Unknown glyph width error with Ruby pdf-reader - ruby

I have a script that uses pdf-reader among other gems to parse and split up a large pdf file into multiple pdfs. I have been setting it up to run on a new machine, and am now getting this error when I try to run tests:
Failure/Error: SrnProcessor.process_main_pdf(main_pdf_path)
Unknown glyph width for 9 Helvetica
I saw that a couple other people are having this issue over here: https://github.com/yob/pdf-reader/issues/102 But no workarounds yet. It seems to me that this must be an issue with my setup and not the gem or the pdf, since on other machines I don't have any problems. I'm running ruby 1.9.3 on linux (Mageia 3 64bit), and have tried switching to multiple versions of the gem with no luck. Any suggestions on what I'm missing? Thanks!

I am having the same problem with ruby 1.9.3. I have narrowed it down for me at least to having the trademark R in the pdf. I got it down to this code in the pdf gem:
def glyph_width(code_point)
return 0 if code_point.nil? || code_point <= 0
m = #metrics.char_metrics_by_code[code_point]
if m.nil?
names = #font.encoding.int_to_name(code_point)
m = names.map { |name|
if m
elsif #font.widths[code_point - 1]
#font.widths[code_point - 1]
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown glyph width for #{code_point} #{#font.basefont}"
and i changed it to this which will just ignore characters that it cant recognize. I'm not sure if ruby 2.0 has fixed this issue or not.
def glyph_width(code_point)
return 0 if code_point.nil? || code_point <= 0
m = #metrics.char_metrics_by_code[code_point]
if m.nil?
names = #font.encoding.int_to_name(code_point)
m = names.map { |name|
if m
elsif #font.widths[code_point - 1]
#font.widths[code_point - 1]
elsif(m == nil)
return 0
raise ArgumentError, "Unknown glyph width for #{code_point} #{#font.basefont}"
A better solution might be to catch the code_point which in this case is 9 in the char_metrics_by_code


Unit Test with Ruby 1.9.3

I just started learning Ruby last week, so please bear with me on this.
I'm using Ruby 1.9.3. I have problem trying to get my unit test to run, and I've been trying for the past 2 days, but I haven't been able to successfully run my unit test.
Here's the code for my simple calculator class:
class Calc
def initialize
def Add(leftOp, rightOp)
return (leftOp + rightOp)
def Sub(leftOp, rightOp)
return (leftOp - rightOp)
def Div(leftOp, rightOp)
if(rightOp == 0)
raise ArgumentError.new("Divided by 0")
return (leftOp / rightOp)
def Mult(leftOp, rightOp)
return (leftOp * rightOp)
myCalc = Calc.new
puts "2 + 3 = " + myCalc.Add(2, 3).to_s
puts "2 - 3 = " + myCalc.Sub(2, 3).to_s
puts "2 * 3 = " + myCalc.Mult(2, 3).to_s
puts "6 / 3 = " + myCalc.Div(6, 3).to_s
puts "10 / 0 = " + myCalc.Div(10, 0).to_s
This works fine. All the outputs are printed out as expected. Now, I want to write a unit test for this class. Below is the code for the unit test:
require 'test/unit'
require 'test/unit/ui/console/testrunner'
require 'Calc'
class Test_Calc < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
myCalc = Calc.new
#result_1 = myCalc.Add(5, 8)
#result_2 = myCalc.Sub(9, 15)
#result_3 = myCalc.Mult(8, 6)
#result_4 = myCalc.Div(18, 3)
#result_5 = myCalc.Div(2, 0)
def test_Add
assert_equal(#result_1, 13)
def test_Sub
assert_equal(#result_2, -6)
def test_Mult
assert_equal(#result_3, 48)
def test_Div
assert_equal(#result_4, 6)
def test_Div_Zero
assert_match("\Divided by 0\", e.message)
When I ran this unit test, it spit out this error
The Calc.rb file is in the very same directory of the test_Calc.rb file. Why doesn't it see it? I even tried to copy the Calc.rb file to the same directory of the "custom_require.rb" file ("lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems"), but that didn't help.
After searching all over the web, I learned that Test::Unit has been removed and replaced by MiniTest (!). So, I tried the MiniTest thing as followed:
require 'minitest/unit'
require 'Calc'
class Test_Calc < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
#Test_Calc definition
I still got back the exact same error as before, so maybe I was doing something wrong with the MiniTest thing.
I even followed the example from the following site, but it didn't seem to work in my case. Even if I have a fully defined class (Calc.rb), I still got the "Calc - (LoadError)".
After searching all over the web again, I learned that test::unit was available as a gem for backward compatibility, and so I downloaded and install test-unit-2.5.4.gem from the link below:
Even after installing the gem, it still didn't work (I checked to ensure that the gem was installed in "Ruby193\lib\ruby\gem\1.9.1\gems"). Ruby still complained that it "cannot load such file -- Calc (LoadError)"
So, how do I run the test unit? What am I missing?
Thank you in advance for your help.
After including ".\Calc" as Blaine suggested, I got the following new error message:
Well, at least, it recognizes the Calc class this time, and it started loading the test suite.
First, if the program says it can't find the file, make your require look like this: require './Calc'
Second, make sure you are using the latest version of the minitest gem. You can check this by doing:
gem list
The version will be on the right of the list. As of today the current version is 4.6.1. If your version is not correct, update it by doing:
gem install --version '4.6.1' (or whatever the version is)

