Subview not appearing where I want it to come out - Xcode - xcode

I'm new to XCode and am having trouble getting a subView, when added to the main view, to originate from the bottom whereas the top (which I presume is default).
When I mean top, I don't mean the heir-achy but rather literally top of the screen (where the power button and ear jack of an iphone is).
I have tried to play around with the View -> Origin, and View -> Mode - neither did anything.
I would assume it's the auto-layout but I can't be sure.
Basically, I have a colored mainStoryboard and it [self.view addSubView:[[AnotherView alloc] initWithNibName:#"AnotherView" bundle:nil]];
The AnotherView is just a empty half-sized View.
When it gets added, it keeps appearing from the top. I don't know how to make it come from the bottom.
Do you guys have any insight as to how I might be able to make it come from the bottom?
Thanks ahead of time!

add newView to self.view with the frame
and after that animate that view by using below animations.
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.4 delay:0.0 options:UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp
} completion:nil];
Or you can use
presentModalViewController: animated:


ViewController canBecomeFirstResponder iOS 8

I have a VC that has an inputAccessoryView that is used to display a textfield (much like the messages app). When I push this view onto the navigation stack everything works fine and by that I mean that the tableview adjusts its insets to make sure nothing scrolls underneath that accessory view. However, if from that view I push on another instance of the same view controller class the insets will not be adjusted and the scrolling of the table will be behind the accessory view.
This issue is seen in iOS 8 only. The other interesting thing about this is that if you then click in the accessory view to open the keyboard the insets are adjusted properly for the keyboard being visible and again when it's hidden.
Also if you don't click the text field to fix the issue and hit back the previous VC is broken as well.
I'm fairly certain based on the information above that this is an iOS 8 bug. I'm hoping someone has seen this and come up with semi reasonable fix.
Nasty solution but a solution nonetheless:
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(0.01 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.inputAccessoryView.inputAccessoryTextField becomeFirstResponder];
[self.inputAccessoryView.inputAccessoryTextField resignFirstResponder];
This allows the view to redraw the insets

Cocoa: NSView drawRect painting over IBOutlets

I have an NSView in IB which sits above the app window. I have a subclass of NSView (AddSource) which I assign to the NSView.
On awakeFromNib I instantiate the view:
//add a new Add Source class
addSourceView = [[AddSource alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0.0, 959.0, 307.0, 118.0)];
[[winMain contentView] addSubview:addSourceView];
in addSourceView's drawRect method I am adding a white background to the view:
[[NSColor whiteColor] set];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];//added this to see if it might solve the problem
In winMain's contentView I have a NSButton that when clicked slides the addSourceView onto the window:
NSRect addSourceViewFrame = [addSourceView frame];
addSourceViewFrame.origin.y = 841.0;
[[addSourceView animator] setFrame:addSourceViewFrame];
But it seems as if the app is painting over the IBOutlets I placed on the NSView in IB. If, in IB, I repoistion the NSView so that it is on screen when the app launches everything works fine, the IBOutlets are there as well as the background color.
I'm not sure why this is happening. I've done this before with no problems. I must be doing something different this time.
Thanks for any help.
*note - on the 3rd screen capture, when I say this is what the app looks like when opened, that's when I hard code the Y position of the NSView. When it is functioning correctly it should open as screen capture 1.
Most likely your buttons and custom view are siblings, i.e. they are both subviews of your window's content view. Since siblings are "Stacked" depending on the order in which they are added, when you add the view in code it is being added on top of the buttons. You should be able to fix it by explicitly specifying where the view should be positioned relative to its new siblings like so:
[[winMain contentView] addSubview:addSourceView positioned:NSWindowBelow relativeTo:nil];
which should place it below any existing subviews of your window's content view. Also, remove the setNeedsDisplay: line in drawRect, that leads to unncessary, possibly infinite, redrawing.
EDIT: OK I see what you're doing.
I would suggest creating a standalove view in the NIB by dragging a "Custom View" object into the left hand side (the vertically-aligned archived objects section) and adding your controls there, that should ensure the controls are actualy subviews of the view, then you can just create a reference to the archived view in code, and add/remove it dynamically as needed.
Honestly though, you should probably be using a sheet for these kinds of modal dialogs. Why reinvent the wheel, and make your app uglier in the process?
You added TWO AddSource views to the window. You added one in IB - this view contains your textFields and buttons that are connected to the IBOutlets and it is positioned outside the window.
Then in -awakeFromNib you create another, blank AddSource view (containing nothing) and animate it into the window.
I can't recommend highly enough the Hillegass as the best introduction to IB and the correct way to build Cocoa Apps.
Also, Assertions can be useful to make sure what you think is happening is actually what is happening.
If you are certain you added a button to your view in IB, assert it is so:-
- (void)awakeFromNib {
NSAssert( myButton, #"did i hook up the outlet?");
NSAssert is a macro that has zero overhead in a release build.
Calling [self setNeedsDisplay:YES] from -drawRect just causes the same -drawRect to be called again. This will give you big problems.

