Django / Closure: How to validate AJAX form via AJAX? - ajax

I'm using Django and Google's Closure javascript library, and I want to do some form processing via AJAX.
Currently, I have a button on the page that says "Add score." When you click it, it fires off a request to load another URL with a form on it and display the contents in a little pop up box, via a call to loadForm().
loadForm = function(formId) {
var form = goog.dom.getElement(formId);'popup-box'), true);, displayForm, form.method);
displayForm = function(e) {
goog.dom.getElement('popup-box').innerHTML =;
The Django form that gets loaded is a very basic model form, with a simple "score" attribute that gets validated against a number range. Here's the code I have to process the form submission:
def Score(request):
obj = ScoreModel.get(pk=request.POST['obj_id'])
form = ScoreForm(request.POST, instance=obj)
if form.is_valid():
messages.success(request, 'Score saved!')
return shortcuts.redirect('index')
context_vars = {'score': score, 'form': quarter_form}
'score_form.html', context_vars,
This would all work fine if the form to enter the score itself was just displayed on the page, but because it is an AJAX popup, it doesn't work properly. If I just do a simple form submission (via HTML submit button), it works fine if the data is valid. But if the data isn't valid, instead of displaying the form with errors in the popup, it just loads only the text that would've been displayed in the popup - the form with errors - in the main browser window rather than in the popup.
Conversely, if I submit the form via my loadForm() JS method above, it works perfectly fine if the form is invalid (and displays the invalid form in the popup box), but doesn't work if the form is valid (because the main index page ends up getting displayed in my popup's innerHTML).
I can't seem to figure out how to get the code to work in both scenarios. So, how can I have my cake and eat it to? :)
This is kind of a strange issue, so if I didn't explain it well enough, let me know and I'll try to clarify. Thanks in advance.

I got it to work. The basic trick was, if the form submission was successful, instead of returning a redirect I returned a basic response object with a redirect status code and the URL to redirect to. Then I modified my displayForm() to look for that and redirect if it was found.
Here's the modified code from the Score() function:
if form.is_valid():
messages.success(request, 'Score saved!')
redirect = shortcuts.redirect('index')
return http.HttpResponse(content=redirect['Location'],
And the modified displayForm():
var displayForm = function(e) {
var responseText =;
if ( == 302) {
// If this was a redirect form submission, the response text will be the URL
// to redirect to.
window.location.href = responseText;
} else {
// Regular form submission. Show the response text.
goog.dom.getElement('popup-box').innerHTML = responseText;


Spring-Boot: Redirect and Refresh model and page

I have a spring-boot application, with theyemleaf. I repeatedly update the page, and redirect it to the same page, so i expect that the elements of the page get updated:
public String voteForEvents(Model model,
#PathVariable("eventId") Long eventId,
#RequestParam(value = "message", required = false) String message ) {"The message is: "+message);
SuggestedEvent event = suggestedEventService.findSuggestedEventById(eventId);
ArrayList<SuggestedEvent> events = suggestedEventService.findSuggestedEventsByArea(event.getArea());
return "/suggested-event/vote";
and when a button get pushed in the view it triggers the below post method:
public String voteForASuggestedEvent(RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes){"You have made a vote");
redirectAttributes.addAttribute("message", "Success");
return "redirect:/suggested-events/vote/1";
This second controller method, performs an operation an makes a message, and redirects it to the first method. So, it successfully redirected to the first method and it logs"The message is: "+message);
but it does not refresh my page, and i do not get the message as model?
When i redirect to the first method, i expect it adds the message to my models:
But it does not added to my page
and when a button get pushed in the view it triggers the below post
It sounds like this trigger is using AJAX, rather than a form submit. Doing so would match the symptoms you describe.
If you POST to /suggested-events/vote using AJAX, the server will return a 302, and the browser will follow it. However, the response for that 302 is still the result of an AJAX call. You have access to it in your success callback, but the browser isn't going to render it for you.
but it does not refresh my page
If a 302 doesn't cause your page to re-render, this also suggests you're using AJAX.
If you actually use a form submit instead, the browser will re-render using the markup returned by the successful redirect.
This can be verified by using the following two buttons in your vote.html:
<form action="http://localhost:8080/suggested-events/vote" method="POST">
<input type="submit" text="Submit" />
<button onclick="postmessage();" >Button</button>
function postmessage() {
method: 'POST',
data: {},
url: 'http://localhost:8080/suggested-events/vote'
The first button will work as expected, and the second button matches the symptoms you describe.
If you are already using a form, please update the question with it (or better yet, the entire Thymeleaf template).
I had the same problem as OP described and Mike's explanation brought me in the right direction.
I am reading a db-table and populating it with thymeleaf using th:each. I wanted to add a javascript-confirmation before deleting an item. Sending an ajax GET without an event-listener and reloading with location.reload(true) didn't reach the #GetMapping("/delete/{id}") in the controller.
This SO-thread gave me the answer to the ajax-call.
<a class="btn btn-danger" href="#" th:onclick="|confirmDeletion('${}')|"></a>
<script th:inline="javascript">
function confirmDeletion(id) {
if (confirm("Delete this id? " + id)) {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "/delete/" + id, true);
http.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
if (http.readyState === 4 && http.status === 200) {
there are many ways to redirect page in Spring, but be sure if the model attribute off message its passing correctly to FrontEnd or passing like parameter to another handler , you can see this document : , hope this is useful !!