Strange treeview behaviour: strikeout text only if bold

I need to show some treeview item text striked out text into a QT treeview from Ruby.
After some reading on QT documentation and much coding, I found that only when rendering font in bold, also the strikeout was rendered.
So I wonder, where I'm doing wrong?
This is the code to achive the result shown above. Note as I set strikeout for every even row item.
I'm using Ruby 1.8.7 and Qt 4.6.2 and qt4ruby 4.4.3-6 on Mandriva Linux.
require 'Qt4'
require 'date'
class MyStandardItem < Qt::StandardItem
def initialize(str = nil)
super str
def data(role = Qt::UserRole + 1)
return super(role) unless role == Qt::FontRole
ret_val = Qt::Font.new()
#parameters for "fromString":font family, pointSizeF, pixelSize, QFont::StyleHint, QFont::Weight, QFont::Style, underline, strikeOut, fixedPitch, rawMode
ret_val.fromString "sans serif,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
case role
when Qt::FontRole
ret_val.setStrikeOut(true) if (index.row % 2) == 0
if index.column == 1
ret_val.weight = Qt::Font.Bold
ret_val.weight = Qt::Font.Normal
return Qt::Variant.fromValue(ret_val)
return ret_val
Qt::Application.new(ARGV) do
treeview = Qt::TreeView.new do
model = Qt::StandardItemModel.new self
head = [MyStandardItem.new "Qt v. #{Qt.version}"]
head << MyStandardItem.new("Ruby v. #{VERSION}")
head << MyStandardItem.new("Qt4Ruby v. 4.4.3-6 (Mandriva)")
model.append_row head
(1..10).each do |i|
col0 = MyStandardItem.new 'some text'
col0.check_state = ((i % 3) == 0)? Qt.Checked : Qt.Unchecked
col0.checkable = true
col0.editable= false
col1 = MyStandardItem.new "line ##{i}"
col2 = MyStandardItem.new((Date.today + i).strftime '%d/%m/%y')
model.append_row [col0, col1, col2]
self.model = model
Eventually I find an hackish trick to overcome this problem. Playing around after reading again the enum QFont::Weight description I tried to set
ret_val.weight = 51 # Qt::Font.Normal value is 50
instead of
ret_val.weight = Qt::Font.Normal
and magically the normal text appears striked out!
Maybe this strange behaviour is due to a bug on QT?

