My schema looks a bit like this:
Where SEQ is roughly equivalent to the row number -- it's actually sort order, from an external table -- and the GROUPx fields delineate the data further. So, for example:
---- ------- ------- ------- ------
1 A A A 123
2 A A A 456
3 A B C foo
5 X Y Z bar
4 A B D baz
I would like this data grouped in this hierarchy, but ordered by SEQ. So, the above data would produce a report like:
I've been playing with the "grouping and sorting" options of the report and I seem to be able to have it ordered but not grouped, or grouped but not ordered!
For example, if I specify:
Group by GROUP1
Group by GROUP2
Group by GROUP3
Order by SEQ
The values in the grouping level fields determine the order in which the data comes out. (In this case, the names I've chosen are in alphabetical order anyway, but if I changed the name of X in GROUP1 to 123, it would appear right at the top of the report.)
If I move the "Order by SEQ" to the highest priority, the order is correct, but the grouping levels are broken: Access basically treats the SEQ field as a grouping level and then the subsequent hierarchy is repeated for each value in that group.
Is there any way I can achieve what I'm looking for without having a SEQx field for each GROUPx field (rather than my current "global" SEQ)?
I think you're going to have to do a Left Join on this. First, create a query using only SEQ, and order it by SEQ. Then take your group-by query and Left Join it to your first query, so that it keeps the proper order. Make sense?
Your query's code should more or less be:
First(B.SEQ) AS FirstOfSEQ, tblTest.Group1, tblTest.Group2, tblTest.Group3, tblTest.Val AS Val2 FROM (SELECT tblTest.SEQ FROM tblTest ORDER BY tblTest.SEQ) AS B
LEFT JOIN tblTest ON B.SEQ = tblTest.SEQ
GROUP BY tblTest.Group1, tblTest.Group2, tblTest.Group3, tblTest.Val
In a report layout, order it by SEQ, then group it by the other values and you should get what you need.
I resolved this on my own
Select TimeOffRequestID, yourname AS "Employee Name", Replace(forwardcallsto, 'Select One', 'Voicemail') AS "Forward Calls To", appointment AS "Comments" FROM dbo.nei_TimeOffRequest
ORDER BY yourname ASC
I am writing a select query with distinct but I am still getting duplicates in my result. The Oracle View do have duplicates and I am trying to get back only 1 occurrence of that value.
Here is my query
when trim(skills.skill_description) = 'typing fast' then 'TP1'
when trim(skills.skill_description) = 'courier district 9' then 'CD9'
when trim(skills.skill_description) = 'helpdesk shift 3' then 'HD3'
when trim(skills.skill_description) = 'helpdesk shift 5' then 'HD5'
else ''
end) AS skill_description
from person_view person
left join (select distinct person_id, skill_id, skill_description, updated_date
from skill_view) skills
on skills.person_id = person.person_id and
((trunc(sysdate) - PHONE.UPDATED_DT <= 1)) and
trim(skills.skill_description) in ('skill1', 'skill2', 'skill3' ...)
There is a lot of values for skill_description, so I add the IN clause to filter for 15 - 20 specific skill_description values.
My case will take a the value and set the code for it.
I thought when I used the 'distinct' keyword it would filter out the duplicates but it is not working.
Here is my output so far
105 John E Doe SKILL1
105 John E Doe SKILL1
105 John E Doe SKILL2
105 John E Doe SKILL2
105 John E Doe SKILL3
105 John E Doe SKILL3
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
The problem is the DISTINCT is in an inner level and maybe the duplicates are outside the LEFT JOIN, you must put the DISTINCT clause in the first SELECT.
This should give you the desire output:
You are selecting updated_date in the subquery, but you don't use it in the outer query. QUESTION: Why? Did you mean to use it for something, perhaps to only select the most current info from the table?
In any case, if you have the same person_id, skill_id and skill_description values but different updated_date, DISTINCT won't help; the rows may very well be distinct in the inner query, but cease to be distinct in the outer query (if you don't include updated_date in the projection).
How can I retrieve the distinct values from an internal table?
I am using the SORT and DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES to get what I need, but I would like to improve these kind of selections.
The point is: imagine you have an internal table with two purchase orders information, where each one has two items. How can I get the distinct purchase orders number?
