I am using code I found in another question to compress an array of doubles and then test the size. I do this a huge number of times. Can I make this code more efficient?
public static byte[] Compress(byte[] bytData)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
Stream s = new GZipStream(ms, CompressionMode.Compress);
s.Write(bytData, 0, bytData.Length);
byte[] compressedData = ms.ToArray();
return compressedData;
return null;
static void Main(string[] args)
public List<double> B;
while (true)
datum = getNewDatum();
B.Insert(0, datum);
if (B.Count > 500)
B.RemoveAt(B.Count - 1);
byte[] byteArray = B.SelectMany(BitConverter.GetBytes).ToArray();
byte[] compressedData = Compress(byteArray);
Two areas might be able to be made faster:
The compression method.
How I am creating the byteArray in Main. Perhaps storing as a list of double and using SelectMany is not very efficient?
When it comes to optimization, I can propose a deterministic destruction and can rewrite as below,
public static byte[] Compress(byte[] bytData)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
using (var s = new GZipStream(ms, CompressionMode.Compress))
s.Write(bytData, 0, bytData.Length);
byte[] compressedData = ms.ToArray();
return compressedData;
return null;
I have tried to read IMB barcode from an image with the below code snippet, but it always return null. I have also tried with the IMB barcode images in the blackbox testing below, but doesn't work.
private static void Decode()
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(#"\07.png");
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
bitmap.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Bmp);
byte[] byteArray = memoryStream.GetBuffer();
ZXing.LuminanceSource source = new RGBLuminanceSource(byteArray, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
var binarizer = new HybridBinarizer(source);
var binBitmap = new BinaryBitmap(binarizer);
IMBReader imbReader = new IMBReader();
Result str = imbReader.decode(binBitmap);
catch { }
I have solved this problem by using the below code snippet shared through the below link.
private static void Decode2()
var bitmap = new Bitmap(#"\07.png"); // make sure that the file exists at the root level
var imbReader = new BarcodeReader
Options =
PossibleFormats = new List<BarcodeFormat> {BarcodeFormat.IMB}
var result = imbReader.Decode(bitmap);
if (result != null)
System.Console.WriteLine("nothing found");
catch (System.Exception exc)
I have to use Aes encryption in our Xamarin PCL project. Our project uses the portable framework and not the standard so I can't use the new built in classes. I tried changing to the .NET Standard but ended up with countless errors and since I've never used it before, I figured I probably shouldn't make such a change now.
I thought this could be done using the PCLCrypto package but haven't been able to get it to work.
We currently support iOS and Android.
I'm trying to figure out how to convert the following code from our server side.
private static readonly byte[] CipherKey = ConvertHexStringToByteArray("some key");
static public string EncryptString(string originalPayload)
return Encrypt(originalPayload, CipherKey);
static private string Encrypt(string originalPayload, byte[] privateKey)
string encryptedPayload = "";
using (var aes = new AesCryptoServiceProvider()
Key = privateKey,
Mode = CipherMode.CBC,
Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7
var input = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalPayload);
var iv = aes.IV;
using (var encrypter = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, iv))
using (var cipherStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var tCryptoStream = new CryptoStream(cipherStream, encrypter, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
using (var tBinaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(tCryptoStream))
//Prepend IV to data
cipherStream.Write(iv, 0, iv.Length); //Write iv to the plain stream (not tested though)
encryptedPayload = Convert.ToBase64String(cipherStream.ToArray());
return encryptedPayload;
static public string DecryptString(string data)
return DecryptString(Convert.FromBase64String(data), CipherKey);
static private string DecryptString(byte[] encryptedString, byte[] encryptionKey)
using (var provider = new AesCryptoServiceProvider())
provider.Key = encryptionKey;
provider.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(encryptedString))
// Read the first 16 bytes which is the IV.
byte[] iv = new byte[16];
ms.Read(iv, 0, 16);
provider.IV = iv;
using (var decryptor = provider.CreateDecryptor())
using (var cs = new CryptoStream(ms, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
using (var sr = new StreamReader(cs))
return sr.ReadToEnd();
I found some code using PCLCrypto but can't get it working right. The decrypted string turns out to be squares.
