vb6 - sending message into winsock server chat - vb6

I've a simple winsock server chat and this is the code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Winsock1.LocalPort = 5100
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock1_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long)
Winsock1.Accept requestID
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim sData As String
Winsock1.GetData sData
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & sData
End Sub
I receive the message from an ios app but I can't send message with a "sendData".
How can I send message to all the clients? I need to use a client?

If you want to send messages to more than one client, then the best approach would be instead of closing your listening winsock1, and using it to accept the request, to create a new winsock control that will accept the request. This way you can accept connections from more than one source.
1st change winsock1's property Index to 0, to create a control array. Now all events's signature change to include the Index parameter.
Dim NumSockets As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
Winsock1(0).LocalPort = 5100
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock1_Close(Index As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock1_ConnectionRequest(Index As Integer, ByVal requestID As Long)
NumSockets = NumSockets + 1
Load Winsock1(NumSockets) 'create a new winsock control
Winsock1(NumSockets).Accept requestID 'use that one to accept the request
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(Index As Integer, ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim vtData As String
Winsock1(Index).GetData vtData, vbString
Print vtData
End Sub


vb6 WebView2 get innerhtml and http cookies data

How do I Get the Login Cookies when am logged into a site?
I am searching for answers and now turned to StackOverflow pro members for your expertise and help to get this out of the way so I can move on to making my software.
i need to get the cookies login/visit /get/post anything how do i get it using the new webview2 browser kindly shed some light please anyone
Option Explicit
'Note, that this Demo requires the properly registered RC6-Binaries
'and in addition an installed "Chromium-Edge" (in its "evergreen" WebView2-incarnation)
'installable from its official MS-Download-URL: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=2124703
Private WithEvents WV As cWebView2 'declare a WebView-variable WithEvents
Private Sub Form_Load()
Visible = True '<- it's important, that the hosting TopLevel-Form is visible...
'...(and thus the Child-PicBox indirectly as well) - before we Bind the PicBox to the WebView
Set WV = New_c.WebView2 'create the instance
If WV.BindTo(picWV.hWnd) = 0 Then MsgBox "couldn't initialize WebView-Binding": Exit Sub
' Set WV = New_c.WebView2(picWV.hWnd) 'create the instance
' If WV Is Nothing Then MsgBox "couldn't initialize WebView-Binding": Exit Sub
End Sub
'*** VB-Command-Button-Handlers
Private Sub cmdNavigate_Click()
WV.Navigate "https://google.com" '<- alternatively WV.jsProp("location.href") = "https://google.com" would also work
'the call below, just to show that our initially added js-functions, remain "in place" - even when we re-navigate to something else
WV.jsRunAsync "test", 2, 3
End Sub
Private Sub WV_NavigationCompleted(ByVal IsSuccess As Boolean, ByVal WebErrorStatus As Long)
Debug.Print "NavigationCompleted welaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
End Sub
Private Sub picWV_Resize() 'when the hosting picBox got resized, we have to call a syncSize-method on the WebView
If Not WV Is Nothing Then WV.SyncSizeToHostWindow
End Sub
Private Sub picWV_GotFocus() 'same thing here... when the hosting picBox got the focus, we tell the WebView about it
If Not WV Is Nothing Then WV.SetFocus
End Sub
'*** the above two EventHandlers (of the hosting VB-PicBox-Container-Ctl) are basically all what's needed "GUI-Binding-wise"
'*** the rest of the EventHandlers below, are raised by the WebView-instance itself
Private Sub WV_InitComplete()
Debug.Print "WV_InitComplete"
End Sub
'Private Sub WV_NavigationCompleted(ByVal IsSuccess As Long, ByVal WebErrorStatus As Long)
'Debug.Print "WV_NavigationCompleted"
'End Sub
Private Sub WV_DocumentComplete()
Debug.Print "WV_DocumentComplete"
End Sub
Private Sub WV_GotFocus(ByVal Reason As eWebView2FocusReason)
Debug.Print "WV_GotFocus", Reason
End Sub
Private Sub WV_JSAsyncResult(Result As Variant, ByVal Token As Currency, ByVal ErrString As String)
Debug.Print "WV_JSAsyncResult "; Result, Token, ErrString
Text2.Text = Result
End Sub
Private Sub WV_JSMessage(ByVal sMsg As String, ByVal sMsgContent As String, oJSONContent As cCollection)
Debug.Print sMsg, sMsgContent
Select Case sMsg
Case "btn1_click": MsgBox "txt1.value: " & WV.jsProp("document.getElementById('txt1').value")
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub WV_LostFocus(ByVal Reason As eWebView2FocusReason)
Debug.Print "WV_LostFocus", Reason
End Sub
Private Sub WV_UserContextMenu(ByVal ScreenX As Long, ByVal SreenY As Long)
Debug.Print "WV_UserContextMenu", ScreenX, SreenY
End Sub

