Which Linux source code to download [closed] - linux-kernel

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new to kernel development. Currently I am running Ubuntu 13.04. My current kernel is 3.8.0-23-generic.
My question is, do I need to install exact 3.8.0-23-generic source code to do development and see the results?

In Ubuntu, to obtain the source for the currently running kernel you can use the command below:
apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)
See here for detail.

There are detailed instructions for building a kernel in Ubuntu here:

There is a concept called kernel version magic which ensures the correct version of module is inserted in to kernel always. so you need to install exact 3.8.0-23-generic source code for inserting your modules.
http://www.tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/x380.html for some guidance about version magic.
Suppose you want to do development only in 2.6.X, then simply download that 2.6.x from kernel.org and follow the link http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/compiling-linux-kernel-26.html


Why is Ruby not part of RHEL/CentOS? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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It seems that Red Hat doesn't include software that is made by a company. OpenVPN and MongoDB come to mind. Perl and Python are in RHEL/CentOS. What could be a reason Ruby isn't in RHEL?
RedHat have now announced Red Hat Software Collections 1.0 which exactly addresses this need.
I don't use distribution rubies. It is best to compile them from the latest version or whatever version you use, those packages in the distro repositories are frequently outdated.
Check out RVM or RBENV. I guess why they are not could be interesting, but probably not a question StackOverflow at large is going to like.

How can I upgrade my Mac's apache to the latest version? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I can't figure out where my Mac's apache installation files are (source files).
Doing which apachectl or which ab just shows me /usr/sbin/ and not the original sources, do they even exist on the system or is it just the compiled binaries?
The end goal for me is to upgrade from 2.2.2 that I have no to the latest version.
How can I do this? or can I blow out what I have now and install it via homebrew.
Youll find the headers in /usr/include/apache2. However i wouldnt upgrade they systems apache. I would use Homebrew, MacPorts, Fink, or a manual installation. This way it doesnt get blown away by a system update or break a dependency somewhere. Its probably unlikely either of those would happen, but you never know 100%.

Updating Ruby on Mac [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I was trying to install rails and also tried to update gem, but it didn't work out.Tried to google the problem and it says i have older version of ruby which i have to update. I currently have 1.8.6 . Can somebody please help me how to update this version to 1.9?
The best way is to use Ruby Version Manager.
Read the site, there are step-by-step manuals.
I suugest you to go to the terminal and using from rvm.

Does git on Windows use MYSYS [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I noticed that the lastest version of git has a windows version.
Does this version still use MSYS/Cygwin, or has a more native port been created?
That is to say, does the current windows version of git, still have numerous shell scripts that it depends upon, or has the code been all ported to native executables.
The msysGit-fullinstall- full installer will install everything you need to compile Git on Windows.
That will allow you to see what exact libraries it needs.
As the wiki page on "Working on Git" shows, it is still based on mingw:
'mingw' is the repository Hannes Sixt set up starting with Dscho's rudimentary (and only half-working, but self-hosting nevertheless) MinGW port.
'4msysgit' (the default remote) is our fork of mingw, which basically has fixes we needed for msysGit.

check how much network traffic is consumed by each process [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I want to determine programmatically how much network traffic is consumed by each process.
I would prefer for a crossplatform solution but I guess this is not possible, so I am searching for a solution which works on MacOSX right now.
The solution should be lightweight. I want to run it in background and it should analyse all running processes.
(Stupid disclaimer: As I am asking on Stackoverflow, I am implying by that that I am asking for programmatic solutions here. The same question on Superuser means something different.)
On Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install nethogs
sudo nethogs
nethogs uses libpcap. To get the sources on Ubuntu and learn from that:
apt-get source nethogs
In particular the decpcap.c file is probably relevant.
And these links might be helpful:
http://libpcap.darwinports.com/ (Mac pcap install instructions)
