Spring autowire HttpServletRequest in integration tests - spring

We have singleton controllers like
class C {
#Autowire MyObject obj;
public void doGet() {
// do something with obj
MyObject is created in a filter/interceptor and is put into HttpServletRequest attributes. Then it's obtained in #Configuration:
class Config {
#Bean #Scope("request")
MyObject provideMyObject(HttpServletRequest req) {
return req.getAttribute("myObj");
Everything works well in main code, but not in testing: when I run it from an integration test:
class MyTest {
C controller;
void test() {
// Here I can easily create "new MockHttpServletRequest()"
// and set MyObject to it, but how to make Spring know about it?
it complains that NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No matching bean of type [javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest]. (At first, it complained about request scope is not active, but I resolved it using CustomScopeConfigurer with SimpleThreadScope as suggested here).
How to let Spring injection know about my MockHttpServletRequest? Or directly MyObject?

Workarounded temporarily, but it looks like the right approach: in Config, instead of req.getAttribute("myObj"), write
RequestAttributes requestAttributes = RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes();
return (MyObject) requestAttributes.getAttribute("myObj", RequestAttributes.SCOPE_REQUEST);
so it does not need a HttpServletRequest instance anymore. And fill it in test:
MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest();
request.setAttribute("myObj", /* set up MyObject instance */)
RequestContextHolder.setRequestAttributes(new ServletWebRequest(request));


Is it safe to return "this" from a Spring bean method?

I want to create a chain api on a prototype bean.
#Scope(scopeName = ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE)
public class ReportGenerator {
List lines = new ArrayList();
public ReportGenerator append(String line){
return this;
public class SomeSingletonBean{
ReportGenerator rg;
void doSomeWork(){
The above seems to work fine.
But is this safe in all cases?
Also, can I safely do the same in a bean scoped "session"?

Spring AOP with prototype beans

I am using Spring AOP to fire metrics in our application. I have created an annotation #CaptureMetrics which has an #around advice associated with it. The advice is invoked fine from all the methods tagged with #CaptureMetrics except for a case when a method is invoked on a prototype bean.
The annotation has #Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
PointCut expression:
#Around(value = "execution(* *.*(..)) && #annotation(captureMetrics)",
argNames = "joinPoint,captureMetrics")
Prototype bean creation
public DummyService getDummyServicePrototypeBean(int a, String b) {
return new DummyService(a, b);
DummyService has a method called dummyMethod(String dummyString)
#CaptureMetrics(type = MetricType.SOME_TYPE, name = "XYZ")
public Response dummyMethod(id) throws Exception {
// Do some work here
When dummyService.dummyMethod("123") is invoked from some other service, the #Around advice is not called.
Config class
public class DummyServiceConfig {
public DummyServiceRegistry dummyServiceRegistry(
#Value("${timeout}") Integer timeout,
#Value("${dummy.secrets.path}") Resource dummySecretsPath) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, String> transactionSourceToTokens = mapper.readValue(
dummySecretsPath.getFile(), new TypeReference<Map<String, String>>() {
DummyServiceRegistry registry = new DummyServiceRegistry();
transactionSourceToTokens.forEach((transactionSource, token) ->
getDummyServicePrototypeBean(timeout, token)));
return registry;
public DummyService getDummyServicePrototypeBean(int a, String b) {
return new DummyService(a, b);
Singleton Registry class
public class DummyServiceRegistry {
private final Map<String, DummyService> transactionSourceToService = new HashMap<>();
public void register(String transactionSource, DummyService dummyService) {
this.transactionSourceToService.put(transactionSource, dummyService);
public Optional<DummyService> lookup(String transactionSource) {
return Optional.ofNullable(transactionSourceToService.get(transactionSource));
Any advice on this please?
The prototype Dummy service is used to call a third party client. It is a prototype bean as it has a state that varies based on whose behalf it is going to call the third party.
A singleton registry bean during initialization builds a map of {source_of_request, dummyService_prototype}. To get the dummyService prototype it calls getDummyServicePrototypeBean()
The configuration, registry and prototype dummy bean were correct.
I was testing the flow using an existing integration test and there instead of supplying a prototype Bean, new objects of DummyService were instantiated using the new keyword. It wasn't a spring managed bean.
Spring AOP works only with Spring managed beans.

