joomla modal popup does not closing properly in IE - joomla

joomla modal popup plugin does not closing properly in IE, but In FF browser, plugin is awesome.
when i click the close button. looks its closing. but actually it is not closing. that light box is displaying browser below with just blank. please find the attached screen shot fyr.
Note: in the attached screen shot popup will coming down(footer area) after user clicked the close icon in the light box.
echo '<td><a class="modal" href="modules/mod_popupdetails/showdetails_popup.php?qs='.$row->$somthing.'" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x:1040 , y: 500}}" >Table</a></td>';

Well, as your comment states, if turning off compatibility mode fixes it - then your issue lies in compatibility with older versions of IE. You can either try to find a workaround for that - or just design for newer versions. There really are very few people who use older versions of IE anymore - so I would recommend perhaps checking their browser version and asking them to upgrade, instead of trying to find some ugly hack/workaround for those few people. May not be 'best practice', but it works.


Cannot scroll in Firefox DevTools' Style Editor using scrollbar thumb

I have just started using the Firefox Developer Tools. When I am in the Style Editor, I can't seem to grab the scrollbar thumb to scroll through my style sheets. I assume I'm missing something but can't find what. I have restarted the developer tools, and restarted Firefox, but that didn't help.
My cursor stays as if it is selecting text, even when I hover over the tiny scrollbar thumb, thus it doesn't let me grab the it. Obviously this is important as style sheets can have many lines!
I am using Firefox 50.1.0 currently.
This is a known bug filed as bug 1265807 .
A workaround for this is to switch to the Firebug theme, which uses the OS default scrollbars:

Firefox 31 Web Console Layout

Firefox 31 has changed my web console layout and I can't find the option to change it back. Being that I have a widescreen monitor I prefer the console to the right. When I select an array/object to view it opens it in a split as expected, but ever since the update I can't get the split to stack them vertically so they can use more width. Am I just not seeing this option?
Update: For Firefox up to v33 use this plugin, for 34+ behavior has changed. Read this thread on Bugzilla for details:
This was added in Firefox 34, now in Beta. It is not in Firefox 33, the current release.
If you have the toolbox docked to the side, the Object Viewer pane will automatically drop to the bottom if the toolbox gets too narrow, see this gif for a visual example:
No, you are not missing the option. The option does not exist.
However, here is a quick-and-dirty extension that does what you want for Firefox 31.0 through 34.0:
I tested it on Firefox 31.0, 32.0.1, 32.0.2, 33.0b4 (current beta), and 34.0a2 (Aurora, the current alpha). All of them worked. The file the extension changes, webconsole.xul, has 4 slightly different versions in that range of Firefox releases. One of the changes was between 32.0.1 and 32.0.2.
I had another extension for which I was already working on a similar set of compatibility and testing and then Mozilla released FF 32.0.2 today. Leaving this solution as only compatible for 31.0-32.0.1 just didn't sit well with me, so I did the mods to give it the wider compatibility range.
In 34.0a2 the stock behavior of this part of the webconsole is a bit different. The object view automatically shifts from vertical to horizontal depending on how wide the devtools sidebar is. Visually, this is similar to how the inspector behaves in 31.0 (and later). The above extension, when installed on 34.0b, will lock it in the vertical position. Personally, I really don't like the auto-choosing of vertical/horizontal. I would want a control and be able to lock it the way I want it when I am viewing it. This is not supposed to be a glitzy wiz-bang UI thing to get the masses interested. This is a: I want to get my work done now and I want it my way because that's how I work fastest/best. Sorry, I got up on my soapbox there a bit.
It's the icon that has a rectangle at the bottom. In your case (Where the yellow arrow points):

Facebook Like not working on Chrome

I am running the latest version of Chrome on Mac Lion. I added a FB like button to my page which works fine on Firefox but does not work on Chrome for some reason. There seems to be a quick window pop-up which tries to load and then it disappears without the "Like" taking place.
Fiddle -
I thought it might be related to this prior question, but FB said this issue was already resolved: the the popup window ("flyout") of a like button doesn't show up in a chrome extension
One thing to note is that you must be logged into Facebook within each browser for the FB buttons to appear in that browser (otherwise the buttons have no context). If not, the buttons are not shown.
So, if you're seeing this problem, open a new tab, log into FB, and then refresh the original tab - the buttons will then appear (assuming there isn't a second problem)>

Why does the Flattr popup covers the button in firefox?

I have manually implemented the Flattr button to my site.
In Firefox (Windows) the "popout" covers the button so one can't press it.
Any other browser renders the popout in the correct place. Can someone confirm this? Or is it a conflict on my site?
Since you don't mention which site is yours I'm left to speculate on the reasons for this and if I do then I think it is that your body-element doesn't start at the top left of your browser and that therefor positioning of the popout fails due to browsers inability to correctly account for offset body elements.
We've had reports of people experiencing this problem in eg. WordPress where the admin-bar that's showed when a user is logged in pushes the entire site down 20 pixels or something and makes the position of the popout be of by 20 pixels. Could it be something similar for you - that you're logged in in Firefox and not in other browsers?
As far as I know there's no workaround for this limitation - eg. jQuery can't account for it either.
Good thing though: If your layout has a body with an offset or something else that makes the popout not work for you you can disable it by setting popout 0 in the settings of the button.

Tooltips flicker on OSX

I'm creating a cross-platform GUI using JavaFX 2.0, and some of the controls that I use require tooltips to be displayed when the mouse hovers over them. I've got the tooltips displaying fine on my Windows 7 machine, but on OSX (10.7.3) the tooltips appear and then dissapear immediately, and the only way to get them to display again is to move the mouse off the control and then back on.
Is this a known issue with tooltips under OSX, or is there something special that needs to be done?
Many thanks,
Looks like a known issue RT-14798 "Mac: tooltips disappear right after they are displayed", which was fixed on January 26, 2012. Download the latest JavaFX OS-X early access release and, if you are still having an issue, reopen the bug. Signup is required to access the bug tracker, but anybody can signup and create or comment on bugs and issues.
