Need to design a custom route in ASP.NET MVC 3? -

I have designed a custom route which looks like below
other than this route I also have default MVC route intact.
The {CLIENTCODE} is 4 character length string in the URL,which will be used to detect a connection string and do operation on respective database.
I am facing two issues
All Ajax request take default route when I use AJAX URL as 'Controller\View'. How can I append {CLIENTCODE} to every AJAX request.
I am loosing {CLIENTCODE} from URL after the session expires and I am unable to get it in Global.ASAX.

If u need append this route to ajax request you need set the ajax url with your route.
type: "POST",
url: '#Url.RouteUrl("routeName", new { code="code", controller="controller", action="action"})',
dataType: "html",
success: function (data) {
And what you mean 'loosing when session expired'? You can acces all route values with code like this in global.asax
protected void Application_BeginRequest()
string code = Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["code"].ToString();


Is Ajax POST an acceptable technique for changing server state?

I am designing a new website and I am considering using AJAX post requests for better user experience. Is using AJAX POST requests for changing server state an acceptable design practice? Are their any security concerns in using AJAX POST requests? Is it recommended to restrict the server state changes to HTTP POST only?
I am using ASP.NET MVC web framework for implementation.
Post, Put, Patch and Delete (although the last one is barely used) are all request types that traditionally alter the server state.
In order to answer your question, it is important to consider which framework you are using, as each one might have different best practices.
From a technical point of view, they all do practically the same, they only have different semantic meanings and conventions attached to them. If you were to use Post for everything, I doubt that anybody would complain
Post back is traditional way to doing things on web application where whole page re-load on form submission. In this approach most of the codes runs at sever side.
AJAX is a modern way to building web application where most of the code runs at client side for better performance and user experience. Only required data post to server instead of posting whole page.
Post back & Ajax both create HTTP request so it is not right to say one is less secure than other. In both request attacker can inject script using cross-site scripting (XSS) or CSRF (Cross-site request forgery).
AJAX calls are itself protect CSRF using “Common Origin Policy” when CORS is disabled and JSONP requests are blocked. To prevent CSRF attack one step ahead, you can implement Anti Forgery token like in MVC framework. AJAX calls can be called from web application as well as from MVC.
In MVC, #html.antiforgerytoken() can be called on form load which store one key in hidden field and other key in cookie and using ValidateAntiForgeryToken filter, we can validate that CSRF token. The form token can be a problem for AJAX requests, because an AJAX request might send JSON data, not HTML form data. One solution is to send the tokens in a custom HTTP header.
Here is sample code snippet for more details…
Sample Server side Code to generate Anti forgery token.
/// <summary>
/// Get Anti Forgery token
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetAntiXsrfToken()
string cookieToken, formToken;
AntiForgery.GetTokens(null, out cookieToken, out formToken);
var responseCookie = new HttpCookie("__AntiXsrfToken")
HttpOnly = true,
Value = cookieToken
if (FormsAuthentication.RequireSSL && HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection)
responseCookie.Secure = true;
return formToken;
Sample Server side Code to validate Anti forgery token.
/// <summary>
/// Validate Anti Forgery token coming from secure cookie & request header
/// </summary>
static void ValidateAntiXsrfToken()
string tokenHeader, tokenCookie;
// get header token
tokenHeader = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers.Get("__RequestVerificationToken");
// get cookie token
var requestCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["__AntiXsrfToken"];
tokenCookie = requestCookie.Value;
AntiForgery.Validate(tokenCookie, tokenHeader);
HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode = 403;
Sample code to get Anti forgery token (one part) and save into hidden field
<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="<%= CommonUtils.GetAntiXsrfToken() %>" />
Sample client side code to pass one part to Anti Forgery token into request header from hidden field and another part will go automatically from client cookie if request is generated from same origin.
function CallServer(baseUrl, methodName, MethodArgument, callback) {
type: "POST",
url: baseUrl + methodName,
data: MethodArgument,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
async: false,
dataType: "json",
headers: {'__RequestVerificationToken': $("input[name='__RequestVerificationToken']").val()
success: function (data) {
if (callback != undefined && typeof (callback) === "function") {
error: function (data) {
if (data.status == 401 || data.status == 403)
window.location.href = "../Common/accessdenied";
else if (data.status == 419) {
displayUserMessage(commonMessage.RE_SESSIONINFO_NOT_FOUND, true);
window.location.href = "../Common/logout";
displayUserMessage(commonMessage.SERVICE_NOT_RESPONDING, true);
Finally, Call ValidateAntiXsrfToken() function before processing the each AJAX request at server side.
You can find more details here…
Which one is better? Ajax post or page post[Controller httppost] when only one form is there in a page?

Ajax GET Parameter to MVC 5 Controller

I'm wondering why my ajax call to my Controller works when my Parameter is called id and doesn't work when it's called accountNo or accountId.
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
cache: false,
url: config.url.root + "/DeferredAccount/GetDeferredAccountDetailsByAccount/" + accountNo
public JsonResult GetDeferredAccountDetailsByAccount(int id)
var details = _deferredAccountDetailsService.GetDeferredAccountDetailsByAccount(id);
return Json(details, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
In my Controller - if the parameter is int id everything works.
If I change the Controller parameter to, let's say, accountNum, I receive a 500 error stating that my parameter is null.
So, it's literally just the naming of the Parameter for the Controller that dictates the success of my GET request or not. Is it because it's JSON encoded, and I'm not specifying the data model/format in my ajax method?
If an answer exists for this, I apologize as I haven't come across it.
This is because the RouteConfig.cs by default defines the third component of your route as the variable id.
You can get to that controller by specifying the URL
Using attribute routing
There is another more fine-grained way of serving your routing with MVC 5 known as attribute routing.
Edit RouteConfig.cs
Add routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes();
Edit Controller
public JsonResult GetDeferredAccountDetailsByAccount(int accountNum)
MSDN: Attribute Routing in ASP.NET MVC 5
you may put below Route on top in your RouteConfig.cs file
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "DeferredAccount", action = "GetDeferredAccountDetailsByAccount", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

How do I cause an MVC controller to redirect the user from an ajax call?

