Understanding Ruby array sorting syntax - ruby

I really don't understand the following sorting method:
books = ["Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "War and Peace", "Utopia", "A Brief History of Time", "A Wrinkle in Time"]
books.sort! { |firstBook, secondBook| firstBook <=> secondBook }
How does the this work? In the ruby books, they had one parameter for example |x| represent each of the values in the array. If there is more than one parameter (firstBook and secondBook in this example) what does it represent??
Thank you!

The <=> operator returns the result of a comparison.
So "a" <=> "b" returns -1, "b" <=> "a" returns 1, and "a" <=> "a" returns 0.
That's how sort is able to determine the order of elements.

Array#sort (and sort!) called without a block will do comparisons with <=>, so the block is redundant. These all accomplish the same thing:
books.sort_by!{|x| x}
books.sort!{|firstBook, secondBook| firstBook <=> secondBook}
Since you are not overriding the default behavior, the second and third forms are needlessly complicated.
So how does this all work?
The first form sorts the array by using some sorting algorithm -- it's not relevant which one -- which needs to be able to compare two elements to decide which comes first. (More on this below.) It automatically, behind the scenes, follows the same logic as the third line above.
The middle form lets you choose what to sort on. For example: instead of, for each item, just sorting on that item (which is the default), you can sort on that item's length:
books.sort_by!{|title| title.length}
Then books is sorted from shortest title to longest title. If all you are doing is calling a method on each item, there's another shortcut available. This does the same thing:
In the final form, you have control over the comparison itself. For example, you could sort backwards:
books.sort!{|first, second| second <=> first}
Why does sort need two items passed into the block, and what do they represent?
Array#sort (and sort!) with a block is how you override the comparison step of sorting. Comparison has to happen at some point during a sort in order to figure out what order to put things in. You don't need to override the comparison in most cases, but if you do, this is the form that allows that, so it needs two items passed into the block: the two items that need to be compared right now. Let's look at an example in action:
[4, 3, 2, 1].sort{|x, y| puts "#{x}, #{y}"; x <=> y}
This outputs:
4, 2
2, 1
3, 2
3, 4
This shows us that in this case, sort compared 4 and 2, then 2 and 1, then 3 and 2, and then finally 3 and 4, in order to sort the array. The precise details are irrelevant to this discussion and depend on the sorting algorithm being used, but again, all sorting algorithms need to be able to compare items in order to sort.

The block given inside {} is passed as a comparing function for method sort. |a, b| tells us that this comparing function takes 2 parameters (which is expected number of arguments since we need to compare).
This block is executed for each element in array but if we need one more argument we take next element after this.

See http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.0/Array.html#method-i-sort for an explanation. As for a single-parameter method referred to in your books, I can only guess you were looking at sort_by. Can you give an example?


How can I return hash pairs of keys that sum up to less than a maximum value?

