how do I build a single project in code::blocks? - codeblocks

I tried to compile and execute a file outside a project.
But when I hit F9, the main file in the active project was built.
How do I build and run a single file project?
Reading this article it seemed possible, but it didn't tell me how.

Sure you can compile the file outside the project but you can't run it through codeblocks. If project is already open in codeblocks then pressing f9 or build and run button it compile and run the current project. If you have a c/c++ source file outside the project and you want to compile it then at first select the file you want to compile, go to menu and press -> build -> compile current file or press ctrl+shift+F9. But you can't run it through codeblocks so you have to run executable file directly from the directories where .exe file has been build.


CLion compilation error with Qt6Widgets.dll (Qt6Widgets.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

The error
(Qt6Widgets.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
seems to appear when I manually try to compile the .exe in the cmakebuild directory.
When I try to compile in Clion I get this error:
Process finished with exit code -1073741515
I check the installation folder for Qt and the Qt6Widgets.dll exists.
I also try to compile in another computer and it works, I also install all the applications that i needed Qt and Clion and that doesn't change anything. (I'm on Windows 10)
I just entirely reload the project and copy paste everything in the new project and it worked.
I had to choose the Console compilation when creating the project, i don't know if there were other options.

How do cmake configuration and default build task configuration play together in VSCode?

I'm compiling this PCL Library example. For reference, it consists of a simple cpp file that includes some PCL headers and does some basic data manipulation, and a CMakeLists.txt file.
Using the command line, I am able to build it using cmake -> make. I want to build it also using VSCode IDE. When I open this project on VSCode, it detects I'm using cmake, and if I clean/build it using the cmake extension, everything seems to work as expected (including autocompletion by intellisense, etc).
However, this takes some time as it builds the whole project in the same way you would do it from the command line, only from VSCode. I wanted to understand if I can also configure a "default build task" (via the tasks.json file) to build files using Ctrl + Shift + B, and be able to build individual files, and have a more IDE-Like experience (something like the incremental compiler of Eclipse with Java, for example).
If I add a C++ configuration, it fails to find .h files, and errors are highlighted on the open file, until I clean/rebuild via de cmake extension.
My question is, are this two options (cmake extension vs build tasks) compatible or mutually exclusive? Is defining and compiling via a task in fact more agile than building via the cmake extension?

How to Add, Build and Run existing files onto Xcode C++ Project Command Line

I am trying to add an existing folder to a project on Xcode. I want to run it on C++ OS Command line tool. I have added the cpp and hpp files on my project. On the Contacts folder, it includes a csv file and I have also included it on my project. The problem is that the program compiles and runs but it does not show any output of the contacts I was expecting to see.
Is there anything I need to do right?
Thanks for the help.
Contacts folder
Project on Xcode
Creating a new project as a Command Line Tool and using the same code called on main. Then try Activate Console command: Cmd+Shift+C or in the Top menu: View -> Debug Area -> Activate Console, then run your project Cmd+Shift+R or the play button shortcut on xCode.

How do I add compile sources via a run script build phase in XCode?

I have an XCode project which I would like to add source files to via scripting.
Is it possible to add compile sources via a run script build phase?
If so, how would I go about this?
I haven't found any documentation or examples of this, so I'm not sure it's possible.
You can create target that runs script. In this script any sources could be passed to xcodebuild arguments.
If this is not what is needed, XCode project by itself is an xml, so any files could be added to any targets, but project should be reloaded after, so I don't know how to add files to target withing runnign this target build.

xcode 4 culdn't compile openCL app

I try to compile openCL app on Xcode 4, but I'm not success. I create new C language project, then add openCL framework, create necessary .c and .cl files, and try compile. Here is the error:
error: can't exec '/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Libraries/openclc' (No such file or directory)
I try googling, but unsuccess. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
That error pops up when xcode tries to compile the .cl files. These files are usually compiled at run-time using the clCreateProgramWithSource function. You can get rid of that error by removing the .cl files from the "Compile Sources" sections of the "Build Phases" of the target. Here is what you do:
Select the Project in the Project Navigator.
Select the target.
Click on the Build Phases tab on the top.
Expand the Compile Sources section.
Select the .cl files and click the "-" button
Run your program.
That should get rid of the error.
