically delete empty lines and it deletes the entire content of the file, including the number. Any ideas??
After reading some comments, I'm wondering if you are getting some unprintable characters. I've tested this by putting in a \r before the \n, was finally able to reproduce. Here's a cleaned up version of your code, using tr to remove some extra characters.
NM=$(tr -cd '[:graph:]' <file)
if [[ $NM -gt 0 ]]; then
echo "workflow 1 would follow here"
elif [[ $NM -lt 0 ]]; then
echo "workflow 2 would go after this"
echo "something else"
I could have used other classes other than [:graph:]. I just end up using [:graph:] often, but to each their own.
You want to test ${#NM} is greater than zero (e.g. the number of characters in $NM). Currently you are testing the contents of the string against 0 and bash is telling you it needs a number. The same applies for each of your tests where you need a number.
If you want to test whether the word "$NM" is greater than 0 or less than 0 use if ((NM > 0)); then ... or if ((NM < 0)); then ....
You can also use the older test expression if [ "$NM" -gt 0 ]; then... or if test "$NM" -gt 0 ; then... just be aware you will generate your error if "$NM" cannot be interpreted as a number. (you can redirect stderr to avoid that, but that isn't wise here).

What is the use case of noop [:] in bash?

I searched for noop in bash (:), but was not able to find any good information. What is the exact purpose or use case of this operator?
I tried following and it's working like this for me:
[mandy#root]$ a=11
[mandy#root]$ b=20
[mandy#root]$ c=30
[mandy#root]$ echo $a; : echo $b ; echo $c
Please let me know, any use case of this operator in real time or any place where it is mandatory to use it.
It's there more for historical reasons. The colon builtin : is exactly equivalent to true. It's traditional to use true when the return value is important, for example in an infinite loop:
while true; do
echo 'Going on forever'
It's traditional to use : when the shell syntax requires a command but you have nothing to do.
while keep_waiting; do
: # busy-wait
The : builtin dates all the way back to the Thompson shell, it was present in Unix v6. : was a label indicator for the Thompson shell's goto statement. The label could be any text, so : doubled up as a comment indicator (if there is no goto comment, then : comment is effectively a comment). The Bourne shell didn't have goto but kept :.
A common idiom that uses : is : ${var=VALUE}, which sets var to VALUE if it was unset and does nothing if var was already set. This construct only exists in the form of a variable substitution, and this variable substitution needs to be part of a command somehow: a no-op command serves nicely.
See also What purpose does the colon builtin serve?.
I use it for if statements when I comment out all the code. For example you have a test:
if [ "$foo" != "1" ]
echo Success
but you want to temporarily comment out everything contained within:
if [ "$foo" != "1" ]
#echo Success
Which causes bash to give a syntax error:
line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'
line 4: `fi'
Bash can't have empty blocks (WTF). So you add a no-op:
if [ "$foo" != "1" ]
#echo Success
or you can use the no-op to comment out the lines:
if [ "$foo" != "1" ]
: echo Success
If you use set- e then || : is a great way to not exit the script if a failure happens (it explicitly makes it pass).
You would use : to supply a command that succeeds but doesn't do anything. In this example the "verbosity" command is turned off by default, by setting it to :. The 'v' option turns it on.
# example
while getopts v OPT ; do
case $OPT in
exit "Cancelled"
# `$verbosity` always succeeds by default, but does nothing.
for i in * ; do
echo $i $($verbosity $i)
$ example
$ example -v
file /home/me/file
One use is as multiline comments, or to comment out part of your code for testing purposes by using it in conjunction with a here file.
: << 'EOF'
This part of the script is a commented out
Don't forget to use quotes around EOF so that any code inside doesn't get evaluated, like $(foo). It also might be worth using an intuitive terminator name like NOTES, SCRATCHPAD, or TODO.
Ignoring alias arguments
Some times you want to have an alias that doesn't take any argument. You can do it using ::
> alias alert_with_args='echo hello there'
> alias alert='echo hello there;:'
> alert_with_args blabla
hello there blabla
> alert blabla
hello there
Two of mine.