Given this hash:
numsHash = {5=>10, 3=>9, 4=>7, 2=>5, 20=>4}
How can I return the key-value pair of this hash if and when the sum of its keys would be under or equal to a maximum value such as 10?
The expected result would be something like:
newHash = { 5=>10, 3=>9, 2=>5 }
because the sum of these keys equals 10.
I've been obsessing with this for hours now and can't find anything that leads up to a solution.
In the first section, I provide some context and a well-commented working example of how to solve the defined knapsack problem in a matter of microseconds using a little brute force and some Ruby core classes.
In the second section, I refactor and expand on the code to demonstrate the conversion of the knapsack solution into output similar to what you want, although (as explained and demonstrated in the answer below) the correct output when there are multiple results must be a collection of Hash objects rather than a single Hash unless there are additional selection criteria not included in your original post.
Please note that this answer uses syntax and classes from Ruby 3.0, and was specifically tested against Ruby 3.0.3. While it should work on Ruby 2.7.3+ without changes, and with most currently-supported Ruby 2.x versions with some minor refactoring, your mileage may vary.
Solving the Knapsack Problem with Ruby Core Methods
This seems to be a variant of the knapsack problem, where you're trying to optimize filling a container of a given size. This is actually a complex problem that is NP-complete, so a real-world application of this type will have many different solutions and possible algorithmic approaches.
I do not claim that the following solution is optimal or suitable for general purpose solutions to this class of problem. However, it works very quickly given the provided input data from your original post.
Its suitability is primarily based on the fact that you have a fairly small number of Hash keys, and the built-in Ruby 3.0.3 core methods of Hash#permutation and Enumerable#sum are fast enough to solve this particular problem in anywhere from 44-189 microseconds on my particular machine. That seems more than sufficiently fast for the problem as currently defined, but your mileage and real objectives may vary.
# This is the size of your knapsack.
# It's unclear why you need a Hash or what you plan to do with the values of the
# Hash, but that's irrelevant to the problem. For now, just grab the keys.
# NB: You have to use hash rockets or the parser complains about using an
# Integer as a Symbol using the colon notation and raises SyntaxError.
nums_hash = {5 => 10, 3 => 9, 4 => 7, 2 => 5, 20 => 4}
keys = nums_hash.keys
# Any individual element above MAX_VALUE won't fit in the knapsack anyway, so
# discard it before permutation.
keys.reject! { _1 > MAX_VALUE }
# Brute force it by evaluating all possible permutations of your array, dropping
# elements from the end of each sub-array until all remaining elements fit.
keys.permutation.map do |permuted_array|
loop { permuted_array.sum > MAX_VALUE ? permuted_array.pop : break }
Returning an Array of Matching Hashes
The code above just returns the list of keys that will fit into your knapsack, but per your original post you then want to return a Hash of matching key/value pairs. The problem here is that you actually have more than one set of Hash objects that will fit the criteria, so your collection should actually be an Array rather than a single Hash. Returning only a single Hash would basically return the original Hash minus any keys that exceed your MAX_VALUE, and that's unlikely to be what's intended.
Instead, now that you have a list of keys that fit into your knapsack, you can iterate through your original Hash and use Hash#select to return an Array of unique Hash objects with the appropriate key/value pairs. One way to do this is to use Enumerable#reduce to call Hash#merge on each Hash element in the subarrays to convert the final result to an Array of Hash objects. Next, you should call Enumerable#unique to remove any Hash that is equivalent except for its internal ordering.
For example, consider this redesigned code:
def possible_knapsack_contents hash
hash.keys.reject! { _1 > MAX_VALUE }.permutation.map do |a|
loop { a.sum > MAX_VALUE ? a.pop : break }; a
def matching_elements_from hash
possible_knapsack_contents(hash).map do |subarray|
subarray.map { |i| hash.select { |k, _| k == i } }.
reduce({}) { _1.merge _2 }
hash = {5 => 10, 3 => 9, 4 => 7, 2 => 5, 20 => 4}
matching_elements_from hash
Given the defined input, this would yield 24 hashes if you didn't address the uniqueness issue. However, by calling #uniq on the final Array of Hash objects, this will correctly yield the 7 unique hashes that fit your defined criteria if not necessarily the single Hash you seem to expect:
[{2=>5, 3=>9, 4=>7},
{2=>5, 3=>9, 5=>10},
{2=>5, 4=>7},
{2=>5, 5=>10},
{3=>9, 4=>7},
{3=>9, 5=>10},
{4=>7, 5=>10}]

Correct semantic usage of map

I am trying to understand what is a semantically right way to use map. As map can behave the same way as each, you could modify the array any way you like. But I've been told by my colleague that after map is applied, array should have
the same order and the same size.
For example, that would mean using the map to return an updated array won't be the right way to use map:
array = [1,2,3,4]
array.map{|num| num unless num == 2 || num == 4}.compact
I've been using map and other Enumerator methods for ages and never thought about this too much. Would appreciate advice from experienced Ruby Developers.
In Computer Science, map according to Wikipedia:
In many programming languages, map is the name of a higher-order
function that applies a given function to each element of a list,
returning a list of results in the same order
This statement implies the returned value of map should be of the same length (because we're applying the function to each element). And the returned-elements are to be in the same order. So when you use map, this is what the reader expects.
How not to use map
arr.map {|i| arr.pop } #=> [3, 2]
This clearly betrays the intention of map since we have a different number of elements returned and they are not even in the original order of application. So don't use map like this. See "How to use ruby's value_at to get subhashes in a hash" and subsequent comments for further clarification and thanks to #meager for originally pointing this out to me.
Meditate on this:
array = [1,2,3,4]
array.map{|num| num unless num == 2 || num == 4} # => [1, nil, 3, nil]
.compact # => [1, 3]
The intermediate value is an array of the same size, however it contains undesirable values, forcing the use of compact. The fallout of this is CPU time is wasted generating the nil values, then deleting them. In addition, memory is being wasted generating another array that is the same size when it shouldn't be. Imagine the CPU and memory cost in a loop that is processing thousands of elements in an array.
Instead, using the right tool cleans up the code and avoids wasting CPU or memory:
array.reject { |num| num == 2 || num == 4 } # => [1, 3]
I've been using map and other Enumerator methods for ages and never thought about this too much.
I'd recommend thinking about it. It's the little things like this that can make or break code or a system, and everything we do when programming needs to be done deliberately, avoiding all negative side-effects we can foresee.

