novalidate with error ora-02299 - oracle

can anybody help with me with this?
id | Name
1 | aaa
2 | bbb
3 | aaa
>alter table arc add CONSTRAINT uk_arc UNIQUE (NAME) novalidate
error :ora-02299: cannot validate( .uk_arc ) - duplicate keys found
I am using novalidate to ignore the old duplicate and start to validate all over again.

If I get you correctly, you expect Oracle to ignore old duplicate values and allow new values only when they satisfy the constraint. The error is returned because when you add a UNIQUE constraint, Oracle creates unique index on the column to check the values, but your table already have duplicate values, so it fails. I would create the non-unique index first, then add the constraint so that it uses your existing non-unique index instead of automatically creating the unique index which would fail:
create index arc_ix on arc (name);
alter table arc add constraint arc_uq unique (name) enable novalidate;


oracle foreign key returns null

currently i am facing an oracle constraints issue.
After submiting an insert my foreign key constraint(s) won't fire. What it should do is giving two tables the same ID, but unfortunately only the one table with the primary Key is giving an ID. The column with the foreign key in the second table remains null.
For Instance: Insert into table t1 (t1_id,name, dpt) values (value1 (trigger with autoincrement for id), value2, value3); The same procedure is behind table 2, table 3 ... All constraints are written correctly
Table 1 (Emp)
ID Name Department
1 Joe HR
Table 2 (Projects)
ID Project EmpID
1 new (null) -> must be 1
Thank you in advanced.
Trigger: create or replace TRIGGER Projects_TRG BEFORE
How do i manage to populate the parent id from the parent table into the child table?
Please note that I used different names in my application.
It appears that you've misunderstood the purpose of a foreign key constraint. A foreign key constraint does NOT automatically propagate constraint values from the parent table to the child table. The purpose of the constraint is to ensure that the values of the key column in the child table, when populated, have matching values in the key column of the parent table. Your application is responsible for ensuring that the key column on the child table is populated with the appropriate value. The constraint doesn't do that for you. It's also perfectly legitimate to have a NULL in the key column of the child table, assuming the the column on the child table doesn't have a NOT NULL constraint on it.

How do I correct "SQL Error: ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list" errors?

I'm working on a project in which I'm writing queries from this database that I am attempting to create in PLSQL. However, before I can do that I must create the db, and some of the table-create statemens I'm trying to run are returning errors. Specifically, the errors seem to indicate that some of the primary keys I'm referencing don't exist. When I check to see if that is true I see the likely issue. For example, I try to do
create table group_disforum ( df_id int,
ig_id int,
constraint gdf_FK foreign key(ig_id) references Course_Interest_group(interest_gid),
constraint gdf_PK primary key(df_id, ig_id),
comments varchar(150)
setting the foreign key to the primary key(interest_gid) in Course_Interest_group.
However, the Course_Interest_group is this:
create table Course_Interest_group( interest_gid int,
gname varchar(20),
courseid int,
facultyid int,
past_gpa float,
constraint IG_PK primary key(interest_gid, courseid, facultyid),
constraint IG_FK1 foreign key(courseid) references course(courseid),
constraint IG_FK2 foreign key(facultyid) references User_Faculty(userid)
The primary key for Course_Interest_group is not just interest_gid, but interest_gid, courseid, and facultyid.
There are several other instances of the same issue.
My question is, when referencing Course_Interest_group how can I reference just interest_gid? Is it possible? Should I change something?
I would like to keep the current Course_Interest_group pk of (interest_gid, courseid, facultyid) intact but I will modify it if needed.
my code
my output
If in the course_interest_group table interest_gid uniquely identifies each row in the table then interest_gid should be the primary key. Similarly, in the group_disforum if df_id uniquely identifies each row in the table then df_id should be the primary key. Modifying the primary keys of both these tables should solve the issue.
I think the way around for your question will be a TRIGGER to customize the data Integrity. You can create a before INSERT Trigger which will check first whether the data in your case (Course_Interest_group(interest_gid)). So basic structure of your Trigger will be like. Hope this may be a workwround.
/*OF ig_id*/
ON group_disforum FOR EACH ROW
INTO lv_chck
FROM Course_Interest_group
WHERE interest_gid = :new.interest_gid;
IF lv_chck = 0 THEN
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'Parent key (interest_gid) not found in group_disforum_tg',TRUE);