Here's what I'm trying to use to decrypt the string from the server.
public static string DecryptAes(byte[] data, byte[] key)
ISymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider aes = WinRTCrypto.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithmName.Aes,
SymmetricAlgorithmMode.Cbc, SymmetricAlgorithmPadding.None);
ICryptographicKey symetricKey = aes.CreateSymmetricKey(key);
string returnValue = "";
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(data))
// Read the first 16 bytes which is the IV.
byte[] iv = new byte[16];
ms.Read(iv, 0, 16);
using (var decryptor = WinRTCrypto.CryptographicEngine.CreateDecryptor(symetricKey, iv))
using (var cs = new CryptoStream(ms, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
using (var sr = new StreamReader(cs))
returnValue = sr.ReadToEnd();
return returnValue;
I was able to get it working. Here's the code in case someone runs into the same issue.
static public string Encrypt(string originalPayload, byte[] privateKey)
string encryptedPayload = "";
ISymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider aes = WinRTCrypto.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithm.AesCbcPkcs7);
ICryptographicKey symetricKey = aes.CreateSymmetricKey(privateKey);
var iv = WinRTCrypto.CryptographicBuffer.GenerateRandom(aes.BlockLength);
var input = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalPayload);
using (var encrypter = WinRTCrypto.CryptographicEngine.CreateEncryptor(symetricKey, iv))
using (var cipherStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var tCryptoStream = new CryptoStream(cipherStream, encrypter, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
using (var tBinaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(tCryptoStream))
//Prepend IV to data
cipherStream.Write(iv, 0, iv.Length); //Write iv to the plain stream (not tested though)
encryptedPayload = Convert.ToBase64String(cipherStream.ToArray());
return encryptedPayload;
public static string DecryptAes(byte[] data, byte[] key)
ISymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider aes = WinRTCrypto.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(SymmetricAlgorithm.AesCbcPkcs7);
ICryptographicKey symetricKey = aes.CreateSymmetricKey(key);
string returnValue = "";
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(data))
// Read the first 16 bytes which is the IV.
byte[] iv = new byte[16];
ms.Read(iv, 0, 16);
using (var decryptor = WinRTCrypto.CryptographicEngine.CreateDecryptor(symetricKey, iv))
using (var cs = new CryptoStream(ms, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
using (var sr = new StreamReader(cs))
returnValue = sr.ReadToEnd();
return returnValue;
What I want to do is simply to upload a photo to a webservice using mono touch/mono droid and mvvmcross, hopefully in a way so I only have to write the code once for both android and IOS :)
My initial idea is to let the user pick an image (in android using an intent) get the path for the image. Then use MvxResourceLoader resourceLoader to open an stream from the path and then use restsharp for creating a post request with the stream.
However I already hit a wall, when the user picks an image the path is e.g. "/external/images/media/13". this path results in a file not found exception when using the MvxResourceLoader resourceLoader.
Any ideas to why I get the exception or is there an better way to achieve my goal?