Sending data before winsock closes in Visual Basic 6?

I'm trying to send data to my server when my client closes the form or when the stop button is hit and for some reason it's not working.
Winsock.SendData "USERLEAVES" & txtUser.Text
It's like the winsock is closing before the data can be sent. How can I fix this?
have a look at the _SendComplete() event
for example, using a form level boolean :
Option Explicit
Private mblnClosing As Boolean
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Winsock1.SendData "USERLEAVES" & txtUser.Text
mblnClosing = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
mblnClosing = False
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock1_SendComplete()
If mblnClosing Then
End If
End Sub

ExecuteComplete ADODB Connection event not fired with adAsyncExecute parameter

I have a problem trying to catch the completion of a stored proc execute asynchronously.
Below my code VBA (in a class module named clsAsync):
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents cnn As ADODB.Connection
Private Sub cnn_ExecuteComplete(ByVal RecordsAffected As Long, ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pCommand As ADODB.Command, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset, ByVal pConnection As ADODB.Connection)
MsgBox "Execution completed"
End Sub
Sub execSPAsync()
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
cnn.ConnectionString = "connection to my database SQLSEREVER"
cnn.Execute "kp.sp_WaitFor", adExecuteNoRecords, adAsyncExecute
End Sub
This class is PublicNotCreatable.
To call the sub execSPAsync from a module I use the following code:
Sub testASYNC()
Dim a As New clsAsync
Call a.execSPAsync
End Sub
The stored procedure is very simple:
alter PROC kp.sp_WaitFor
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'
My problem is that the event ExecuteComplete is not fired at all, while if I comment the adAsynExecute parameter all is working fine.
Any idea on how to solve my question?
I solved my problem replacing the calling code:
Sub testASYNC()
Dim a As New clsAsync
Call a.execSPAsync
End Sub
with this new code:
Private a As clsAsync
Sub testASYNC()
Set a = New clsAsync
Call a.execSPAsync
End Sub
In the async mode, the object "a" is no longer available at the end of the procedure (scope visibility issue).

VBA Custom Event Not Found when Raised in UserForm

I was following this MSDN guide on creating custom events. I feel like I understand the process now, but I cannot figure out why I am getting a Compile Error: Event Not Found for RaiseEvent ItemAdded. The weird thing is, the ItemAdded event is recognized by the IDE (I can type it in all lowercase and it is then automatically formatted properly), so I know that it is recognized by VB.
DataComboBox Class Module Code:
Public Event ItemAdded(sItem As String, fCancel As Boolean)
Private pComboBox As Control
Public Property Set oComboBox(cControl As Control)
Set pComboBox = cControl
End Property
Public Property Get oComboBox() As Control
oComboBox = pComboBox
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub
The UserForm contains two controls - a CommandButton named btnAdd and a ComboBox named cboData.
UserForm Code:
Private WithEvents mdcbCombo As DataComboBox
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set mdcbCombo = New DataComboBox
Set mdcbCombo.oComboBox = Me.cboData
End Sub
Private Sub mdcbCombo_ItemAdded(sItem As String, fCancel As Boolean)
Dim iItem As Long
If LenB(sItem) = 0 Then
fCancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
For iItem = 1 To Me.cboData.ListCount
If Me.cboData.List(iItem) = sItem Then
fCancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
Next iItem
End Sub
Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
Dim sItem As String
sItem = Me.cboData.Text
AddDataItem sItem
End Sub
Private Sub AddDataItem(sItem As String)
Dim fCancel As Boolean
fCancel = False
RaiseEvent ItemAdded(sItem, fCancel)
If Not fCancel Then Me.cboData.AddItem (sItem)
End Sub
You cannot raise an event outside the classes file level.
Add a routine like this inside "DataComboBox1" to allow you to raise the event externally.
Public Sub OnItemAdded(sItem As String, fCancel As Boolean)
RaiseEvent ItemAdded(sItem, fCancel)
End Sub
Then call the OnItemAdded with the current object.
Private WithEvents mdcbCombo As DataComboBox
mdcbCombo.OnItemAdded(sItem, fCancel)

