Spring #Autowired and bean declaration in applicationContext.xml - spring

Hi I am relatively new to spring. Am using Annotations.
My doubt begin I have a class
public class MyClassA{
private MyClassB variableClassB;
// more code here
in my applicationContext.xml
<context:component-scan base-package="package containing MyClassB" />
My question being do I need to add bean declaration in applicationContext.xml as follows
<bean id="classB" class="com.MyClassB"
or is it sufficient to have #Autowired annotation

No it is not.
If your MyClassB is annotated with annotations like #Component, #Service, #Repository or #Controller the component scan will create a bean for the class in the bean factory.
If you are not using any of these annotations then, you need to create a bean manually as you have given
public class MyClassB{

If you have Annotation #Component on MyClassB, it's no need to add <bean id="classB" class="com.MyClassB" in applicationContext.xml. Otherwise, needed.

The whole purpose of the #Autowired annotation is just to avoid explicitly mentioning the bean in the xml file. Doing
<context:component-scan base-package="package containing MyClassB" />
checks the package and searches for the annotations #Controller, #Service, #Repository etc and makes the bean itself.

The #Autowired annotation lets you avoid having to explicitly state the need for MyClassB in the XML declaration of MyClassA, but it does not mean that the MyClassB bean is created automatically. If you don't want to have MyClassB appearing in the XML at all, you need to do a context:component-scan to find the #Bean (and derived) annotations. (The scan is fairly expensive, so you need to ask for it explicitly.)


Should we use #Component annotation on the class just to document/indicate that it's a Bean?

Even when we create the Beans in a Spring configuration class, I feel it is still useful to use #Component annotation on the class just to document/indicate that it's a Bean. Is it a good idea? Can there be any other issue that Spring will find the same bean defined in two different ways?
It is bad practice to create two beans from one class...
class SimpleComponent {
public SimpleComponent simpleComponentBean(){
new SimpleComponent();
By default if we use #Component spring creates bean with name of class, but starts with small letter simpleComponent, if we use #Bean it takes method name and create bean with name simpleComponentBean and we have duplicated beans...
If we have method name the same, as component class name, spring replace one of them and we can Inject unexpected bean.
PS: intellij idea enterprise - correct indicate about all beans.

Spring Bean and Autowire to datasource

Noob to Spring. I have 2 files:
foo-servlet.xml which has the following statement:
<bean id:"DAO" class="a.b.data.MyDAO"/>
fooController.java has the following:
public class FooController{
private FooDAO fooDAO;
public void setFooDAO (FooDAO fooDAO){ this.fooDAO = fooDAO;}
My question: Is Spring actually replacing / injecting the definition of DAO in the servlet into my FooDAO? I'm trying to understand the 'tie-in' between the bean and how Spring know to substitute that file for my FooDAO in the controller.
Oh, and there is no mention of #Repository or #Component anywhere in this example code...
The XML looks kind of corrupted. I think it needs to be id=DAO
As far as i know: Autowiring is either done via the type or the name and the type.
So when MyDAO implements FooDao your bean will be considered for Autowiring.
But this is just a guess. The code of the Daos and the rest of the configuration would be helpful to give a correct answer to this question.
Understanding Spring #Autowired usage
This might answer your question as well.

How to inject Spring's Validator implementation?

I started with generating my application using JHipster v.3.5.1.
After some time, I needed to create validator to perform some business logic validation on my entity, when it is created with POST. So I made:
public class MyValidator implements Validator
Then, I tried to inject it into my controller (annotated with #RestController), but no matter which way I tried, it always resulted in something like that:
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type [com.my.app.service.domain.MyValidator] found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency.
Ways I tried to create bean and inject it
private MyValidator myValidator;
private MyValidator myValidator;
private MyValidator myValidator; (with #Component("myValidator") on class)
private MyValidator myValidator; (with #Component("myValidator") on class)
//Below was inserted in class annotated with #Configuration
public MyValidator myValidator() {
return new MyValidator();
However I tried it - it failed. I always got NoSuchBeanDefinitionException or field value was set to null.
I've also checked class location in project structure. To be 100% percent sure it's well placed, I've put it in package the with #Services, which are scanned and work well. No effect.
I know that it seems to be pretty easy task and I know this injection is possible (I've seen it done in project in my work), but somehow I'm not able to make it work in my project.
Maybe I'm missing something in configuration? Thanks for any help :)
I believe your issue is that when you use #Autowired inside a class annotated with #Configuration you are just referencing to a bean that is defined in a separate configuration file, that is it has to be declared in another file also with the #Configuration annotation.
If you want to refer refer to another implicit bean such as your validator annotated with #Component you will need to do it in another implicit bean also annotated to with implicit notation such as #Component, #Service, #Controller, etc
The #Autowired alone should work unless you have more than one class implementing the same interface. That is when you will need to use the #Qualifier.