NSView overlapping

My cocoa app has a "dashboard" style layout.
When the app starts, the main window contains 6 views which display graphs.
When I click on any part of the bottom most view, I have another NSView instance popping up
as an annotation. The problem I run into is that is the pop up NSView is large enough dimension wise,
the other views in the window overlap the pop up view. Currently, I do that with:
[[self superview] addSubview:annotationView ]; where 'superview' is the window.
Im not sure why this would be the case, I have tried removing the the pop up view from the "view stack"
and making it change positions but that didnt work.
[[[self window] contentView] insertView:popupView atIndex:0];
This will insert the view at the top level, if you still can't see it you will need to add a subview to the superview of the NSWindow's contentview.
If all the views are added as subviews of [self superview] then you must make sure that they do not overlap. Cocoa doesn’t guarantee correct behaviour in case there are overlapping sibling views.
If you want a popup view, consider using a child window instead. Since it’s a different window, the popup lies in a different view hierarchy, hence you won’t have the overlapping sibling views problem.
A good example of using child windows for additional information is Matt Gemmell’s MAAttachedWindow.

How to customize / style a UIPopoverController

I'm working on an iPad application and I'm using UIPopoverControllers. I'm at the part where the app needs to be branded and styled and i'm wondering how to change the color / tint of the UIPopoverController? Standard is dark blue but it needs to be another color..
is this possible?
Greets, Thomas
This is possible starting in iOS 5.0 by subclassing the abstract class UIPopoverBackgroundView and assigning your subclass to the popoverBackgroundViewClass property on your UIPopoverController instance. Unfortunately there is no tintColor property as the popover needs to use images for it's arrow and border in order to achieve smooth animations during dynamic resizing. You can learn more about how to customize the appearance of a UIPopoverController in the UIPopoverBackgroundView Class Reference
It's impossible for now.
It's what I call the "Box in a Box" model. You get control of the box inside of the box (the UIViewController inside of the UIPopoverController), but you have very limited control over the actual popover itself. Outside of the arrow direction and the size, you can't change much else. There are also options for a modal effect popover, which dims everything else when it shows up, but I haven't tried to get it working.
I'm sure you've noticed there is no UIPopover class by now.
The answer you want to hear:
If you really want to style one that bad, just write your own. It's really not that hard.
The link you want to click:
Cocoacontrols is an index of iOS and OSX components available on GitHub, they have some popover stuff.
iOS 7 introduces backgroundColor property of UIPopoverController which affects/includes the navigation background color as well as arrows of popover.
#property (nonatomic, copy) UIColor *backgroundColor NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);
Usage example:
if ([self.popoverVC respondsToSelector:#selector(setBackgroundColor:)]) { // Check to avoid app crash prior to iOS 7
self.popoverVC.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor]; // [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:#"..."] doesn't reflect the color on simulator but on device it works!
Note - As of now (iOS 7.0.3), in some cases (like set color using colorWithPatternImage:), the simulator (and even some devices) doesn't honor the color.
Throwing my hat in here;
I've leveraged UIPopoverBackgroundViews in iOS 5+ to add a simple tintColor property onto UIPopoverControllers.
I try to trick it by customizing the view controller inside the popover and then hiding the popover border using this code:
UIView * border = [[insideViewController.view.superview.superview.superview subviews] objectAtIndex:0];
