RequestMapping doesn't redirect - spring

#RequestMapping(value = "/{Id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String searchCity( #PathVariable ("Id") Long Id) {
return "successpage";
When I'm trying to write some number it print me Eror 404 resource is not available, but when I write {Id} ("7DId7D" smthing like this) it redirects me to succespage, What is the problem? Help me please...

The information you provided conflicts with known behavior of Spring MVC
http://localhost:8080/MyCountryProject/7 should maps to searchCity fine
http://localhost:8080/MyCountryProject/%7Bld%7D should not even map to searchCity
I would check following to further isolate the problem:
Are you sure you're testing against the right controller? If your controller has #RequestMapping("myController") then your URL would be http://localhost:8080/MyCountryProject/MyController/7
Are you sure you're posting with the correct HTTP method? If you're HTTP form is POST, it wouldn't map to searchCity method
The conversion from string into Long is done by Spring MVC builtin property editor, did you install your own property editor? If so debug this


How to get Swagger UI to display similar Spring Boot REST endpoints?

I have a controller class with two endpoints
public class TestController {
value= "/test",
method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getTest() {
return "test without params";
value= "/test",
params = {"param"},
method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getTest(#PathParam("param") int param) {
return "test with param";
One has a parameter, one doesn't, and the both work.
If I use curl or a web browser to hit the endpoints
test without params
test with param
but the swagger ui only shows the one without a parameter.
If I change the value in the request mapping for the request with a parameter to
value= "/testbyparam",
params = {"param"},
method = RequestMethod.GET)
Swagger UI displays both endpoints correctly, but I'd rather not define my endpoints based on what swagger will or won't display.
Is there any way for me to get swagger ui to properly display endpoints with matching values, but different parameters?
Edit for Clarification:
The endpoints work perfectly fine; /test and /test?param=1 both work perfectly, the issue is that swagger-ui won't display them.
I would like for swagger ui to display the endpoints I have defined, but if it can't, then I'll just have to live with swagger-ui missing some of my endpoints.
Edit with reference:
The people answering here: Proper REST formatted URL with date ranges
explicitly say not to seperate the query string with a slash
They also said "There shouldn't be a slash before the query string."
The issue is in your Request Mapping, The second method declaration is overriding the first method. As Resource Mapping value is same.
Try changing the second method to below. As you want to give input in QueryParam rather than path variable, you should use #RequestParam not #PathParam.
Note that you have to give /test/, In order to tell Spring that your mapping is not ambiguous. Hope it helps.
value= "/test/",
method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getTest (#RequestParam("param") int param) {
return "test with param"+param;
Upon reading clarifications, the issue here is that swagger-ui is doing the correct thing.
You have two controller endpoints, but they are for the same RESOURCE /test that takes a set of optional query parameters.
Effectively, all mapped controller endpoints that have the same method (GET) and request mapping (/test) represent a single logical resource. GET operation on the test resource, and a set of optional parameters which may affect the results of invoking that operation.
The fact that you've implemented this as two separate controller endpoints is an implementation detail and does not change the fact that there is a single /test resource that can be operated upon.
What would be the benefit to consumers of your API by listing this as two separate endpoints in swagger UI vs a single endpoint with optional parameters? Perhaps it could constrain the set of allowed valid query parameters (if you set ?foo you MUST set &bar) but this can also be done in descriptive text, and is a much more standard approach. Personally, I am unfamiliar with any publicly documented api that distinguishes multiple operations for the same resource differentiated by query params.
As per Open API Specification 3
OpenAPI defines a unique operation as a combination of a path and an
HTTP method. This means that two GET or two POST methods for the same
path are not allowed – even if they have different parameters
(parameters have no effect on uniqueness).
Reference -
This was also raised as an issue but it was closed because OAS3 doesn't allow that -
Try including the param in the path as below.
public String getTest(#PathVariable final int param) {
return "test with param";
I'm unclear exactly what you're attempting to do, but I'll give two solutions:
If you want to have PATH parameters e.g. GET /test & GET /test/123 you can do:
public String getTest() {
return "test without params";
public String getTest(#PathVariable("param") int param) {
return "test with param";
If you want query parameters (GET /test and GET /test?param=123) then you need a single endpoint that takes an optional parameter:
public String getTest(#RequestParam("param") Integer param) {
if(param == null) {
return "test without params";
} else {
return "test with param";

Using postman raw testing spring-boot controller failed

Here is the controller:
Here is the postman:
Via form-data, I can get caseId in my controller.
But raw with header, I can't.
I don't know why... Is there anything wrong with my controller ?
Please help, thanks.
edit 1:
Yeah. Add something more
We know, springMVC will bind data for us, but when we use POST request and put data in body via raw and Content-Type:application/json, spring will still bind data? request.getInputStream() will only call once.
edit 2:
I found a way to get the raw.
get the json string.
edit in 11/29/2017
I found that:
Post with raw, I need to use #RequestBody to recive the value.
Here are the example of how to retrieve data using POSTMAN and bind with SpringMVC
#RequestMapping(value = "/user/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<List<User>> listAllUsers() {
List<User> users = userService.findAllUsers();
if (users.isEmpty()) {
return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);
// You many decide to return HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND
return new ResponseEntity<List<User>>(users, HttpStatus.OK);
You may refer to this article : Spring Boot Rest API Example
Can u bind request param as below and check :
public Object getTcaseByCaseId(#RequestParam("caseId") String caseId) {