How to get request in MyBatis Interceptor

I want to measure time of sql execution which will be run by MyBatis (Spring Boot project) and bind that with other request parameters, so I can get full info about performance issues regarding specific requests. For that case I have used MyBatis Interceptor on following way:
type = Executor.class,
method = "query",
args = {MappedStatement.class, Object.class, RowBounds.class, ResultHandler.class, CacheKey.class, BoundSql.class}),
type = Executor.class,
method = "query",
args = {MappedStatement.class, Object.class, RowBounds.class, ResultHandler.class})
public class QueryMetricsMybatisPlugin implements Interceptor {
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
Object result = invocation.proceed();
logExectionTime(stopwatch, (MappedStatement) invocation.getArgs()[0]);
return result;
Now when it come to binding with request, I want to store those metrics in request as attribute. I have tried this simple solution to get request, but that was not working since request was always null (I have read that this solution won't work in async methods, but with MyBatis Interceptor and its methods I think that's not the case):
private HttpServletRequest request;
So, the question is how properly get request within MyBatis interceptor?
One important note before I answer your question: it is a bad practice to access UI layer in the DAO layer. This creates dependency in the wrong direction. Outer layers of your application can access inner layers but in this case this is other way round. Instead of this you need to create a class that does not belong to any layer and will (or at least may) be used by all layers of the application. It can be named like MetricsHolder. Interceptor can store values to it, and in some other place where you planned to get metrics you can read from it (and use directly or store them into request if it is in UI layer and request is available there).
But now back to you question. Even if you create something like MetricsHolder you still will face the problem that you can't inject it into mybatis interceptor.
You can't just add a field with Autowired annotation to interceptor and expect it to be set. The reason for this is that interceptor is instantiated by mybatis and not by spring. So spring does not have chance to inject dependencies into interceptor.
One way to handle this is to delegate handling of the interception to a spring bean that will be part of the spring context and may access other beans there. The problem here is how to make that bean available in interceptor.
This can be done by storing a reference to such bean in the thread local variable. Here's example how to do that. First create a registry that will store the spring bean.
public class QueryInterceptorRegistry {
private static ThreadLocal<QueryInterceptor> queryInterceptor = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static QueryInterceptor getQueryInterceptor() {
return queryInterceptor.get();
public static void setQueryInterceptor(QueryInterceptor queryInterceptor) {
public static void clear() {
Query interceptor here is something like:
public interface QueryInterceptor {
Object interceptQuery(Invocation invocation) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException;
Then you can create an interceptor that will delegate processing to spring bean:
#Signature(type = Executor.class, method = "query", args = { MappedStatement.class, Object.class,
RowBounds.class, ResultHandler.class }),
#Signature(type = Executor.class, method = "query", args = { MappedStatement.class, Object.class,
RowBounds.class, ResultHandler.class, CacheKey.class, BoundSql.class}) })
public class QueryInterceptorPlugin implements Interceptor {
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
QueryInterceptor interceptor = QueryInterceptorRegistry.getQueryInterceptor();
if (interceptor == null) {
return invocation.proceed();
} else {
return interceptor.interceptQuery(invocation);
public Object plugin(Object target) {
return Plugin.wrap(target, this);
public void setProperties(Properties properties) {
You need to create an implementation of the QueryInterceptor that does what you need and make it a spring bean (that's where you can access other spring bean including request which is a no-no as I wrote above):
public class MyInterceptorDelegate implements QueryInterceptor {
private SomeSpringManagedBean someBean;
public Object interceptQuery(Invocation invocation) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
// do whatever you did in the mybatis interceptor here
// but with access to spring beans
Now the only problem is to set and cleanup the delegate in the registry.
I did this via aspect that was applied to my service layer methods (but you can do it manually or in spring mvc interceptor). My aspect looks like this:
public class SqlSessionCacheCleanerAspect {
#Autowired MyInterceptorDelegate myInterceptorDelegate;
#Around("some pointcut that describes service methods")
public Object applyInterceptorDelegate(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint) throws Throwable {
try {
return proceedingJoinPoint.proceed();
} finally {