Embed POD comments
A quite funky application of : is for embedding POD comments in bash scripts, so that man pages can be quickly generated. Of course, one would eventually rewrite the whole script in Perl ;-)
Run-time function binding
This is a sort of code pattern for binding functions at run-time.
F.i., have a debugging function to do something only if a certain flag is set:
shopt -s expand_aliases
function _log_dbg {
echo >&2 "[DBG] $#"
[ "$dbg" ] && log_dbg_hook='_log_dbg'
alias log_dbg=$log_dbg_hook
echo "Testing noop alias..."
log_dbg 'foo' 'bar'
You get:
$ ./
Testing noop alias...
$ DBG=1 ./
Testing noop alias...
[DBG] foo bar
Somewhat related to this answer, I find this no-op rather convenient to hack polyglot scripts. For example, here is a valid comment both for bash and for vimscript:
":" # this is a comment
":" # in bash, ‘:’ is a no-op and ‘#’ starts a comment line
":" # in vimscript, ‘"’ starts a comment line
Sure, we may have used true just as well, but : being a punctuation sign and not an irrelevant English word makes it clear that it is a syntax token.
As for why would someone do such a tricky thing as writing a polyglot script (besides it being cool): it proves helpful in situations where we would normally write several script files in several different languages, with file X referring to file Y.
In such a situation, combining both scripts in a single, polyglot file avoids any work in X for determining the path to Y (it is simply "$0"). More importantly, it makes it more convenient to move around or distribute the program.
A common example. There is a well-known, long-standing issue with shebangs: most systems (including Linux and Cygwin) allow only one argument to be passed to the interpreter. The following shebang:
#!/usr/bin/env interpreter --load-libA --load-libB
will fire the following command:
/usr/bin/env "interpreter --load-libA --load-libB" "/path/to/script"
and not the intended:
/usr/bin/env interpreter --load-libA --load-libB "/path/to/script"
Thus, you would end up writing a wrapper script, such as:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
/usr/bin/env interpreter --load-libA --load-libB "/path/to/script"
This is where polyglossia enters the stage.
A more specific example. I once wrote a bash script which, among other things, invoked Vim. I needed to give Vim additional setup, which could be done with the option --cmd "arbitrary vimscript command here". However, that setup was substantial, so that inlining it in a string would have been terrible (if ever possible). Hence, a better solution was to write it in extenso in some configuration file, then make Vim read that file with -S "/path/to/file". Hence I ended up with a polyglot bash/vimscript file.
suppose you have a command you wish to chain to the success of another:
cmd="some command..."
[ $? -eq 0 ] && some-other-command
but now you want to execute the commands conditionally and you want to show the commands that would be executed (dry-run):
cmd="some command..."
[ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo $cmd
[ -z "$NOEXEC" ] && $cmd
[ $? -eq 0 ] && {
[ ! -z "$DEBUG" ] && echo $cmd
[ -z "$NOEXEC" ] && $cmd
so if you set DEBUG and NOEXEC, the second command never shows up. this is because the first command never executes (because NOEXEC is not empty) but the evaluation of that fact leaves you with a return of 1, which means the subordinate command never executes (but you want it to because it's a dry run). so to fix this you can reset the exit value left on the stack with a noop:
[ -z "$NOEXEC" ] && $cmd || :
Sometimes no-op clauses can make your code more readable.
That can be a matter of opinion, but here's an example. Let's suppose you've created a function that works by taking two unix paths. It calculates the 'change path' needed to cd from one path to another. You place a restriction on your function that the paths must both start with a '/' OR both must not.
function chgpath() {
# toC, fromC are the first characters of the argument paths.
if [[ "$toC" == / && "$fromC" == / ]] || [[ "$toC" != / && "$fromC" != / ]]
true # continue with function
return 1 # Skip function.
Some developers will want to remove the no-op but that would mean negating the conditional:
function chgpath() {
# toC, fromC are the first characters of the argument paths.
if [[ "$toC" != / || "$fromC" == / ]] && [[ "$toC" == / || "$fromC" != / ]]
return 1 # Skip function.
Now -in my opinion- its not so clear from the if-clause the conditions in which you'd want to skip doing the function. To eliminate the no-op and do it clearly, you would want to move the if-clause out of the function:
if [[ "$toC" == / && "$fromC" == / ]] || [[ "$toC" != / && "$fromC" != / ]]
cdPath=$(chgPath pathA pathB) # (we moved the conditional outside)
That looks better, but many times we can't do this; we want the check to be done inside the function.
So how often does this happen? Not very often. Maybe once or twice a year. It happens often enough, that you should be aware of it. I don't shy away from using it when I think it improves the readability of my code (regardless of the language).
I've also used in it scripts to define default variables.
: ${VARIABLE1:=my_default_value}
: ${VARIABLE2:=other_default_value}
call-my-script ${VARIABLE1} ${VARIABLE2}
I sometimes use it on Docker files to keep RUN commands aligned, as in:
RUN : \
&& somecommand1 \
&& somecommand2 \
&& somecommand3
For me, it reads better than:
RUN somecommand1 \
&& somecommand2 \
&& somecommand3
But this is just a matter of preference, of course
null command [:] is actually considered a synonym for the shell builtin true. The ":" command is itself a Bash builtin, and its exit status is true (0).
$ :
$ echo $? # 0
while :
# Same as:
while true
Placeholder in if/then test:
if condition
then : # Do nothing and branch ahead
else # Or else ...
$ : ${username=`whoami`}
$ ${username=`whoami`} #Gives an error without the leading :
Source: TLDP
I used the noop today when I had to create a mock sleep function to use in bats testing framework. This allowed me to create an empty function with no side effects:
function sleep() {

BASH: read in while loop

while [ $done = 0 ]
echo -n "Would you like to create one? [y/n]: "
read answer
if [ "$(answer)" == "y" ] || [ "$(answer)" == "Y" ]; then
mkdir ./fsm_$newVersion/trace
echo "Created trace folder in build $newVersion"
elif [ "$(answer)" == "n" ] || [ "$(answer)" == "N" ]; then
echo "Not a valid answer"
Ok so I have this simple bashscript above that simply just tries to get input from a user and validate it. However I keep getting this error
./ line 1: answer: command not found
./ line 1: answer: command not found
./ line 1: answer: command not found
./ line 1: answer: command not found
Which I have no idea why because "answer" is nowhere near line 1. So I ran into this article
Which makes sense since it's referring to line 1 and can't find answer. So it seems to be starting a new subshell. However I didn't really understand the solution and can't see how I would apply it to my case. I just wanna get this to work.
$(answer) doesn't substitute the value of the variable answer. It executes answer as a command, and substitutes the output of that command. You want ${answer} everywhere you have $(answer). In this case you can get away with bare $answer too, but overuse of ${...} is good paranoia.
(Are you perhaps used to writing Makefiles? $(...) and ${...} are the same in Makefiles, but the shell is different.)
By the way, you have some other bugs:
In shell, you do not put a dollar sign on the variable name on the left hand side of an assignment. You need to change $done=1 to just done=1 and similarly for $done=2.
You are not being paranoid enough about your variable substitutions. Unless you know for a fact that it does the wrong thing in some specific case, you should always wrap all variable substitutions in double quotes. This affects both the mkdir command and the condition on the while loop.
You are not being paranoid enough about arguments to test (aka [). You need to prefix both sides of an equality test with x so that they cannot be misinterpreted as switches.
== is not portable shell, use = instead (there is no difference in bash, but many non-bash shells do not support == at all).