For instance: I've selected the following information from EKPO:
ebeln | ebelp
---------- | -----
1234567890 | 00010
1234567890 | 00020
1234567891 | 00010
1234567891 | 00020
To get distinct ebeln values:
For that, I need to sort the table and apply the DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES. I would like to know if there is any trick to replace these commands.
COLLECT also results distinct values
DATA: lt_collect like table of lt_source-some_field.
LOOP AT lt_source INTO ls_source.
COLLECT ls_source-some_field INTO lt_collect.
* lt_collect has distinct values of lt_source-some_field
To get distinct EBELN what you need to do is simply
FROM ekpo
INTO TABLE lt_distinct_ebeln
WHERE (your_where_condition).
That's all it takes.
An option would be to create a loop and select when the values change. For this to work as you mention, the table must be sorted by the field you are looking for.
loop at GT_TABLE into WA_TABLE.
on change FIELD.
Another option is to use the same but with a AT. In order for AT to work, the values from the field select in AT declaration to the left of the table must be the same.
loop at GT_TABLE into WA_TABLE.
The requirement may seem a bit odd, but bear with me: Lets say I have a list of my employees like this:
pid name
1 Smith-Gordon
2 Hansen
3 Simpson
And a table of previous names (if e.g. Mrs Smith-Gordon and Mr Hansen had one or more different names before they were married, respectively), employeehist:
pid oldname
1 Smith
2 Taylor
2 Baker
What I want now is to be able to search for names and get results from both tables like this:
a) Search for "Simpson%" -> Get a result like "3, Simpson"
b) Search for "Hansen%" -> Get a result like "2, Hansen"
c) Search for "Taylor%" -> Get a result like "2, Hansen, matched on previous Taylor"
d) Search for "Smith%" -> Get a result like "1, Smith-Gordon"
In other words, I want the current record, plus the old name if that was where the pertinent match occurred.
What I tried so far:
1) Naively join the history to the current employees: The searches b), c) and d) will always contain something in the oldname column, so I can't tell where the match occurred. I also get duplicate hits for Mr Hansen.
2) I tried to UNION a first select on employees (containing a dummy NULL AS oldname) with a second select joining employeehist with employees which will return me a nice hit for search b) without an oldname and one with an oldname for c), but now I predictably get duplicates in d).
Any thoughts?
You can use the following query with a parameter:
WHEN LIKE :search_key THEN
WHEN eh.oldname LIKE :search_key THEN || ' matched on previous ' || eh.oldname
FROM employees e
LEFT JOIN employeehist eh on ( =
WHERE LIKE :seach_key OR eh.oldname LIKE :search_key
I have come up with this solution:
SELECT * FROM ( /* (3) outer filter query */
SELECT,, /* (1) query combining current and matching old names */
WHEN LIKE :search_key THEN 'Y'
END AS primary_match,
SELECT oldname /* (2) subquery that gives me one or no matching old name */
FROM employeehist eh
AND eh.oldname LIKE :search_key
FROM employees e
) combined
WHERE combined.primary_match = 'Y' OR combined.oldname IS NOT NULL;
There's one primary select (1) that gets me all current ids and names, and adds a CASE column whether the name matched. Additionally, it runs a subquery (2) that gets me one matching old name (also if there are several, or none if none). With that on hand I can use an outer select (2) that will filter away rows with no matches.
This would return e.g. for search key "Smith%"
pid | name | primary_match | oldname
1 | Smith-Gordon | Y | Smith
or for "Taylor%"
pid | name | primary_match | oldname
2 | Hansen | N | Taylor
I'm not sure how elegant it is, but it works as I want:
I get one result per matching current pid, no matter how many old names that pid has, matching or not. No duplicates.
I can distinguish between results that matched on the current name and those that ("only" or "also") matched on old names.
I don't need to define my matching condition twice because it gets rolled into that CASE column and I can filter on that.
There's obviously room for improvement: The subquery (2) could be made to return an aggregate of all matching old names (or the newest or oldest, I have a column for that).
But this works for me.
I have found a better solution than my previous one. My problem was that I couldn't GROUP BY pid and "squash" differing oldname rows. I'm quite sure I remember that this was possible in MySQL, but Oracle always ever gave me "979: not a GROUP BY expression". Strict but fair.
