Magento reindexing still on Running even after Apache restart - magento

When I check the status of my reindexing, the Product Prices are stuck on Running even after Apache has been restarted.
Locks files have been deleted from /var/locks
Only using CLI
Going nuts.

Magento stores the status of indexes in index_process table. So when a index process fails for example through a timeout or restarting of apache this flag isn't removed. When indexing succeeds this flag is reset or you can set working to pending. Do you have any exceptions in your Magento logs?

Backup and delete all files under MAGENTO_ROOT/var/locks/


magento keep showing reindexing required message even after full reindexing

I am using magento Community Edition , in my catalog I have 28000 products.
I do reindexing from shell using following command
php indexer.php --reindexall
It shows all indexes have been reindexed.but with in moment if I check
php indexer.php --status
It shows all indexes require reindexing even after full reindexing has been done.
How to fix this reindexing problem?
Try doing it once from magento backend also.It might solve your problem.
1) I'm having the same issue - in the backend it constantly states that one or more of the indexes are not up to date. Magento 1.7.02
2) If I reindex from the back end, everything is reported as good, but the message remains
3) If I use ssh - indexer.php --status shows all pending.
4) If I then reindex individually, I get the message that each index was rebuilt successfully.
5 Back in admin it says that one or more of my indexes is out of date!
So, I'm not in a position to answer why its happening, but can I make a suggestion?
If it takes too much time to index from the backend, this might suggest that your database is too big. Have you cleaned up the log tables, etc in the database?
Have you tried ssh reindexing individually? --reindexall can take too much memory/slow your site down. Reindexing individually can also highlight which index has problems.
Had exact problem. After many attemps, my solution was to "Optimize" all tables via PHPMyAdmin (guessing that this problem was caused due to large innodb tables).

upgraded magento enterprise from to magento Catalog Category/Product Index never ends

I have upgraded magento enterprise from to magento successfully. All our local modification are wprking fine now.
I am facing issue with magento indexing. I have run full indexer all indexing process completed but Catalog Category/Product Index still in process. I tried to remove all locaks file still it is in process state and it is running from last 26 days.
Please help as we need to go live :
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestion
Are you sure it's still running or is it just telling you it's running? Try looking at your MySQL processes with SHOW PROCESSLIST and see if there are any queries running on the product_flat or category_flat tables.
Try running the indexer through shell, php shell/indexer.php --reindex catalog_category_product. Are there any errors being output to the console? Have you checked system.log and exception.log?
Try running the db repair tool on your store to fix any broken tables.

Magento - Upgrade website 1.4 to issue

I am upgrading an existing magento website for 1.4 to
I had dumped the existing database,
Copied all the required custom extension in the blank magento version
and after running the installation got the following error:
Error in file:
- SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1025 Error on rename of './sales_flat_order' to './#sql2-3af-a7' (errno: 152)
How can I fix this issue?
Upgrading magento is very painful process. I suggest you to import-export data from old to new shop.
I just went through the same heartburn. I found that letting the page try to load until the script got an error or timed out and then trying again eventually worked. The upgrade script will attempt to start where it last stopped.
Before you do that, make a backup of you site and database. If it continually errors in the same spot, restore and try again.
These tips may help improve the odds of a quicker success:
Put the site in maintenance mode (by adding the maintenance.flag file
to the root directory) before starting.
Increase server and php timeouts by a very large amount (3-5minutes).
Cleanup temp and log database tables that you don't care about
(carefully, everybody has different needs here)
I tried several different methods and that is the only thing that worked. It took probably 10 reloads (waiting for a 3min timeout each time). In the end, everything upgraded correctly. No matter what method you choose, if you want to keep your store data, you will have to run the bulky db upgrade scripts that take forever.
I had similar issues when updating from 1.4.2 to latest.
I built a custom maintenance script included in my index.php that only allowes to access my ip. But the update process via shell replaced my index.php so it was accessible for everyone.
That was the cause that the final sql scripts where run by several clients and caused errors like "can't move table" etc. because those steps where already done.
--> Summing it up: Be sure that the site gets called only once, until the upgrade was successful!
The very best way to migrate magento in my opinion, is to import your entire db to an environment that you have your new magento. Then magento will run all scripts and updates and keep your data.
Maybe you find some problems on the upgrade scripts, but it's easier to fix them than fix the problems regarding model/eav's problems on the fly.
I have succeed by doing this on migrate from 1.4.1 to 1.8.1.

magento - index management - Cannot initialize the indexer process

I've just moved my Magento site to a new server and I'm trying to re-index my store using the Index Management.
I check all the boxes and re-index and I get the following:
Cannot initialize the indexer process.
I've looked at resetting the file permissions using the Magento Cleanup tool. But nothing I've tried seems to work.
Has anyone ever come across this before and how did they get past this?
Many thanks
I don't have any idea why you can't do it from the Index Management, but as a temporary solution, I would advise to use indexer.php script from the cmd line:
php /var/www/magento/shell/indexer.php reindexall. You can also run it by the system cron periodically, it should do the trick for a while.
delete files from var/locks and change permission of folder to 755, it will work..if donot have any issue with Dataseb files

Stopping the Magento indexing process

How can I stop the indexing process? I had imported 15,000 products and started the indexing, but now it's stuck on processing for "Category search index". It has been stuck on processing for two days now, how can I stop the indexing process?
Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.
When Magento starts indexing of each item in the 'Index Management' list it sets 'status' field of correlative entire of 'index_process' table to 'working'. If error happens during the indexing process script halts and status remains as 'working'. As a result 'processing' image hangs at the 'Index Management' page. Of course there's no way to make sure that indexing process is still not running but checking your server's processes list (or brutal restarting or your apache).
The only intelligent way I know to solve this issue is to find out what causing this error and fix it. You can do it by running indexing from your shell and looking for the output. Here is the command:
php shell/indexer.php reindexall
If you don't have an SSH access you can also try locating this error from your server's error logs.
If you just want to remove 'processing' image you can just run the following MYSQL query:
UPDATE `index_process` SET `status` = 'pending' WHERE `status` = 'working'
However this will not solve the problem, but only hide the output.
Probably the easiest way is to restart Apache. It will gracefully close any open visitor connections, and should terminate the PHP process.
--------- EDIT ----------
There are a set of tables in the database that look to be related to the indexing, index_process and index_process_event. You could try reverting the state of the relevant record there to pending and try again...
Keep in mind, if you are running magento under a different user than the one you are currently using (www-data vs mySshLoginUser), you might open yourself up to permissions problems on the lock files. If you have manually run the shell indexer, those lock files will belong to your ssh user.
Worst case scenario, delete those lock files in var/locks/* and try it.
