#import "breakpoint"; throws not found error - sass

I was working on this project yesterday using Sass and Breakpoint and everything was fine. This morning however when I went to compile using sass --watch .. I am getting this error:
error ../sass/screen.scss (Line 6: File to import not found or unreadable: breakpoint.
Load path: /Users/MOD3/Sites/GABE/stylesheets/stylesheets)
I am not sure why it is not finding breakpoint anymore but I am sure it is installed. I read something about it needing to be an absolute path, but where do I get that path from? Any idea how to fix this? It was working yesterday...

Breakpoint currently does not work with vanilla Sass as it requires a small bit of Ruby that is not available until Sass 3.3. My intuition is that you probably ran sass --compass --watch to allow Breakpoint to run through Compass. If not, I would highly encourage you to compile through Compass or Breakpoint will not work as expected.
Issue was solved by running compass watch from same folder as config.rb.


Sass --watch keeps compiling the file

I've been unable to find something similar to this on a Google search, but using VSCode and Dart Sass (now v 1.23.1) and running sass --watch css the file keeps on saving/compiling
There seemed to be no issue earlier today. However, the version I was running was 1.21. (I updated Sass to use the new module spec)
What is happening?
The file main.scss is saved
Terminal displays Compiled css/main.scss to css/main.css
It then loops, printing the following
Compiled css/main.css to css/main.css
Things I have tried
Uninstalled and reinstalled sass
deleted map files and related compiled files
Aprart from that, I am at a loss of what to try next. Has anyone experienced similar to this and what did they do to resolve it?
It seems this has been reported as a bug in the Dart-Sass repository and a pull request has been opened.

SASS "LoadError: cannot load such file --listen/version"

I've been struggling with this for hours.
I have
ruby installer 1.9.3 installed.
sass version 3.3.1 maptastic maple
every time I run watch command I get
Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
Load Error: cannot load such file -- listen/version
they addressed a "listen" problem fix on their blog but I'm still getting this error.
using something like scout app works but I want to get this to work on command line.
any ideas?
edit: The problem is "fixed" when I do this
SASS compile error - LoadError: cannot load such file -- listen/version Use --trace for backtrace
It watches and the changes are updated. But it freezes if I try to exit with ctrl+c
This was a bug in Sass 3.3.1. I've just released 3.3.2, which should fix it.

breakpoint (gem) not found or unreadable

I’m using breakpoint within a serve project. After adding require 'breakpoint' to my './config.ru' and #import 'breakpoint' to my stylesheets, breakpoint works well while running serve (which I actually run via Pow).
However, when using serve export to export the site to static HTML/CSS/JS files within a predetermined folder, I get the following error in my stylesheets:
Syntax error: File to import not found or unreadable: breakpoint.
Load paths:
on line 5 of ./stylesheets/screen.sass
1: /Users/agarzola/git/devdev-splash/stylesheets/screen.sass
I’ve been poking around the serve gem itself and found that export simply runs compass compile -c '#{#input}/compass.config' '#{#input}' to compile stylesheets before copying them to the destination folder. I had also learned some time ago that the export feature in serve does not yet use config.ru (as it should), and I haven’t been able to figure out where exactly I need to tell compass to use the installed breakpoint gem.
So I tried running compass compile -c ./compass.config and compass watch -c ./compass.config, both of which return a similar error:
error stylesheets/screen.sass (Line 5 of screen.sass: File to import not found or unreadable: breakpoint.
Load paths:
I created an issue on the serve project, but I’m hoping someone here can share some much needed insight. Thanks!
I had a similar issue where I have to uninstall the theme and reinstall because for some reason the gems were not being seem. Post here
After I uninstalled the theme, I ran install bundle and then checked rvm requirements. Then I reinstalled the theme and subtheme. I do not use serve however this could be similar enough that it might work. I did not find anything that helped other then that.

Sass Breakpoint causing Grunt error

Just did a fresh install on my MacBook with Mavericks. I'm using Yeoman and grunt to compile my project. After reinstalling and pull down the code from the repo, I see this error:
Warning: LoadError on line ["55"] of /Library/Ruby/Site/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:
cannot load such file -- app/bower_components/compass-breakpoint/lib/breakpoint
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace Use --force to continue.
I'm requiring Breakpoint in my gruntfile.js. If i remove the require, everything compiles as expected, without errors.
Let me know if I can provide any more details. Thanks
So the error appears to be caused by you not pointing to the correct file (that's what the cannot load such file error means), so double check that your import path is correct, but at the moment, you must use Breakpoint through Ruby Compass as it requires a bit of Ruby code in order to function properly. With Sass 3.3 available, this Ruby dependency goes away Breakpoint gets updated, but it will require a compiler compatible with Sass 3.3 (libsass, what powers grunt-sass, is not compatible with Sass 3.3, for instance).
I would encourage you to use grunt-contrib-compass, use Bundler to manage Ruby version dependencies, and compile through Ruby Compass. These steps should resolve your issues.
Would suggest to go with NPM breakpoint. For installing:
npm install breakpoint-sass & add require 'breakpoint' in your config.rb file.

LiveReload + Compass error- Syntax error: File to import not found or unreadable

I have windows 7 and I've installed ruby, sass, compass, and LiveReload 0.9.2. When I make an update to my .scss files everything works fine until I try to import compass. I'm receiving this error.
Syntax error: File to import not found or unreadable
I've created a project in compass and have LiveReload watching the same folder.
When I run compass from the command line to watch files it works perfectly. It seems like LiveReload isn't finding the appropriate file to import. I've tried modifying the 'config.rb' file but still received the same error.
Is this a bug with the LiveReload 0.9.2? Or am i just being a numbskull?
Have you trying updating ?
Also, there are a few stuffs you need to be sure in order to compile compass.
Have you checked -> http://feedback.livereload.com/knowledgebase/articles/86203-sass-compass ?
Please, verify the above linked and let me know in which state are you.