Spring Configuration - Inject Mock Beans

I am using Spring, Junit and Mockito. I need to override beans defined in the main spring configuration using another mockito test configuration (injecting mock beans only as needed). Nested beans have been #Autowired in the application.
Based on alfcope's answer below, it is important to add the name attribute so that spring can allow the primary bean (mock) to override the original one. Otherwise you get this exception:
when() requires an argument which has to be 'a method call on a mock'.
For example:
The info message in the spring log shows:
Skipping bean definition for [BeanMethod:name=bar,declaringClass=test.package.MockitoTestConfiguration]: a definition for bean 'bar' already exists. This top-level bean definition is considered as an override.
I have a simplified example below that works. Here, Bar is the nested inside Foo, and I need to mock Bar for testing:
public class Foo
private Bar bar;
public String getResponseFromBar(String request)
String response = bar.someMethod(String request);
//do something else with this reponse
return response;
public class Bar {
public String someMethod(String request) {
String response = null;
//do something
return response;
Now for testing, let's say I want to inject a mockbar instead of the real bar. How can I achieve this in my test class below?
public class MockitoTestConfiguration {
//adding the name attribute is important.
public Bar bar() {
logger.debug("injecting mock bar");
return Mockito.mock(Bar.class);
Actual test case:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath*:test-context.xml")
public class FooTest {
Foo foo;
Bar mockBar; //need this to set up the mock response in the test case.
public void testAMethodInFoo_WithBarInjectedByMockito() {
//set up the mockBar response
String response = foo.getResponseFromBar();
assertEquals("1-response", response);
Based on the ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader code I guess you are using xml configuration to define your main bean. If so, just add a name when creating your mockito bean.
public Bar bar() {
logger.debug("injecting mock bar");
return Mockito.mock(Bar.class);
This way Spring will allow you to have both beans, and as you are using #Primary it will be the one used by your tests.
Spring overriding primary bean with non-primary bean
ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader Code
Alternatively, if you use Mockito, you can do this and completely do away with the extra MockitoTestConfiguration class and named primary mock beans in the test profile. Just simply do this:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath*:test-context.xml")
public class FooTest {
Foo foo;
Bar mockBar; //need this to set up the mock response in the test case.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void testAMethodInFoo_WithBarInjectedByMockito() {
//set up the mockBar response
String response = foo.getResponseFromBar();
assertEquals("1-response", response);

Testing Mock Bean in Spring with Spock

I'm being hit with the issue that spock doesn't allow Mocks to be created outside of the specification - How to create Spock mocks outside of a specification class?
This seems to be still outstanding so am asking is that giving that i've got a complex and nested DI graph what is the most efficient way to 'inject' a mock representation deep in the graph?
Ideally, I have one bean definition set for normal deployment and another when running unit tests and it is this definition set being the applicable Mocks
public class MyBeansForDeployment {
public MyInterface myBean() {
return new MyConcreateImplmentation();
public class MyBeansForUnitTests {
public MyInterface myBean() {
return new MyMockImplementation();
Since Spock 1.1, you can create mocks outside of a specification class (detached mocks). One of the options is DetachedMockFactory. Take a look at the documentation or my answer to the question you linked.
You could try to implement a BeanPostProcessor that will replace the beans that you want with test doubles, such as shown below:
public class TestDoubleInjector implements BeanPostProcessor {
private static Map<String, Object[]> testDoubleBeanReplacements = new HashMap<>();
public void replaceBeanWithTestDouble(String beanName, Object testDouble, Class testDoubleType) {
testDoubleBeanReplacements.put(beanName, new Object[]{testDouble, testDoubleType});
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
if (testDoubleBeanReplacements.containsKey(beanName)) {
return testDoubleBeanReplacements.get(beanName)[TEST_DOUBLE_OBJ];
return bean;
In your test, setup your mocks like shown below before initializing the application context. Make sure to include the TestDoubleInjector as a bean in your test context.
TestDoubleInjector testDoubleInjector = new TestDoubleInjector()
testDoubleInjector.replaceBeanWithTestDouble('beanToReplace', mock(MyBean.class), MyBean.class)
It could be done using HotSwappableTargetSource
class HelloSpec extends Specification {
HotSwappableTargetSource swappableHelloService
def "test mocked"() {
given: 'hello service is mocked'
def mockedHelloService = Mock(HelloService)
//hit endpoint
and: 'check interactions'
interaction {
1 * mockedHelloService.hello(postfix) >> { ""Mocked, $postfix"" as String }
postfix | _
randomAlphabetic(10) | _
And this is TestApp (override the bean you want to mock with proxy)
class TestApp extends App {
//override hello service bean
#Bean(name = HelloService.HELLO_SERVICE_BEAN_NAME)
public ProxyFactoryBean helloService(#Qualifier("swappableHelloService") HotSwappableTargetSource targetSource) {
def proxyFactoryBean = new ProxyFactoryBean()
public HotSwappableTargetSource swappableHelloService() {
new HotSwappableTargetSource(new HelloService());
Have a look at this example https://github.com/sf-git/spock-spring