API SendMessage() does not work for external app dialog

I created a form that has 2 buttons. One button pops a msgbox and the other runs form frmAPI (code is listed below) listed below. If I open the msgbox and leave it open and then run the frmAPI it will list the msgbox and its text and then close it. THis is what I expect it to do. If I open another application and generate a msgbox in that app with my frmAPI still running it will in fact list the other apps msgbox and the text but it does not close the msgbox from the other app. If Irun the frmAPI from the other app and do the same test the results are reversed. So in short it will only close the dialog from within the same app.
I would like to be able to close a dialog from any app based on it being a dialog and having text that will match my criteria. Any help on what I am doing wrong?
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Text
Partial Public Class TestMSgBoxStuff
Inherits Form
Public Sub New()
End Sub
<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
Private Shared Function FindWindow(lpClassName As String, lpWindowName As String) As IntPtr
End Function
<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
Private Shared Function FindWindowEx(hwndParent As IntPtr, hwndChildAfter As IntPtr, lpszClass As String, lpszWindow As String) As IntPtr
End Function
<DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError:=True)> _
Private Shared Function GetWindowText(hWnd As IntPtr, lpString As StringBuilder, nMaxCount As Integer) As Integer
End Function
<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)> _
Private Shared Function GetWindowTextLength(hWnd As IntPtr) As Integer
End Function
<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
Private Shared Function SendMessage(hWnd As HandleRef, Msg As UInteger, wParam As IntPtr, lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
End Function
<DllImport("user32", CharSet:=Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto, SetLastError:=True, ExactSpelling:=True)>
Private Shared Function SetForegroundWindow(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As IntPtr
End Function
Private Const WM_IME_NOTIFY As Integer = &H282
Private Const WM_DESTROY As Integer = &H2
Private Const WM_NCDESTROY As Integer = &H82
Private Const WM_CLOSE As Integer = &H10
Private Const IMN_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW As Integer = &H1
Private Const WM_KILLFOCUS As Integer = &H8
Private Const WM_COMMAND As Integer = &H11
Private Sub TestMSgBoxStuff_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim timer As New Timer()
Timer1.Interval = 10000
'detect the MessageBox every seconds
'Timer1.Tick += New EventHandler(Timer1_Tick)
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
'Get the MessageBox handle
Dim handle As IntPtr = FindWindow("#32770", Nothing)
Me.RichTextBox1.AppendText("Handle: " + handle.ToString() + vbLf)
'Get the Text window handle
Dim txtHandle As IntPtr = FindWindowEx(handle, IntPtr.Zero, "Static", Nothing)
Me.RichTextBox1.AppendText(vbTab & "text handle: " + txtHandle.ToString() + vbLf)
Dim len As Integer = GetWindowTextLength(txtHandle)
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
'Get the text
GetWindowText(txtHandle, sb, len + 1)
Me.RichTextBox1.AppendText(vbTab & "text: " + sb.ToString() + vbLf & vbLf)
'close the messagebox WM_CLOSE
Dim lResults As Integer = SendMessage(New HandleRef(Nothing, handle), WM_NCDESTROY, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)
End Sub
End Class
You may be running into User Interface Privilege Isolation. That'll block your messages from going to a higher privilege process. See also ChangeWindowsMessageFilter()
I'd suggest trying to send it a WM_COMMAND instead of a WM_CLOSE; WM_COMMAND is generally treated more gently by the system and may get through. Use BN_CLICKED as the high word of WPARAM and IDOK as the low word (assuming it has an OK button), and the handle to the OK button in LPARAM.. Other button messages are here.
