Magento1.7's native captcha for contacts us form - magento

I want to use magento's native captcha for contacts-us page. If I use other extension's captcha, then it will looking like dirt to see, different captcha's for different forms in a single website. For login page, checkout as guest we use native captcha. But how can I use native captcahf for contactus page also???

have a look at this recent post. I had a look around for the same issue and most treads only offered core hacks.
This one seems good as you're creating a module to add the form into the normal admin menu etc.
blog link from various Mag forum treads


Django forms with ajax, what would be the best approach?

I am building a plataform inspired on LinkedIn design. I have my pagination made with ajax, when the user scrolls down the page load texts and information which I want them to be editable.
The user will be seeing his information, but when he hovers the info he will see an edit icon, if he clicks all that information becomes an editable form.
What would be the best approach for building it? Do you suggest using some form library? Until now I am using django built in forms.
What you explained is much more related to your client (browser) and just a little to your backend django code running on the server. The backend can handle your data and it can also render pages for you, but if you want fancy dynamic stuff running in the browser you need tools that work there.
There are plenty of frameworks available e.g. vue.js, react or angularjs to name a few.

How to install google analytics javascript on an overlay where content resides?

Typically, if it were a regular page-by-page website, I would install the analytics javascript before the body tag.
But, with a site where content is on overlays, how can analytics be installed to track views? (i.e. a one page portfolio site)
Thanks for any insight!
See Tracking Google Analytics Page Views with Angular.js. Even though I'm not sure if you are using something like Angular or just straight javascript, you could use a similar technique described there with hash urls that are set when a user clicks on a different part of the page, that way you could track how a user interacts with your single page site by making different urls for their interactions.
For more information see Pushing Functions onto the Queue.
In javascript that calls the overlay, you can add:
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/url/of/page']);

Is it possible to use the Recaptcha Joomla plugin for custom pages?

Looking at the docs, it seems that it can only be used for registration and contact pages. I would like to add captchas to an iJoomla survey.
Yes and no, it depends on how the component is developed.
If it supports the "standard" joomla captcha system (the one you can manage in the Configuration page), you can use it (you can even change the captcha system).
However, if the developer didn't use it or uses his own system, you can't do anything, you have to ask to the iJoomla developer.

Dynamic (Ajax) share buttons (Facebook, Google+ and Twitter) to share an image, with a link and a description

It's been few days I'm looking for a solution and I can't figure out why it's still not working.
Here is my goal:
I have a website with a sideshow. The images are dynamically changed (with previous and next buttons). I just want to share an image on social networks (facebook, google+ and twitter) and actually see the image in my wall with a little description and the link to a page.
The image is a thumbnail (so, not the same url) of the main image and the link I want to publish is neither the page I'm on (which is static due to Ajax) nor the image one.
My tries:
I have almost got it on facebook but the image loading failed and it was with a share button (which seems to be deprecated in favor of like) and for google+, the +1 button become red after I click it... I tried XFBML and OpenGraph, but the problem is with Ajax (url is the one of the page or is not changed even with createElement("
1. Is there any packaged solution (like addthis, but working the way I want)?
2. Or do you have one (or a clue) for me please?
3. Am I the only one to think that offical facebook and google+ ajax documentation are lame?
Thanks a lot.
PS: if I could have a fly-out to edit a comment with the content I'm about to share, it would be fantastic!
One way to accomplish this is with cloaking.
Setup a page which provides the image, title, and description to the social application (aka. facebook, google+). You can then use Javascript to redirect the user to the page you actually want the user to see. For users without Javascript the page should display a link to the target page with a "Click here if you are not automatically redirected". The image should exist on the page but you can place it in a div with style="display: none;" so the user doesn't actually see it.
A more advanced technique would be to use the IP address and browser name (user agent) to determine if the visitor is a user or a social network robot and using a 502 temporary redirect to the page you want the user to see if the visitor is not a social robot. The social robots would be shown a page which has the image, title and description.
The social sharing buttons that you're using all have one thing in common: they all work best when there's a URL representation for the object that you're sharing. Some of them, namely Facebook's like button and Google's +1 button, use the contents of that page to create the snippet that's shared.
This isn't a new problem, though. This is the same problem faced with search indexing of AJAX applications. Sadly there's no easy solution. Here are a couple of challenging ones:
Programmatic Solution
You can improve your back end so that it's capable of rendering pages for each shareable step in the state of your slide show: one page per image. As you step through the slide show you can destroy and re-create the social sharing plugins each time targeting them to this machine accessible version of that image.
Snapshot Solution
You can use a crawler tool that is capable of executing JavaScript to make snapshots of the different states of your application. You can then target the social sharing buttons to the snapshot of the current state.
This might require less back end work but may be challenging to keep up to date.

How to create my own form in joomla

I want to create my own form that are submitted and values of that form will be stored in joomla database. How can i used the Joomla connection code to interacte with the joomla database.
If you just want to get your work done, there are some components already avaiable in Joomla Extension's website to your form's needs. CkForms is a good one, you can create simple forms with it that are automatically saved in the database (supports upload of files too).
If you want to learn how to write extensions in Joomla, you should read Joomla Official Documentation website.
Extensions in Joomla are divided in "Components", "Modules" and "Plugins". More informations about these differences can be found here and here.
What you're trying to achieve sounds a "component" to me. Downloading the CkForms and reading it's source code should get you started to Joomla's way of writing components.
EDIT: Joomla has a huge API with a lot of features. It has a database module of it's own, with insert methods and such. Reading Joomla's API website before implementing your component it's a good idea to avoid "reinventing the wheel" and it's a good practice since those methods are extensively tested by all Joomla users.
The JForm class helps you build forms.
Documentation can be found here:
joomla CMS:
joomla API:
This class provides you with ready to use form elements and form loading and/or processing methods
This class includes validation methods, date picker control, color picker, etc.
Of course, as another mentioned above, if you are building a module, component, or application, you will need to learn how to to develop a module, component or application. Of these three, the module is the easiest to implement.
The application gives you much freedom b/c you are not constrained to the CMS paradigm, front and back end complexities. However, there is little documentation about how to develop applications with Joomla framework b/c joomla as a framework is relatively new
This tutorial gets you started understanding how to use JForm to create a form in Joomla:
Or you could just create add a html module to any position and then write the form in html i.e.
<form method="post" action="mycreatedpage.php"> <input type="text"/> <input type="submit">
Now just create a page that handles the code by emailing or inserting into db. I havent tried it but i think it should work.
Looks like everyone already told you almost everything I know except for the component creator. Very easy to use, and it follows Joomla standards. Will get you up and running within minutes.
I have got good working experience with Joomla RSForm Pro. It has got options for
user email/admin emails on submit
file uploads
and many more
Good tutorials too. Get started with
Good luck!
Create View.
Create Model.
Create Table.
Create Controller ( if Needed ).
Create Form xml file.
Go here for more information:
Take a look at the Chronoforms extension - does more than you want.
You have two options:
Use an already built custom form extension
Create your own custom form extension (or outsource it)
Now if you only want to modify the user registration form, then you can do some PHP customization to accomplish your goal.
Making forms in Joomla can be done in a couple of ways.
If you just wanted a contact us, you can just create a page with a menu item for the User contact form. This gives you a page with a Members address and contact form. So all you would need to do was add the user as the company of the websites home address and email. But the form is very basic, name, title, textarea for message.
Next up from that you could just make a Custom HTML module add add a form to it in plain HTML like +Sean said above this, you would need to code in PHP your own form process script. You would not get error in form data checking unless you also wrote it.
Next you might rather look on the Joomla Extension Directory JED for one of the good extensions for 3 and 2.5 Joomla RSForms!Pro is good, and can do all we have needed. This lets you add fields one by one and move your form around. Then can auto generate or custom the html of the form.
You can easily create your own forms with Fabrik
Chronoforms are now a days a very popular solution for custom forms in joomla. Chornoforms support twitter bootstrap also. In simple 5 steps you can create a contact form with unlimited fields and also embed various function like DB save, Email, Thanks Message, Redirection on any page. There is events and events will have particular events.
Also possibility of extension of Normal joomla registeration. It will not extend the core registration but at the time of registration you can take various information from users.
I would use Chrono Forms, they work really well and are easy to use.
Download here
Here is a full tutorial on the new Chronoforms 5 to help you get started quickly and understand most of the features available.
You can use plugin to insert external php form in content. It is easy and you don't need to make plugin etc. Please use this.
I suggest you to use breezingforms:
It's one of the best solutions for custom form creation in joomla.
