MVC can not log on online -

I'm learning how to write simple websites with MVC 3. I have a little problem with loging on to my website. I created an account via ASP.Net Configuration site and there is no problem to log in unless I try to do this not on localhost. When I use log in form on my published online site, it takes a while and redirecting me to /shared/error. What did i wrong? Maybe I forgot about some libraries? I use default Account system, just this one which is created in new Web App project.

What are you using for persistence on the server? the ASP.Net Configuration is creating a user account in a database. If you don't explicitly specify a database, one is created for development purposes for you, but it is not copied to the server.
Also, there are some tables inserted into the database for you by the ASP.Net Configuration site for supporting users, roles, etc. These tables would need to be created on your server. see Creating the Membership Schema in SQL Server
If possible, you should consider MVC 4 instead of MVC 3, since the pre-built templates for it use Simple Membership instead of the full featured Membership providers. Simple Membership uses only a few tables, and the views and stored procedures have been removed.


MVC Net Core Identity users not using EF not SQL

I want to create a Site using MVC .net core 3.0 and I'd like to use Identity but I need the users to be save not in SQL but in a service we already have for administering users, and I can query using a Rest Service.
What I need is when an user logins, instead of reading from EF and SQL I need to go to this other Service and check there if the user and password are correct.
I want to keep protecting the rest of the pages using the [Authorize] attribute once an user logs in.
Is there a way to change this behavior in .net core Identity?,
Thanks for any comments!

MVC 5 Sharing between Web Application and Web API

I am in the process of learning ASP.NET MVC 5 (Visual Studio 2015) and have created a basic MVC web application. When I created the project, I selected "MVC" and "Web API" under "Add folders and core references for:". I also selected "Individual User Accounts" under authentication. I created some models, controllers, and views using EF. Those are working great along with authentication. I also created a "Web API 2 Controller with actions using Entity Framework" to add API capabilities to one of my models. Again this works fine.
Now I am trying to get OAuth working with the Web API but ran into problems when requesting the Token... I don't think the Web Application template comes with that piece. After much reading, I found some recommendations on Stack Overflow that it is usually better to create a separate project for your Web API.
So my questions are:
I will most likely be deploying the Web API on one server and/or subdomain and the Web Application on another. If that is the case, they have to be in separate projects anyways, right?
When having two projects, what is the best way to share common components, like models? In my Web API, should I add a reference to my Web Application and then create the Web API Controller like that or should I copy the code from the model and create a new model in the Web API?
To answer your questions:
Yes, they need to be separate projects if you are going to deploy them seperately.
To handle common items, create a library DLL project and reference that from both the Web API and Web App. It can contain the common components.
Also, if you are using cookies for authentication, you are also going to have to setup CORS to allow the cookie to be shared between two sites with different domains.

ASP.Net 5/MVC 6 how to retrieve SessionID

My solution directory has ASP.Net 4 web-forms project, that at present has all the development of my website.
The plan is migrate some of the existing front-end to ASP.Net5/MVC6 web application. And for that to happen, I have added ASP.NET 5 empty web application to the existing solution directory. The reason I have decided to use blank template is so that I can add all the required capabilities myself, and understand the flow better.
Capabilities like MVC, Session, Caching, Logging etc.
I have added MVC capabilities. And to add Session related capabilities I have followed the steps given in the below documentation,
After this, I am able to add the access the Session in my controller class. I can put some values in the session and can access it in view to verify Session is operating fine.
Both of my web applications (ASP.Net 4 and ASP.Net 5) would be running side by side, and I want to enable user to navigate back and forth with a single sign on. That effectively means, they to share same session.
And hence, I am looking for a way to access SessionID from the Session, so that I can check whether the value is same for both the websites, however there is no method that gives me SessionID...
Can someone explain why it is so and how to retrieve unique session identity?

How to implement role based authorization in mvc3

I'm working on a school project and I need to implement Role-based authorization in an ASP.NET mvc3 application. Currently the application only stores the user's role in a field in the database and there is only one login page. I need to alter the entire application in other for it to grant different content to different users including admin, supervisor and counselors (counselors are able to input new client info and edit and view client information that they inputted. Supervisors can view and edit all client info and also view and edit counselor info. Admin has crud access to everything on the application.)
I'm not sure about what other info to provide about the application but i'll really appreciate any help i can get as i am new to mvc as a whole. Most of the tutorials i found focus on specific piece of the role based approach. I need more of a bottom-up approach to implementing the roles and its authorization.
Take a look at ASPNET configuration tool. I believe that it's what you're looking for:
Visual Studio 2013 and ASP.NET Web Configuration Tool

Single Page Application ASP.NET MVC 4 Authorization

Single Application Page MVC 4 temlplate uses default database to check Login and Register but I want to use my existing database in my SPA application. There are some table to store info like default database and some table to store other info in my database. So how can I do this? or I just have to use default database for Authorization and use my database to do business?
There are, as always several ways to accomplish this task.
Microsoft shows you an example using ASP.NET Membership and Roles as it's a powerful way to accomplish what you want, and it even provides you with a sample Database for that to work.
You have the ability to override all the methods that handle membership and roles in this way, you benifit from using ASP.NET Membership & Roles and use your own Database (or anything to keep your user information in a common place, like text File or Xml, you decide!)
For this, you can see my answer on how to create your own Membership Provider:
Custom MembershipProvider in .NET 4.0
I suggest that you read this answer to the end, as I have added a Video Tutorial on the subject that might help you seeing thing this in a different perspective and how easy is to implement this.
Or you can simple discharge the Provider and do and use your own method, like, validade user and password and keep a Session throughout the user livecycle that let you know the user information and if he's logged in or not...
As throughout this late years, Microsoft suggest that you use their way, but you have always the freedom to do things your way.