Unique case insensitive constraint in oracle database

I have a varchar column in my table for url value. I have to make it unique across the records case-insensitively.
I found 2 ways to achieve it.
Create an unique index on the field.
create unique index <index_name> on <tablename>(lower(<column_name>))
Add a unique constraint on the field as
ALTER TABLE person ADD CONSTRAINT person_name_unique
What is the efficient way to adopt from the above choices ?
The more efficient approach is the first approach. It's more efficient, though, only because the latter syntax doesn't work. You cannot, unfortunately, create a function-based constraint in the same way that you can create a unique index.
A unique constraint doesn't work
SQL> create table person (
2 first_name varchar2(10),
3 last_name varchar2(10)
4 );
Table created.
SQL> ALTER TABLE person ADD CONSTRAINT person_name_unique
2 UNIQUE(LOWER(first_name),LOWER(last_name));
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
A unique function-based index, however, does work
SQL> create unique index idx_uniq_name
2 on person( lower(first_name), lower(last_name) );
Index created.
1 is possible and gives error for duplicate.
2 is not possible. (function is not possible in constraint)

How to add composite primary keys?

I have a table with three columns, [Id,QTY,Date]. out of these three, two columns [id and date], should be set as primary keys, because I need to fetch the record one by one, from this table, into a reference.
the data to be inserted into this table is
date is in yyyyww format
How do I define two columns as composite primary keys when they have null values, duplicates?
alter table abc add constraint pk primary key (ID, DATE);
if I try to alter the table the error appears
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-01449: column contains NULL values; cannot alter to NOT NULL
01449. 00000 - "column contains NULL values; cannot alter to NOT NULL"
Using table level constraint, you can use this query
alter table your_table add constraint pkc_Name primary key (column1, column2)
but first you need to declare the columns NOT NULL. All parts of a primary key need to be NOT NULL.
The column name of your table is ID and it is still null and non-unique, how is it possible. If it is primary key of other table try adding a surrogate key column for this table and make it primary key.
In case of composite primary key, it should have atleast one not null value(For each row) in the combination of columns. And the combination of column must be unique at all case.
For further details check,
Correction - If composite primary key is made up of 3 columns, then no column (among 3) can hold NULL value. And the combination of those 3 columns must be unique.
E.g. (1,2,2)
(1,2,2) - not valid

UPDATE in procedure ORA-00001

I have w problem with UPDATE in procedure. Procedure compiling and I see(DBMS...) results example 100records and error
ORA-00001: unique constraint violated (CUSTOMER_INFO_COMM_METHOD_UX)
My update:
UPDATE customer_info_comm_method_tab SET Value=wynikOK WHERE
customer_id=cus_rec.customer_id AND method_id='E_MAIL' AND Value = p_stringWyn;
wynikOK - actual new Value
cus_rec.customer_id - actual customer_id from cursor
p_stringWyn - old Value in table
key is founded on three attributes that I use (CUSTOMER_ID, VALUE, METHOD_ID)
Of course I can't remove index CUSTOMER_INFO_COMM_METHOD_UX because Its not my database
If I commented update procedure compile 100% without error but I need to do this update
It means that your new value (wynikOK) is causing the violation. The combination of customer_id , your new value(wynikOK) and method id is already existing in another row of your table. But this has to be unique...
If this combination of values(customer,value,method) is not gonna be unique , then remove the unique constraint in the table..
Else value has to be unique. Try appending some strings for your new value so that it will be unique. Say if your value is 1234, try appending the date to this value 1234_23112012 so that this will be unique always.