This is how I ended up doinging it - thank you stuart and to all the links :)
public class PhotoService :IPhotoService, IMvxServiceConsumer<IMvxPictureChooserTask>,IMvxServiceConsumer<IAppSettings>
private const int MaxPixelDimension = 300;
private const int DefaultJpegQuality = 64;
public void ChoosePhotoForEventItem(string EventGalleryId, string ItemId)
delegate(Stream stream) { UploadImage(stream,EventGalleryId,ItemId); },
() => { /* cancel is ignored */ });
private void UploadImage(Stream stream, string EventGalleryId, string ItemId)
var settings = this.GetService<IAppSettings>();
string url = string.Format("{0}/EventGallery/image/{1}/{2}", settings.ServiceUrl, EventGalleryId, ItemId);
var uploadImageController = new UploadImageController(url);
uploadImageController.OnPhotoAvailableFromWebservice +=PhotoAvailableFromWebservice;
public class PhotoStreamEventArgs : EventArgs
public Stream PictureStream { get; set; }
public Action<string> OnSucessGettingPhotoFileName { get; set; }
public string URL { get; set; }
public class UploadImageController : BaseController, IMvxServiceConsumer<IMvxResourceLoader>, IMvxServiceConsumer<IErrorReporter>, IMvxServiceConsumer<IMvxSimpleFileStoreService>
public UploadImageController(string uri)
: base(uri)
public event EventHandler<PhotoStreamEventArgs> OnPhotoAvailableFromWebservice;
public void UploadImage(Stream stream, string name)
UploadImageStream(stream, name);
private void UploadImageStream(Stream obj, string name)
var request = new RestRequest(base.Uri, Method.POST);
request.AddFile("photo", ReadToEnd(obj), name + ".jpg", "image/pjpeg");
//calling server with restClient
var restClient = new RestClient();
this.ReportError("Billedet overføres", ErrorEventType.Warning);
restClient.ExecuteAsync(request, (response) =>
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
//upload successfull
this.ReportError("Billedet blev overført", ErrorEventType.Warning);
if (OnPhotoAvailableFromWebservice != null)
this.OnPhotoAvailableFromWebservice(this, new PhotoStreamEventArgs() { URL = base.Uri });
//error ocured during upload
this.ReportError("Billedet kunne ikke overføres \n" + response.StatusDescription, ErrorEventType.Warning);
catch (Exception e)
this.ReportError("Upload completed succesfully...", ErrorEventType.Warning);
if (OnPhotoAvailableFromWebservice != null)
this.OnPhotoAvailableFromWebservice(this, new PhotoStreamEventArgs() { URL = url });
//method for converting stream to byte[]
public byte[] ReadToEnd(System.IO.Stream stream)
long originalPosition = stream.Position;
stream.Position = 0;
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4096];
int totalBytesRead = 0;
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = stream.Read(readBuffer, totalBytesRead, readBuffer.Length - totalBytesRead)) > 0)
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
if (totalBytesRead == readBuffer.Length)
int nextByte = stream.ReadByte();
if (nextByte != -1)
byte[] temp = new byte[readBuffer.Length * 2];
Buffer.BlockCopy(readBuffer, 0, temp, 0, readBuffer.Length);
Buffer.SetByte(temp, totalBytesRead, (byte)nextByte);
readBuffer = temp;
byte[] buffer = readBuffer;
if (readBuffer.Length != totalBytesRead)
buffer = new byte[totalBytesRead];
Buffer.BlockCopy(readBuffer, 0, buffer, 0, totalBytesRead);
return buffer;
stream.Position = originalPosition;
Issues taking images and showing them with MvvmCross on WP
Need an example of take a Picture with MonoDroid and MVVMCross
https://github.com/Redth/WshLst/ - uses Xam.Mobile for it's picture taking
I'm using NAudio (but it applies to reading directly) to capture microphone wave data. It seems that if my app is busy it drops/skips some input data from the mic.
I've set the reading thread to top priority, but I'm doing heavy calculations in several other thread at the same time.
Is there a way to read data lossless?
(Or is it lossless, and my bug elsewhere?)
When I was making a similar app and had a similar problem, it turned out that I needed a buffer that can hold at least 3 seconds of data. Try to increase the buffer to 10 seconds of data and if it doesn't solve your problem then there are more issues. If it works try decreasing the buffer size until it works properly
EDIT: Here a quick & dirty managed dx recording for you to try.
