firefox document.write() function doesnt work - firefox

On firefox browser, the document.write() method is not working. I also tried with and document.close() but it did not work.
<script type="text/javascript">document.write("hello");</script>

There is nothing wrong in terms of syntax with that code as I just tried it and it definitely works fine. Chances are the problems you're having are more fundamental rather than language specific.
Although the document.write function is javascript you have wrapped it in a script block which is an html element. In order for this code to run in Firefox or any browser for that matter, you'll have to save it as an html file before you can open in a browser.

you can try:


Ajax code runs correctly on firefox but not on chrome

link to project files:
Any suggetions ?
thanks in advance
Try disabling all chrome extensions and try again. Since they might be adding some extra divs to the DOM, thereby interfering with the
document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0] statement.

Selenium Firefox 19 CSS Menu Click Not Working

Using Selenium, with an earlier combo of the webdriver (2.28.0) and Firefox (pre-19), the following code worked.
With webdriver 2.31.0 and Firefox 19.0.2 the code does not work and I receive a NoSuchElementException for the second findElement.
I tried using xpath which doesn't work for Firefox but does work for Chrome and IE, which are part of the same test suite.
Any thoughts or another way to accomplish the same thing? I would prefer to use the same code for the mentioned browsers.
Not sure if it was a typo on your part, but it should be "find_element" instead of "findelement", at least it's so in 2.31 to my knowledge.
if that doesn't work, post your HTML code so we can possibly construct a working Xpath.

console.log is not working when used in a Firefox, Greasemonkey script

My userscript prints some information using console.log().
This works fine in Chrome, but when I install this userscript in Firefox (Greasemonkey), the web console in Firefox is not displaying anything.
I searched for a solution and some suggested to use unsafeWindow but it is also not showing any output. Moreover unsafeWindow cannot be used for chrome. I even installed Firebug but it was no use. How can I resolve this?
For example, I tried this userscript in Firefox:
// ==UserScript==
// #name console
// ==UserScript==
You mean it doesn't work when installed via Greasemonkey, right?
Not long ago, Greasemonkey broke console.log (New! Bug report). Now, to see the results of a plain console.log() call from a Greasemonkey, you need to look in Firefox's Error console, not Firebug's.
You can see FF's Error console by pressing: CtrlShiftJ.
However, you can use unsafeWindow.console.log() in both Chrome and Greasemonkey scripts. Chrome now has limited support for unsafeWindow.
If you use unsafeWindow, you have access to the full range of Firebug's logging functions from Greasemonkey. (Firebug must be installed and they still might not work in Chrome userscripts; I haven't tested that way in a while.)
In Firefox, if Firebug is not installed, or it is not active for the page, then unsafeWindow.console.log() calls will display to the New "Web Console" (CtrlShiftK).
You need to use the unsafeWindow when inside a Greasemonkey script.
Note that Firefox currently supports console.log(),, console.warn(), and console.error() natively -- no Firebug required.
Wait a minute: if the question is about logging in the console with Greasemonkey (I could swear I saw the tag greasemonkey), why not use the GM_log method?
// ==UserScript==
// #name GM_log Example
// #namespace
// ==/UserScript==
GM_log("This is an example of GM_log");
Or am I missing something?
PS: you can also check for javascript.options.showInConsole in about:config. it should be true.
I found that (testing with Chrome/Tampermonkey) you need:
window.log("<message goes here>");, not unsafeWindow.console.log("<msg>");,
as unsafeWindow and console come up as undefined.
Try that, as I'm pretty sure that's the way you're supposed to do it in later versions of browsers, etc.

DOJO include script from CDN

Currently I'm trying to include Dojo from either one of these two CDN (Content Delivery Network) sources:
It seems like some times during the day, Firefox 3.5 refuses to load the dojo library.
I see errors in Firebug console like "dojo is not defined" when I do a "dojo.require" statement. Also from Firebug and go to the "Net" tab, and see no history of any attempt to load from the above dojo libs.
Yet, I can open the same page in IE7 and it works. I have flushed cache in FireFox, and killed and re-opened it (but I was using the restore previous pages option).
One time today, when I switched from AOL 1.3.2 to 1.1 it worked once, then never has worked again.
Sounds like timing issues. Are you sure you do CDN right? The trick is you cannot use what's defined in files you dojo.require()d right away — they are going to be loaded asynchronously.
The basic structure of the CDN-based application is like this:
<script src="to/dojo/cdn"></script>
// more dojo.require()
// you cannot use dojo.this and dojo.that here
// this is crucial: do everything in dojo.addOnLoad();
// now use dojo.this and dojo.that
In order to troubleshoot you can do one thing: write a minimal web page, which loads Dojo using your favorite CDN and does nothing. Open it up in Firefox, open Firebug and enter some simple Dojo calls manually to see if it works for you. If it doesn't, switch to the Net tab and see what calls were made, when, and how they ended.

IE8 won't load JavaScript file in "Compatibility View."

Here's my JS insert:
<script type="text/javascript" src="include/profile.js"></script>
In IE8 with "Compatibility View," the file never loads. The first line in the file is a simple alert() call, so that I know it loaded. Change the browser to Standards View, and it loads fine.
Also, if I add:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=100" >
It forces to Standards View and it loads fine.
Any idea why this would be the case? I've not been able to test against IE7, but I know the JS file also does not load in IE6.
Right now the tag is in the section of the file.
It would seem that IE8, Safari, Firefox, et al will tolerate certain JavaScript syntax errors. IE7 and IE6 (and IE8 in 'compatibility view') will not, and they will also not throw a parse error or any other kind of clue.
Pasting my code into revealed a couple of syntax errors that weren't affecting the code's operation in other browsers. So boo on me.
Okay. Had the same problem on IE8 and safari 5 on windows and finally got this working. This one is really beauty...
I had a function with a parameter named 'class' which was causing the issue. Renaming to clsname fixed the problem. Apparently FF and chrome were lenient about this.
Turn on script debugging and see if you are getting a javascript error in compatibility mode. The presence of an error would keep the javascript from executing even if it is loaded. You might also want to use the developer tools in IE8 to debug the javascript and/or verify if the file is loaded or not.
just spent couple of hours on this - IE7 & 8 suffers from "return" identificator
I had:
m["return"] = 123;
var x = m.return; // SILENT ERROR!
Obviously, renamaing identificator solves this
