kendoUI Grid Header Custom Menu - kendo-ui

I want to show a kendomenu at the click on the column header of kendo grid.
Someone have some idea how can i do?
I try with columnmenu but is not customizable.. i want to create a custom menu for each column.


Kendo Grid - Pop up Editor issue

We are using pop up editor in the Kendo Grid control to edit the record.
My kendo grid has the below extra Controls as below.
Kendo dropdownlist
Div control
Add button
Remove button
A dropdown which has list of values that user will select and press the ADD button which is next to it.
then those values will be added to div control dynamically at runtime.
click on update in the editor, My controller updation action is getting fired.
Now i want to remove the items from the div tag using the Remove button. this time my controller update method is not firing.
I suspect that the changes in div is not firing the change event as the div control items dynamically added and removed.
How can i trigger the change event in the Remove button click function in jquery once i removed the div elements.
Please help me on this, trying this since 2 weaks.

How to add an action to kendo ui combobox

I'm trying to add a button, like the k-select element, to the end of a Kendo combobox for adding new items but whatever i change the element the result is not consistent and fine with other elements.
kendo combobox generate this style for button to open the
I want to find clear way to add an button to end of combobox like this link.
the template won't help becase it in control in in list.

in kendo grid column how to use autocomplete

In a Kendo grid, how to bound the column with auto complete option in MVC web application. Want to display grid product name in autocomplete option. In that option need to bound Product item code and Product Item Name. Have any custom editor in a Kendo grid?
You can find one way on how to do it at How to have an autocomplete field inside kendoUI grid using mvc wrapper. Basically you will have to create EditorTemplate and reference it from grid.
Hope this helps.

How to display checkbox with values in filter menu

I am adding columns dynamically in the kendo ui grid. I have added property filterable as true. When I click the filter icon, it opens the default context menu.
What I want is on click of filter icon, I want to display checkbox along with value.
How can I do this.
Try setting filterable to true & columnMenu to false.
Perhaps this link from the official telerik documentation can help: Checkbox filter menu filtering The main idea is to use the filterMenuInit event to insert custom templates for every column needed.

Kendo Grid Custom Editor Dropdown is not accessible in Popup Mode

I am using the Kendo Grid where i need to display dropdownlist as one of the column in the grid to allow users to select State. Here the source of the State can be different for each record. The source of the state is different based on TaskInstanceId property of the record.
The problem i am having is in the popup edit mode the dropdownlist column is not being displayed. And in the inline edit mode dropdownlist is not being displayed until i go in the edit mode. Until i go into edit mode it displays textbox with no value in the textbox.
Please find the sample project attached with this email.
Sanjay Patel
