Can I use the same instance of EKEventStore on different threads? - ekeventstore

I was wondering if it is safe to use a single instance of EKEventstore on different threads? I can't find anything about it anywhere.
I would be intending to get a unique EKCalendar instance on each thread.

The descriptions of enumerateEventsMatchingPredicate:usingBlock: and eventsMatchingPredicate: in the EKEventStore reference imply that this is safe to do:
This method is synchronous. For asynchronous behavior, run the method on another thread with dispatch_async or NSOperation.
I'm currently doing this in one of my apps and it appears to be working.


Spring-retrial internal implementation

I was going through spring-retry framework tutorial :
But I wanted to know how it works internally. I want to use it for one of my API calls but before doing that wanted to know few things about the internal implementation which I had no luck finding out.
Does spring-retry saves the message in some messaging queue before retrying it after sometime?
Does it save it in some object in memory.
Does it use the same thread pool or a different one is used?
No, it simply inserts an interceptor between the caller and called code.
No; the arguments to the method call are simply stack variables.
The called code is called directly on the calling thread - it is just an interceptor.

NSUrlConnection synchronous request without accepting redirects

I am currently implementing code that uses macOS API for HTTP/HTTPs requests in a Delphi/Lazarus program.
The code runs in its own thread (i.e. not main/ui thread) and is part of a larger threading based crawler across Windows/Mac and Delphi/Lazarus. I try to implement the actual HTTP/S request part using the OS API - but handle e.g. processing and taking action upon HTTP headers myself.
This means I would like to keep using synchronous mode if possible.
I want the request to simply return to me what the server returns.
I do not want it to follow redirects.
I currently use sendSynchroniousRequest_returningResponse_error
I have tried searching Google, but it seems there is no way when using synchronous requests? That just seems a bit odd.
No, NSURLConnection's synchronous functionality is very limited, and was never expanded because it is so strongly discouraged. That said, it is technically possible to implement what you're trying to do.
My recollection, from having replaced that method with an NSURLSession equivalent once (to swizzle in a less leaky replacement for that method in a binary-only library), is that you need to basically write a method that uses a shared dictionary to store a semaphore for each NSURLSessionDataTask (using the data task as a key). Then, you set the semaphore's count to zero so that it will block immediately when you wait on it, asynchronously start an asynchronous request on the main thread, and then wait on the semaphore (in the current thread). In the asynchronous data task's completion handler block, you increment the semaphore, thus unblocking the calling thread.
The trick is to ensure that the session runs its callbacks on a thread OTHER than the current one (which is blocked waiting for the semaphore). So you'll need to dispatch_async into the main thread when you actually start the data task.
Ostensibly, if you supported converting the task into a download task or stream task in the relevant delegate method, you would also need to take appropriate action to update the shared dictionary as well, but I'm assuming you won't use that feature. :-)

What would be a thread-safe way to save a context form Core Data?

I have a NSOperationQueue set to NSOperationQueueDefaultMaxConcurrentOperationCount. It is filled with NSOperation objects (nothing weird so far). I subclassed the NSOperation to do some background tasks.
Download data from the internet.
Parse the data so I can read it.
Create a NSManagedObject:
[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Channel" inManagedObjectContext:context];
Save it with the context.
[managedObjectContext save:&error]
I like this all to happen in the background so the UI won't get blocked. I read this article about concurrency with core data, and as far as I understood it. The best way would be to create a new NSManagedObjectContext in every NSOperation, but share the same persistent store coordinator.
That's easily done, however, when it comes to saving the context it says in the documentation it is error prone to do so. So my question is the following:
If I have different operations running in the NSOperationQueue, could those operations interfere with each other while saving the managed object context? Or does it wait to execute the following operation till the saving has been complete?
Can I safely save the context in a NSOperation? Or is it really bad practice?
I hope someone can shine a light on this matter, because I am really stuck at the moment.
What you need to do is the following:
Create a managed object context for each NSOperation. Create this new context on the main method, because this is when it's executing on the right thread.
Assign the context persistent store coordinator.
Create an observer to receive the NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification. This is the only way the main context will know at the time the changes were made on the NSOperation's context. Make sure the merge call is made on the thread/block the merging context lives in. If you are merging with the main thread's context, call the mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: method on the main thread with the notification from the NSOperation's context.
Also, ask yourself if you really want to have all these operations working concurrently. Per the documentation:
The default maximum number of operations is determined dynamically by the NSOperationQueue object based on current system conditions.
You do not have control over how many NSOperations will be operating at the same time. If this is not what you want, you might be better if you just go with a serial NSOperationQueue (maxConcurrentOperation=1), considering the fact that you are going to be locking the database to do the save, and also because you have networking being done as well.
You can safely save inside the NSOperation's main method, if you take the precautions mentioned above.

NSOperation and running a class with method

Let's say I have a class and *classMain is an object for this class. Now this class as a instance method - performAction. So normally to run the method, I would do:
[classMain performAction]
Now if i want to use NSOperationQueue to run this, I would do:
NSOperationqueue *opQueue = [[NSOperation alloc] init];
[opQueue addOperation: classMain].
What i want to do is actually add [classMain performAction] to the queue, so I can run the method I want ?
Also is there a better recommend way of running threads ( so my application does not get locked) in 10.7 ?
There are lots of ways to run threads and to run various actions on different threads. You may find this resource helpful:
And if you just have a simple task that you want to run in the background without locking your app, you may find that the most straightforward solution is to use performSelectorInBackground:withObject:.
As for which approach is recommended, it really depends upon your specific use-case and what sort of work you are offloading to a separate thread.

Cocoa Controllers - best practice for notifying on completion, for disposal?

I have an ObjC controller object.
After alloc/init of the object, I get it to do a job asynchronously:
[myObject doSomeThingsOverTime];
The method sets things in motion, and then returns immediately.
Question: what is the best way to be notified of the result in the future, so that I can release myObject and react to the work having been completed? Should I observe/post notifications? Or supply the object with a method to callback? Or other?
I'm personally a fan of the notification center route. It allows for more than one observer (may or may not be relevant to you).
The delegate route is also valid, and is used quite frequently in the frameworks.
I think it comes down to personal preference. If it's your own code, you should go for what's most readable and simple for your particular situation. I don't think one is more or less valid than the other.
Have you looked at the NSOperation and NSOperationQueue classes? You can observe the isFinished of an NSOperation object so you will get notified when it is completed.