MVC unobtrusive AJAX, returning Json data, and IE

So there are lots of questions out there about this whole "IE opens a download file dialog for Json data returned via Ajax" (like this one or this one), but I have not found any answers for those who use Unobtrusive Ajax.
We do a simple Ajax.BeginForm like this:
Ajax.BeginForm("Login", "Account", new { ReturnUrl = ViewBag.ReturnUrl },
new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "ContentContainer", OnSuccess = "JsonCheckRedirect" },
new { id = "form1" }
This posts the form with Content Type of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8". The Controller processes the form, and if there is an error, it returns a PartialView with Content Type "text/html", and that HTML gets put into the ContentContainer (because of the "UpdateTargetId" property in the AjaxOptions).
If there is no error, and the user logged in successfully, it returns Json with the URL they should be redirected to. So in the Controller, it's just simply this:
return Json(new { Url = returnUrl });
Except that we just had a user notify us that in IE8, this is causing the download dialog to pop up. After reading all these other questions with the same issue, I understand why this is happening, but the fix for those situations is to use this Json return instead:
return Json(new { Url = returnUrl }, "text/html");
The problem is that when I return like this, I guess Unobtrusive Ajax sees that the response from the server is HTML, and it replaces the content in the UpdateTargetId container. It does not do this when the server responds with "application/json".
Is there any way around this?
(do I need to explain anything further?)
If you return the url like that, you are going to need to override the Success handler and check the result to see if it has the Url property and then putting the result into window.location.
Personally, rather than returning a new Json result, I would send back a 302 which should make the ajax handler redirect you.
This happens in the bowels of jQuery if memory serves, so you don't need to change anything.
So rather than returning that json result on a successful login, try using a redirectToRoute result instead and send them to the page you want them to go to.

Set Session value from JavaScript and Get Session value in C#

Is it available to set the value from javascript(Session / ViewState) and get the value in C# without using hidden field??
Its work to store the value from javascript , and available to get the value in C# (page.request["Token"]) , but its not working for me because there have a postback action " form.submit();"
function setToken(Token) {
try {
var form = document.createElement("form");
var field = document.createElement("input");
field.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
field.setAttribute("name", 'Token');
field.setAttribute("value", accessToken);
} catch (err) {
If you want to submit a value from your clientside code to your serverside code, you'll need to submit it in some kind of request. A form post would be one way, but if you don't want the page to reload it could equally well be an AJAX request:
function setToken(accessToken) {
$.post('/SetToken', { Token: accessToken });
Using jQuery there as it'll save you a lot of the trouble involved in getting AJAX to work the same way across browsers.
In the example I'm posting a request to a page called /SetToken, which could be any url in your website where you have code that can update the token. Your own example submits a form without an action, which means it'll submit to the current page. You could easily do that as well
$.post(location.href, { Token: accessToken });

how to use last insert id when redirect same form page in codeigniter

I just try to prevent re submission problem when refresh form page. so I use session flashdata() method and redirect same form page. but I want also display recent inputed data on form VIEW page. then I am try $this->db->insert_id() on my form VIEW page . but it always show 0. how can I solve it?
when you redirect the user after the successful form submission then add the parameter in the url just a exapmle with dummy code to make an idea for you
//your add_info() should return the inserted id
redirect("/myformcontroller/myformpage/".$this->db->insert_id());// add id in redirect url
on your myformcontroller controller's myformpage function
function myformpage() {
//get new added information and pass it to view
// your other code
hope it makes sense

how can I redirect in .jsp while working with Ajax

I am developing application using Ajax and jsp.
My index.jsp page has HTML code for Login and some Ajax code in javascript. Ajax will call my another CheckLogin.jsp page
CheckLogin.jsp page checks on server for valid username and password. It returns "success" if it's valid otherwise will return message stating "username or password is not valid."
Now, when username and passwrod is valid, instead of success, I want to redirect the page to "Home.jsp" what should I do?
I am new to jsp. I appreciate your help on this.
JSP code gets run once on the server before it goes to the client, so JSP/JSTL cannot do a redirect following the success or otherwise of an AJAX call (without a full page refresh - which obviates the use of AJAX). You should to do the redirect with Javascript:
if (success) {
var successUrl = "Home.jsp"; // might be a good idea to return this URL in the successful AJAX call
window.location.href = successUrl;
On successful AJAX call/validation, the browser window will reload with the new URL (effectively a redirect).
Since I don't see your code, you can integrate this somewhere inside your validation :
function Edit() {
var allVals = $('#NEWFORMCampaignID').val();
if (allVals > 0) {
window.location = '/SMS/PrepareSMS?id='+allVals;
alert("Invalid campaign to Edit")
In order to redirect using Button click and pass some parameters, you can call the Controller Path(#RequestMapping(value="/SMS/PrepareSMS")) and then handle it there..
