PHP mail() email size limit - limit

I just wanna ask, when I'm using PHPMailer to send information from a form with many attachments, it's sending everything ok unless the files are more than 7 MB in total.
Everyhing on the server is set up right as you can see:
memory_limit = 40M
post_max_size = 40M
upload_max_filesize = 40M
file_uploads = On
I have read something about PHP mail server limits. I have set the PHPMailer to send messages using PHP mail() function.
What else could there be needed to setup? Where can be the problem? The code itself is really without any limits, so it has to be somewhere else.
When the mail isn't sent, PHP doesn't seem to report any errors, I just get the message from
if(!$mail->Send()) { } else
I have read that on some email server there is a 7 MB limit, could this be limited by the hosting somehow? Thank you for any help, I'm getting desperate.
I also tried on our testing VPS server, it sends the mail everytime and when the files are bigger than 7 MB in total, it sends only some of the files with size < 7 MB.

what I do with large attachments (for example pdf) is base encode the files myself:
$file = "/home/path/to/file.pdf";
$fp = #fopen($file, "rb");
$pdf_data = #fread($fp, filesize($file));
$pdf_data = chunk_split(base64_encode($pdf_data));
$mail->AddStringAttachment($pdf_data, "filename.pdf", "base64", "application/pdf");
got no problems sending large files

I have read that on some email server there is a 7 MB limit, could
this be limited by the hosting somehow?
Very likely this is your problem. PHPMailer uses the web server's sendmail function or whatever mail server is installed. Normally there is a (default) limit to the message size. For Postfix this would be:
message_size_limit (default: 10240000)
The maximal size in bytes of a message, including envelope information.
You will have to contact your hosting provider to change that.

I found this post while researching a problem I was having myself and just found out that Gmail has a character limit of 10'000, so if you are doing your tests using a Gmail address that might be your issue... I now use $mail->MsgHTML(substr($body,0,9000).' [...]'); to make sure I stay way below the Gmail limit...


laravel swift-mailer exception "Expected response code 250 but got an empty response" using gmail smtp-relay (database queue driver)

the gmail smtp-relay works fine using the sync driver, but if we queue the email we this error. cleared config, cache, & restarted queue workers. tested in prod and dev, same results
[2021-01-24 20:04:22] production.ERROR: Expected response code 250 but got an empty response {"exception":"[object] (Swift_TransportException(code: 0): Expected response code 250 but got an empty response at /home/****/****/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php:448)
were wondering is this because of serialization and something is not making it through that process???
using latest stable release of laravel >8.0. gmail smtp is authenticating just fine, per why the sync driver sends emails easily. maybe there needs to be a timeout on the queue jobs so they dont barrage gmail so quickly? also our code works fine using sendgrid for example as the smtp relay. thanks.
Update your AppServiceProvider.php
add this inside boot();
// Fix for SwiftMailer Service;
For users of, if you use localhost/ as domain during developments, you probably need to change the domain name to use in EHLO command to begin the transaction. I solved this by adding &local_domain=dev.mydomain.tld at the and of my DSN.
For SwiftMailer Symfony bundle (since 2.4.0), you can set the local_domain config parameter:
// config/packages/dev/swiftmailer.yaml
local_domain: dev.mydomain.tld
Explanation for the 2 previous Answers
if $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] is the solution:
When you are using cron
The reason is that $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] is null when cron is executed. $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] is usually only defined for http access.
Example implementation (laravel):
if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
$url = config('env.APP_URL');
$domain = mb_ereg_replace("http(s)? ://", "", $url);
$domainParts = explode('/', $domain);
ini_set('server_name', count($domainParts) > 0 ? $domainParts[0] : $domain)
References :
Cron Job $_SERVER issue
if 'local_domain' is the solution
When you have a mailhost setting of in your laravel project
The reason is that if local_domain' is not set, the protocol for mail communication with Gmail will be EHLO []` and the communication will be disconnected.
By the way, I used gmail->gmail alias and did not need relay in the first place, so I solved the problem by setting
I had to deal with both of them because of cron messaging and in my environment.
I hope this information will help you.

POST request in Windows phone

I am trying to get some data from the user and send it to my server for logging purposes. I was able to do it easily with jquery for my website. When I try to write a windows app for the same I am clueless as to how to post the data to my server.
So far I have fetched the data from the user and I am trying to use OpenWriteAsync function of webclient to send it to my server. I understand how OpenWriteAsync function works but I am not able to figure out how to send my own data.
My php script in my server will get values with name "FILENAME" and "FTIME" like,
$fname = $_POST['FILENAME'];
$time = $_POST['FTIME'];
So I have got this information from the user in two different string variables in c# inside my app. Now how do I send this to my server so that my php script gets this value and logs it inside my server.
I hope I am clear.
Take a look at UploadData method.
The way you use it something like this:
UploadData("","POST", "data in byte array");
Note: you need to convert data to byte array
You can do this by using the ContentType property in the HTTPWebRequest object.

Transloadit: Sending 0 byte file while is not empty

I'm using transloadit and sending files with xhr using valumns file uploader.
Files are sent to the server without errors (i checked size and content of but once I do:
response = assembly.submit! (request.body)
An empty file is sent (I checked many times in the assemblies history page).
Thanks for you help.
Call request.body.rewind before using request.body.

How do I find out what my external IP address is?