How to custom sort with ruby

I've got an array of objects which I pull from the database. But I can sort them only in ascending or descending order from database, however I need them in custom order.
Let's say I have an array of objects from db :
arr = [obj1,obj2,obj3]
where obj1 has id 1, obj2 has id 2 and obj3 has id 3
but my sort order would be 3,1,2 or I'd have some array of ids which would dictate the order i.e [3,1,2]
So the order of custom sorting would be :
arr = [obj3,obj1,obj2]
I've tried :
arr.sort_by{|a,b| [3,1,2]}
I've been reading some tutorials and links about sorting and it's mostly simple sorting. So how would one achieve the custom sorting described above?
You're close. [3,1,2] specifies an ordering, but it doesn't tell the block how to relate it to your objects. You want something like:
arr.sort_by {|obj| [3,1,2].index(obj.id) }
So the comparison will order your objects sequentially by the position of their id in the array.
Or, to use the more explicit sort (which you seem to have sort_by slightly confused with):
arr.sort do |a,b|
ordering = [3,1,2]
ordering.index(a.id) <=> ordering.index(b.id)
This is like #Chuck's answer, but with O(n log n) performance.
# the fixed ordering
ordering = [3, 1, 2]
# a map from the object to its position in the ordering
ordering_index = Hash[ordering.map(&:id).each_with_index.to_a]
# a fast version of the block
arr.sort_by{|obj| ordering_index[obj.id]}

sorting using weird groovy code

I'm a beginner at groovy and I can't seem to understand this code. Can you please tell me how does this code operate?
def list = [ [1,0], [0,1,2] ]
list = list.sort { a,b -> a[0] <=> b[0] }
assert list == [ [0,1,2], [1,0] ]
what I know is the second line should return the value of 1 because of the spaceship operator but what is the use of that? and what type of sort is this? (there are 6 sort methods in the gdk api and i'm not really sure which is one is used here)
The code is using Collection#sort(Closure). Notice that this method has two variants:
If the closure is binary (i.e. it takes two parameters), sort uses it as the typical comparator interface: it should return an negative integer, zero or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal, or grater than the second parameter respectively.
This is the variant that is being used in that piece of code. It is comparing the elements of the list, which are, in turn, lists, by their first element.
If the closure is unary (i.e. it takes only one parameter) it is used to generate the values that are then going to be used for comparison (in some languages this is called a "key" function).
Therefore, the snippet of code you posted can be rewritten as:
def list = [[1,0], [0,1,2]]
list = list.sort { it[0] } // or { it.first() }
assert list == [[0,1,2], [1,0]]
Notice that using this unary-closure variant is very convenient when you want to compare the elements by some value or some "weight" that is calculated the same way for every element.
The sort in your code snippet uses the comparator argument method call - see http://groovy.codehaus.org/groovy-jdk/java/util/Collection.html#sort(java.util.Comparator)
So, you are sorting the collection using your own comparator. Now the comparator simply uses the first element of the inner collection to decide the order of the outer collection.

Combine array of array into all possible combinations, forward only, in Ruby

I have an array of arrays, like so:
I need to combine those arrays into a string containing all possible combinations of all three sets, forward only. I have seen lots of examples of all possible combinations of the sets in any order, that is not what I want. For example, I do not want any of the elements in the first set to come after the second set, or any in the third set to come before the first, or second, and so on. So, for the above example, the output would be:
['1ax', '1ay', '1bx', '1by', '2ax', '2ay', '2bx', '2by']
The number of arrays, and length of each set is dynamic.
Does anybody know how to solve this in Ruby?
Know your Array#product:
a = [['1','2'],['a','b'],['x','y']]
Solved using a recursive, so-called "Dynamic Programming" approach:
For n-arrays, combine the entries of the first array with each result on the remaining (n-1) arrays
For a single array, the answer is just that array
In code:
def variations(a)
first = a.first
if a.length==1 then
rest = variations(a[1..-1])
first.map{ |x| rest.map{ |y| "#{x}#{y}" } }.flatten
p variations([['1','2'],['a','b'],['x','y']])
#=> ["1ax", "1ay", "1bx", "1by", "2ax", "2ay", "2bx", "2by"]
puts variations([%w[a b],%w[M N],['-'],%w[x y z],%w[0 1 2]]).join(' ')
#=> aM-x0 aM-x1 aM-x2 aM-y0 aM-y1 aM-y2 aM-z0 aM-z1 aM-z2 aN-x0 aN-x1 aN-x2
#=> aN-y0 aN-y1 aN-y2 aN-z0 aN-z1 aN-z2 bM-x0 bM-x1 bM-x2 bM-y0 bM-y1 bM-y2
#=> bM-z0 bM-z1 bM-z2 bN-x0 bN-x1 bN-x2 bN-y0 bN-y1 bN-y2 bN-z0 bN-z1 bN-z2
You could also reverse the logic, and with care you should be able to implement this non-recursively. But the recursive answer is rather straightforward. :)
Pure, reduce with product:
a = [['1','2'],['a','b'],['x','y']]
a.reduce() { |acc, n| acc.product(n).map(&:flatten) }.map(&:join)
# => ["1ax", "1ay", "1bx", "1by", "2ax", "2ay", "2bx", "2by"]
