Image path in Magento keeps going to base folder - magento

I'm trying to add an image on my CMS page by using something like {{skin url=images/foldername/image%2011.jpg}}
With this, I should get a path like 123abc/magento/skin/frontend/default/default/images/foldername/image%2011.jpg
But instead of that path, I get a path going to the base like so
I'm 100% sure that the folder works because I have other images on the same folder that works in other pages. I didn't change the package name so I'm not sure why this is happening for some files. Based on what I found on the web, magento looks for the image at the base folder if it can't find the file on the specified path but the image is there. Does anybody know how to resolve this and what else could be causing this?

Solution by OP.
I noticed how I got this problem only with images with spaces on the filename hence the %20 on the file path. Though I was given literally hundreds of images with spaces on their filenames, the easiest and fastest way to resolve this is to remove the space for each of the image.


JavaFX - Resource paths and loading an image

My image doesn't want to be loaded, I don't know if it's the path, image format or error in the code. I have tried to detect what the problem is by different ways.
Here is the error code.
My workspace is located at
This folder contains two additional folders, "bin" and "src". I have tried relocating my image to different subfolders just to be sure.
But still won't work, unfortunately. After having read the questions here on the site, there was a suggestion to check the path with these two short codes.
(tried also with texAccount.png)
The first command was successful, giving me the following line.
And then I became confused. It wants to load files from the "bin" subfolder, however my Scanner opens, reads, writes all the files into the root folder. I do not have my text files in the "bin" subfolder but the root folder and works perfectly. Maybe it just loads from the very first folder in my root folder? I created a subfolder named "asd" just to check it: No, I was wrong. The program definitely wants to load my image from the "bin" folder, giving me the same message as above.
I spammed all the folders with my picture. Okay, so my image is in the right folder after all. I thought I would check my code rather.
I tried to change the "texAccount.png" in code to just "texAccount", still would not load. Then I renamed my actual image file to "texAccount" and "texAccount.png", however I combined the names it showed no progress.
My image is only 20x20 in size, but contains alpha channel. As I am a beginner, I do not know, maybe alpha images must be dealt in some other ways, so to be sure I deleted my alpha channels and made a fully black picture, basically a 20x20 black box, no success.
I have tried converting my file to .jpg and three other formats.
I have imported all the required classes and packs needed for working with images.
Thank you very much!
( I posted all my codes and quotes as pictures )
Image image = new Image("texAccount.png");
Do not need to do other steps!

Comfortable mexican sofa - upload file to specific path

At this moment when I upload file into CMS it is being stored in location like:
I would like to be able to specify that logo category files will be stored in path
and files of category images in:
Where should I start? Im pretty sure that this is impossible to achieve using only comfy GUI however I am quite not experienced in working with this cms, can anyone give me a hint how I can do that?
It's right that Paperclip handles that.
However you can set the upload path changing the value of config.upload_file_options entry in the /config/initializers/comfortable_mexican_sofa.rb file

Images not displaying in word File after linking images in the file

I have a word file.
I have inserted images by linking it to avoid more size of doc file. Here I have kept the all images into a folder and linked in the doc file. This works fine.
But, when I send to my friend the doc file the the image file, the images cannot be seen. Quite obvious due to path has been changed.
I don't want to host the images online. If I do, this will resolve if I'm online.
If I'm off line I can't view the images in the doc file.
How do I overcome this problem?
Why not just get your friend to edit hyperlinks to update it to location of each image on their machine?

Not able to upload pictures with magmi.

I've recently moved my website to a new server (shared). I made a backup with installtron and put everything in place on the new server.
Every went pretty smooth, but i'm facing some difficulties with uploading my feeds via magmi. I'm getting errors when im using the image attribute processor. The following erros pop up:
download error,URL is unreachable.
The stupid thing is that the image link he's pointing to is working and points to the picture, but somehow it is not uploading it. This was working at my previous website. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with write permissions, but i can't figure out which one it is. Permissions are all set to 755 (shared hosting)
Anybody has any idea?
I found the error. It had something to do with the fact that i filled a path "Image search path" within the image attribute plugin. I thought that would not matter if i would point to an absolute path in my csv file, but apparently it did. After i removed the location there it did upload my pictures pointing to an absolute path.
Thanks all!

How to change logo in Joomla template, Entropy?

First time using Joomla and having a big issue. I was able to locate the css files that contains the background image url for the logo but i can't find the path that the css is referring to:
I am using the Entropy them by RocketThemes.
Your logo path is : /templates/rt_entropy_j15/images/logo/style3/logo.png
The urls that you found are are relative. The url of your image is therefore relative to the location of the css file you found. The ../ means go up one level - so instead of /templates/rt_entropy_j15/css/ (the location of the css file you are examining), one level up is /templates/rt_entropy_j15/ then go into the /images/ sub-folder (within /templates/rt_entropy_j15/ ) then navigate the /logo/style3/ folder tree and find your logo.png in place.
Firebug or similar debugging tools are always the best way to work through these kinds of problems.