⌃⇧H in TextMate to 'Tidy' HTML causes NoMethodError

I tried using 'Tidy' in an HTML document for the first time yesterday, and got...
/tmp/temp_textmate.Z2P0KX:30:in `<main>': undefined method `empty?' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
I've not done anything to the code in the bundle...
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
require ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/lib/ui.rb'
require ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/lib/exit_codes.rb'
result = `"${TM_TIDY:-tidy}" -f /tmp/tm_tidy_errors -iq -utf8 \
-wrap 0 --tab-size $TM_TAB_SIZE --indent-spaces $TM_TAB_SIZE \
--indent yes \
${TM_XHTML:+-asxhtml --output-xhtml yes} \
${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:+--show-body-only yes} \
--enclose-text yes \
--doctype strict \
--wrap-php no \
--tidy-mark no`
status = $?.exitstatus
at_exit { File.unlink('/tmp/tm_tidy_errors') } # Clean up error log
if status == 2 # Errors
msg = "Errors: " + File.read('/tmp/tm_tidy_errors')
TextMate.exit_show_tool_tip msg
elsif status == 1 # Warnings - use output but also display notification with warnings
log = File.read('/tmp/tm_tidy_errors').to_a.select do |line|
! (ENV['TM_SELECTED_TEXT'] and (line.include?('Warning: missing <!DOCTYPE> declaration') or line.include?("Warning: inserting missing 'title' element")))
end.join rescue nil
unless log.empty?
options = {
:title => "Tidy Warnings",
:summary => "Warnings for tidying your document (press escape to close):",
:log => log
print result
in_pre = false
result.each_line do |line|
unless in_pre
tab_size = ENV["TM_TAB_SIZE"].to_i
space, text = /( *)(.*)/m.match(line)[1..2]
line = "\t" * (space.length / tab_size).floor + " " * (space.length % tab_size) + text
print line
in_pre = true if line.include?("<pre>")
in_pre = false if line.include?("</pre>")
The problem line is unless log.empty?.
I'm running TextMate 1.5.10 (1631) on OS X 10.6.6. I recently installed rvm and upgraded default Ruby to 1.9.2, though forcing TextMate to use 1.8.7 did not fix the problem.
I had the same problem. I have setup my Textmate to use the RVM version of ruby so that I can quickly test scripts.
I solved the problem by unchecking the "TM_RUBY" for the environment variable I had created.
What appears to be happening is the Textmate scripts that wrapper the /usr/bin/tidy command are not executing properly when using a ruby version other than the one that ships with OSX.
I'm curious to see what happens when Lion comes out. Hopefully, Textmate will take another look at these build-in scripts and give them a little "dusting-off".
If you look at the assignment to log, you'll see this:
log = File.read('/tmp/tm_tidy_errors').to_a.select do |line| ... end.join rescue nil
The rescue nil at the end will put a nil into log if the /tmp/tm_tidy_errors file isn't there or it can't be read or what ever. Then the script will call the .empty? method on nil but the nil object has no such method and the script falls over and dies.
You can suppress the problem by changing rescue nil to rescue '' or by changing unless log.empty? to unless log.nil? || log.empty? but that might not be the real problem.
Do you have a TM_TIDY environment variable set? Is there a tidy command in your PATH? Looks like your Tidy install isn't right (or possible not there at all). My OSX has /usr/bin/tidy and apparently that's standard. Try running that big tidy command by hand in a terminal and see what happens.
I had the same problem too, on a machine running OS X 10.9.5 with Ruby upgraded to ruby 2.0.0. Fixed it by taking mu is too short's suggestion to change unless log.empty? to unless long.nil? || log.empty?. That allowed Tidy to run properly, but the top of my HTML selection was still showing me annoying errors:
ruby: warning: -K is specified; it is for 1.8 compatibility and may cause odd behavior
/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support/lib/ui.rb:129: warning: assigned but unused variable - pid
I shut that up by changing the first line of the script from #!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU to #!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU -W0. Obviously the problems are still there under the hood, but for something helpful but not essential, as this functionality is, I think it's plenty good enough.

JRuby require error on .so file

I am working on a feature for an application that has to run on JRuby. Out of habit I develop on 'Native' Ruby. When I try to run any methods from this class in JRuby I get error messages like:
MissingSourceFile: no such file to load -- serialport
I think the problem lies in in the require 'serialport.so'. Is there a way to make this work in JRuby? Is there another way to require a .so file? Or a gem that can work with JRuby to provide the SerialPort class? I tried installing the ruby-serialport gem but that doesn't seem to install properly (Windows nmake issues).
Here is what my class file looks like:
require 'serialport.so'
class AlphaDisplay
SOLID = "b"
ROTATE = "a"
BLINK = "c"
RED = "1"
GREEN = "2"
YELLOW = "3"
ORANGE = "7"
def self.message(address = 00, text = "ICS", color = AlphaDisplay::GREEN, state = AlphaDisplay::SOLID)
address = address.to_s
if address.length == 1
address = "0#{address}"
string = 1.chr + 90.chr + address + 2.chr + 65.chr + 65.chr + 27.chr + 26.chr + state + 28.chr + color + text + 4.chr
return string
def self.test(address = 00, text = "ICS", color = AlphaDisplay::GREEN, state = AlphaDisplay::SOLID)
sp = SerialPort.new(0, 9600, 8, 1, SerialPort::NONE)
def SerialPort::new(port, *params)
sp = create(port)
return sp
def SerialPort::open(port, *params)
sp = create(port)
if (block_given?)
yield sp
return nil
return sp
As far as I know, JRuby doesn't provide any native emulation layer, just the Ruby interpreter in Java. The problem is that ".so" files are UNIX specific and cannot run on Windows without some sort of emulation/translation.
You're better off avoiding Ruby libraries which require native extensions if you're going to use JRuby.

Is there a simple way to get image dimensions in Ruby?

