Aptana "Show in Project Explorer" shortcut - aptana3

What is the shortcut for showing the current file in the project explorer?
Even better: is there a way to make the current file automatically show in project explorer tree? Visual Studio and SublimeText (via SyncedSidebar plugin) have this functionality...

You can make the current file show in the Project Explorer by clicking on the little arrow at the top right of the Project Explorer and choosing 'Link with Editor'.


How to open project folder from Visual Studio in Windows Explorer?

I'd like to have easy access to my project's folder from within Visual Studio. What do I do to open its folder in Windows Explorer?
Open the Solution Explorer >> right-click your project >> select Open Folder in Windows Explorer.
This has been tested on Visual Studio 2010. It will probably work in any other Visual Studio with a Solution Explorer.
See screenshots:
You can open some of Soluion Explorer's items (folders, projects, solutions) in File Explorer by it's right click menus subitem "Open Folder in File Explorer".
Also you can open opened documents containing folder by right click opened documents tab and "Open Containing Folder".
The easiest way...
I map a key chord to the command
Unfortunately, this only works when a project node is selected, probably because solution folders aren't actually folders and therefore it cannot be guaranteed that they actually match a folder in the file system.
Additionally to the answer opening the solution folder, there is an easy way in adding an open with for single files in the "Solution explorer". Just right click on a file, select Open With..., then Add a new entry:
As arguments you can type /select,%1 which opens the explorer with the current file selected.

Visual Studio 2012 "Show All Files" button missing

In my solution I have three projects: Console application, class library, and a website project.
The Show All Files button is visible on the console and class library project, but soon as I click on the website project the button disappears.
I am running Visual Studio 2012.
I just got the same problem "Solution Explorer toolbar missing" eg. "Show all files". Here's what I did:
Right click your "Solution".
Select "New Solution Explorer View". This will pop-up a new "Solution Explorer" window with toolbars in it.
Close you original "Solution Explorer" window.
Click on folder which must contain target file and Solution explorer properties will be changed. There you can find Refresh button and Show all files button.
Check this post:
Improved Solution Explorer in Visual Studio 2012 to Improve Productivity
"Show All Files" is not shown in a Web Site Project because it's not needed and all files are already shown in the Solution Explorer. I think that this behavior is the same for older versions of VS
In Solution Explorer, click on a project, and then the 'Show All Files' button will appear.
If you are in a WebSite project all files are shown by default. If there are some missing (added during debugging etc), just hit the refresh button on the top of the solution explorer and they should appear.
None of the above answers worked for me. If this is the case for you try right-clicking on any file in your project, then choosing "Show all files". The "Show all files" icon should now appear on this and all subsequent Solution Explorer windows.
YMMV, be kind. :-)
The "Show All Files" auto hides.
Click on the folder that has the hidden file, the button should show up.
By clicking on the project (the folder under the solution) the solution explore checks if all sub folders has hidden file, this will prompt the button to be revealed.
If you want to get Show all file menu just hide the solution explorer and open it fom view=>Other Windows=>Solution Explorer and clik it it will show all files menu
if you click on solution name in "solution explorer" maybe you will can't see "Show all files" button. because maybe added F# or website project in solution.
if you want see "Show all files" button, you must click on project name which is C# or native C++ or C++.net.
try to open any file use ctrl+alt+a . once a file will open "show all" button will appear automatically.

Is there a Visual Studio option or add-on to add an "Open Explorer Here" when I right click on a project in the solution folder?

When I right click on a project in the solution explorer I'd like to be able to select an option that would open a new windows "Explorer" that lists the contents of the build directory. I'd settle for the project directory... but getting me into /bin/x86/Debug vs /bin/x86/Release based on the active build configuration would be major bonus.
I find myself manually navigating to that folder fairly often for various reasons - usually on Utility applications which don't have installers / cmd line build scripts etc
I currently use 2005 express. But, am open to upgrading.
A couple things that might be close enough:
add an "external tool" to the Tools menu. In the "Tools | External Tools..." dialog:
Click "Add" and give the new tool whatever name you want
Command: %systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe
Argument: /k "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
Initial directory: $(TargetDir) // (or whatever appropriate macro)
Right click on a open document's tab and select "Open containing folder"
My VS 2005 Standard IDE already had a "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" tool, but it landed the command window in the VC installation directory. Changing the "Argument" and "Initial directory" fields as above made it land in the project's target directory.
The drawbacks are they don't show up in the right menu for the project and they might not land you exactly where you want, but they should land you pretty close.
No sure this is what you want but the "Open file" icon will pop up a FileOpen dialog in the project folder. From there you can right click the Release or Debug folders to open them in an Explorer (and Cancel the dialog).

Undo VS 'Exclude from project'?

Is there a way to undo the 'exclude from project' operation in Visual Studio (2008) ?
How to include files back into the project after excluding them?
Make sure you are showing all files. There is a button at the top of the Solution Explorer called "Show All Files". To see this button, make sure that your project is selected in the solution explorer.
Show All Files
When this option is active, the file should be there, just grayed out. Right click it, and select "Include In Project".
Include In Project
Visual Studio Express 2012
Select Your Project Folder Click On "Show All Files" icon to show all Excluded Folders And Files
Then Right Click on Excluded Folder or File and Click on "Include In Project"
In the absence of an actual undo option you could select Add > Existing Item... to re-add the item you've just excluded.
I couldn't find the "Show All Files" button in Visual Studio 10 when I ran into this problem.
Another way to solve it is to open the containing folder in Windows Explorer by right clicking the folder in Solution Explorer and selecting "Open Folder In Windows Explorer".
Find the folder you want to add back into the project and Drag/Drop it from the Explorer window into your Solution Explorer in Visual Studio.
Add existing will not work if it is a folder that you excluded.

how can I find the location of the solution/project on my harddrive in Visual Studio?

I want to know where the solution/project is stored on my hard drive.
I would have thought right clicking on the project from within Visual Studio would have the information on where it is stored on my hard drive, but it doesn't.
Click on the project itself in the solution explorer and in the properties window it lists the project folder.
Only works if you've actually saved the project though. I.e. newly created projects don't have a location.
Start up Visual Studio and go to Tools->Options.
In the dialog box that opens, make sure to check the box that displays "Show All Settings."
From there, you should find a setting called "Projects and Solutions" which will have the list of default locations for projects, templates, etc.
When you have loaded you project in Visual Studio select the solution in the Solution explorer window and then select Properties window. You will see "Path" in the Properties window which points to the actual file.
Open one of the files in your Solution and hover over the tab in the code window. The full path will show up in a tooltip.
You can also go to Window | Windows... which shows you full path to all open files.
One way is to select the project in the solution explorer and then click File / Save As or press F4 and view the 'Project Folder' property.