public class BMSRecordingEventArgs : EventArgs
byte[] data;
bool endRec;
public BMSRecordingEventArgs(byte[] data, bool endRec)
this.data = data;
this.endRec = endRec;
public byte[] Data
get { return data; }
public bool EndRec
get { return endRec; }
public class AudioRecorder
public delegate void DataReceivedHandler(object sender, BMSRecordingEventArgs e);
public event DataReceivedHandler DataReceivedHandle;
public const int CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE = 32000;
DXS.Capture dxsCapDev;
DXS.CaptureBuffer dxsCapBuffer;
DXS.CaptureBufferDescription dxsCapBufferDesc;
System.Threading.Thread thrdCapturingThread;
DXS.BufferPositionNotify[] dxsBpna;
private volatile bool StopRec;
System.Threading.ManualResetEvent mreStillRunning = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(false);
DXS.BufferPositionNotify dxsBPNHalf;
DXS.BufferPositionNotify dxsBPNFull;
DXS.Notify Notify;
System.Threading.AutoResetEvent ARE;
public AudioRecorder(Guid DeviceGuid,DXS.WaveFormat wfWaveFormat,DXS.CaptureEffectDescription[] dxsCapEffectDesc)
dxsCapDev = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Capture(DeviceGuid);
dxsCapBufferDesc = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBufferDescription();
dxsCapBufferDesc.BufferBytes = CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE;
dxsCapBufferDesc.Format = wfWaveFormat;
dxsCapBufferDesc.WaveMapped = true;
dxsCapBufferDesc.CaptureEffectDescription = dxsCapEffectDesc;
dxsCapBufferDesc.ControlEffects = true;
dxsCapBuffer = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.CaptureBuffer(dxsCapBufferDesc, dxsCapDev);
ARE = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false);
dxsBPNHalf = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPositionNotify();
dxsBPNFull = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPositionNotify();
dxsBPNHalf.Offset = CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE / 2 - 1;
dxsBPNFull.EventNotifyHandle = ARE.SafeWaitHandle.DangerousGetHandle();
dxsBPNHalf.EventNotifyHandle = ARE.SafeWaitHandle.DangerousGetHandle();
dxsBpna = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.BufferPositionNotify[2];
dxsBpna[0] = dxsBPNHalf;
dxsBpna[1] = dxsBPNFull;
Notify = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.Notify(dxsCapBuffer);
public void StartRecording()
if (thrdCapturingThread != null)
throw new Exception("Already Recording !");
StopRec = false;
thrdCapturingThread = new System.Threading.Thread(Record);
private void Record()
DataReceivedHandler drh2 = DataReceivedHandle;
byte[] TempBaf = new byte[CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE / 2];
int StartingOffset = 0;
while (dxsCapBuffer.Capturing && !StopRec)
StartingOffset %= CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE;
TempBaf = (byte[])dxsCapBuffer.Read(StartingOffset, typeof(byte), Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.LockFlag.FromWriteCursor, CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE / 2);
StartingOffset += TempBaf.Length;
if (drh2 != null)
drh2(this, new BMSRecordingEventArgs(TempBaf, false));
if (drh2 != null)
drh2(this, new BMSRecordingEventArgs(TempBaf, true));
public void StopRecording()
StopRec = true;
thrdCapturingThread = null;
I need to send an image from the Windows Phone 7 to some e-mail addresses.
I use this class to submit text values to a PHP script, wich parses data and sends a formatted e-mail to the addresses.
The problem is that I can't figure out how to send an image to that script, to attach the image to the e-mail. The PHP script can be changed in any way. If I have an Image object, how can I change this class to allow sending images?
public class PostSubmitter
public string url { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, string> parameters { get; set; }
public PostSubmitter() { }
public void Submit()
// Prepare web request...
HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
myRequest.Method = "POST";
myRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
myRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(new AsyncCallback(GetRequestStreamCallback), myRequest);
private void GetRequestStreamCallback(IAsyncResult asynchronousResult)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)asynchronousResult.AsyncState;
System.IO.Stream postStream = request.EndGetRequestStream(asynchronousResult);
// Prepare Parameters String
string parametersString = "";
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> parameter in parameters)
parametersString = parametersString + (parametersString != "" ? "&" : "") + string.Format("{0}={1}", parameter.Key, parameter.Value);
byte[] byteArray = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(parametersString);
// Write to the request stream.
postStream.Write(byteArray, 0, parametersString.Length);
// Start the asynchronous operation to get the response
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(GetResponseCallback), request);
private void GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult asynchronousResult)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)asynchronousResult.AsyncState;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(asynchronousResult);
Stream streamResponse = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader streamRead = new StreamReader(streamResponse);
string responseString = streamRead.ReadToEnd();
// Close the stream object
// Release the HttpWebResponse
//Action<string> act = new Action<string>(DisplayResponse);
//this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(act, responseString);
I use the class in this way:
Dictionary<string, string> data = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"nom", nom.Text},
{"cognoms", cognoms.Text},
{"email", email.Text},
{"telefon", telefon.Text}
PostSubmitter post = new PostSubmitter() { url = "http://example.com/parserscript.php", parameters = data };
Thank you very much!
