Importing multiple categories with Magento - magento

Been all day on this one :
I have a bunch of categories in Magento and I'm importing a CSV of about 1000 products. Each product is going into ~10 categories.
I've tried formatting the CSV the same way that the CSV that I once exported :
sku,_store,_attribute_set,_type,_category, ....
"12345","","Default","simple","myFavoriteCategory", ....
,,,,"myFavoriteCategory/and a subcategory", ....
,,,,"myFavoriteCategory/badSubcategory", ....
I thought this was great but it's only putting the product into the first category (myFavoriteCategory in this case)
I also tried doing it all in one line by separating the categories by double delimeters within the quotes but with no success.
I'm using Magento ver.

Using the Magmi plugin, which is fairly easy to install, I followed these instructions :
and it worked. I hope I can save someone in the future some serious head/wall contact.


Magento with Magmi - Remove unwanted numbers on product update

After updating our 6k+ products in Magento 1.7 using CSV import with Magmi the url_keys for all product get 4-digit numbers as suffix.
e.g. before it was
after update it's
This happens although the url_key in CSV is set as "productname"
Only way to fix it is to clear all urls from database and reindex - but after next import it's happening again.
Has anyone an idea how to prevent this on import?
The number suffix will be added when one or more url's get the same url. Since that is not possible Magento adds the suffix. Do you know if this occurs?
You try to make product names unique before processing. For example adding a color or a model or something else from your datasource
Or you could automate the step of emptying and reindexing the core_resource table (also take a look at the Magmi plugin On the fly indexer)

Configure magmi to import or create categories from multiple columns in magento

Hi i have a csv in which the product categories are in 3 columns .
say column1 == parent category
column 2 = subcategory
column 3 subcategory of column 2
Now can you please tell me how can i configure magmi to import categories from multiple columns.
I am also using a csv (actually, it's a ~ delimited file).
You want to use one column for the categories and separate them by something, but let MAGMI know. I'll explain that part in a bit.
Anyway, my csv file looks like this...
Catalog|Computer Components|DRAM DDR3|> 2GB~154~mysku
So, Catalog is the parent category, then Computer Components, then DRAM DDR3, then > 2GB
If you wanted to add another category - let's say Catalog->Computers->Upgrade Components (not that you would ever have a category for that), you'd do the following
Catalog|Computer Components|DRAM DDR3|> 2GB,Catalog|Computers|Upgrade Components~154~mysku
The | separates the categories in their parent-child relationships.
The comma (why I don't use an actual csv) separates the two different categories you want to add.
Now, for the MAGMI configuration.
You're going to be using the "On the fly category creator/importer". I can't recall if it is installed by default. I believe it is. If not, it's easy to install plugins. Look it up.
Anyway, you'll want that checked off and then click on "configure" beside it.
Set "Assing product to" (you read that correctly) to "all categories in tree"... that is, unless you don't want your products to be added to all the categories in the tree. So, it would add the product to Catalog AND Computer Components AND ..and so on.. If you have this set differently it will only add to the last categories (> 2GB AND Upgrade Components).
Set the "Tree level separator" to |
base category tree will depend on how you have configured yours to work. I include Catalog, which is my base level tree, so I have this blank.
I would suggest keeping the url ending in html
I hope that makes sense and it what you're looking for.
I re-read your question. I think I answered it above, but in a little more detail than you need probably. You can't really have multiple categories in multiple columns and try to import them. The way I described (importing them using a different delimiter) and using the on the fly category creater/importer is the only way I have been able to efficiently gain control over category management with MAGMI. So, create your csv file using a one column method for categories and you should be good. I also suggest using ~ delimited files, rather than comma - comma is used in a lot of other places and would be more prone to issues. For example, if you want to include two stores you would do "store1, store2" and MAGMI will know how to include them. If you forgot the quotes the import might would work fine (with warnings or errors), but it would assume the comma is there to separate different columns and likely throw bad data into other columns, rather than the proper values for that column.
I hope that all makes sense.

Importing custom attributes using Magmi

I'm currently trying to use Magmi to update around 1000 products in Magento based on their SKU. Here is an example of my CSV file:
"admin","TA50 WR","AA0096","Aria"
I have two custom attributes called mpn / cat_brand that are currently empty on all of the products.
My question is can you update custom attributes using Magmi?
Also, is there a way to filter the SKU; in Magento the SKU's seem to be being appended with a number, so they end up looking like this: AA0096:1002. Is there a way to use a regular expression on the SKU? or do you think Magmi will still match them up?
Yes, of course, magmi can update any attribute based on its code in the header (either user custom or standard magento)
for skus, you need to use the exact magento sku. so have a line per magento sku for updating values.
magento is not "appending" anything to sku by default, in fact i suppose you have "configurable" product with root skus (AA0096) & associates simple items (AA0096:xxxx) , each being a separate reference.
Magmi has no "multiple match" mode for one item line in the csv, it would be handy but also dangerous. so you'll have to have one line per final sku in magento to have magmi update each wanted sku.

Automatically create configurable products from list of simple products in csv file

I am using magmi to import products into Magento.
I have a long list of simple products in a spreadsheet and it is a right pain going through it and adding a configurable product row for each set of products manually. It is of course also error prone.
I wonder if there is a way of processing this sheet automatically to add in the configurable product rows. It's fairly easy to see when one set of products changes to another.
I've browsed lots of forums and tried to do it through excel but can't seem to find a way of doing it. Has anyone any suggestions please?
Check if this helps!
Let me know if you anything else.
Auto creating configurables as a 'feature' may have several pitfalls:
Which sku to use for the configurable ?
What if a similar configurable sku exists:
do you want to "append" associated product list with simples listed
or replace the associated product list with ?
what if the file has :
simples with configurable product to create
"real" simples that should not be associated to any configurable but share the same attribute_set
So, in a "generic" way, many questions may be left without answers and ,as such, couldn't be mass automated that easily.
However, you have a specific need , for a specific workflow, implying specific data. Then in YOUR case, you (or someone you can hire) can write a magmi plugin that would create the configurable according to YOUR specifications.
I hadn't appreciated the capabilities of the magmi configurable product plugin until I saw this:
This showed me it's possible to import all the simple products in one file, and then import the configurable products from another file. The "trick" is to have SKUs with two components, along the lines cccc-ssss, with each group of simple products linked together by a common prefix cccc to the SKU. The configurable product has the SKU cccc.
Creating the configurable products file is not easy (for me at least), excel doesn't seem to have the best facilities for this but I found the following helpful: Getting unique values in Excel by using formulas only. I used the macro by totymedli. [I use this as the list of simple products I have are grouped by an attribute that has the same value for all products that can be within a configurable product.]
No doubt there are better ways but the main thing is the amount of manual work I have to do, and which is error prone, is reduced.

Importing multiple product prices/currencies in Magento using Magento 1.5/EE

I'm importing simple Magento products using the new import-export module in Magento 1.5+ with different prices for different websites (1 site is £29 another is 34 euros). When I run the import though the price for all sites is set as 34 (pounds or euros depending).
Has anybody successfully imported product prices to multiple sites/views from the same file?
Does anybody have an example CSV file that is successfully importing a UK price to one store and a different Euro price to another?
Living in hope.
You can create an example file yourself. Just create a sample product in the backend and export it to a csv - you should get the csv definition. The trick is to add separate lines to your csv for different values in different websites. Vinai Kopp made a nice presentation which might be helpful:
