I've written a server using Sinatra that accesses an Oracle database using ActiveRecord (though this is not a Rails app). I wrote it in Sinatra's "classic" style and previously started the server like this:
bundle exec ruby bin/server.rb
I also used require 'thin' and Thin was magically used as the HTTP server. However, I needed to change Thin's default timeout, so I transitioned to a rackup config.ru file. I now start the server like this:
bundle exec thin -C config/thin.yml -R config/config.ru start
However, since doing this I can't connect to the Oracle database with the server. I'm using a service name and the TNS_ADMIN environment variable is set correctly and I can connect with sqlplus or even the same server if not launched using Thin. Launching with Thin, when I try to start the connection I get OCIError - ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified.
What is the right way to set environment variables for servers launched with Thin? The solution here doesn't work because I can't give ruby-oci8 the information, it automatically reads them from the environment.
I've been trying to debug a phoenix application.
To do so I used the following instructions:
- To set a break point: require IEx; IEx.pry
- To start a debugging server: iex -S mix phx.server
The problem comes when starting the server, the above instruction leads me to the elixir interactive shell (iex(1)>) and does not allow the server to run, from here if I execute the code manually it stops in the prys but I was hopping to have the server running and stop whenever a request hit the pry. Is there any solution?
I am currently using earlang 1.20, elixir 1.5 and phoenix 1.3
It is common behavior that the iex -S mix phx.server command opens an IEx shell. It runs the web server on the port configured for the Phoenix endpoint within the respective MIX_ENV simultaneously to that. For each IEx.pry() breakpoint it executes, it should prompt on the command line whether you want to open an IEx shell there.
Check which MIX_ENV your server is running in, e.g. by typing the following in the IEx shell:
And then find the configuration in the files within the config/ directory. The line should look like this:
config :nameofyourapp, Web.Endpoint,
http: [port: 4000],
Maybe something other than 4000 is configured there? Or maybe some other application, or even a previously started instance of your web application already listens on that port and therefore prohibits the debug server from binding on that port? In that case, shutdown other running mix phx.server processes.
I have a Rails 5 application which I was planning to deploy on Linux, but because we needed some access very specific Windows-only software, I need to deploy it on Windows Server 2012 R2. My software stack (or mix) was supposed to be Nginx/Puma/Rails/PostgreSQL/Redis. Everything installs for me on Windows except Puma, and the Rails documentation says that I need Puma for ActionCable.
How do I get Puma to run on Windows? I have seen and tried snippets of things to try, and I have also seen and tried snippets on what not to do, such as running in daemon mode because fork() is not supported. Does anybody have a repeatable set of instructions on how to get Puma to work on Windows with a Rails application?
Or, if Puma a non-starter for Windows, is there a repeatable alternative for deploying a Rails 5 application with ActionCable to a Windows Server host (e.g. Windows 2012 R2)?
According to the readme file from the github page, following things to keep in mind:
daemon mode is not supported. so comment out/remove the following, if there is such line.
daemonize false
Workers do not work in Windows since it does not support processes. We want the workers to be "0". So comment out following lines:
workers 2 # The default is "0"
server sockets are not seamless on restart, they must be closed and reopened. These platforms have no way to pass descriptors into a new process that is exposed to ruby.
Do not use unix socket, instead bind the server to "tcp://". So comment out any line that looks like following:
bind 'unix:///var/run/puma.sock'
bind 'unix:///var/run/puma.sock?umask=0111'
Instead use following:
bind "tcp://"
# You don't have to if you don't need to specify a port
# since the default is "tcp://"
If you see any http parse error (malformed http request) after starting rails server, try this answer. If it doesn't work, then comment out this line from config/environments/production.rb or config/environments/production.rb (depending on which environment you want to run Puma)
config.force_ssl = true
Here is what the puma.rb file might look like:
worker 0 # Not necessary. The default is "0"
threads_count = ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 }.to_i
threads threads_count, threads_count
bind "tcp://" # Not necessary. Default is "tcp://"
environment ENV.fetch("RAILS_ENV") { "development" }
plugin :tmp_restart
Finally run bundle exec puma -C config\puma.rb and it should work.
I installed mailman server locally(localhost:3000) and run the mailman server using
bundle exec script/mailman_server start.
it access my local 'development' database. But I want to access my 'test' database. Is there any way to do this?? any help would be grateful
The CLI has an environments options so you'd just run:
bundle exec script/mailman_server start --environment=test
I have a simple sinatra app running on an AWS windows instance. Running the application from the localhost works fine (i.e. http://localhost:4567), but I am unable to run it remotely.
My AWS windows instance is available to me from remote as I am able to connect to it using RDP.
After reading some other similar issues, I have already applied the following:
My AWS security group is opened for port 4567 (I actually also opened it for any inbound connection just to see if that will solve the issue - it didn't)
I tried running: ruby my_sinatra_app.rb -o
I tried running: ruby my_sinatra_app.rb -e production
I tried adding to the application itself the following code: set :bind, ''
I am still unable to run the application remotely. Any idea?
I was able to solve my issue, so for the sake of completeness I am publishing the answer.
This wasn't a Sinatra issue, but an AWS issue (maybe not really an issue, more like my misunderstanding). I was under the impression that updating the AWS security group for opening the 4567 port will do the trick.
However, it turns out that I needed also to open the port on the Windows Firewall on my Windows AWS instance. After opening the port on the Windows Firewall I was able to remotely connect to my Sinatra app.
I'm trying to debug a sinatra app using RubyMine. I am using rackup to run the app on localhost and unicorn to run it on remote host. My ruby version is 1.9.3.
I should also note that the "run debug mode icon" is grayed out. I don't know what is missing from the configuration.
What gems do I need? What else do I need to do?
I have run the server process on localhost using rackup -p 9000. In order to start debugging -run rdebug-ide --port 1234 -- rackup and got this message :
Fast Debugger (ruby-debug-ide 0.4.17.beta16, ruby-debug-base 0.10.5.rc1) listens on
I still don't understand how to debug using Rubymine. I have opened the browser in and I don't get any response (it keeps loading)
I run the remote host using unicorn like so :
unicorn -c etc/fin_srv_unicorn.conf -E staging
how shold I set up remote debugging? I have tried also rack and ruby remote.
Tried connection to the remote host and running the service (using the command listed above), and then running the rdebug like so :
rdebug-ide --port 1911 -- $SCRIPT$
where for $SCRIPT$ I have tried app/main.rb staging , unicorn -E staging, unicorn -c etc/fin_srv_unicorn.conf -E staging