Installshield does not consider revision number in warning - installation

Lets say my current production version is 1.2.3 and the new product version is
Now, during installation, it will throw a warning message saying something like "The setup has detected the version 1.02.003 of...... already installed. This setup updates ..... to the same version that is already installed, therefore this update is not needed. Do you want to install the update anyway? "
This will be very misleading. Does anybody know a solution for this?

It is not InstallShield, but rather Windows Installer, the underlying technology has the behavior you observe. Take a look at this article, which explains how Windows Installer treats versioning.
The important part for your case is this:
Note that Windows Installer uses only the first three fields of the
product version. If you include a fourth field in your product
version, the installer ignores the fourth field.
This explains why it considers the new one to be the same version. So, the suggestion is either change the third digit, or go with small updates instead. Here is how you can apply small updates by re-installing the product.


Why is it possible to install two MSIs with the same upgrade code?

Building MSIs with WixSharp since years, I always followed this rule which basically says:
For each new release of your application, change the ProductCode but never change the UpgradeCode.
This always worked perfectly but recently I discovered that installing a newer release of my application does not replace the previous version but instead is getting installed in parallel.
Running this PowerShell script gives me this result on a test machine:
My question
What is the reason that a MSI file does not replace an existing one upon installation with the same UpgradeCode?
(I've also posted this as a question on the WixSharp GitHub repository)
I've finally managed to solve it. Basically I did the following things:
Removed the version string from my setups name (since MSI seems to also compare then names to check whether an upgrade is possible; only the same name seems to fit)
Changed my version number from 4 to 3 digits, as Christopher pointed out. I.e. I'm now incrementing e.g. "1.0.0" to "1.0.1" etc.
Added this code to my WixSharp ManagedProject instance:
InstallScope = InstallScope.perMachine,
MajorUpgradeStrategy = new MajorUpgradeStrategy
UpgradeVersions = VersionRange.OlderThanThis,
PreventDowngradingVersions = VersionRange.NewerThanThis,
NewerProductInstalledErrorMessage = "Newer version already installed.",
RemoveExistingProductAfter = Step.InstallInitialize
After these changes, an upgrade succeeded.
The constraint is ProductCode not UpgradeCode. Only 1 MSI per ProductCode can be installed. Attempting to do so again will be a maintenance operation, small update or minor update.
Many MSI can share an UpgradeCode. (Not a good practice though!) For example it's not required for you to author a Major Upgrade at all.
The usual cause here though is you must change the version number in the first three fields and each install must be in the same context (per-user and per-user or per-machine and per-machine). BTW that's another way to install the same ProductCode twice. One per-user and one per-machine. Again not a good practice.
1.0.0 → 1.0.1 FindRelated Products in the 1.0.1 MSI will see the 1.0.0 and tell RemoveExistingProducts to remove it.
1.0.0 → 1.0.0 or → Bad. FindRelated will see it as the same version and not remove it.

How to stop installation if older version of software installed in windows?

I am facing a problem while packaging my latest software version in windows 7.My latest version of software is not compatible for upgrade.So if a user already have old version of software , i have to stop the installation (disable next button in the installation windows)or give some notification to Customer to remove the older version.
Is it possible this in install shield(2015)?
You will probably want to follow the same mechanism as ISPreventDowngrade uses. In the Upgrades view, there is a major upgrade item configured as Detect Only. Then in the Custom Action and Sequences view, there is an error action that only fires if the action property of that upgrade item is set.
If you duplicate both of those items with a new action property (and thus new condition), and change the upgrade item to find your earlier version range instead of future versions, you should be able to get the behavior you want.
If you expect there's a specific threshold of versions (i.e. upgrading from anything 1.0-4.0 to anything 5.0 or later requires this, but upgrading from 5.0 to 6.0 will not), you can configure the version range explicitly. If instead you expect you will always need this in the future, you can search for any previous version and let the upper range match your product. Either can be changed for any release in the future.

Best Way to Create an Installation that only Upgrades?