I'm looking for an easy way to get width and height dimensions for image files in Ruby without having to use ImageMagick or ImageScience (running Snow Leapard).
As of June 2012, FastImage which "finds the size or type of an image given its uri by fetching as little as needed" is a good option. It works with local images and those on remote servers.
An IRB example from the readme:
require 'fastimage'
=> [266, 56] # width, height
Standard array assignment in a script:
require 'fastimage'
size_array = FastImage.size("http://stephensykes.com/images/ss.com_x.gif")
puts "Width: #{size_array[0]}"
puts "Height: #{size_array[1]}"
Or, using multiple assignment in a script:
require 'fastimage'
width, height = FastImage.size("http://stephensykes.com/images/ss.com_x.gif")
puts "Width: #{width}"
puts "Height: #{height}"
You could try these (untested):
=> [713, 54]
=> [130, 50]
d = IO.read('image.bmp')[14..28]
d[0] == 40 ? d[4..-1].unpack('LL') : d[4..8].unpack('SS')
class JPEG
attr_reader :width, :height, :bits
def initialize(file)
if file.kind_of? IO
File.open(file, 'rb') { |io| examine(io) }
def examine(io)
raise 'malformed JPEG' unless io.getc == 0xFF && io.getc == 0xD8 # SOI
class << io
def readint; (readchar << 8) + readchar; end
def readframe; read(readint - 2); end
def readsof; [readint, readchar, readint, readint, readchar]; end
def next
c = readchar while c != 0xFF
c = readchar while c == 0xFF
while marker = io.next
case marker
when 0xC0..0xC3, 0xC5..0xC7, 0xC9..0xCB, 0xCD..0xCF # SOF markers
length, #bits, #height, #width, components = io.readsof
raise 'malformed JPEG' unless length == 8 + components * 3
when 0xD9, 0xDA: break # EOI, SOS
when 0xFE: #comment = io.readframe # COM
when 0xE1: io.readframe # APP1, contains EXIF tag
else io.readframe # ignore frame
There's also a new (July 2011) library that wasn't around at the time the question was originally asked: the Dimensions rubygem (which seems to be authored by the same Sam Stephenson responsible for the byte-manipulation techniques also suggested here.)
Below code sample from project's README
require 'dimensions'
Dimensions.dimensions("upload_bird.jpg") # => [300, 225]
Dimensions.width("upload_bird.jpg") # => 300
Dimensions.height("upload_bird.jpg") # => 225
There's a handy method in the paperclip gem:
>> Paperclip::Geometry.from_file("/path/to/image.jpg")
=> 180x180
This only works if identify is installed. If it isn't, if PHP is installed, you could do something like this:
system(%{php -r '$w = getimagesize("#{path}"); echo("${w[0]}x${w[1]}");'})
# eg returns "200x100" (width x height)
I have finally found a nice quick way to get dimensions of an image. You should use MiniMagick.
require 'mini_magick'
image = MiniMagick::Image.open('http://www.thetvdb.com/banners/fanart/original/81189-43.jpg')
assert_equal 1920, image[:width]
assert_equal 1080, image[:height]
libimage-size is a Ruby library for calculating image sizes for a wide variety of graphical formats. A gem is available, or you can download the source tarball and extract the image_size.rb file.
Here's a version of the JPEG class from ChristopheD's answer that works in both Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 1.9. This allows you to get the width and height of a JPEG (.jpg) image file by looking directly at the bits. (Alternatively, just use the Dimensions gem, as suggested in another answer.)
class JPEG
attr_reader :width, :height, :bits
def initialize(file)
if file.kind_of? IO
File.open(file, 'rb') { |io| examine(io) }
def examine(io)
if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9"
class << io
def getc; super.bytes.first; end
def readchar; super.bytes.first; end
class << io
def readint; (readchar << 8) + readchar; end
def readframe; read(readint - 2); end
def readsof; [readint, readchar, readint, readint, readchar]; end
def next
c = readchar while c != 0xFF
c = readchar while c == 0xFF
raise 'malformed JPEG' unless io.getc == 0xFF && io.getc == 0xD8 # SOI
while marker = io.next
case marker
when 0xC0..0xC3, 0xC5..0xC7, 0xC9..0xCB, 0xCD..0xCF # SOF markers
length, #bits, #height, #width, components = io.readsof
raise 'malformed JPEG' unless length == 8 + components * 3
# colons not allowed in 1.9, change to "then"
when 0xD9, 0xDA then break # EOI, SOS
when 0xFE then #comment = io.readframe # COM
when 0xE1 then io.readframe # APP1, contains EXIF tag
else io.readframe # ignore frame
For PNGs I got this modified version of ChristopeD's method to work.
File.binread(path, 64)[0x10..0x18].unpack('NN')
