How to make a Jmeter report from several files (jtl, png) - jmeter

I need to create an html report after the completing jmeter test and send it to the email. I launch jmeter via console with creating jtl log file, then I transfering it to html with
xsltproc /path/to/jmeter-results-detail.xsl $jtl > results.html
but I also have several images, which I generated from jtl file.
java -jar CMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter --generate-png test.png --input-jtl results.jtl --plugin-type ResponseTimesOverTime --width 800 --height 600
So I would like to include them in this report. Shall I change the xsl file? The file is here:
And one more, all the information about xml->html I took from this answer but in this template there is a date of the test, but in my html file I don't have this field.

The best thing is to use the default HTML report that is available since version 3.0 of JMeter and keeps being enriched.
To generate it just run:
jmeter -n -t TestName.jmx -l results.csv -e -o reportOutputFolder
You can also generate it from existing CSV:
jmeter -g results.csv -o reportOutputFolder


Jmeter displays doubled results when running in non gui mode

I have a Test plan which when I run in the Gui Mode execute the sampler one time, but when I start the Test Plan from the command line I get the sampler to be running twice.
I have deleted the result.jtl file to insure that the results are not accumulated.
Without seeing your test plan it's hard or even impossible to say what's the reason as there are too many possible options, the most straightforward I can think of is:
You have a Listener (or two) somewhere in the test plan configured to write data into the same file which you specify via -l command-line argument
You have resultcollector.action_if_file_exists=APPEND property defined somewhere
So try out the following way of running the test:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl -f -Jresultcollector.action_if_file_exists=DELETE
-f forces JMeter to overwrite the .jtl results file
resultcollector.action_if_file_exists=DELETE property does the same for Listeners
More information:
Full list of JMeter command-line options
JMeter Properties Reference
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

How will I know how many API requests are failed and passed when I am using the Jmeter in Non-GUI mode?

I am a beginner to Jmeter.My goal is to test the performance of 1000000 API requests.I have started testing in GUI mode but after reaching 5000 requests it's throwing an error.From that error I noticed that I have to run the Jmeter in Non-GUI mode to run more number of requests.I have started running in Non-GUI mode it's giving the result in summary format.I want to see which API is success and failed as in GUI mode we are able to see in view results tree listener.
You can create JMeter Dashboard to see the results. Run the test in non gui mode as below:
jmeter -n -t /path/to/testplan -l /path/to/result.jtl
once your test is complete you can use (.jtl) file to generate dashboard
run the command as below:
jmeter -g /path/to/result.jtl -o OUTPUT_FOLDER
Check the output folder --> index.html, you will see the list of API requests you have sent.
Normally when you run JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode you should specify the .jtl results file where the test output will be stored like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl
^test ^file with
plan test results
Once your test is finished you can:
Open the result.jtl (it's a normal CSV file) with MS Excel or LibreOffice Calc and analyze the results there
Open the result.jtl file with the Listener of your choice, i.e. Aggregate Report
Generate tables and/or charts you need using JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool
Generate HTML Reporting Dashboard from the .jtl results file

How can i create HTML report in JMeter using Bean shell sampler in tear down thread?

I want to create an HTML report automatically after running each test in JMeter, also I want to create a folder dynamically with the current timestamp as a folder name for placing the report on my local drive. So how can we do this operation using Bean Shell sampler in tear down thread group?
Your approach is not very good as it violates 2 major JMeter Best Practices:
You will need a Listener in order to write down the results and using Listeners is a performance anti-pattern
Since JMeter 3.1 it's recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting
So I would recommend:
Run your JMeter test in non-GUI mode and generate dashboard after it
Use your operating system date and time command to create the folder with the timestamp
Windows example:
jmeter -f -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl -e -o results-%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%
Linux example:
jmeter -f -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl -e -o results-`date +%Y-%m-%d`

HTML Report in JMeter 5.1 after distributed execution not being generated correctly

The current setup is as follows: 4 Ubuntu boxes one master and 3 slaves. I've been encountering the following issues when executing the tests from command-line in distributed fashion.
If I execute the tests and try to generate the HTML report, JMeter attempts to create the files after each of the machines finish their runs, this causes conflicts as the first machine that finished had already created the HTML folder.
./jmeter -r -n -t ./Jmeter_Performance_PoC.jmx -l ./TestResults.csv -e -o TestResults
If I execute the tests and just generate the CSV report to then generate the HTML report from the CSV file, the report gets generated, but JMeter is not using the files full information, it is not identifying the different thread groups nor is it displaying the execution information per slave.
./jmeter -r -n -t ./Jmeter_Performance_PoC.jmx -l ./TestResults.csv
./jmeter -g ./TestResults.csv -o ./results
Is there a way of having JMeter generate the consolidated report in distributed execution without having override conflicts?
Just use __machineIP() or __machineName() as a prefix or postfix for the Thread Groups / Samplers labels - this way you (and JMeter) will be able to distinguish the results coming from the different slaves.
Check out Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction to get familiarized with the JMeter Functions concept.

Is it possible to generate more then one report using non-gui mode in jmeter?

I'm using jmeter command as below to run using non-Gui functionality
jmeter -n -t D:\EXAMPLE\PerfomanceTest.jmx -l C:\Users\Deva'g\Desktop\reportfile.jtl -r
jmeter -n -t D:\EXAMPLE\PerfomanceTest.jmx -l C:\Users\Deva'g\Desktop\reportfile.csv -r
both commands working fine.
first one will generate Summary report and second will generate .csv report
but i want both this report together in single execution.
You can use a JMeter Plugins like JMeterPluginsCMD
After your running, you could generate your csv using your reportfile.jtl.
For instance, if you need an AggregateReport:
java -jar JMETER_HOME\lib\ext\CMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter --generate-csv reportfile.csv --input-jtl reportfile.jtl --plugin-type AggregateReport