Put it all together and this is what your script should look like:
while [ "x${done}" = x0 ]; do
echo -n "Would you like to create one? [y/n]: "
read answer
if [ "x${answer}" = xy ] || [ "x${answer}" = xY ]; then
mkdir "./fsm_${newVersion}/trace"
echo "Created trace folder in build $newVersion"
elif [ "x${answer}" = xn ] || [ "x${answer}" = xN ]; then
echo "Not a valid answer"
Which I have no idea why because
"answer" is nowhere near line 1. So I
ran into this article
That's not your problem here.
I ran the script and did not get the error you got. I did receive the error:
./ line 1: [: -eq: unary operator expected
when I tried to compile though. Defining done fixed this. The following script should work...
while [ $done -eq 0 ]
echo -n "Would you like to create one? [y/n]: "
read answer
if [[ "$(answer)" == "y" || "$(answer)" == "Y" ]]; then
mkdir ./fsm_${newVersion}/trace
echo "Created trace folder in build $newVersion"
elif [[ "$(answer)" == "n" || "$(answer)" == "N" ]]; then
echo "Not a valid answer"
...note you were doing string comparisons on your done variable, which you apparently intended to be numeric. It's generally bad form to do string comparison on a numeric type variable, though it will work. Use -eq (arithmetic comparison operator) instead. (Also note that if you kept that test, your string equality would be inconsistent... you had "=" in one spot and "==" in another spot... nitpicking here, but it's helpful to be consistent).
Also, I suggest double brackets for your compound conditionals as they will be more readable if you have longer ones. e.g.
if [[($var1 -eq 0 && $var2 -eq 1) || ($var1 -eq 1 && $var2 -eq 0)]]; then
Just a matter of preference as you only have two conditions, but could be useful in the future.
Also you were missing braces '{' '}' around your newVersion variable.
Finally, I'd suggest putting the line #!/bin/bash on the top of your script. Otherwise its up to your environment to determine what to do with your script, which is a bad idea.

How do I use a file grep comparison inside a bash if/else statement?

When our server comes up we need to check a file to see how the server is configured.
We want to search for the following string inside our /etc/aws/hosts.conf file:
Then, we want to test whether that string exists and use an if/else statement to run one of two options depending on whether the string exists or not.
What is the BASH syntax for the if statement?
if [ ????? ]; then
#do one thing
#do another thing
From grep --help, but also see man grep:
Exit status is 0 if any line was selected, 1 otherwise;
if any error occurs and -q was not given, the exit status is 2.
if grep --quiet MYSQL_ROLE=master /etc/aws/hosts.conf; then
echo exists
echo not found
You may want to use a more specific regex, such as ^MYSQL_ROLE=master$, to avoid that string in comments, names that merely start with "master", etc.
This works because the if takes a command and runs it, and uses the return value of that command to decide how to proceed, with zero meaning true and non-zero meaning false—the same as how other return codes are interpreted by the shell, and the opposite of a language like C.
if takes a command and checks its return value. [ is just a command.
if grep -q ...
Note that, for PIPE being any command or sequence of commands, then:
if PIPE ; then
# do one thing if PIPE returned with zero status ($?=0)
# do another thing if PIPE returned with non-zero status ($?!=0), e.g. error
For the record, [ expr ] is a shell builtin† shorthand for test expr.
Since grep returns with status 0 in case of a match, and non-zero status in case of no matches, you can use:
if grep -lq '^MYSQL_ROLE=master' ; then
# do one thing
# do another thing
Note the use of -l which only cares about the file having at least one match (so that grep returns as soon as it finds one match, without needlessly continuing to parse the input file.)
†on some platforms [ expr ] is not a builtin, but an actual executable /bin/[ (whose last argument will be ]), which is why [ expr ] should contain blanks around the square brackets, and why it must be followed by one of the command list separators (;, &&, ||, |, &, newline)
just use bash
while read -r line
case "$line" in
echo "do your stuff";;
*) echo "doesn't exist";;
done <"/etc/aws/hosts.conf"
Below code sample should work:
(echo "hello there" | grep -q "AAA") && [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "hi" || echo "bye"