I am sending an array as the "data" value (parameters) of an ajax call to an MVC controller. The controller should then redirect the user to a new page but it does not. Instead I can see in the Preview window that the View is being returned but through the ajax return. I am not sure if the way I am approaching this is correct because I seem to be having a hard time finding good examples to follow. I wanted to avoid an Html.ActionLink because I will have about 20 parameters to pass to the controller.
Here is the function that sends the array to the controller:
submit: function () {
var data = {
"ReqDepartment": (viewModel.reqDepartment === null) ? null : viewModel.reqDepartment,
"EquipmentGroup": (viewModel.equipmentGroup === null) ? null : viewModel.equipmentGroup,
"SiteCode": ( === null) ? null :,
}; //header
type: "POST",
url: "/ArctecLogisticsWebApp/Requisitions/ReqsSummary/",
data: data,
traditional: true
Here is the controller, ReqSearchCriteria is a ViewModel :
public ViewResult ReqsSummary(ReqSearchCriteria criteria)
return View("ReqsSummary", requisitionsRepository.GetReqsAdvancedSearch(criteria));
The controller is returning the View in the ajax call. Should I use a different approach to send an array to the controller?
ajax calls won't redirect by themselves. what you need to do is return json from the controller to the view with the result of the action and if the action is successful then redirect
type: "POST",
url: "/ArctecLogisticsWebApp/Requisitions/ReqsSummary/",
data: data,
traditional: true,
success: function(result){
window.location = '#Url.Action('Action', 'Contorller')';
The controller method you have will work. It should be a different name from the form you are redirecting from to eliminate confusion. Through data you can pass any information that you need.
data: { id: $('.id').val() },
something like this will pass whatever value is in the field with class id. then on your controller create the model for the view and return view. I use ajax calls everywhere, they are incredibly useful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
You don't have to check for a result in your success/done handler and then do the redirect manually. You can actually return a JavascriptResult from your controller and it will redirect for you:
type: 'post',
url: '/Home/DoStuff'
public ActionResult DoStuff()
return JavaScript(string.Format("window.location='{0}';", Url.Action("About")));
If you wanted to get fancy you could even create a new ActionResult type that took care of the formatting for you. Or you could detect if it is an AjaxRequest and determine if you should do a RedirectToAction or a JavaScript result.

MVC: How to serialize a knockout object into a JSON property through AJAX

I'm trying to serialize a knockout object and pass it into a JSON property called multipleCharge.
This is the ajax code to send data though Get method to a mvc controller
url: _url,
type: 'GET',
//data: { multipleCharge: ko.mapping.toJS(_vm)},
data: { multipleCharge : { AccountId : 2 } },
dataType: 'json'});
And this is the method
public HttpResponseMessage GetSalesInvoiceMultipleCharge
([FromUri]MultipleChargeDto multipleCharge)
Please, note that the ajax method has a comment line. Using the hardcoded line, it works, multipleCharge object is not null, but if I uncomment the another line, it's a bad request in my browser.
Look at this.
Any idea about what's happening. Using the Chrome console, it looks ok; so I can't identify the error.
It is may be IIS problems with very long URL.
See this Issue with URL length in IIS7 (Windows Server 2008) question and related answers.
Also see this documentation.
You could try to solve this problem by editing web.config. But also you could use POST method instead of GET and send your data in request body.

Ajax request, should it be POST or PUT

I have created a Spring MVC web app.
The app makes a few calls to the controller. These calls are close/open/end game.
I make these calls using Ajax, so I can handle a response on the top of the page.
ajaxPost = function (url, action, id, onSuccess, onError) {
type: "POST",
url: url + "?" + action + "=" + id,
success: function(response) {
if(onSuccess !== null) {
error: function(e) {
if(onError !== null) {
The question I have is that I'm using 'POST' for the Ajax request, is that correct, or should it be 'PUT'?
My controller has a default URL, and I'm using the param attribute to decide which method to call, as I have many buttons on the page.
#RequestMapping(params = "open", method = RequestMethod.POST)
#RequestMapping(params = "close", method = RequestMethod.POST)
It doesn't sit well with me that I'm using 'POST' for these calls. Maybe it should be 'PUT'...
Any suggestions? Does it matter?
It depends on what your request should do. So there's no general rule that you should use one over the other, they have different use cases.
POST for creating a record.
PUT for updating an existing record (or putting a record at a specified location/id).
See this wikipedia article for the definitions.
One thing to note is that PUT should be idempotent, doing the same PUT request multiple times should ideally produce the same result as doing a single PUT request. However, POST is not idempotent, so doing several POST requests should (or will) create multiple new records.
So after having read this you should check what your method does, and select the corresponding request method.
Both PUT and POST may create a new record; PUT may also update/change an existing record.
The difference between POST and PUT is that PUT is expected to address the record with it's ID, so that the server knows what ID to use when creating (or updating) the record, while POST expects the server to generate an ID for the record and return it to the client after the record has been created.
Thus, a POST is addressed to the resource as a collection: POST /resource, while PUT is addressed to a single item in the collection: PUT /resource/1
Use POST. Always use POST, unless you're absolutely rock-solid certain that PUT is properly supported by your hosting system.