How to make Spring #autowired annotation to pick a certain type without using #Qualifier?

Is there a way to specify the default type for Spring #autowired annotation? For example, I have bean ValidatorA and bean ValidatorB that extends ValidatorA.
The ValidatorA is used in some other places and is injected using #autowired.
Is there a way to force Spring to inject ValidatorB instead of ValidatorA without changing the existing code?
The only solution I found at How to override the behavior of Spring #Autowired suggests to exclude ValidatorA from the context.
Is there any other way?
For example, with Guice I would just bind the ValidatorA.class to ValidatorB.class and that will do exactly what I need.
I have no problem to add #Qualifier to ValidatorB but ValidatorA should stay unchanged.
Guice provides ability to define "Providers", is there something similar in Spring? Maybe with #Configuration annotation?
I think you could use primary indicator there. If your bean is defined through annotation, add #Primary to ValidatorB definition. If you are using xml config add primary="true" to <bean> definition.
Is there a way to force Spring to inject ValidatorB instead of ValidatorA without changing the existing code?
Without changing the code, I doubt it very much. You could change the app context or alter the code something like this :
public class ValidatorB extends ValidatorA {
and then inject like so (there are other syntactic options as well)
private ValidatorA validatorB;

Autowiring Unmanaged Beans Annotated With #Component

I want to use #AutoWired to inject a non-managed bean configured with #Component into a managed bean. I'm pretty sure I have the configuration right, but for some reason I keep getting the exception:
No unique bean of type [foo.Baz] is defined: Unsatisfied dependency of type [class foo.Baz]: expected at least 1 matching bean
Based on the error, I'm guessing it's not able to find the Baz class, but I'm not sure why. It's my understanding that the context:spring-configured element in the XML config was supposed to allow me to do this. I also made sure to include the appropriate jar files (spring-weaving.jar and aspectjweaver.jar).
Here's a simple example of my set up.
My XML config:
<beans ...>
<context:component-scan base-package="foo"/>
<bean id="bar" class="foo.Bar"/>
I have one managed bean:
package foo;
public class Bar {
private Baz baz;
public void setBaz(Baz baz) {
this.baz = baz;
And one unmanaged bean:
package foo;
public class Baz {
Is there something I'm missing?
EDIT: The log lists the beans its instantiating, and foo.Baz isn't one of them. I don't know why it's not picking up the #Component annotated class.
Because Bar is configured with xml, it can only be configured with xml. i.e. you can't mix them. So that "#Autowired" annotation on Baz is not getting picked up (none of the annotations would be). It is only when you add the spring annotation at class level that spring will listen to any of the other annotations.
What you'll need to do is in the xml configure the bean to be autowired by type, add a setter for that type and you'll achieve the desired behaviour.
<bean id="bar" class="foo.Bar" autowire="byType"/>
One more thing, when you annotate a bean with #Component it is a spring managed bean. Just because it is not created with xml does not mean it is unmanaged. An unmanaged bean is one you don't get from spring.
Bar and Baz are both spring managed. It is the mechanism you've chosen to define them that differs.
The previous response is not correct, in one aspect. You can autowire beans that are otherwise configured with xml.
From section 3.4.5 in http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-framework-reference/html/beans.html:
When using XML-based configuration metadata[2], you specify autowire mode for a bean definition with the autowire attribute of the element. The autowiring functionality has five modes. You specify autowiring per bean and thus can choose which ones to autowire.
You can autowire by name, type and constructor. There is a crude example of this here: http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/Spring/AutoWiring.htm
The error is due to the sequence of beans defined in your XML config file.
As on your XML file, bean for bar is created first and then their dependent beans due to which #Autowired is not able to find baz.
You must first declare bean for baz and then for bar.