My computers are sitting behind a router/firewall. How do I programmatically find out what my external IP address is. I can use for ad-hoc queries, but the TOS don't allow for automated checks.
Any ideas? appears to be a
workable alternative, as now requires membership for
their automated link. They very kindly appear to be
offering this service for free,
so please don't abuse it.
Unfortunately there is no easy way to do it.
I would use a site like and parse the output. returns a very simple HTML file which looks like this:
<title>Current IP Check</title>
Current IP Address:
This should be very easy to parse.
Moreover the site is exists for about ten years.
There is hope that it will be around for a while.
If you have access to a webserver with modphp, you can roll your own:
<?php print $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?>
If you don't want that to get abused, you'll have to keep it secret or add request limits.
I've been using one on my server for years.
Create a file called whatismyip.php in your public_html folder in your website. It can be called anything and be anywhere in your webroot.
Add the line above, and then query your server:
for example.
Unfortunately as of 2013, charge for the service. is still going strong, 3 years later. Just outputs the IP as text, absolutely nothing else. still works as well.
You can also use Google if you want to be sure it won't go down, but it can still block you for TOS violations.
But even when they block me, they still tell me my client IP address in the error message.
Incase you don't have curl installed,
wget 2>/dev/null && cat ip
Hope this helps.
If the router you are behind speak UPnP you could always use a UPnP library for whatever language you are developing in to query the router for its external ip. provides this kind of information. To
retrieve your IP you have plenty of options: - browser + lot's of examples of how to use it - a pure text answer, only your ip, no other crap - a resposnse ready for json-parsers, also supports jsonp
HEAD - send only a HEAD-request and get the answer
Since this question was asked a while back, there's now a freely available web service designed specifically to allow you to determine your IP address programmatically, called ipify.
$ curl ''
Results in
{"ip": "" /* your public IP */}
Another way is if you have access to a cloud email (yahoo, google, hotmail), send yourself an email. Then view the headers and you should see your IP address in there.
I would look up the exact area but the headers may vary from each implmentation, Look for the received-by and follow that until you get to something that looks like sent-by
EDIT: This answers the how to find IP address, not the via PROGRAMMATIC approach
My WRT54G router tells me through its Local Router Access feature (the http(s) administration interface), and I imagine something similar could be done with many other devices. In this case, the entry page gives the octets of the IPv4 address in four lines containing this phrase:
class=num maxLength=3 size=3 value='i' name='wan_ipaddr_N' id='wan_ipaddr_N'
Where i is the octet value and N is the octet number. This bit of doggerel fetches and parses it for me, courtesy of cygwin:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
my( $account, $password ) = #ARGV;
open QUERY,
"curl --sslv3 --user '$account:$password' https://Linksys/ --silent |"
or die "Failed to connect to router";
my #ipaddr = ('x','x','x','x');
while( <QUERY> ) {
$ipaddr[$2] = $1 if /value='(\d+)' name='wan_ipaddr_([0-3])/;
close QUERY;
print join('.', #ipaddr);
There is no guarantee that this will work with all versions of the router firmware.
If your router is set to use http for this interface, drop the --sslv3 curl option, and you can use dotted-decimal notation to address the router. To use https with the curl options above, I also did this:
Used a browser to fetch the router's self-signed certificate (saved as Linksys.crt).
Added it to my CA bundle:
openssl x509 -in Linksys.crt -text >> /usr/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
Added 'Linksys' to my hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS on my Win8 box), as an alias for the router's address. If the dotted-decimal notation is given to curl instead of this alias, it rejects the connection on account of a certificate subject name mismatch.
Alternatively, you could just use the --insecure option to bypass certificate verification, which probably makes more sense in the circumstances. or are very easy to parse.
If you have a webhost or vps you can also determine it, without fear of it randomly going down leaving you stuck.
allows Lookup via
and http
even works with IPv6
Simple but not elegant for this use. I created a VBS file with the following code to drop the result to dropbox and google drive ... have to delete the file for new one to sync though for some reason.
This runs on a PC at my home. My PC is set to resume on power outage and a task is scheduled to run this every day once (note if you have it run often, the site will block your requests).
Now I can get my IP address on the road and watch people steal my stuff :-)
get_html "", "C:\Users\joe\Google Drive\IP.html"
get_html "", "C:\Users\joe\Dropbox\IP.html"
sub get_html (up_http, down_http)
dim xmlhttp : set xmlhttp = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp.3.0") "get", up_http, false
dim fso : set fso = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
dim newfile : set newfile = fso.createtextfile(down_http, true)
newfile.write (xmlhttp.responseText)
set newfile = nothing
set xmlhttp = nothing
end sub

Joomla 1.5: why does trying to send email result in: PHPMAILER_RECIPIENTS_FAILED

I'm trying to send emails from Joomla! 1.5.9, but keep getting this error message: PHPMAILER_RECIPIENTS_FAILEDrecipient_name<recipient_email>
A few more facts:
It's a WAMP server (joomla 1.5.9, PHP 5.2.8)
Validation emails are sent with no problem at all
Joomla! is set to use SMTP
The IIS SMTP service is used (though I'm not 100% sure about it's configuration)
The diagnostics tool smtpdiag shows no problem when checking the sender/recipient
Any ideas?
Perhaps this has already been answered before # Joomla forums itself.
I tried many of the solutions given in the link Sukumar provided but none of them worked.
Then I tried to use PHP mail function instead of SMTP and it worked :)
Change the following line in configuration.php in the root folder
var $mailer = 'smtp';
var $mailer = 'PHP mail';