I've converted the above code to the following, I'm sure it will help:
public class PostSubmitter
public string url { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, object> parameters { get; set; }
string boundary = "----------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
public PostSubmitter() { }
public void Submit()
// Prepare web request...
HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(url));
myRequest.Method = "POST";
myRequest.ContentType = string.Format("multipart/form-data; boundary={0}", boundary);
myRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(new AsyncCallback(GetRequestStreamCallback), myRequest);
private void GetRequestStreamCallback(IAsyncResult asynchronousResult)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)asynchronousResult.AsyncState;
Stream postStream = request.EndGetRequestStream(asynchronousResult);
writeMultipartObject(postStream, parameters);
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(GetResponseCallback), request);
private void GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult asynchronousResult)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)asynchronousResult.AsyncState;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(asynchronousResult);
Stream streamResponse = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader streamRead = new StreamReader(streamResponse);
// Release the HttpWebResponse
public void writeMultipartObject(Stream stream, object data)
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
if (data != null)
foreach (var entry in data as Dictionary<string, object>)
WriteEntry(writer, entry.Key, entry.Value);
private void WriteEntry(StreamWriter writer, string key, object value)
if (value != null)
if (value is byte[])
byte[] ba = value as byte[];
writer.WriteLine(#"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""{0}""; filename=""{1}""", key, "sentPhoto.jpg");
writer.WriteLine(#"Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
//writer.WriteLine(#"Content-Type: image / jpeg");
writer.WriteLine(#"Content-Length: " + ba.Length);
Stream output = writer.BaseStream;
output.Write(ba, 0, ba.Length);
writer.WriteLine(#"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""{0}""", key);
To convert an image from the camera to an byte array I've used the follwing:
private void photoChooserTask_Completed(object sender, PhotoResult e)
BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage();
foto.Source = image;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
WriteableBitmap btmMap = new WriteableBitmap(image);
// write an image into the stream
Extensions.SaveJpeg(btmMap, ms, image.PixelWidth, image.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
byteArray = ms.ToArray();
catch (ArgumentNullException) { /* Nothing */ }
And I use the class this way:
Dictionary<string, object> data = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{"nom", nom.Text},
{"cognoms", cognoms.Text},
{"email", email.Text},
{"telefon", telefon.Text},
{"comentari", comentari.Text},
{"foto", byteArray},
PostSubmitter post = new PostSubmitter() { url = "http://example.com/parserscript.php", parameters = data};
I don't know if it's the best way to send an image from the phone to a server, but I couldn't find anything, so I made my own class just reading this and that, and it has taken me several days. If anybody wants to improve the code or write any comment will be welcomed.
There are lots of questions/answers on here to help already
Post with WebRequest - although i couldn't spot any specifically for photos.
Perhaps the best way is to use something like Hammock on Codeplex - http://hammock.codeplex.com/ - or perhaps something like RESTSharp - http://restsharp.org/ - they provide standard REST POST functions.
e.g. if you look within Hammock, then you'll find others who've posted images direct from the camera to tumblr - see http://hammock.codeplex.com/discussions/235650
The above code works perfect. I just use a different method to convert the file to an array of bytes which works perfect with Audio
public static class FileHelper
public static byte[] ReadToEnd(System.IO.Stream stream)
long originalPosition = stream.Position;
stream.Position = 0;
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4096];
int totalBytesRead = 0;
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = stream.Read(readBuffer, totalBytesRead, readBuffer.Length - totalBytesRead)) > 0)
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
if (totalBytesRead == readBuffer.Length)
int nextByte = stream.ReadByte();
if (nextByte != -1)
byte[] temp = new byte[readBuffer.Length * 2];
Buffer.BlockCopy(readBuffer, 0, temp, 0, readBuffer.Length);
Buffer.SetByte(temp, totalBytesRead, (byte)nextByte);
readBuffer = temp;
byte[] buffer = readBuffer;
if (readBuffer.Length != totalBytesRead)
buffer = new byte[totalBytesRead];
Buffer.BlockCopy(readBuffer, 0, buffer, 0, totalBytesRead);
return buffer;
stream.Position = originalPosition;