My company is creating a cheaper version of our product that will only upgrade from an older version. To accomplish this, I would like to create an installation that will ONLY upgrade from a previous version. It will not install the full product.
Is there a straightforward way to do this? I have considered:
1) Creating a custom action that checks the registry for the old version first;
2) Creating a patch/hotfix installation
Is there a better method to do this? If not, are there any large pitfalls and drawbacks to these methods? Method #2 seems like the easier method, but this is a pretty big upgrade (though not a "major upgrade," from a technical standpoint). I don't like the appearance of a hotfix when the upgrade is no such thing.
By the way, I am writing the installer in WiX.
This really boils down to one question: does the upgrade move or remove files?
If it does, you need a major upgrade. In this case just make sure that your new version uses the same Upgrade Code as the old one. Windows Installer will take care of the old version removal.
To prevent the package from performing a standalone installation you can use an upgrade rule. You can define a rule which detects older versions and saves them in an installer property. This property can then be used as a launch condition.
If the upgrade doesn't need to remove files, you can use a patch. In this case you don't need to worry about standalone installations.

Detemining newer version of executable in Wix

We have a software that has couple of executables inside. One of the executables is Windows service, and it doesn't change that often, usually we release many updates to the main executable, but the service version is same inside installer.
When service is installed first time or upgraded with newer version, we need to run custom action. We managed to solve first install part, but we don't know how to determine that version we're installing now is newer than one that already exists. Sort of if(newver > oldver) run custom action.
Thank you in advance
- Jack
You can try using the upgrade rules of your package. More details here: How to implement WiX installer upgrade?
Rob Mensching (the second answer in the linked thread) shows an example for upgrade rules. You should first familiarize yourself with the Upgrade table and how upgrade rules work. There isn't an easy answer or a quick fix for this in WiX.
Basically, you should have 2 upgrade rules
the first sets a property when an older version is found
the second sets another property when a newer version is found
After that you can use the older versions property to condition your custom action. For example, if the property is named OLDERVERSIONFOUND the custom action condition can be:
or something like
Your best bet is to store the "service" version somewhere in the registry, search for that registry value during upgrade and run your CA if newver > oldver (and the CA should also update said registry value to newver)
Note that Custom Actions are (generally) an admission of failure. I always try to separate out the configuration portion of setup to a pre-install (for sysadmins doing deployment) or post-install (for interactive installations) step - often a separate executable.
Declarative installations with no custom actions are much more reliable - if you can figure out how to rewrite the service so that your custom action is no longer required, you'll be much better off in the long term (this doesn't help when you're under pressure to release now, but it's something to think of for future releases)

Make Visual Studio not care about DLL versions

Is there a way to make visual studio not care about dll versions? Is this a bad idea?
I am resetting up my dev machine and I just installed the latest version of Pex and Moles (version .92). All my projects are on version .91.
We are in the middle of a release and don't want to upgrade right now. Also, I cannot find an installer to version .91.
When I try to compile I get a message that I am missing the reference. (Hence this question)
The version is important.. By definition, there is a difference from each released version to the next (or there would be no need for a new version). Your program may not perform correctly if you are expecting one version and instead have another.
This was a part of what was known as "DLL Hell" in the pre-.NET days... If you needed to use a third party component (Crystal Reports Viewer is one we always had to deal with), you would just use the reference to whatever installed version was on the user's PC. Our retail locations had to have a specific version of Crystal Reports for their bookwork reports to print correctly, and because of that, we had to hold on to an old version forever.. Upgrading Crystal on the PC broke the vendor's bookwork app. On my first ever PC, I had several applications break when I would install or upgrade another. In particular, Real Player broke my telephone answering machine software. Goofy stuff like that...
So, the version IS important, even if it is an annoyance. It's also why I have a bias against third party tools that I have no code for, and can't recompile myself.
If you look at the properties of a referenced DLL, you will see a property "Specific Version". If you set it false, it doesn't track the specific version in the project file.
For this to work, you have to somehow fix the references where ever they are used. You can do this by opening every solution and fixing the references (at which time you could also just update the references to the correct version, paying heed to David's comments).
If you have a lot of solutions, you might use a tool like sed (see this post for windows versions of tool like this Is there any sed like utility for cmd.exe) to just update the project files as needed all at once.