The solution is apparently to provide Oracle with a strategy how to deal with those rows:
SELECT pid, name,
MIN(oldname) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY oldname NULLS FIRST) as oldname
/*(3) outer select combines current and old hits, and "squashes" duplicates, preferring current hits where available*/
SELECT,, null AS oldname /*(1) hits in current names*/
FROM employees e
WHERE LIKE :search_key
SELECT,, eh.oldname /* (2) hits in old names*/
FROM employeehist eh
JOIN employees e ON =
WHERE eh.oldname LIKE :search_key
) combined
GROUP BY pid, name;
The idea is simple: Run a query (1) that gives all matches in current names (plus a dummy "oldname" column with NULLs), then a query (2) that gives all matches in old names (complete with their joined current names to display). Then simply combine those, and remove the duplicates by pid (and name, because Oracle, but that's identical by definition) giving preference to rows where oldname is NULL.
This would return e.g. for search key "Smith%"
pid | name | oldname
1 | Smith-Gordon | NULL
which is exactly what I want. If there's a pid with a current and an old match, I don't care about the old one. Or for "Taylor%":
pid | name | oldname
2 | Hansen | Taylor
This query also appears to be roughly 10 times faster than my other solution - I guess because it avoids subqueries that depend on the current pid.
So the only odd thing is that I need to use MIN(oldname) instead of some form of identity. I get that Oracle needs an aggregate function here, but the whole point of the KEEP ... FIRST exercise is to only have one row anyway, no?
But it works, and it's fast, so I won't complain.
Suppose this is my table:
1 'ABC'
2 'DAE'
4 'H'
I want to select all rows that have at least one of the characters in the STRING column somewhere in another row's STRING variable.
For example, 1 and 2 have an A in common and 1 ad 3 have a B in common, but 4 does not have any characters in common with any of the other rows. So my query should return only the first three lines.
I don't need to know with which line it matched.
#A.B.Cade : Good solution but could be done without any distinct nor join.
SELECT * FROM test t1
SELECT * FROM test t2
regexp_like(t1.string, '['|| replace(t2.string, '.[]', '\.\[\]')||']')
The query won't compare the string with extra rows since it'll stop the comparison as soon as 1 match is found for the current row...
See fiddle.
#GolezTrol's answer is a good one, but here is another approach:
select distinct t1."ID", t1."STRING"
from table1 t1, table1 t2
where t1."ID" <> t2."ID"
and regexp_like(t1."STRING", '['|| t2."STRING"||']')
First take a cartessian product of the table
Then make sure your not comparing the same string to itself
then create a regexp from one string for comparing to the other - [<string1>] means that the string must contain one of the letters in the [ ] which are all from string1
Here is a fiddle
Like this:
select distinct
id, name
(select distinct,
length(x.NAME) as leng,
substr(, level, 1) as namechar
YourTable x
start with
level = 0
connect by
level <= length( y
YourTable z
instr(, y.namechar) > 0 and <>
order by
What it does:
First, (inner select) use the table with a number generator that returns a number for each letter in the name. Now each record in YourTable is returned Length(Name) times, each with another number. That generated number is used to isolate that letter (substr).
Then (subselect in top level where clause) check if records exist that contain that isolated letter. Distinct is needed, because records are returned more than once if more than one letter matches. You could add namechar to the outer select field list to see the letter that match.
The standard SQL aggregate function max() will return the highest value in a group; min() will return the lowest.
Is there an aggregate function in Oracle to return a random value from a group? Or some technique to achieve this?
E.g., given the table foo:
group_id value
1 1
1 5
1 9
2 2
2 4
2 8
The SQL query
select group_id, max(value), min(value), some_aggregate_random_func(value)
from foo
group by group_id;
might produce:
group_id max(value), min(value), some_aggregate_random_func(value)
1 9 1 1
2 8 2 4
with, obviously, the last column being any random value in that group.
You can try something like the following
select deptno,max(sal),min(sal),max(rand_sal)
select deptno,sal,first_value(sal)
over(partition by deptno order by dbms_random.value) rand_sal
from emp)
group by deptno
The idea is to sort the values within group in random order and pick the first.I can think of other ways but none so efficient.
You might prepend a random string to the column you want to extract the random element from, and then select the min() element of the column and take out the prepended string.
select group_id, max(value), min(value), substr(min(random_value),11)
from (select dbms_random.string('A', 10)||value random_value,foo.* from foo)
In this way you cand avoid using the aggregate function and specifying twice the group by, which might be useful in a scenario where your query is very complicated / or you are just exploring the data and are entering manually queries with a lengthy and changing list of group by columns.