To use servers behind firewall for boinc for public welfare - proxy

I have join boinc for public welfare.
I have 7 servers with 4 cores behind firewall which is not in using currently and may be empty for one year or life.Because no one care for the project which use these servers. So I want to use them to contribute for public welfare with boinc.
The problem is that none of these server can access internet and boinc need to download tasks and upload result by internet. The good news is that 2 of these servers can be accessed by internet in one way.
Because the port of 80 can be accessed by internet, so I think if I can use some software to be a proxy which listen in port 80, use an income connection to transfer info between boinc and public welfare project servers.
Thank you.

I have downloaded a socks proxy source code of JAVA. And then I modified it as two projects. One act as a proxy( named proxy-A) in an server which can access internet. Another act as a proxy(named proxy-B) in the server behind firewall.
The procedure is:
1. Proxy-A connect to the proxy-B and keep the connection.
2. The servers behind firewall connect to proxy-B by socks protocal.
3. proxy-B request proxy-A to begin a new connection to proxy-B by the connection in procedure 1.
4. proxy-A connect to proxy-B.
5. proxy-B send the request to proxy-A.
6. proxy-A connect to server on internet and retrieve the information.
7. proxy-A send the information to proxy-B.
8. proxy-B send the result to the servers behind firewall.


Mikrotik PPPOE Routing

I have setup PPPOE Server successfully in Mikrotik. All is Good. I am able to give out public ips to clients over PPPOE. But I have some issues. For example I have 2 clients with public ips that would want to be able to connect to each other this is not working. Both public ips cannot reach each other.
Client 1
Local IP Remote IP
a.a.a.a b.b.b.b
Client 2
a.a.a.b b.b.b.b
Is there a way for these two IPs talk to each other?
Although its a very old question.
1. Both the clients will be connected using ppp link to the pppoe server.
2. Enabled ipv4/ipv6 routing the pppoe server, if it's linux you need to enabled ip forwarding.
The above is logical answer, I haven't tried it myself.

websocket will not connect from remote server

I have a web page to control a thermostat on a raspberry pi, and I'm running into difficulties when trying to get websockets to work from a remote client. It seems to work fine when on LAN however. I'm obviously missing something (and likely something basic), but I can't seem to figure out what it is.
The pi's local ip is The web page (served from apache server) has the URL The page starts up some javascript, which then tries to connect to the pi's main program using websockets via ws:// (the server on the pi is running libwebsockets). The websocket comes up, and it seems to work fine. I then tried to connect via a remote client (a cell phone, where wifi was turned off) from http:\\\thermostat.html. The html/js files load fine, but the web socket attempts to connect to uri ws:\\, and this fials.
As far as I can tell, the NAT seems to be configured properly:
name ext ext protocol int int ip addr interface
port port port port
start end start end
Thermostat3 8010 8010 TCP 8010 8010 eth3.1
Thermostat5 8000 8000 TCP/UDP 80 80 eth3.1
Thermostat_ws 9000 9000 TCP/UDP 9000 9000 eth3.1
I checked, and the router does not have any firewalls set up, neither does my modem. I didn't install a firewall on the pi (I checked, and there's no odd iptables rule). Does anyone know what I'm missing?
--- EDIT ---
I'm still stuck on this. I called my ISP and they assure me there are no firewalls on their servers. Is there any way to tell if port 9000 is being blocked, and by who?
Bind your apache server to address to make it accessible from remote machines
Try this tool to determine if the port is inaccessible (use the custom port):
Everything else looks fine. As a sanity check I would try putting the ws port to 8010 to see if that works. I would also recommend using a tool like Advanced Web Client to isolate networking issues.
This is interesting. I once had a similar problem. I set up a WebSocket (I was using a nodejs ws) and once I tried to access it from remote client I was not able to reach it with ws://yourip:port but instead I had to use http://yourip:port. I don't know if you have the same problem, mine was due to a proxy I was using.
I still have an advice for you how you might be able to solve your problem. I don't know how concerned you are about security but as far as I understood your idea you basically connect to your raspberry pi through a WebSocket and tell it to change the temperature.
Back when did a similar project I found it rather hard to secure my WebSocket connection. I was basically sending a password plus command through the WebSocket to my server which then checks wether the password is correct. Otherwise everyone on the internet could heat your house. Not cool...
But therefore, I had to tunnel the connection through https to prevent a middleware attack.
I quickly threw the towel and decided to go with a completely different solution. Basically I set up a nodejs express server (can easily be configured with a self signed certificate to use https or used behind a nginx/apache https server) and authenticated with username and password. When someone made a POST request to /api/thermostats?id=0 with a temperature request, the server checks if the user is authenticated and then executes a terminal command from within node.
Maybe this idea also fits your demands.