Best Practice of reading text file in spring mvc

What is the best way to read HTML content from a text file and display the content in JSP? I have placed the text file in the resource folder using spring mvc 3. Normally I do this kind of stuff with Apache commons in struts but believe spring must have provided some utility for this.
I am thinking about reading it in a tag file. What utility should i use for that?
Ignoring the question of why you would want to do this. The return value from a Spring MVC controller method is usually used to resolve a view. The resolved view then becomes the response body. However, you can use the #ResponseBody annotation to make the raw return value the response body.
You can do it in the #RequestMapping method. The Key is the return type ModelAndView.
You read your text file and get the html that you need, after this, adding the html to the model and then return the a new ModelAndView Object.
Here's a sample:
#RequestMapping(value = "siteWithResHtml", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView loadSiteWithResHtml(Model model)
String resourceHtml;
// do your stuff for reading file and assign it to the String
model.addAttribute("resource_Html", resourceHtml);
return new ModelAndView("yourJSP", "model", model);
and in the jsp you can read the value from the model that you forwarded to the jsp, like this:
please take notice that the names are match.

Spring controller, why is the returned view ignored?

So, say I have an existing, working page Display Cashier, which displays information about a cashier in a shop. Now, I add a button to this page that looks like:
The request-mapping for this URL maps it (successfully) to a controller: HandleGetManager
the HandleGetManager controller looks like this:
public class HandleGetManager{
private employeeBO employeeBO; //BO handles all business logic
//spring hooks
public HandleGetManager(){}
public void setemployeeBo(employeeBO employeeBO){
this.employeeBO = employeeBO;
//get controller
public String getManager(#RequestParam String cashierId){
Long managerId = employeeBO.getManagerByCashierId(cashierId);
String redirectUrl = "/displayManager.ctl?managerId=" + managerId.toString();
return redirectUrl;
Here's what happens when I try it:
I hit the new button on the Display Cashier page, I expect the following to happen:
The browser sends a get request to the indicated URL
The spring request-mapping ensures that the flow of control is passed to this class.
the #RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET) piece ensures that this method is evoked
The #RequestParam String cashierId instructs Spring to parse the URL and pass the cashierId value into this method as a parameter.
The EmployeeBo has been injected into the controller via spring.
The Business logic takes place, envoking the BO and the managerId var is populated with the correct value.
The method returns the name of a different view, with a new managerId URL arg appended
Now, up until this point, everything goes to plan. What I expect to happen next is:
the browsers is directed to that URL
whereupon it will send a get request to that url,
the whole process will start again in another controller, with a different URL and a different URL arg.
instead what happens is:
this controller returns the name of a different view
The browser is redirected to a half-right, half wrong URL: handleGetManager.ctl?managerId=12345
The URL argument changes, but the name of the controller does not, despite my explicitly returning it
I get an error
What am I doing wrong? Have I missed something?
Assuming you have a UrlBasedViewResolver in your MVC configuration, the String value you return is a View name. The ViewResolver will take that name and try to resolve a View for it.
What you seem to want to do is to have a 301 response with a redirect. With view names, you do that by specifying a redirect: prefix in your view name. It's described in the documentation, here.
Here's a question/answer explaining all the (default) ways you can perform a redirect:
How can I prevent Spring MVC from doing a redirect?

Handle url pattern that has user name as part of the url

Suppose I have 3 url patterns that needs to be handled by Spring MVC as follows:
1) (to login page)
2) (to my home page)
3) (to user's home page)
I would like to know what is the best practice way of handling the url pattern that has username as part of the url (real world example is facebook fanpage{fanpage-name})
I have come up with my own solution but not sure if this is the clean way or possible to do it.
In my approach, I need to intercept the request before it being passed to Spring MVC's dispatchservlet, then query the database to convert username to userid and change the request URI to the pattern that Spring MVC can recognize like www.example/user/userId=45.
But I am not sure if this is doable since the ServletAPI does not have the setter method
for requestURI(it does have the getter method for requestURI)
Or if you have a better solution please share with me. Thank in advance :-)
Spring MVC should be able to handle this just fine with PathVariables.
One handler for /login, one handler for /home, and one handler for /{userName}. Within the username handler you can do the lookup to get the user. Something like this:
#RequestMapping(value="/login", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getLoginPage() {
// Assuming your view resolver will resolve this to your jsp or whatever view
return "login";
#RequestMapping(value="/home", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getHomePage() {
return "home";
#RequestMapping(value="/{userName}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView getUserPage( #PathVariable() String userName ) {
// do stuff here to look up the user and populate the model
// return the Model and View with the view pointing to your user page