border.hidden = YES;
The app is actually still in development so I'm hoping other people will comment on this solution.
check out these latest projects leveraging UIPopoverBackgroundView
from ios 5 onward it is can be done, here is a library
just look at the documentation , and it is quite easy
good luck
You can use Elegant Popover cocoapod for just that. You can customise shape and colour of the arrow and the popover itself. Also, you can add colourful borders to the popover.
I know this is a lousy constructed answer, but I've just been playing with the UIPopoverController's views. They do exist.
The only way to access them is from your view that is sitting in the UIPopovercontroller.
I have a navigation controller so I follow this hierarchy
UIView *test = ((UIView *)[[[self.navigationController.view.superview.superview.subviews objectAtIndex:0] subviews] objectAtIndex:1]);
UIView *test2 = ((UIView *)[[[self.navigationController.view.superview.superview.subviews objectAtIndex:0] subviews] objectAtIndex:1]);
test.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor];
test2.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor];
This isn't exactly the end goal, but it is really close.
you'll find that the_view_in_the_popover.superview.superview (maybe just one superview if you are not reaching out from a navigation controller view) is a UIPopoverView. If you cast it as a UIView and treat it as a UIView you're not really breaking any rules. I guess that is really up to apple though.
Remove UIPopoverController border:
NSArray* subviews = ((UIView*)[popupController.contentViewController.view.superview.superview.superview.subviews objectAtIndex:0]).subviews;
for(UIView *subview in subviews){
[subview removeFromSuperview];

NSTextView not refreshed properly on scrolling

I have a NSTextView with a sizeable quantity of text. Whenever I scroll however, the view isn't updated properly. There are some artifacts that remain at the top or the bottom of the view. It appears that the view doesn't refresh itself often enough. If I scroll very slowly the view updates correctly though. If I add a border to the view everything works perfectly, borderless view is the one that has a problem. Here's a link to a screenshot:
Have you set the setDrawsBackground and copiesOnScroll propertes for either the NSScrollView or the NSClipView?
The first thing I would suggest is turning off the "draws background" property of the NSScrollView:
[myScrollView setDrawsBackground:NO];
Note that this should be set on the NSScrollView, and not on the embedded NSClipView.
The following excerpt from the documentation may be relevant:
If your NSScrollView encloses an NSClipView sending a setDrawsBackground: message with a parameter of NO to the NSScrollView has the added effect of sending the NSClipView a setCopiesOnScroll: message with a parameter of NO. The side effect of sending the setDrawsBackground: message directly to the NSClipView instead would be the appearance of “trails” (vestiges of previous drawing) in the document view as it is scrolled.
Looks like the text field isn't even in the scrolling-area... Are you sure something isnt overlapping it?
I had a similar trouble - artifacts develop when the NSTextView is embedded in another scrollview (ie. a NSTableView).
I actually turned on the setdrawsbackground, and then added a nice color to make it disappear again.
NSScrollView *scroll = [self enclosingScrollView];
[scroll setBorderType:NSNoBorder];
[scroll setDrawsBackground:YES];
[scroll setBackgroundColor:[NSColor windowBackgroundColor]];
This in combination with a scrollWheel event let me use the NSTextView in a NSTableView.
-(void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent{
NSScrollView *scroll = [self enclosingScrollView];
[[scroll superview] scrollWheel:theEvent];
I had the same trouble some time ago. I don't remember how I solved it.
Try to place the NSTextView to another view if the superview is a custom view. Just to see what will happen.
