Group by multiple fields and output tuple - hadoop

I have a feed in the following format:
Hour Key ID Value
1 K1 001 3
1 K1 002 2
2 K1 005 4
1 K2 002 1
2 K2 003 5
2 K2 004 6
and I want to group the feed by (Hour, Key) then sum the Value but keep ID as a tuple:
({1, K1}, {001, 002}, 5)
({2, K1}, {005}, 4)
({1, K2}, {002}, 1)
({2, K2}, {003, 004}, 11)
I know how to use FLATTEN to generate the sum of the Value but don't know how to output ID as a tuple. This is what I have so far:
A = LOAD 'data' AS (Hour:chararray, Key:chararray, ID:chararray, Value:int);
B = GROUP A BY (Hour, Key);
FLATTEN(group) AS (Hour, Key),
SUM(A.Value) AS Value
Will you explain how to do this? Appreciate it!

You just need to use the bag projection operator, .. This will create a new bag where the tuples have just the element(s) you specify. In your case, use A.ID. In fact, you are already using this operator to provide the input to SUM -- the input to sum is a bag of single-element tuples, which you create by projecting the Value field.
A = LOAD 'data' AS (Hour:chararray, Key:chararray, ID:chararray, Value:int);
B = GROUP A BY (Hour, Key);
FLATTEN(group) AS (Hour, Key),
SUM(A.Value) AS Value


Sorting/ordering values from smallest to biggest in an array

I have a formula like this : =ArrayFormula(sort(INDEX($B$1:$B$10,MATCH(E1,$A$1:$A$10,0))))
in columns A:B:
a 1
b 2
c 3
d 4
e 5
f 6
g 7
h 8
i 9
j 10
the data to convert in E:H
a c f e
f a c b
b a c d
I get the following results using the above formula
in columns L:O:
1 3 6 5
6 1 3 2
2 1 3 4
My desired output is like this:
1 3 5 6
1 2 3 6
1 2 3 4
I'd like to arrange the numbers from smallest to biggest in value. I can do this with additional helper cells. but if possible i'd like to get the same result without any additional cells. can i get a little help please? thanks.
To sort by row, use SORT BYROW. But unfortunately, nested array results aren't supported in BYROW. So, we need to JOIN and SPLIT the resulting array.
Here's another way using Makearray with Index to get the current row and Small to get the smallest, next smallest etc. within the row:
Or you could change the order (might be a little faster) as you don't need to vlookup the entire array, just the current row:
It's interesting (to me at any rate) that you can interrogate the row and column number of the current cell using Map or Scan, so this is also possible:
Thanks to #JvdV for this insight (which may be obvious to some but wasn't to me) shown here in Excel.
"select max(Col1) group by Col1 pivot Col2"), "offset 1", 0),,9^9)), "×")))
or if you want numbers:
"select max(Col1) group by Col1 pivot Col2"), "offset 1", 0),,9^9)), "×")), A:B, 2, 0)))

Select only first rows in each h2o dataframe group_by group (for merging)?

Is there a way to select only first rows in each h2o dataframe group_by group?
The reason for doing this is to merge some columns in an h2o dataframe into a group_by'ed version of that dataframe that was created to get some stats. based on particular groupings in the original.
Example, suppose had two dataframes like
receipt_key b c item_id
a1 1 2 1
a2 3 4 1
receipt_key e f item_id
a1 5 6 1
a1 7 8 2
a2 9 10 1
would like to join them such that end up with dataframe
receipt_key b c e f item_id
a1 1 2 5 6 1
a2 3 4 9 10 1
Have tried doing something like df2.group_by('receipt_key').max('item_id') to merge into df1, but doing so only leaves the item_id column in the group's get_frame() dataframe (and even listing all of the columns in df2 to max() on would not give the right values as well as be cumbersome for my actual use case which has much more columns in df2).
Any ideas on how this could be done? Would simply deleting duplicates be sufficient to get the desired dataframe (though there appears to be barriers to doing this in h2o, see
here you go:
import h2o
df1 = h2o.H2OFrame({'receipt_key': ['a1', 'a2'] , 'b':[1,3] , 'c':[2,4], 'item_id': [1,1]})
df1['receipt_key'] = df1['receipt_key'] .asfactor()
df2 = h2o.H2OFrame({'receipt_key': ['a1', 'a1','a2'] , 'e':[5,7,9] , 'f':[6,8,10], 'item_id': [1,2,1]})
df2['receipt_key'] = df2['receipt_key'].asfactor()
df3 = df1.merge(df2)
df_subset = df3[['receipt_key','b','c','e','f','item_id']]
receipt_key b c e f item_id
a1 1 2 5 6 1
a2 3 4 9 10 1

