how to convert this sql statement into linq or lambda expression
SELECT Month,Year FROM Tbl_OrderDetails Order by cast(Year as int) ,cast(Month as int)
Here Month and Year are in VARCHAR type
Thanks all,
try this
var skata = from ordtls in Tbl_OrderDetails
orderby (int)ordtls.Month, (int)ordtls.Year
select new {ordtls.Month,ordtls.Year}
var skata = from ordtls in Tbl_OrderDetails
orderby Convert.ToInt32(ordtls.Month), Convert.ToInt32(ordtls.Year)
select new {ordtls.Month,ordtls.Year}
can anybody help me to convert this SQL query to LINQ code in MVC? I need to return a list. The DB context entity is: _dbContext.
select distinct table1.AIG_ID, table1.GMT_NAME, table1.AIG_Number
from table1 left join table2 on table1.AIG_ID = table2.AIG_ID**
var data=(from item in db.table1 join
item1 in db.table2 on item.AIG_ID equals item1.AIG_ID
select new {item.AIG_ID ,item.GMT_NAME ,item.AIG_Number }).GroupBy(a=>a.AIG_ID).select(a=>a.FirstOrDefault()).ToList();
I write this part for your distinct in sql
Hi I need some help coverting this sql statement to Linq, I am very new to Linq and LinqToSql, and this is my weakness, it seems like this is used frequently and I need to wrap my brain around the syntax. The Code is below.
select distinct t1.Color from [ProductAttributes] t1 join [Product] t2 on t1.Name = t2.ProductName where t1.ProductID = #productID order by t1.color
#productID is the parameter coming into the function, where I am trying to use Linq in MVC.
It might be like this I guess
int myProductID = 1;//or whatever id you want.
MyDataContext mdc = new MyDataContext(CONNECTION_STRING_IF_NEEDED);
//MyDataContext is your datacontext generated by LinqToSql
var result = (from x in mdc.ProductAttributes
join y in Products on x.Name.equals(y.ProductName)
where x.ProductID = myProductID
orderby x.color
select x.Color).Distinct();
Note That Table names might need to be fixed.
Hi I am trying to write a SQL query to LINQ query. My SQL query is like this:
select BookingArrivedEnquiredTime
from BookingArriveds
where BookingArrivedEnquiredDateTime='2015-02-17 00:00:00.000'
order by CAST(('01/01/2000 ' + BookingArrivedEnquiredTime) AS DATETIME)
How can I write this query in LINQ?
You might try just parsing the string as DateTime:
var res = from item in BookingArrivedEnquiredTime.BookingArriveds
where item.BookingArrivedEnquiredDateTime == DateTime.Parse("2015-02-17 00:00:00.000")
orderby DateTime.Parse("01/01/2000 " + item.ToString())
select item;
with this query I create a new object:
var allData = from op in _opg
join tp in _tpg on op.DataGiorno equals tp.DataGiorno
join ts in _tsg on op.DataGiorno equals ts.DataGiorno
select new {op, tp, ts};
the main source, "_opg" is a List>. Basically as "op" is a DateTime type, I would order this new object by "op" in ascending way.
Any hints?
You should be able to just add an orderby clause in the LINQ query:
var allData = from op in _opg
join tp in _tpg on op.DataGiorno equals tp.DataGiorno
join ts in _tsg on op.DataGiorno equals ts.DataGiorno
orderby op ascending
select new {op, tp, ts}
This requires the type of op to implement IComparable<[type of op]>.
I have a list of strings (converted from Guid) that contains the ID's of items I want to pull from my table.
Then, in my LINQ query, I am trying to figure out how to do an in clause to pull records that are in that list.
Here is the LINQ
var RegionRequests = (from r in db.course_requests
where PendingIdList.Contains(r.request_state.ToString())
select r).ToList();
It builds, but I get a run error: "System.NotSupportedException: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression".
I would prefer to compare guid to guid, but that gets me nowhere.
Can this be converted to a lambda expression? If that is best, how?
LINQ to Entites tries to convert your expression to an SQL Statement. Your server didn't know the stored procedure ToString().
var regionRequests =
from r in db.course_requests.ToList()
where PendingIdList.Contains(r.request_state.ToString())
select r;
With db.course_requests.ToList() you force LINQ to materialize your database data (if big table, you gonna have a bad time) and the ToString() is executed in the object context.
You stated: I have a list of strings (converted from Guid) ...
Can you NOT convert them into strings and keep it as a List< System.Guid>?? Then you can do this (assuming PendingIdGuidList is List< System.Guid>:
var regionRequets = (from r in db.course_requests
join p in PendingIdGuidList on u.request_state equals p
select r).ToList();
Edited to add:
I ran a test on this using the following code:
var db = new EntityModels.MapleCreekEntities();
List<System.Guid> PendingIdGuidList =
new List<System.Guid>() {
var regionRequets = (from r in db.Users
join p in PendingIdGuidList on r.Test equals p
select r).ToList();
Users is a table in my database. I added a column called Test as a Uniqueidentifier data type, then modified 2 records with the following Guids.
I know it's not exactly a 1:1 of what the OP is doing, but pretty close. Here is the profiled SQL statement:
[Extent1].[ID] AS [ID],
[Extent1].[UserLogin] AS [UserLogin],
[Extent1].[Password] AS [Password],
[Extent1].[Test] AS [Test]
FROM [dbo].[Users] AS [Extent1]
cast('77dfd79e-2d61-40b9-ac23-36eb53dc55bc' as uniqueidentifier) AS [C1]
FROM ( SELECT 1 AS X ) AS [SingleRowTable1]
cast('cd409b96-de92-4fd7-8870-aa42eb5b8751' as uniqueidentifier) AS [C1]
FROM ( SELECT 1 AS X ) AS [SingleRowTable2]) AS [UnionAll1] ON [Extent1].[Test] = [UnionAll1].[C1]