magic quotes joomla3 sunddely appears - joomla

I have a big problem with my joomla 3.0. I have a proyect in 3.0 averything work fine, but sunddely when I insert html code in my page I see a "\" after my quotation marks
like this
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span4 principal\">
If I errase and save, their appears again.
in my php.init I have magic_quotes_gpc= Off
but in my phpInfo() appear on..
I change my .htaccess in my project too
any idea!

fixing the issue where adding \" during article posts in administrator panel:
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
magic_quotes_sybase = Off
Disable these options from your php.ini file.
You can also overwrite the php.ini.
Please check the link for overwriting php.ini using .htaccess.
How to turn off magic quotes on shared hosting?

Based on your server configuration you may have multiple .htaccess and/or php.ini files in the various directories. They may turn off magic quotes in your frontend, but not in the backend as an example. So check if you have turned off magic quotes in each file.
Or it's just a setting in your editor to escape the quotes.


joomla prepends to 'path'

my wife have a joomla 2.5 site
She claims that she has done nothing except, installing and and subsequently uninstalling Koowa plugi, Ninja plugin and Ninjaboard component.
Anyway after that the joomla 'path' have changed such that between the domain name and the path rendered by HTML, the joomla server now seems to insert "/index.php" or "/index.php/menu-item-name"
for example clicking a link like the following:
<a href="images/some_folder/xxx.JPG">
points to something like: http://www.domain.contry/index.php/fun/images/some_folder/xxx.JPG
how to we change the 'global path settings' such that
<a href="images/some_folder/xxx.JPG">
points to
NB: my joomla and php skills are very basic :)
I think the problem something like this:
all the image paths used to be 'absolute' and are now relative, so if I am in 'index.php/some-menu' and click 'images/xxx.jpg' then it resolves to 'index.php/some-menu/images/xxx.jpg', she has all her images in the image folder, is there some way make all image paths 'absolute' instead of relative in joomla?
because changing 'images/xxx.jpg' to '/images/xxx.jpg' with firebug fixes the problem...
if it is not possible in joomla... how bad do you think it is to:
download the sql database
and run a regex akin to
Look in your global configuration under the Site tab for your SEO settings. Make sure you have URL rewriting enabled, and follow the directions in the tooltip to rename htaccess.txt (Linux servers) or web.config.txt (Windows servers) if necessary.
If you get a server error on the site at this point, try uncommenting RewriteBase / in .htaccess.

Joomla installation magic quotes issue

The latest Joomla 3.0 will need magic quotes to turn off in order to start the installation.
As usual, i turn it off using php.ini created inside the sub folder where my joomla files are inside.
in my phpinfo, magic_quotes_gpc is writing Off. but in my joomla installation page, magic quotes still showing "No".
any ideas?
No way of solving it with a php.ini file. It'll "seem to work" but doesn't. You need to set magic_quotes_gpc = off on the server php configuration.
Usually editing the php.ini requires the restart of the server to work.
Have a look at the PHP function get_magic_quotes_gpc. There may be no issue with Joomla after all.

addStyleSheet fails on J3.0

I'm migrating some of my modules to J3.0 from J2.5 and suddenly I cannot add stylesheets to the document in J.30.
I've tried the following code with no success:
JHTML::stylesheet('style.css', 'modules/mod_instagallery/assets/css/');
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
The CSS is located at MYROOT/modules/mod_instagallery/assets/css/style.css and the file is there in the file system. According to the page source, no css is added whatsoever.
JHtml::stylesheet() doesn't support a string as the second parameter anymore. This used to be the path to the file in Joomla 1.5 and has been removed now.
So the first one will fail due to this.
The others still work.
Problem solved. The CSS files appeared to not be loaded due to output buffering on the webserver.
Solved this by editing the php.ini file from
output_buffering = 4096
output_buffering = Off

odd issue with funny characters in Joomla/ Jomsocial

I hope someone can help me with this issue.
For a few months (since last August) there has been an ongoing issue on my site with strange characters appearing all over the place - especially in user generated content.
I have searched and searched for answers but nothing ever seems to work, although the most pressing (in the blog component) has been resolved by setting JCE to validate HTML - which is does fine in the Blogging component (EasyBlog) but doesn't anywhere else (where it is less critical but still an issue).
Here is what I have done so far:
Checked the site from multiple machines, multiple browsers - no difference.
Checked the MySQL database and table collation - which are utf8_general_ci
Added AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 and AddCharset UTF-8 .php to the .htaccess files. I played about with these for ages and these two seemed to be the only combination which didn't crash the site.
Have checked the HTML headers and they definitely have the correct content encoding types (set to UTF-8)
I have tried different WSIWIG editors to no avail. Besides it is often in the code output where the characters appear - typically a A next to a »
I have tried a hack to force the connection script to UTF-8 but this causes the site to crash.
If anyone has any ideas at all as to what I can do still ... I'm all ears (please)
Many thanks in advance
If your server is running PHP 5.4+ I would suggest that you try the following solution described in the JCE forums:
In the Editor Global Configuration, set "Entity Encoding" to "UTF-8"
In the "Custom Configuration Variables" field, add:
The keep an eye out for the JCE 2.3.2 release which will address this issue.
Things to note:
anywhere the spurious â or  is occurring will have to be edited to remove the characters (once the changes above have been applied to JCE).
the problem is Joomla! 2.5.x's use of get_html_translation_table() which relies on default values and PHP 5.4 changed the default encoding parameter to UTF-8. Previously it defaulted to ISO-8859-1
For the core you could try and modify _decode() in /libraries/joomla/filter/input.php, look for the line (around 644):
$trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
and change it to:
$trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_COMPAT, 'ISO-8859-1');

Magento Admin Panel Missing or Broken - See Screenshots

We were doing typical content edits and the admin panel had the regular functionality and styling.
When we finished and logged out and then in again....We got just a file tree...the links withing the tree just loop back to the original page when you click on them... There is no way to edit anything...Please Help!
Using Magento ver.
Thank you!
Did you enable CSS/JS minification recently? The default functionality to handle this can be dodgy if your settings aren't just right. My reasoning with this answer would be that it appears you aren't loading any CSS or JS correctly.
Try this:
SELECT * FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE '%merge%';
You should get two results. Try setting them to 0 if they are enabled, and then remove your /var/ folder to clear cache.
Further troubleshooting would include disabling modules if you had installed any recently. Barring that, take a gander at Firebug and look at which paths are being built to your CSS/JS files. That should give us a big clue.
Erase everything in /var/cache/ and /var/session/
Looks like you may have left the trailing slash off of your domain name in your Base URL. Go to System -> Configuration -> General -> Web -> Unsecure -> Base URL and make sure it ends with /. Repeat for Secure.
Check file permissions on the media and var directories. They need to be writable by the webserver user. You probably enabled merging of JS and CSS and apache can't write to media/css media/css_secure and/or media/js