SAS grouping algorithm

I have the following mock up table
#n a b group
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 2 2 1
4 2 3 1
5 3 4 2
6 3 5 2
7 4 5 2
I am using SAS for this problem. In column group, the rows that are interconnected through a and b are grouped. I will try to explain why these rows are in the same group
row 1 to 2 are in group 2 since they both have a = 1
row 3 is in group 2 since b = 2 in row 2 and 3 and row 2 is in group 1
row 3 and 4 are in group 1 since a = 2 in both rows and row 3 is in group 1
The overall logic is that if a row x contains the same value of a or b as row y, row x also belongs to the same group as y is a part of.
Following the same logic, row 5,6 and 7 are in group 2.
Is there any way to make an algorithm to find these groups?
Case I:
Grouping defined as to be item linkage within contiguous rows.
Use the LAG function to examine both variables prior values. Increase the group value if both have changed. For example
group + ( a ne lag(a) and b ne lag(b) );
Case II:
Grouping determined from pair item slot value linkages over all data.
From grouping pairs by either key
General statement of problem:
Given: P = p{i} = (p{i,1},p{i,2}), a set of pairs (key1, key2).
Find: The distinct groups, G = g{x}, of P,
such that each pair p in a group g has this property:
key1 matches key1 of any other pair in g.
key2 matches key2 of any other pair in g.
… an iterative way using hashes.
Two hashes maintain the groupId assigned to each key value.
Two additional hashes are used to maintain group mapping paths.
When the data can be passed without causing a mapping, then the groups have
been fully determined.
A final pass is done, at which point the groupIds are assigned to each
pair and the data is output to a table.

Oracle: prioritizing results based on column’s value

I have a data-set in which there are duplicate IDs in the first column. I'm hoping to obtain a single row of data for each ID based on the second column's value. The data looks like so:
ID Info_Source Prior?
A 1 Y
A 3 N
A 2 Y
B 1 N
B 1 N
B 2 Y
C 2 N
C 3 Y
C 1 N
Specifically the criteria would call for prioritizing based on the second column's value (3 highest priority; then 1; and lastly 2): if the 'Info_Source' column has a value of 3, return that row; if there is no 3 in the second column for a given ID, look for a 1 and if found return that row; and finally if there is no 3 or 1 associated with the ID, search for 2 and return that row for the ID.
The desired results would be a single row for each ID, and the resulting data would be:
ID Info_Source Prior?
A 3 N
B 1 N
C 3 Y
row_number() over() usually solves these needs nicely and efficiently e.g.
select ID, Info_Source, Prior
from (
select ID, Info_Source, Prior
, row_number() over(partition by id order by Info_source DESC) as rn
where rn = 1
For prioritizing the second column's value (3 ; then 1, then 2) use a case expression to alter the raw value into an order that you need.
select ID, Info_Source, Prior
from (
select ID, Info_Source, Prior
, row_number() over(partition by id
order by case when Info_source = 3 then 3
when Infor_source = 1 then 2
else 1 end DESC) as rn
where rn = 1

Using Pig, best way to count numbers within tuples

I'm working with tuples of data:
dump c;
The output I'm trying to achieve is count the occurrences of each number in total, so like this:
I'm attempted this command, and it was unsuccessful:
I currently do not have schema for c (not sure that it matters at this point):
describe c;
Schema for c unknown.
Looking for suggestions.
Input Tuple:
(20 5 5)
(1 1 1 5 10)
You could get the count across the tuple by tokenizing and then grouping it.
A = LOAD 'file' using TextLoader() as (line:chararray);
B = FOREACH A GENERATE FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(line)) as (line:chararray);
C = GROUP B BY line;
dump D;