SMSC is having multiple connections with client But , Client has one connection with SMSC

I am having a strange issue. I am working on sms module for one of the client.
So, I am using Kannel to connect to SMSC server. At the very first attempt means after restarting both client and server applications . I am able to connect to SMSC with one active connections but, after some time server is having multiple connections for My IP although i am having only one connection at that time . Because , of this we are not able to receive MOs properly there is a huge MO drop. To overcome this problem we has to restart both client and server applications frequently. Which is not a proper solution So, server requested me to resolve our end as they have multiple partners and they are not facing this issue.
Background :
Before , they have provided us a ip(public ip) and port to connect to SMSC .Asked our IP(public ip) to make whitlist at their end. And they have provided VPN settings after VPN configured we are successfully connected to SMSC. They have masked our IP at their end to treat as local IP.
So, Please help me to resolve this multiple connections error as i am new to kannel and SMPP.
I had the same exact issue with another SMPP client app, it was NowSMS, and also, it was very strange as my NowSMS is connected to +15 SPs since 7 years ago, and I had no such issue with anyone of them. But, NowSMS told me that there's an understandable issue at SP's side and after a some investigations, we noticed that the SP deals with the first established connection only and ignores the other connections, although, I had one single connection only and all previous connections were closed from my side before establishing a new one.
So, please discuss the same with your SP, otherwise, share the full config here as you may have something incorrect.
BTW, did you try getting a live TCP trace from your side and SP's side at the same time?

Perforce client connecting to server WSAETIMEDOUT

I've been ripping my hair out for a few days over this and need help. I have a perforce server and an external client. Steps I've taken:
1. Opened port 1666 on my router (TCP and UDP) for my servers IP.
2. Allowed port 1666 through windows firewall.
3. I can connect to the perforce server from any system on the LAN by hostname or IP.
4. NETSTAT -a shows port 1666 is LISTENING.
5. External client can ping the server by external IP.
6. Internal client can telnet to the internal IP and port, external cannot.
I can not for the life of me figure out why the hell my external client cannot connect to the server. I am getting my external IP from "" and it matches my routers WAN address.
I have full on tried to disable windows firewall and still the same issue.
Please god someone help before I lose the rest of my hair.
EDIT1: I forgot to mention the error I am receiving from the external client:
Connect to server failed; check $P4PORT.
TCP connect to failed.
You may want to take a look at your router's firewall rules in more detail.
I had a similar problem with my home setup that resulted in me having to modify some firewall settings on the router.
This KB also gives some information about the error:
After working at this for three days, I found the issue with help from this forum post:
My router model (Hitron Technologies CGN2-ROG) that I received from my ISP (Rogers up here in Canada) apparently doesn't play nice when it comes to port forwarding. With all of the EXACT same settings, I bridged that router to another spare I had laying around and it worked perfectly.
I literally just plugged in the new router and it worked without making any other changes at all.

Windows Tool or utility to validate remote TCP / UDP ports are accessible over the network?

I am trying to find somw Windows based tools that can help me validate TCP and UDP connection on remote machines.
My Problem (just one use case):
At work, I manage many clustered servers that I run load tests against. In order to get a rich test, I use Jmeter-Plugins which provides a Server agent that opens a TCP socket on port 4444 on a target remote machine:
There are many times when I setup a new load test farm, that either the network, or the server configuration, or the ServerAgent itself can have issues and thus not allowing a Load test client to access that TCP connection.
The issue I have is that I dont know what part of the system is broken.
What I think I need:
I would like to know how I can open a TCP (not HTTP with cUrl), connection to a remote server to validate that the network allows the connection, as well as the Server firewall allows the given TCP connection to be accessed remotely.
What I have looked:
These are some of the tools I have looked at so far:
TCP/IP Builder
Zenmap 6.01 and nmap might do the job I want, but some machines where not accessible to Zenmap when I know 100% that the server was accessible via HTTP, so that was strange.
I have looked at many tools and either they:
Dont allow remote connections
Dont seem to want to connect to a TCP socket
Or I dont understand the tools to accomplish the validation I stated above.
I would greatly appreciate all comment and suggestions to help with this re-occurring problem I face.
Mick, can do what you'd like to do. Firebind is an Internet based server that can listen on any of the 65535 UDP or TCP ports. It uses a java based client to send traffic to and from the server from your machine.
